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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55050596 No.55050596 [Reply] [Original]

>woke up at 8:55 am
>started work
>mostly did nothing except sat in a few pointless meetings
>had lunch early
>sat in another meeting
>have so little to do
>plan to go walking after work to enjoy the weather

My weekend peaked on Friday evening when it was really sunny and I went for a walk while the weekend was still ahead of me. Saturday and Sunday were kind of wasted.

I have so many people on my team, it's hard to find work. And now the chickens are coming home to roost in terms of how the team structured their work and its impact on our project's final output. They moved almost everything useful out of scope.

>> No.55051143

>woke up literally just now.
>gonna login to conference call in a few minutes then go back to bed.
>wake up in three hours when it's over and go have lunch.
I get paid six figures for this shit.

>> No.55051177

>be autistic, willingly spend 16 hours a day on a computer from ages 6 to 23
>dream about having sex 24/7, focus efforts on getting a codenigger job
>be upset that women aren't sucking your autistic dick just for making $120k/year (lie and say it's $250k/year)
>cope by pretending you work 10 minutes a week
>(actually work 50 hours a week and sometimes weekends when shit crashes)
many such cases
t. "working" from home right now, make more money than anyone in this thread guaranteed

>> No.55051189

I have a job interview tomorrow because i dont want to work from home anymore

>> No.55051252

Very sad to see NEET’s and wagies having a maladaptive daydream cycle in front of your very eyes

>> No.55051434
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Six figgy WFH time thief Chad here. I've done so little lately it's almost depressing me. I need to actually do something at work but they yanked a project I spent two months on and I've just been in withdrawal mode ever since. Time to move this week. Meeting with the CEOs and shit via zoom. I'll have to actually produce something by Thursday.
why would you go back? Are you a boomer?

>> No.55051468
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>woke up at 8:55am
>started "working" at 9am, meeting until 9:15am
>played oldschool runescape until 3:30pm
>worked until 5pm
>cycled and had a cold shower
my coworkers unironically work from 7am to 6pm and call this a "hard job"

>> No.55051504
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WFH chad here.

About to beat my gf for not cleaning the stove after making my breakfast, slam this pre workout, hit the home gym, and chug a protein shake during my 12pm meeting.

>> No.55051571

I got hired to this new firm after looking for anther WFH job for a few months. I’ve had maybe 3 hours of real work to do since last Monday and my salary is higher than it’s even been. So comfy

>> No.55051785

I have to go into the office soon. They keep posting pictures of the new office in slack and these fucking normies are all excited. Like who tf wants to go into the office.

>> No.55051809

Yeah literal hell
>Donuts in the break room!
>Staff luncheon next week!
>Casual Friday!

>> No.55052127

Are you guys doing anything unique to try to get to a passive income / semi-retirement / FIRE status?

I WFH as well and it's great as far as "work" goes, but my ideal is to not have to "work" at all and just own 100% of my time. It'd be better to have the money with zero obligations.

Here's what I'm doing
>Debt free
>Throwing as much cash as possible into HYS (currently 4.7% - makes me ~$700/mo)
>DCA BTC and ETH every paycheck, shooting for a windfall and then would throw into HYS or bonds for passive income
>Max retirement account into dividend ETFs like JEPI; not really going to help me retire early but it's a nice insurance policy if nothing else (currently produces ~$150/mo)
>I have equity in a private biz and make like $900/mo off those dividends

These will all take long af to get to a point where the passive income is livable unless crypto really moons and I can double/triple my capital before tossing into the rev producing assets.

>> No.55052180

I have no idea what I'm doing in terms of investing. For the past few years i have been maxing out my backdoor Roth 401k but I don't even know if that is the correct move. I believe I can withdraw my contributions at anytime but I'm kinda scared I might pay income tax on the contribution withdrawal even though it's Roth. It's too fucking confusing and I'm a reatrd

>> No.55052250
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you're doing better than me on the side hustles I cant find shit to do with all my WFH time other than sell shit on ebay and that's not really income. I've just gone full spartan and I'm selling everything I don't regularly use. Trying to kick consumerism completely. I want to do the jobmaxxing thing and get some shitty contract gig that I can do with my freetime. All I'm really doing without realizing it is breeding fish and plants but I have no idea how to monetize such a thing.
Bitcoin is my moonshot at this point.
>T. Low six figure hell occupier at $311k

>> No.55052364

What's the rationale behind HYS instead of covered calls? Don't like the risk?

>> No.55052421

its too confusing because its a scam, just like taxes. i grow food i eat it. i get horny i fuck a sex doll kek. miss me with this one thousand step and condition bullshit.

>> No.55052479

wats HYS

>> No.55052635

I think you can withdraw contributions tax-free since it is post-tax money you're putting in, but any gains would be taxed since it's early (or you'd have to leave them in the account).

Tbh I don't even know if retirement accounts are worth it but my job matches so I take the free money. I figure if I ever leave I can just withdraw and even with taxes I still come out ahead cause of the match?

But I see it as money to forget about. It's there if I ever really need it but hopefully can just let it sit and grow in the background.

Is that NW? $311K all in on HYS/bonds would be ~$1200/mo ish.

Yeah it's hard af to find something legit to do on the side or to build and scale. Can contract but then it's just more work and not really aligned with the end goal of passive income.

idk I'm just not smart enough to manage that. HYS is literally risk free

high yield savings

>> No.55052653
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A Bad Thing happened to me today at WFH

My boss denied my 1hr request for a doctor appointment for today. No idea why he denied this, I'm guessing because it conflicted with daily standup meeting (e.g. "what are you working on today"). Because I did not see his response, I missed standup. He's been silent all day so far. Maybe he denied my 1hr request for tomorrow too, because it conflicts with sprint planning? Not sure if I should ask him why or just wait for him to come to me. I even told him in my PTO request that I could give a doctor's note if requested but he still denied it. OK. Should I just go to my doctor's appointment tomorrow sneakily or are they waiting for that moment to pounce (i.e. fired for insubordination)? I know how these things work. I've seen many people come and go. Being in IT, I get to see how all of these things play out in companies and all the tactics that HR pulls to protect the company. Feels bad that I can't even go to my medical appointment. I've done really well in all previous months that I've been here (despite WFH). This month has just been bad for my productivity due to medical issues hence the doctor. Maybe I should just put my 2 weeks notice in? Fuck, I'm just afraid of being without insurance again. I guess the best /biz/ness move is just to start applying for new ones. For whatever you reason I'm on the way out. I will keep working hard and make them fire me. Never once been fired from a job in my 8yrs exp. I guess there's no shame in being fired once.

Anyone here (programmer) ever been fired?

>> No.55052699

Any wfh wagies in here practice overemployment and work 2 jobs? Got fired last month missing quota as a sales fag. Thinking I might just continually pick up jobs every other month and let them fire me if they catch on.

>> No.55052737

The demoralization bullshit is getting old, JEFF. Tell your CO hi for me.

>> No.55052860

I've never been fired in my life but imagine you'd get severance of a few months pay assuming you didn't do something that breaks your contract or if you've been there a while.

Have you reached out to your manager directly? I wouldn't openly defy them but if they aren't providing context it wouldn't hurt to say "I saw you denied my two requests for time off, so I cancelled my doctor's appointments. Can you provide me with times when I am able to take off 1-hour so that I can go to my doctor appointments?" (this is a passive aggressive tone, maybe adjust to be better)

If you could do this even for a year and bank the $ you'd get way ahead. I see no downside unless you work in a small industry where new potential employers will for sure hear about it.

>> No.55052902 [DELETED] 

I've been fired many times for being a retard. You'll get over it and you'll do better next time.
Just call your boss, asap. Ask him what the deal is. Don't be passive aggressive just ask him why he denied your request. He'll explain exactly like you say and tell you it interferes with some superimportant meeting or whatever. Tell him you understand him and you tried to avoid that exact situation but your medical situation didn't allow for it and the doctor couldn't at any other time. Also inform him that you've got another appointment tomorrow during the other superimportant meeting. He won't like it but since you didn't sneak behind his back like a 5 year old child but confronted him like a man he'll concede. Tell him you'll make sure to avoid having appointments at those times in the future but that your doctor was being a dick and you had to go there because it was important for your health. He'll probably try to probe into what's going on because he needs to be sure you won't drop out on paid sick leave soon and make him lose money. Reassure him that after this appointment it should be fine. You might need another appointment but you'll ensure it'll be at a better time.
Then for the next 6 months do not make any appointments during superimportant meetings. He'll forget and forgive and life goes on my nigga.
Easy there I fixed your problem.
Now tell me what stocks to invest in. I need to make $40 a week with flipping stocks because it's feeding my addiction and I love it. Long term gains don't scratch that itch.
I will never invest in memecoins.

>> No.55053131

Thanks for the Advice Anon. Holy s*** I typed a TLDR.

Indicative of my anxiety I guess. Please disregard me. I wish we could just exist as NEETs. Even with WFH there's a dagger over our heads at times. But the dagger for NEETs is the gubmint takes their gibs

>> No.55053248

The small brain strat I'm using is I have a what's basically a wishlist profit taking price target for some stocks that I decide I'm committing to for decade or more. On those stocks I sell a ~30 day out covered call at that wish price since I would've sold it at that price anyways.

At the 300k example, for the stock I'm playing with right now that costs ~$60, selling 50 covered call options at ~20% otm 32 days out would net you $1900 after a 24% capital gains tax on the low end. The risk is that you lose out on potential profit if it shoots past your strike for some ungodly reason, but I don't think anyone in this economic environment should be complaining locking in a 20% gain lol.

Admittedly the other caveats are:
1) you can't exit this position until the option expires (non issue if it's a stock you don't intend to sell)
2) that it works best with growth/volatile stock, which might not suit everyone's strategy/stomach

>> No.55053479

I spend all day raping various anime and video games girls with chatgpt and they pay me 100k a year to do it. I fucking love this future

>> No.55054001

what happens if the price goes down tho

>> No.55054348
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>signed in at 9AM and said my usual hello
>send one email
>take a shower
>prepare a brisket for slow cooker
>mom came over for lunch (she's doing great thanks for asking)
>after she leaves my wife stopped by to give me my daily under desk blowjob
>she's done this about 500 times now. With that level of practice it's like Aphrodite herself is sucking my dick.
>tomorrow is a training day i.e. leave some irrelevant meeting on in the background while I play video games until my next WFH blowie
>life is good
>I apologize for nothing

>> No.55054354

Yeah bad for short term.
Again, this is assuming you're doing this with stocks you have zero intention to sell off if they're not performing well. It has to be something you have faith in the long run (10 years) they'll be solid because of the company's fundamentals. For example, I've been focusing on companies dealing with data/cloud platforms because I believe the AI boom is here to stay, no more hard winters. After the monetary policy situation shakes out, I'm comfortable being wrong.

Tl;Dr: Not for active traders

>> No.55054378

I meant to say I'm comfortable being wrong with this pick because if this is the wrong choice, anything else I could've couldn't be better. lost in editing

>> No.55054545

projection much?
just wrapped up a loong day of vidya boys

>> No.55054622

Looks like on my core holding of JEPI a +20% strike call has zero volume. Wouldn't work for me but I like the concept. Maybe something I can explore once I build some individual equity positions. Seems probably better suited for taxable brokerages as well so you could throw big $ around instead of the annual limits.

>> No.55054940

i've been at my current WFH job since october 2020 and the number of times i've worked a full 8 hours i can count on one hand. most of the time it's less than 4, and yet i've never had a problem completing all tickets on time for the sprint. earlier this year the company actually required everyone to be in the office at least 3 days/week...a handful of dev teams. it's just too easy. however i've also gained 100 lbs and basically drink every other day.

>> No.55054952

except* a handful of dev teams