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55043357 No.55043357 [Reply] [Original]

i'm at the lowest point ever in my life

>> No.55043371

I drank a lot, smoked a lot of weed, and took some time off. I had three million at one point. Now I have several hundred k. Not a total wipeout but pretty damn close.

>> No.55043373

get rid of your ego
stop caring

>> No.55043384

DBI thread?

>> No.55043396

I’m £17,000 in debt, not including student debt. I can forgive myself for this:

>£12,000 (£9000 remaining) loan I took out for my mum’s failing business. It still failed and she later made a suicide attempt.
>circa £2000 credit card debt as I’m taking her on holiday to France for her 60th to cheer her up
>£1000 on a recent holiday with my friends I needed for mental health reasons

I can’t really forgive mused for the £3700 I borrowed to pay for a really nice acoustic guitar. That was fucking stupid. I just won’t do that again.

>> No.55043409

>>£1000 on a recent holiday with my friends I needed for mental health reasons
should've took your mom, she needed it more than you and your gay friends

>> No.55043418

I already am taking her to France retard.

>> No.55043452

how? i've always been competitive, perhaps overly so. winners get to have sex, losers get rekt. it's just the way i see the world. i wish i could opt out of this whole thing. isnt that what crypto is though, opting out? but then youre in this whole other whale game. i fucking hate this shit. i wish i was dead

>> No.55043482

I don't change, so I know it's not my fault.

I live a simple life, with the same bad habits I had 5 years ago. I was able to save $1000+ monthly 5 years ago, but now I'm driving Doordash to fund my caffeine and fast food addiction.

I didn't fail, the world around me failed. You're probably similarly blameless. Getting mad at yourself for something others did to you is cucked behavior. I won't advocate criminal behavior, but you'd be better off mugging the people who took prosperity from you (shitlib traitors) than being mad at yourself. Direct your anger properly instead of hating yourself.

>> No.55043564

Went from $260k to $15k in a matter of months. Was devastated for a month, but nowadays I just laugh it off. I told my friends this story and they’d say things like “Damn, if that were me I’d kill myself that’s crazy!”

Yeah, I know. That’s why you’ll never touch that kind of money.

>> No.55043581

He didn't say he used the money for his friends, retard

>> No.55043605

If it’s massive, there’s no salvation until you somehow make up for the loss and then some. Naturally, this habit of chasing losses is what generally gets people into even deeper shit.

The blackpilled truth is that nothing ruins your psyche like colossal financial fuckups. You know that money represents hard work, real hours of your life and/or a gigantic opportunity missed. I hope you’re not married with kids or you’ll be suicidal before long.

>> No.55043705

Loss hurts the most when we think we'll never get it back again.

My grandfather practically raised me when I was a boy and it really hurt when he passed because I realised I should've spent more time with him when he was alive (when I got into my teens I was out drinking and chasing women and since I associated time with him with my childhood so didn't bother to spend time with him).

With women, my first loves were crushing because of course I believed in shit like "the one" and treated attractive women like they were some rare and precious thing that might slip through my fingers at any moment. It was only when I got to 25 and closer to 30 that things started to really "click" for me. I understood women a lot better and began to see more of their childish nature and they became predictable and not much of a mystery. So when I was in my 30s, it was me that was breaking it off with girls and not the other way around. Those teenage crushes seemed like the most important thing in the world at the time, but now I don't even remember their names.

Finally, to answer your question about financial loss. Getting "wiped out" stings the most because you know just how long it took you to get to that level and then how quickly it all goes. The time feels wasted and you'll never get it back. And it is, and it's true. Even more so if you don't learn from your mistake. In time though, you'll learn that you were wasting your time anyway. It was only until I got to 30 and became self employed that I realised that decade in the corporate world was a waste, not just in the stagnation sense but the "money" too. Six figure salary is nothing to me now, but at 28 I thought I was on my way to "making it". How wrong was I. And when I look back on my 20s, I didn't even bother to invest much at all. Fell for the whole outsourcing a pension for tax benefits and "security" and all that nonsense they try to scare you into doing to prop the system up.

>> No.55044167

this is with the GBP is going to zero, you can get loans for such stupid shit

>> No.55044189

I just selected ‘other’ as the reason for the £12,000 loan. The guitar was on finance and I have £11,000 limit across two credit cards.

>> No.55044200

This, in the end it doesn't matter at all. You are where you are and you have what you have. Dwelling on your mistakes only makes you relive them over and over again.

>> No.55044633

it's simple OP
live your life according to stoicism

the glass was already broken
your financial fuck-up already happened centuries ago
this is only a single chapter in the story of your life
so what's next, author?

>> No.55044742

checked, i have no choice but to torture myself and continue living with my parents and working to stack crypto. its the best course of action for me right now, but i still have moments of weakness from time to time wishing things were different.

>> No.55044745
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You don't, I haven't since I bought pond

>> No.55044756

Well there's a clear reason, if you got into that in the first place, you hate yourself

>> No.55044764

NVDA bear thread? Iktf OP, had a very dark weekend this weekend at losing my gains this year on shorting this fucking bubble shitshow.

>> No.55044765

You can do better than that anon, you just need to find what you're good at and profit from that

>> No.55044774

I swear I feel kinda bad when I see someone like you in this board, but then I remember you all deserve it and I kek hard

>> No.55044783
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Anon, I...

>> No.55046666

Do you always beat yourself up over what could have been? It was never a reality.

>> No.55046685

I am going to rape you anally and facially

>> No.55046706

Nobody is doing any better than you. I don't mean that in a cold way. It's just that it's an optics game. Underneath it all, in those places they don't talk about in polite company, they are probably more of a disaster than you have ever been. It's all smoke and mirrors and none of us know how the game is meant to be played.

>> No.55046716

depends, how did you fuck up and how big

>> No.55046794

Dude you're me.
Exact same number.
Had 400k and told myself 200k to take 2 years off and live the easy life & recover, get better, then 200k to invest long term and start fresh.
Successfully spent the first 200k and successful blew the other 200k.
I have 17k left. No job. 28 yo.
It's been a long time since I didn't want to die this much.
Also it already happened one time when I was like 23yo but at that time I had no gf and no one to deceive.
This time I have to embrace the impact of my failure and I admit It's 100x harder this way.
When you're alone money is just money, but later, money is a way to build and get "successful".
My pain has never met a threshold this high.

>> No.55046796
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Many of us make mistakes at some point in life OP. I know it's not an excuse to fuck things up, but to me at least, it's a small consolation to meet people who hit lows and dug themselves out of despair. My personal low was getting drunk at a wedding, doing really stupid shit, and my gf of 5 years breaking up with me the next day. It put me into a major depression, but then I met this vet a few months ago who told me his story. He went on like a 10 year drug bender in Thailand, lost his wife, kids, and everything. Then at 35 he started his own biz and it took off. It's like this guy somehow knew i was sitting on piles of regret for him to randomly open up about his past. Point being, this absolute Chad filled me with optimizism and inspired me to change.

1 month off my vidya addiction now and starting uni (oldfag at 29 lol) this fall. Don't care how long it takes, I'm gonna make it and so are you OP. Remember, life is a marathon, not a sprint

>> No.55046838


>> No.55046840

Really needed this thread thanks anon

>> No.55046849

I don't think any of those are good reasons to be in debt but at the same time it's only $17k which is ....not a lot of money anymore.

>> No.55046876

Same same. And I’ve been around a while.

Blew my shot at making it this last run holding all the way down. Lost $2 million. Still have like $300k but that’s not enough to escape the cage.

And then unfortunately since then shit has only been worse. Lost my job, found a new one but it is hands down the most stress inducing job I’ve ever had and so fucking degrading. Had a series of awful mishaps with my home and had to pump $30k+ in, then had some medical expenses and basically have saved/accumulated nothing since the crash. The company I work for is now laying people off as they’re losing tons of money and I know it’s only a matter of time for me so I started applying a month ago. Applied to ~200 jobs have heard back from 5 and they all pay half of what I make now so I’m not sure I could survive off that. Every day I wake up and wonder how I got here.

I’ll likely wind up with two choices soon:

Sell my house and take what I can and move in with my in-laws like a total degenerate

Or start selling off crypto.

I can’t fucking believe all I had to do was press a button and I’d be in the best situation of my life now instead of the worst.

>> No.55046892

I was doing the Ironman Lanzarote yesterday & I was looking all these people challenging themselves, bringing their whole family, living a busy yet simple life. Doing an Ironman for them is a huge challenge, sometimes the hardest of their life.
Then I see myself, I'm on the bike, I think about all that money & time I lost & at some point I consider that I should just end myself on a cliff, looking like it was an accident.
Physical pain is so easy compared to mental pain. I don't know how I can recover or how much time it will take but for a few days I realized than probably a few months in this pain combined with some drugs or alcohol could send me right into the psychiatric yard.
I didn't knew how people could get crazy, but now I have a small feeling of what craziness and it's making feel fear like never before.

>> No.55046907

I just hope life will find a way because for now only way is death

>> No.55046921
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it is what it is. good learning experiences.

>> No.55046951

Starting master next September at 28 we're 2

>> No.55046962


Money is fake, jobs are fake and the economy is fake :)

>> No.55046979

After 2 years living like a king :
-Money is freedom
-Freedom is everything
-Money is everything

>> No.55047024

Prove it faggot nigger goyim

>> No.55047027

>Went from $260k to $15k in a matter of months.

>200k to take 2 years off and live the easy life & recover, get better
you spent $200k in 2 years? on what?

>> No.55047040

On the positive side it could be 1000x worse, Yeah maybe it would take 10 years to save up that amount again. But the luxuries that number obtains would be literally impossible for 99.999999999% of humanity to obtain aside from recent history.

Plus by even devoting 1% of your brainpower towards your financial future makes you so far ahead of the average person. Freedom is guaranteed for us, we just have to keep rolling the dice. Remember We’re all gunna make it

>> No.55047051

Try hard shill nigger fuck you

>> No.55047121

It's 100k/year so yes 8k/month.
It goes really quick :
Bought a van, customed manually with my gf : 30k
Bought bike / triathlon stuff : easy 30-40k (bought top end bikes at good prices but too much of everything)
Made trips : spent 10k in 15days in costa rica (2k for the flight from europe)
Other trips across Europe & Africa doing Ironmans & using medium/luxe airbnbs
Also I live in Switzerland where prices (but also wages) are the highest in Europe. Really average salary is like 80k/year. Monthly rent is 1900/2 so 950/individual which is a good price here.
Was traveling to met my old friends from time to time. Not counting in stores for food etc etc and it goes really really quick.

>> No.55047134

This is how I got converted to Stoicism and discovered Zeno of Citum's story.
Knowing that we are not alone in this and that it may have been a requirement to produce exceptional destinies reduces the pain.

>> No.55047151

well at least you got to enjoy it. in 2018 my portfolio went from over $400k to $9k and I didn't spend a dime of it.

>> No.55047165

The thing is I knew I had 200k back just to invest in a smart way to get back to work but on easy mod (with calculated risks in dividends it snowballs quickly after 100-200k, it takes only a few years to go to 1M.)
But then I grasped the idea that with that 200k I could take some calculated trades and slowly make the stack bigger while not working and focusing on something else.
Huge mistake. On paper I had pretty good ideas like my short on TSLA at 300 which was my only real/planned trade but then I blew everything else slowly but then abruptly on suboptimal trades.
I'd say : Never go short because even when I went short on BTC at 54k I knew it was a 9/10 setup but tops kill everything. Druckenmiller said shorting is 4 times harder than being long and after this experience I admit he is 100% right.

>> No.55047198

how much leverage were you using? and were you shorting with your entire stack?

>> No.55047199

Nice positive post. Good luck anon!

One worry I have is that I spent the last 2 years trying to fix the reasons for my past failures and ignored everything else because one reason of my failure was losing my focus on what was important because of too many problems.
2 years later I did a meditation on awareness and felt deep sadness over the loss of these 2 years chasing after a ghost.
I stopped doing what caused my lack of focus and had started because of the bear market, but it seems that was important.
My life purpose may not have been to make it but to continue what I started instead.

>> No.55047225

On longs I never went above 5x (I cut my losses very quickly) but frankly I am an average trend follower with no big edge I'm really shit in fact I think.
On shorts never above 2x so yes margin. But in this case I know leverage short just made the fall quicker but I was in a loop of losses so even without leverage I think I could have blew it all.
I'm really a stupid average moron. The perfect average mediocre guy

>> No.55047234

Reading Trading in the zone like a madman

>> No.55047258


>> No.55047275

It must hurt.
Happened to me younger w smaller amount (75k at btc bubble 2018 then back to 0 completely)
I'd say, having the feeling of wealth, a loving gf, feeling "better" in life overall, feeling confident then losing it all is a whole ndw complete threshold of pain for me.
I'd say never iny life I felt so suicidal. Having the feeling that you can build a family, living life without the feeling of being a slave while still fiting into society (I'm not a weirdo living in the woods or neet) having friends, having a meaningful work without the stress of money. It was really a dream. The perfect midwit dream and I crushed it completely. Feeling despair I never felt that this high.

>> No.55047279

at 2x leverage you were cutting your losses at what 10%? Just curious. And you were trading with your entire stack?

>> No.55047289

>It must hurt.
It sucks but I'm kinda over it now. Trust me I understand where you're coming from but in the end there's nothing you can do about it, can't reverse time. Crypto fucks you up in this way, it shows you the Moon then sends you cratering back down to Earth, which can fuck with the way you view money completely. I pretty much thought I was going to be a millionaire for sure and then had that taken away. But worst of all is all the time you lose, waiting and hoping.

>> No.55047306

I'll answer you but just let me tell you : either you're a genius like a real genius or have insider information either you never go short.

From experience I knew - and it's still valid- that being short i need a wider SL because lvls can be overshoot easily juste to bust shorters, then
quickly reverse and you're out of the trade.
So on the short side I use a candleclose to confirm that a real counter trend has been created. Problem is on the short side (no matter the timeframe) if the trade goes wrong in my case, the candle close will completely blow me (higher than what my sl would be normally) but if I enter a SL limit I know wicks will get me out of the trade before going lower if I'm right.
It really almost never happen on the long side because liquidity is pilling instead of reducing. Or when it happen on longs it's because it's crab/bear market but it this moment it's obvious longs will be shit.

>> No.55047312

Thanks for the reminder probably needed that I can't sleep

>> No.55047317

Quick question to you guys. x2 leverage on something im sure with some margin of safety. Not all my stack. Holding for maximum 1 year or whenever it goes up is it a good play ? Im prepared to take the loss of the funding rates. 1 year on binance is like 12% maximum not counting the days of shorts paying longs. Even if it goes sideways i will be fine liquidation wise.

>> No.55047329

everyone here who losts hundreds of thousands is a dumb retard whop deserves it. you should have put the work in and realized making giant sums of money is really quickly is incredibly rare and almost always ends poorly for people. you think you can keep making more, you think youre really smart. you are not, you are a lucky idiot, and now you are just an idiot.

know when you have enough

>> No.55047341

1. Anyone who’s had success had a mountain of failures
2. Exponential growth always beats linear growth
3. I think everyone should forgive themselves for not being successful (at being the pre-eminent clown) in clown world

>> No.55047347

>I won't advocate criminal behavior, but you'd be better off mugging the people who took prosperity from you (shitlib traitors) than being mad at yourself.
this but unironically

>> No.55047362

"I'm sure" will hardly make money on the long side but it can still work.
"I'm sure" on the short side you'll get busted in no time.

Chainlink in 2018 went 220% after making the top, NVDA just went 120% recently, Bitcoin went to 50k+ crashed hard then made new highs to crash even harder after.
Being short will destroy you completely mentally then financially.
Only shorters I remember being somehow profitable on the long run was a hedge fund shorting stocks on semi-insiders infos on stocks. Don't remember the name of the ceo but he's a superstar. And even that they had really mediocre performance compared to an average midwit hedge fund longing SP and banking on commissions.

>> No.55047365

I get you in regards to SLs, those are hunted I don't give a shit what anyone says that they're not. I don't trust these exchanges, the only way to win is to use really low leverage and take tiny profit, brick by brick.

you'll just have to be careful about Black Swans...like when that Covid dump happened in 2020 I think BTC went all the way back to $3k

>> No.55047438

Of course it's not even questionable. Even non-cryptos exchanges sell data. It's a semi-scam everyone agreed on when signing-in.
That was my plan initially too. I knew I was making long term bets, no need to watch charts on a regular basis. Then I don't know how exactly but the drastic volatility and bounces & feeling of insecurity blew my brain completely and I started to act like a fucking braindead monkey. It's like being hypnotized.
The facts that being short and seing +40% equity in a few minutes (because that's what happen on stocks around earnings when everything goes right) then seeing it going back to +17% 2 hours laters then taking profits at 8% just to secure the trade... Then seeing it going nowhere
Then taking another trade, seeing +25%profits on equity in a few hours then telling myself "this time I take a good chunk because it gapped down real hard on every timeframe even above daily so it will very probably catch-up" only to watch the chart going 40% lower but without the intial short.

And I'm saying this it look like I trade like a mad scalper but I take trades on weekly timeframes. Charts can go nowhere for months then drop 20% in minutes. 2 years later anyone could say "it's obvious" in reality it's an absolute nightmare

>> No.55047452

I just know that if I had been disciplined to only trade on the long side it would have forced me to : stay out of the market from time to time which is essential mentally
Only take top premium trades when conditions are perfect

Remove all the mediocre shit

>> No.55047484

Thank you bros. Im trying to be careful. I will enter the position only if it hits my entering position not forcing it. I know how dangerous the lev stuff. Im dumb for shorting.

>> No.55047486

The market has a way of breaking you down and messing with you mentally, unfortunately only getting liquidated can really teach discipline, imo anyway. I went through a similar experience, I had to learn a lot of hard lessons, I can only hope I'm done learning them at this point. Good Luck anon

>> No.55047530

Kys glowie

>> No.55047575


i lost 20k to celsius and alex scaminsky who is a literal mouthbreather, it is what is. luckily 20k is not a huge deal to me. you just gotta outearn your shitty financial decisions honestly

>> No.55047760

>you'll just have to be careful about Black Swans...like when that Covid dump happened in 2020 I think BTC went all the way back to $3k

It was a crazy day in the crypto space then, I could remember my portfolio shining red and then doubts began to set in on whether crypto was a hoax afterall.

You can never be done with learning, we keep learning that's what builds up to be the best version of ourselves.

>> No.55047906

same I failed my ancestors and my bloodline I probably won't reproduce at this rate

>> No.55047941

>doubts began to set in on whether crypto was a hoax afterall.

Because it's taking so long to crumble doesn't mean it isn't a hoax.
>same I failed my ancestors and my bloodline I probably won't reproduce at this rate

For you to have failed your bloodline the bar must have been quite low then, don't be a pussy now then.

>> No.55048075

>Because it's taking so long to crumble doesn't mean it isn't a hoax.

Fiat maximalist uhn? Another cash injection is being printed as we speak your Fiats are losing value faster than you can say jack but you still believe bitcoin is a hoax.

>> No.55048184

>Chainlink in 2018 went 220% after making the top, NVDA just went 120% recently, Bitcoin went to 50k+ crashed hard then made new highs to crash even harder after.
Linktards are poison in biz, keep holding that shit with the hope of some fucking recovery. Shit is dead and stays same chads. Sold at a loss, altcoinistdao alpha pick is a recovery plan

>> No.55048299

This is similar to me. Had 1.5 mil at the top and didn't sell. Also lost my job during COVID and the job I'm doing now is for less pay and more stress. Christ almighty I hope we get another bullrun in the coming months/years.

>> No.55048570

>Fiats are losing value faster than you can say jack but you still believe bitcoin is a hoax.

This is how clowns stay in bed with poverty, the dollar's value is gradually tanking with traditional infrastructures now trying to come onboard the DeFi space it's a nobrainer to start doing the same.

>Linktards are poison in biz, keep holding that shit with the hope of some fucking recovery.

They don't seem to be interested in waking up from their slumber any sane person in my opinon would know to bet on emerging innovations like RWAs, LSDs and Data rather than trying so hard to make 5 bucks off link.

>> No.55048585 [DELETED] 

Time and trying to start over again. t. crypto millionaire to 30k in debt 2017-2023

>> No.55048623 [DELETED] 


>> No.55048650

I also lost my gf and it hurts more than losing 6000$ of profits in the shitcoin casino

>> No.55048792
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Man of culture I see... YGMI

>> No.55048812

LSDs are the hottest plays on the horizon now and i am betting on a couple of them like Lido, Rocketpool while also keeping an eye on Spool V2.

>> No.55048837

>how do you forgive yourself for massive financial fuck ups?

1. It was just digits on a screen. it's not even real

2. There are multi-millionaires that wake up feeling like shit every day

3. There are multi-millionaires that kill themselves

4. You can try again and make your millions

5. You make your millions, realize that the fun was in the journey itself

6. Take shrooms, this will make more sense

>> No.55049398

dude i salute you. i lost a bit of money but i cant imagine how it feels to lose millions. depends on how i guess. if it was terra, i guess at least it wouldnt precisely be your fault.

>> No.55049404

you cant change the past so why care?
its a waste of time
this rule fits for all stuff thats out of your control, and is the way to a stress free life

>> No.55049418

blow 400k in two years. bruh....