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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55053396 No.55053396 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is midwit garbage and ruined an entire generation of retail. If I catch you making references to this movie I am bashing your head in with a rock (moderately sized).

>> No.55053419

cope incel

>> No.55053459
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this mogs you stupid chud

>> No.55053470

It sucked and didn't name the jew. Brad Pitt sucks at portraying nerds, Moneyball sucked too

>> No.55053489

Any good money movies/docus?

>> No.55053493

this movie sucked dick

>> No.55053523
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The docuseries adaptation of this is must watch

>> No.55053559

Thx a lot, didn't know that one.

The guy has a book called doom. Already like him.

>> No.55053565

Midwit is still smarter than the average here. All praise be to The Big Short!

>> No.55053948
File: 57 KB, 600x671, CF32E37E-7271-4186-BE17-28B2B2DBBAF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolf of Wall Street is the best finance movie of all time. Wall Street being the next best.

The Big Short is indeed midwit garbage.

>> No.55053973

This. Wolf of Wall Street is kino.

>> No.55053987

worst part is that it conveys the idea only a few got rich off of 2008, when actually a lot of people did

>> No.55053988

>likes wolf of wallstreet
as expected
this wasn't that great but i liked sylar so it gets a pass

>> No.55053995

someone sounds butthurt

>> No.55054002

Didn't read, I'm just like Michael Burry and I'm going to be a billionaire off GameStop

>> No.55054015

I've never seen this movie.
I avoid Hollywood movies about money and finance like the plague.

>> No.55054063

Yeah you'd hate it, they could not have dumbed it down further and from a lot of what I've seen many people still have no idea what even happened in the movie.

>> No.55054109

This movie was just Jewish distraction to put blame on the financial crash on someone else. The good guy in the movie is the Jewish one (Steve Carrel) who wants to save the world, literally, and the jock white guys are the stupid evil ones. The victims in the movie are le poor brown immigrants like in the scene where they visit the Mexican in Florida at his house and at the end before the credits roll. The movie also slandered Micheal Burry’s character because he’s actually more normal then real people and not some weird “I have no emotions because I’m le autistic” and the comedy is npc tier.

>> No.55054118


>> No.55054130
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>Mexican in Florida

>> No.55054136

Where to watch it?

>> No.55054145

The "just don't dance" scene was so fucking cringe

>> No.55054168

Torrent, this movie and the Wolf of Wall Street are like two of the most torrented movies of all time. I don't think it's on any of the streaming places.

>> No.55054217

They also purposely use confusing dialogue, terms and a weird direction even though this was their point and stated in the movie just so midwits can feel intelligent if they get it or feel intelligent if they don’t get it because it’s the experts that get it and they feel good being intellectually inferior and pretend to know what’s going on because the experts know what’s going on so and it’s too complicated to understand so they feel good blindly following them and mimic what they say like neil degrasse tyson or be aware of complicated science like string theory.

>> No.55054294

Le Good Jewish guy was my favorite guy. This movie is good, but Rogue Trader is my favorite, and I wish more people talked about it.

>> No.55054306

Extremely mad kike lover who is upset that Margot Robbie in a bath tub woke America up.

>> No.55054349
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Glengarry Glen Ross

>> No.55054356

lord of war is peak money-hustlin'-crime kino

>> No.55054362

Oops, meant for this anon >>55053489

>> No.55054380
File: 91 KB, 1024x723, 1681493014614054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worse is obviously too big to fail where hank Paulson is the Christ who saves the world economy against the brittish, the senate, and the people and doesn't work for Goldman Sachs at all. And yes all the banksters are good and funny lads who unite together to find solutions. :O

>> No.55054388

how exactly was it confusing? it was explained like the viewers were children. every analogy was spot on. really the only thing missing was the monthly or quarterly payments for keeping a short position open for like over a year. i feel they skipped over the details on that just a bit, but you could fill in the blanks

>> No.55054461

Always get these two mixed up

>> No.55054494

the guy who wrote the book is now writing one about FTX and already sold the movie rights to Apple. the "fleece retail then sell them the story" cycle continues

>> No.55054636

the laundromat was decent but mostly because gary oldman

>> No.55054746
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Christian Bale as Michael Burry is literally me.
I WILL get rich betting against the American economy, and I WILL have a cute Asian wife.

>> No.55054788
File: 126 KB, 736x621, ca8f6cfbbebab10a2d5d124b5119dcf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inside Job
Documentary about 2008 GFC

>> No.55054807
File: 28 KB, 300x450, princes-of-the-yen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Princes of the Yen
Documentary about the Japanese bubble and the Bank of Japan's role in it.
The book goes into much more detail about it and the power of central banks.

>> No.55054894
File: 240 KB, 853x1137, C23D9D3D-7CCF-4447-8AA5-5A34275EEAF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie is the best money movie. Giving up all you have for the poor Jews, saving as many of their lives as possible, you chuds will never know such rewards.0

>> No.55054934

Didn't his wife die poor as well?

>> No.55055009

Seething about a movie on biz. I would lament a thread dying for this but at this point that was probably the only good thing about this thread.
>ruined an entire generation of retail
Kek what a retarded peal clutching female statement. Even if it had done that you should be glad. The more retarded retail is the more you can profit off of them. Unless.... Oh, you dont actually trade, do you OP?

>> No.55055022

But rich in spirit.

>> No.55055024

>kevin spacey

>> No.55055036
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Fuck the ADL.
They're an unelected body of literally whos that regulate what we can and can't do in our own country.
These fuckers are the ones that declared the OK hand gesture is a racist symbol, and now people can get fired from their jobs for making the gesture in Facebook photos.
Fun fact: the ADL considers it antisemitic to joke about Epstein's '''''''suicide'''''''.

>> No.55055066
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>> No.55055562
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>> No.55056606


>> No.55056655
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