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55052242 No.55052242 [Reply] [Original]

feel as if my life ended tonight. as if i would never feel happy again until my deathbed some 50 years later

>> No.55052263

Eat better and get more sleep.
Get on supplements too retard but actually do research.

At 30 you should still feel like a 20 year old.

>> No.55052319
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Your life is on an upwards trajectory though, right?
In terms of finances, health and relationships?

>> No.55052371

I didn't start to feel like shit until i hit 42 but that was after covid so who knows. Take care of yourself.

>> No.55052390

35 here. I you will feel it harder then. 25 wasn't too bad for me, I knew I still had time. It is over for me, but I believe in you Anon.

>> No.55053687

You'll get used to it.

>> No.55053736

If you’re 25 and you’re still posting here, I’m sorry to say you’re ngmi

>> No.55054035

35 is when it's over
At 25 you have still a lot of upswing (as a malel.

>> No.55054246
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>tfw 24

>> No.55054266

>Get on supplements too retard but actually do research.
first poster, i am your vader
stop shilling your gay supplements
you should never have bought a discount pallet of junk you mongoloid

>> No.55055079

31 on Wednesday. I wish I was 25. It’s over for me bros

>> No.55055159

Wojakposters... it's over....

>> No.55055166

It's not when it's over but you're unlikely to be a cool fit crypto billionaire banging 18yos if you're just starting out at 35 after years of neeting.

>> No.55057484
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28, started accepting that I will always stay a loser. I always thought I needed money, but you truly don't. At least if you're in europe and can easy neetbux. Minimalism is the biggest and most beautiful redpill you can swallow, the less you have, the more free you are. Things and relationships are of the monkey - minimalism and stoicism is of god. You have to dig deeply in your soul to find what you truly want. Stop lying to yourself and think clearly and logically. You don't need a house, a good car, a hot gf, new clothes and shoes. All you need is to be a good human and have a purpose.

>> No.55057592

When i was 25 i was unironically peak male physical performance. Now im 30 and not feeling shit yet but no longer anywhere near peak. Could have been from not leaving my room for 3 years since covid tho

>> No.55058158
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I'm buying KEK hoping that being a holder will make me KEK sometime soon and feel some of that long-lost dopamine I had...

>> No.55058174

If you manage things well, the 30s will be the best years of your life. Like the 20s for a woman.

>> No.55058200

its funy how so many people's "problems" are totally invented. just absolutely not based in reality at all.