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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 64 KB, 1641x795, 0x_logo_with_text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5504964 No.5504964 [Reply] [Original]

you've been warned

>> No.5504973


>> No.5505941


>> No.5505981

bump. i've been accumulated for 2 months and i'm ready for a moon. fuck you if you're not ready you had time.

>> No.5506032

big announcements coming soon...ethfinex done soon...

>> No.5506053

sorry erc20 tokens dont moon

>> No.5506077
File: 101 KB, 645x531, 1513411912840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5506088

what is the potential of this project? is it too complicated to ever become popular with brainlets on leddit and biz?

>> No.5506124
File: 88 KB, 1613x409, 1513413137257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes pretty much. they will jump on after it moons a bit and everything starts being built on 0x protocol.

>> No.5506219

when does it happen? should I sell and rebuy later?

>> No.5506238

How come Request Network isnt listed in that pic? isnt that also built on 0x?

>> No.5506271

because its a very old pic. req is also built on kyber

>> No.5506328

So this means I should maybe sell 50% of my REQ and get this?

>> No.5506426

it means if you believe in req, you should own zrx, knc and cvc

>> No.5506649

List of dApps that will be (or are) using the 0x protocol

Request Network

List of relayers that will be (or are) using the 0x protocol

The 0cean
Decent Ex

>> No.5506677


>> No.5506763

Is 250 coins enough to make it?

>> No.5506815

no poorfag

>> No.5506839


>> No.5506909

Where the fuck i can buy this shit?

>> No.5506982

binance, polo liqui and a few others pretty sure. just use binance

>> No.5506986

binance and poloniex. I would go for binance because polo is fucking trash

>> No.5507006

yall niggas need to stfu until I finish accumulating

>> No.5507007

Disclaimer: I own a small handful of 0x.

I bought 0x basically from a shill post on here and it has served me well..... But I'm starting to think this could be a pretty big project, and has potential to go interstellar.

So is this really only usable on ethereum network? Or can it hook into other currencies / block chain tech?

>> No.5507037

HOW LONG, HOW FUCKING LONG, i've been holding these bags literally for months and you just decided to come up here and buy this shit i mean fuck you man GET OUT i don't want your shekels

>> No.5507062

it's only for erc20 tokens. but DEXs for all chains will use 0x for erc20.

>> No.5507066

I don't know if I should buy this now, it might crash further if Bitcoin goes to 16k, which seems likely now that B2X is back.

>> No.5507122

your titanium hands will pay off, friend.

>> No.5507133

Question is, what makes this different than DNT? Answer that and i'll buy, otherwise this appears to be another worthless plstform.

>> No.5507161

B-b-but senpai I have d-dreams

>> No.5507165

And yes i know DNt runs off this...

>> No.5507201

Yes got get your scam coin, and dont forget to grab whales bags on your way.

>> No.5507217

dude you can't be serious.... stop posting for like 2 months and just read some shit ffs. it's not the same thing AT ALL holy fuck i'm being trolled aren't i, is this the new state?

>> No.5507243



>> No.5507307

300k comfy

>> No.5507328

DNT is not the same as 0x you are correct. Besides the linux affiliation that 0x offers what will be its mainstream addoption?

>> No.5507335

On the reddit it days that zrx is a token not an investment..

So if you have the token you can vote on changes to the protocol??

How do you really make money by owning this token? Even if all dexs are using this protocol, it's not like the token are burned after using??

Not trying to FUD, genuinely interested in this project and want to iron out my misunderstandings!

>> No.5507351
File: 7 KB, 168x300, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5507419


they dont want speculation because ZRX will be required for any service using the protocol to remit fees to nodes running the orderbooks as market makers

ZRX is limited supply and demand is looking pretty good... plus using fee abstraction ZRX will function as remittance whether $20 or $2000

>> No.5507500

Yes its a great idea but, the way i read that it, makes me think double the fees for whatever is built in that eco system. I like what they are doing but, besides the zepplin_os deal what else do we have? As always its easier to be emotional about investments than logical. I want to believe in this but, i have serious doubts.

>> No.5507757

Think of it this way instead of shitposting about xyz project. Provide valide reasoning, your attempt at insulting me is quite funny. If you want mass adoption of crypto grow up, no self respecting businessman is going to invest in this shit, If you are unable to provide a resonable use case without first insulting them like you have done.