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File: 119 KB, 773x933, ai_trading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55042108 No.55042108 [Reply] [Original]

>AI trading is a ME -ACK

>> No.55042118


>> No.55042235

What is this

>> No.55042254

If this worked, OP wouldn't be in here on 10 alts trying to sell the software because it would be generating millions already, and selling it would just make for more competition


>> No.55042273

why do you keep posting this shit over and over. shouldn't you be relaxing on a beach counting your money?

>> No.55042354

print(f"{bcolors.GREEN}{randomAmount}profit. Gains realized.{bcolors.GREEN}")

look at my AI trading bot

>> No.55042578

it's the ultimate midwit test
>"bro look at this i have a strategy that makes like 50000% returns overnight lol but i'm not giving it for free you can ahve it for 50 dollars though ;)"

>> No.55042664

the single rebuttal to any and all trading bots anyone tries to sell you ever
you dont see citadel trying to sell its models to people are you now

>> No.55042689

>sell money machine
you have to be over 18 to post here. Sub 80 IQs aren't welcome here, shitskin.

Keep projecting, nobody is trying to sell you anything, jealous brokefag.

>over and over
I posted this literally 2 times, do you browse /biz/ from 9-5 and beyond (its a rethorical question since we all know /biz/ poorfags sit on here 24/7).

>> No.55042727

Here comes this retard again
>30k lines of code
>I turned 15k into 1.5 million
>Hehe won't need to sell you this unless you ask
>I'm simply one jeet who is smarter than the entire financial market and all algo traders and software programmers, all combined into ONE JEET!!!!

Shut the fuck up retard. It doesn't take 30k lines of code to print green messages and a random red message every 3-6 lines. If you were actually doing this you wouldn't need to shill it for sale for 50 bucks . Fuck off if you think anyone will fall for this.

>> No.55042778

1. You spend wayyyyyyy too much time on /biz/, discussing dogcoins with niggers and other shitskins and plot how you'll make billion dollars from $50 investment.
2. As I said, you illiterate pajeet, I have never offered to sell it nor advertised it. Since you stalked 2 of my threads, show me the receipts, else shut the fuck up you sub 60 IQ nocode tranny.

>> No.55042791
File: 32 KB, 601x596, last_week_trades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dam bro. i just do everything manually

>> No.55042840

>I posted this literally 2 times, do you browse /biz/ from 9-5 and beyond
if it was only 2 times then I wouldn't be annoyed, and yes I browse here constantly since I'm pretty much trading all day.

>> No.55042856

Lmao this thread again. I remember the last time OP made the same thread and got assblasted by every anon.
Yes anon, your money making Machine can make millions and it makes complete sense to sell it for a chump change.

>> No.55042928

I did AI trading in a simulation a decade ago. It's definitely feasible albeit with low margin of return, but the taxes would likely eat a lot of those gains without a significant amount of starting capital.

It's also awful at handling volatile market conditions and black swan events; the latter could probably be hedged against to some extent, but the former was nasty, difficult to predict/model, and difficult to deal with, at least as an inexperienced college student.

I might look into it again one day, it was a fun experience.

>> No.55043001

What's your strategy? Which pair are you trading?

>> No.55043019

My AI trading bot didn't woek

>> No.55043058

I literally made this thread 2 times, last time 1 month ago. I posted it after seeing it going through screenshot directory.
>I trade all day
As I said you have to be over 18 to post here.

as far as I remember there was a guy posting a python script generating random numbers, most of the thread were replies to that reply with "kek". Rest of the comments were pajeets asking how to make one. 2 comments were trying to deboonk it as fake and other few asking what algo I used. So dont even try, ranjeet.

bug in the matrix

>> No.55043082

what languages do you have to learn to make an AI? or something like this? Is it feasible for me with very little coding experience (websites) to make one if I atleast know what I want it to do?

>> No.55043138

So far the only thing you’ve proven us

>can print numbers in console
>can insult and seethe at anons who speak the truth

Don’t think someone with this kind if tool, someone who would have at least 10mil by now, would seethe so hard on biz.

Anyways enjoy your imaginary money and imaginary scenario retard. We all know youre a poorfag sitting alone in a room rubbing your clit

>> No.55043263

>bug in the matrix


>> No.55043377

Python, aiohttp, sklearn, pytorch, spacy, pandas maybe

>> No.55043437

>seethe so hard
Cope rajesh, youre still refreshing this thread waiting for replies, jealous trying to deboonk. Cope, poorfagz l2c. Read your own replies and tell me you aren't bad, benchod, seething jealous retard.

>> No.55043457

unironically learn python, its the only language used for AI. pytorch, scikit, tensorflow, keras etc etc. Get into ML. Read "hands on machine learning O'Reilly" by auerlien (salamander on books cover)

>> No.55043589

nice overtrading retard, let me know when you get your third payout

>> No.55043644 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 1024x1024, blackswan bot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice I have a little ai trading bot I use too. I'm not afraid to share it with anons. It's on b l a c k s w a n . b i z

>> No.55044043

>has a profitable trading algorithm
>tells anyone about it
lol lmao even

>> No.55044158

Nice pyarmor encrypted code.
Go spread malware somewhere else.

>> No.55044247

Based, I have one just like it albeit outdated. I hope it can re-program itself, like the egregore AI djinn Aladdin of BlackRock.

Thank you, Walter. I hope you are doing well.

>> No.55044262

>talking about things you have the slightest clue of
wew lad

>> No.55044271

oh look, you've read up on things on 1st page of google search since the last thread where you haven't managed to answer any of the technical questions

>> No.55044297 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1024x1024, blackswan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every for profit code is like this, why would you think it's different for an AI trading bot?

>> No.55044350

>its the only language used for AI

I built mine using a homecooked neural net lib written in PHP of all things. Python seem to have some of the best support as far as ML libs go, but it can theoretically be done in any Turing complete language. If I did it all over again I'd likely use a more performant language though.

>> No.55044795

Yeah, ive done some in JS for keks. Can't imagine doing ML in anything else other than python desu. There are some retards who do it in C, because they think its the leet haxor way (they watched Mr robot way too many times) and think it will be faster because theyre using a low level language.