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File: 141 KB, 400x449, 64465653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55057738 No.55057738 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not addicted, weed just calms the nerves

>> No.55057751

weed neckbeards are total trash people

>> No.55057752

It isn't you can quit whenever you want, no negative side effects
Try to quit alcohol, heroine, cocaine after daily consume for a few months, try not to die, its possible

>> No.55057756

smoked for 8 years and just quit. literally not addicted
The only people who think weed is addictive are people who dont smoke weed.
Coffee, sugar and porn are unironically WAY more addictive

>> No.55057794

Oh look meaningless idpol let’s run this thread up to 200 replies instead of actually talking about literally anything of consequence.

>> No.55057799
File: 206 KB, 800x600, wqdr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcohol isnt even a drug weedhead
Kek i know some people addicted to it

>> No.55057810

You can die from abruptly quitting a long term alcohol addiction my incompetent new liberal fascist collectivist slave subject

>> No.55057817

i never liked drinking but i drank eevryday for three years at one point. then i just stopped. no issues

>> No.55057823

What was your poison. Lite beer?

>> No.55057832

weed is addicting, but sugar is unreal.

>> No.55057837
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>> No.55057843

i drank vodka heavily after work everyday

>> No.55057853

THC is neuro protective, sometimes too much which leads to stoners being a bit slow
alcohol is neuro degenerative and as said quitting after heavy addiction with real alc, 2 bottles of 70 proof everyday, can lead to the central nervous system just tilting

>> No.55057855

Cannabis was in Rome and Greece too
Do you watch porn?

>> No.55057856

> Alcohol isnt even a drug

Sorry what? It's a highly addictive legal drug that somehow mainstream media has you accepted as "okay" even though you can literally die from drinking too much, and die from drinking for too long, or die from quitting too fast

Things more "addicting" than weed
>Taste Bud Engineered Fast food
>Your fucking smart phone
>Ritalin / Adderall
>Potato chips

>> No.55057862

got lucky genes then. probably killed off more than any stoner that smoked his pipe for decades

>> No.55057892
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>> No.55057899

cocaine seems to help people focus on working towards a goal.

this is why it's illegal because the government is run by lazy niggers who need lazier niggers are slaves

>> No.55057916
File: 1.12 MB, 1392x1112, weed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this grandpa that ghosted a massive fucking hit. dudes been smoking for decades and looks perfectly healthy and sane. Show me someone whos been drinking daily for decades


>> No.55057922

I'm not addicted I just love weed

>> No.55057935

I have images in my head from people I knew who drunk themselves to dead, if you search google for any key word about alcohol addicition you only find images of perfectly healthy actors. What a shit corpocrized search engine

>> No.55057941

great googly moogly that's a rip

>> No.55057944

Bottom wiped their asses with stones
Top washed their asses with water

We are not the same

>> No.55057966

How did he do it?

>> No.55057975

No before 2010 nobody called alcohol a drug because it isnt one.
Drugs are out of secondary plant substances, aka toxic stuff plants produce to defend themselves.
These substances make y<ou crazy.
After 2010 the media called it a drug to help you stoners.
But alcohol is just fermented sugar and whille you should not drink it more then 2 times a week people are fine drinking it every day

>> No.55057987

idk bro if i tried to do a rip like gramps there i would actually literally just fucking die

>> No.55057992

Coffee is a drug by the way thats true

>> No.55058003

Alcohol is neurodegenerative and addictive since the first half apes consumed fermented fruits and felt funny after consuming it
What is this for a weird datamining thread

>> No.55058008

This guy looks crazy lol
My father drinks daily 3 beer for 40 years and is 100% sane and the doctor called him healthy
I know more people drinking daily and are fine

>> No.55058027

Its a weird week cope thread
As always you are the only drug people who cant accept its bad
Proven fake news that it kills brain cells
Im not saying its healthy just not 1% as bad as weed
So what? The question is if its good or bad.

>> No.55058038

We wiped our asses with stones because we were tough. Don't need no pussy soft liquid shooting up my ass. Sounds gay as fuck bro

>> No.55058054

THC is neuroprotective, the smoking is only bad for the lungs
alcohol is neurodegenerative and after too long of consuming too much can lead to multiple organ failures and quitting it abruptly after heavy consume can lead to such an overreaction of the cns that one simply dies

I am not even a stoner, just a medical fact

>> No.55058080

>go on 4chan
>weed is now based
>despite government actively supporting it
The west has fallen

>> No.55058088

the feds dont support it. only the hippies in cali do

>> No.55058110

THC makes people less productive and "chill" in stress situation, contempt with external abrupt changes. Corpos hate weed; slaves just say fuck it, smoke a pipe and are more contempt with consuming less other stuff

>> No.55058118

THC is a plant poison aka antinutrient
It is in no way good for you inform yourself outside mainstream you retard
Here with timestamp
Its terrible for your brain
Again alc killing brain cells is fake news
And again its not good for you eighter yes

>> No.55058122


>> No.55058125

I hate zoomers

>> No.55058132

Answer my points
You keep repeating your bullshit

>> No.55058161

I said what needed to be said automated alcohol advertising language model

>> No.55058170

You illiterate fuck

>> No.55058181

You did not even watch the video you mega retard
And you dont read anything other what i say and keep repeating your retarded npc points
I bet you hopld avax or some shit
Fuck off

>> No.55058197

Shit you are really a badly programmed language model?
disregard for something that should be considered.

>> No.55058212

>consuming less
No they aren't lmfao. There's memes on /v/ of faggots buying shitty indie games and complaining how they are shit when they are sober

>> No.55058230

psychological addictions are hardly medical addictions. That is more a question of will power; it wont hurt the individual on a biological level, stoners wont stone themselves into homelessness or sucking dick under a bridge to get a dab

>> No.55058235
File: 850 KB, 1500x1657, g34e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answer me you schizo
>weed is no problem
>is schizo already

>> No.55058272
File: 747 KB, 1290x884, IMG_0653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not watching a guy in a turban eat raw choice cut meat while talking about ouji boards, retard
Acting like this is a credible source


>> No.55058291

I swear someone posted this faggot when they tried telling me turmeric was bad for you

>> No.55058294
File: 613 KB, 673x550, gc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you clicked on that shit
and its a white muslim

>> No.55058302

It was me (we are not that many people here)
You are the outdoor anon that posts himself maybe?
Ok at least you watched it, then keep believing the media and government

>> No.55058303

After I lost $50k on rose I became an unemployed alcoholic. Only just recovering now

>> No.55058305

im not tho i can stop anytime i just dont want to

>> No.55058309

Ok at least you watched it, then keep believing the media and government

>> No.55058313

stop for a week just to proof it to yourself. your lungs will thank you

>> No.55058317

no, I just clicked on anons screencap yt-boomer

>> No.55058319

Also hes no moslem

>> No.55058321

ye but i dont want to

>> No.55058326

You have never smoked daily for years and then tried to quit.

I’ve quit many times, it’s brutal. Always end up back on the herb. Sweats, lethargy, stomach issues, and mostly the psychological pain of wanting to drop everything and prioritize a hit.

1.5 months sober this week.

>> No.55058330

That's me. I drink 2 or 3 after work each day. Even tho it's a daily habit, it doesnt really feel like a drinking problem besides getting a beer gut. Nothing would happen if I stopped.

>> No.55058336

I knew it
Retarded zoomers
Too dumb to wanting to hear arguments from every sides
Then at least leave this board and stop giving retarded financial advice
What coins are you holding?

>> No.55058343

Yeah if i put on a turban and turb muslim then go to safeway and buy some manager sale choice meat and eat it ill be fucking

Ive stopped for months then got bored and went back. Im on my second week break right now. Trying to save money to dca more into btc. Plus bored of smoking myself into a coma daily
Main benefit is my throat feeling less dry and cracked

>> No.55058361
File: 791 KB, 1853x1902, Welcome to the Men&#039;s Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are the outdoor anon
N-No shut up stoner

>> No.55058377

congrats, you get over it pussy
nothing of that is biological, though thc has an influence on bowel movements similar to opiates but not even 1% as bad.
thats okay, that is no addiction, if you start to get drunk as soon as you get up with 700 proof or drink a bottle of vodka after work, then its time to ask yourself wtf am I doing with my life.
thc is the most docile drug in nature, nothing really bad about it
>buy more btc
gambling is by far a worse psychological addiction than thc
at least you dont buy shitcoins

>> No.55058392

Agreed anon. There are MUCH more expensive, relationship ruining, health ruining addictions than some grass. I know people who cant even function properly at work or school without a cup of coffee every 90 minutes. No coffee = no productivity.

I can work and study both high and sober. Actually graduated engineering high pretty much every day studying

>> No.55058411

The thing I always found funny about the history of how thc hemp became a drug is that it was long time considered the tobacco of the poor and today its middle class and rich kids getting stoned all day

>> No.55058472

I argue against weed do you even read what i said
>he has to call people pussy for calling weed out

>> No.55058476
File: 7 KB, 179x282, grae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>buy more btc
>gambling is by far a worse psychological addiction than thc
>at least you dont buy shitcoins

>> No.55058483

Vikings were massive drinkers you retard. Native Americans were stoners getting high for vision quests and stuff like that

>> No.55058490

Nothing he said there is wrong.

>> No.55058497

I have 100s of btc, could have had 10000s. well fuck me I guess, should have mined more back in the days and smoked less pot

>> No.55058519

>Alcohol isnt even a drug
You're right. It's a toxic chemical that poisons your brain and body for a shitty feeling in return.

>> No.55058548

addictions dont exist. not a sensible concept at all.
>addicted to air
>addicted to glucose
>addicted to dopamine
it is becoming even worse recently but it was always a trashy explanation for neurotic behavior. the definiton of addiction is
>he is a bad husband and wagecuck

>> No.55058553

Yes sure you have

>> No.55058564

I knew about it in 2010, started to take it serious in 2012, understood its implications without doubt in 2015. Believe what you want I have no reason to proof you wrong or right

>> No.55058605

Well i knew it since 2011 so knowing it 2010 is nothing speacial
But yeah its possible you bought it actually early many stoners did
Also you calling all altcoins shitcoins is a maxi thing

>> No.55058689

All altcoins are shitcoins. Yes they might make you in the short term more fiat if you are a retard or more sat if you are smart, or you lose sats that you will never get back, like all the meth addicts that bought after May '17, but when pos has been long centralized to a degree where deepbit domination looks like decentralization in comparison, pow will be more distributed than ever and still be 1000 years down the road

>> No.55058700

Smoked for 10 years and stopped cold turkey. When I started meditating, I started smoking less. Weed helped you narrow your thoughts down when you meditate but eventually you won't need any assistance if you stick to it. And for the retards that think meditating is just emptying your mind- It's the same as prayer; You are suppose to think about all your problems, figure it out, then eventually you stop thinking about various things because you now fully comprehend the subject.

>> No.55058745

>be into caffeine/nicotine for 4 years
>love it
>suddenly either one makes me feel tired and sick
>even sugar makes me feel that way now
>have zero nicotine/caffeine and minimal sugar for a year and still feel that way after any of them.
>doctors have no idea why
god i miss those things

>> No.55058769

you might have caught diabetes type 2
get checked, randomly dying from y hyperosomolar coma isnt funny

>> No.55058788

Nice anon. Also meditate and develop my mind, body and soul. Weed definitely helps with this. Drinking absolutely does not. I'm glad you are on this path. Good luck bro

coffee truely fucks me up. my body doesnt handle it well. i already have anxiety as a baseline with infinite energy (which is why weed brings me down) but coffee just gives me a blowoff top and then i crash. I cant see how people enjoy this

>> No.55058794
File: 54 KB, 600x600, zw5q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will gain sats in the next years

>> No.55058799

>like all the meth addicts that bought after May '17,
>yeah we all bought these 7 day long wicks
Eth is constantly outperforming since 2019
But makes me feel even better knowing stoners were arguing against me all the time

>> No.55058863

Holy shit, you methhead huffed so many of your own californian farts not understanding in the slightest why you got lucky in 20/21 that the next chapter will be hard to take, don't rope, or if you rope, stream it

>> No.55058867

digits confirmed us

>> No.55059739

he looks like an oblivion altmer

>> No.55059798

>I'm not addicted I just love weed
me 2 :)

>> No.55059832

why these type of breads are not in
>>>/b/ ?

>> No.55059835

mods and jannies

>> No.55059848
File: 208 KB, 1698x3099, oldey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a good example when emperors were known to have lead painted bongs lmfao

>> No.55059855

>mods and jannies
what they does?

>> No.55059868

That doesn’t look like a bong

>> No.55059872

Rome had sponges on a stick if we are being historically accurate. And they shared them with their bros while shitting

>> No.55059911
File: 127 KB, 783x410, even older.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this doesn't either, but it is

>> No.55059981

They make threads like these because they are bored