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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55039303 No.55039303 [Reply] [Original]

What caused the downfall of /biz/?

>> No.55039307

Looks like that one anon that stays up all night opening Chainlink threads played into it big time.

>> No.55039309

Assholes like you who keep posting this racist ass dumb cartoon frog.

>> No.55039310


>> No.55039321


>> No.55039327


>> No.55039338

Crypto currency

>> No.55039347

people made it and stopped to care, all you have left are the newfags

>> No.55039348

/biz/ clearly needs more chainlink threads with only 1-2 posts spammed over and over, like those WTFWT ones after it pumps 0.1%, or some fag posting his stake, or yet another twitter post vaguely referencing a term that rhymes with another term in some link white paper, or a thread about a CL product definitely coming out and definitely won’t be delayed indefinitely.
Yes this is a chainlink board, as those faggots keep saying, so it should be nothing but chainlink 24/7, and anything otherwise are just angry fudders who bought the top or are bulgarian or lost their money in linkpools or are helping to crash bitcoin for the sole purpose of keeping link down or are all an incel with ED.

>> No.55039350


>> No.55039376
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>> No.55039390

Mods tolerating threads of samefagging jeets and other third worlders.

>> No.55039394

Brown people like >>55039309

>> No.55039410
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Same thing that made our gains - crypto became a normie thing.
I miss old /biz/ and I especially miss the old crypto community before /biz/ but I don't think I have any right to complain when I got my 10000000%

>> No.55039417

P.S. If you haven't at least "partially" made it, you're either not an oldfag or you're an exceptionally stupid oldfag

>> No.55039543

Neeting, not honoring and laboring on skills and experience, now facing depression while waking up.

>> No.55039556

Janitor and moderator are compromised by left wing scammers. Abandon board. this website is pedophile discord scammers
Buy btc ignore the rest of crypto
Jews can't control btc

>> No.55039611

Notice how nobody say redd1t? But yeah because their all from Reddit that’s the problem, use to be a gold mine untill all you faggots came, it was a thread on Reddit about biz either a year or 2 years ago that’s what killed it

>> No.55039619

GME redditors absolutely massacred this place
And niggers

>> No.55039621

No they are just part of the scam
New Liberal Fascistic yids

>> No.55039626

Go back

>> No.55039641

Im looking for an alternative website. Jannies are absolutely horrible here. Got an alternative?

>> No.55039649

Angry scammer?
Nobody giving you fiat?

>> No.55039652

Just buy btc, ignore the (((social media))) data mining part of crypto
It's all the same cabal

>> No.55039661

No just sick of morons on this board

>> No.55039706

2017 crypto bullmarket. Everything changed after that.

>> No.55039725

Yeah majority are left wing scammers and pedophiles from discord in cahoots with the janitors and moderators
Website as in 4chan is completely compromised
From /pol/ over /v/ to /vg/ and the rest

>> No.55039739

I agree with you there but at least it was our contagion zone

>> No.55039742

It was a great datamining operation into (((their))) strategies and a fantastic way to feed false feedback into the machine

It's over now

>> No.55039768

Yea it’s totally not the 50 iq inceloid nazi larpers from /pol/ who rant about muh juice and Basketball Americans 24/7. You subhumans deserve to be scammed.

>> No.55039778

Angry? Seems like it new liberal fascist

>> No.55039820
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You know why OP...

>> No.55039843

spammers scammers and low iq in general

>> No.55039909

dog season

>> No.55039915

Indians. Always Indians.

>> No.55039919


>> No.55040032

This infernal bear market. God help us.

>> No.55040037

The entire site got destroyed by people who don't respect it thus make no effort to create good posts. This creates a vicious cycle where there is so much dogshit that people respect it even less and less and just keep throwing trash on the pile.
It's like a hoarder who is surrounded by garbage stacked to the ceiling and eventually just gives up on the idea of ever living in a clean house.

>> No.55040078

Unironically these posts.
I know they're joking but it's 100% annoying 100% of the time so nobody ever gets anything out of it.
I am actively losing as I explain this, even.

>> No.55040104

>What caused the downfall of /biz/?
South Americans and Indians

>> No.55040136

Bitcoin SV schizos in 2019, then the GME crowd in 2021 delivered the final blow.

>> No.55040141

All herded and encouraged by the compromised moderators and janitors

>> No.55040220

Crypto and pajeets

>> No.55040383

GameStop NFT and friends replace corp interest owned "social" media now worthless

>> No.55040388


>> No.55040425

Only worth of social media is to feed false feedback and kill the machine by false feedback loops

>> No.55040453

It's not worth anything to lie to people, but at least people can improve themselves and be stronger for having been lied to, so they can protect others with telling the truth.

>> No.55040511

Jeets and the absence of flags

>> No.55040516

honestly i dont even hate jews. i would be the same way if i noticed how stupid the cattle was earlier on in life. i ask for forgiveness for being an opportunist, but at the same time these cocksuckers dont give a fuck about me anyway.

>> No.55040536
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Same as with everything, normies and jeets

>> No.55040543

>Posts new liberal fascistic yiddish left wing chinese wojack
Why are you so racist left winger

>> No.55040547

unironically institutional involvement. anybody who made it during 2017 was smart and/or lucky money (I didn't have enough invested at that time so i didn't make it).
crypto after has been a shitshow because of banks and vc funds and especially feds meddling in crypto because they finally saw the potential but also the threat to the established order. media and institutions catapulted normies into the crypto space to drain them like the pay pigs they are and then purposefully made crypto into a ponzi scheme to make normies hate crypto and love the dollar.
i think it's over...but ONLY for crypto by itself. i'm sure there will be more opportunities to make it in crypto+ (anything combined with crypto). especially anything in combination with AI and crypto will be a growth industry. hell, even some stocks might take off again, e.g. I can see single-player vr-vidya with ai-npcs filled worlds and an internal crypto economy being the new hot thing, so vidya driven coins or stocks might be an opportunity to make it.

>> No.55040560

They have no control over btc
Eth, yes that failed on purpose I think by now

>> No.55040572

Why is the new Nazi thing calling other people fascists? As if anyone cares that a Nazi is calling them a Nazi lmao. Why is the average white supremacist dumb as shit? I think white supremacy ruined 4chan, the majority of loser trash crypto bagholders are racist nazi scumbags trying to fund their manifestos or whatever you fucks do with your spare time.

>> No.55040577
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Oh boy do I have the perfect coin for you.

>> No.55040589

Tik tok unironically. These faggots fried their brains cooming to dumbass roasties . The catalog is full of the shit

>> No.55040601
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fat smelly mentally ill tranny jannies

>> No.55040608

Nazis are socialist collectivist left wingers, very similar to the current collectivist system of new liberal fascistic Yiddish faggots. Right wingers are libertarian and anarchists. We are sovereign against all collectivists slavery

>> No.55040665

I'm an anarchist but I'm also a leaf so this whole binary "left" and "right" political spectrum never made a lot of sense to me. It is just a tool used to divide the populace and suppress objective thought. I take red and blue pills and crush them up and snort purple powder. Red and Blue thought can be traced back to when the church introduced the concepts of Heaven and Hell, it's a method instilled to control the populace. If you subscribe to the contention brought by the political spectrum, that in itself is slavery.

>> No.55040666

It's obvious to everybody besides suicidals who want dollars too much to be alive. Owning stock in retailers you want is just peer-to-peer lending to customers like self. Banks didn't even lie that this wasn't the case just thought it was crowded out by green rectangle nobody fucking wants lmao GameStop

>> No.55040673

You try to control people by telling them there is no right or wrong but I'm pretty sure how I spend today impacts my and others' circumstances tomorrow dumbfuck

>> No.55040679

The problem is chainjeets

>> No.55040683

You are an idiot who has no idea what he is talking about. Right left makes a lot of sense if you understand it and take the classical definition of the sovereign vs the collective
The collective is always slavery, the sovereign is only bad if it is exercised by incompetency or maliciousness

>> No.55040697

Btw currently in the west there is not one single right wing political party because it is irrational for political parties in this system to give sovereignty to the people or a dictator

>> No.55040703

Why are you so angry after completely misinterpreting what I said, dumbfuck?

>> No.55040707

post face

>> No.55040711

You can barely formulate a proper sentence so why should I take weight from what you are saying?

>> No.55040720

This board falling in love with Chainlink in the Fall of 2017 was the beginning of the end
Can’t talk about other legitimate projects because linkies come in and spam about link
At any one time a quarter of the discussions on here are about chainlink
It pushed all legitimate discussion off the board and eventually made way for the memecoin shitshow we have now.

>> No.55040726


>> No.55040735

You can do whatever you want. Keep voting for socialism and your own enslavement because you get "free" stuff

>> No.55040747

Chainlink echo chamber and not range banning India, Pakistan and Russia.

>> No.55040751

i think he's saying there is no right or left
there is still right and wrong

>> No.55040754

Ah yes, the common white supremacy tactic of thinking you know me and projecting your own insecurities onto me (how many neet bucks do you make per month?).

>> No.55040758

You could be right. It also set an example that spamming /biz/ relentlessly could pump your coin. Chainlink outperformed everything in 2018 or 19 or whenever it was. All spammers and linkies should unironically be put to death.

>> No.55040763

Subjective categories dependent on perspective you naive child, unless we talk defined mathematical rooms

>> No.55040769

You are brainwashed by your slave masters. I cant stop you, enjoy your mental slavery

>> No.55040786

you're overthinking it. even if the words had meaning or have meaning for you, doesn't matter. in reality the way the words are used has lost all meaning, the people can't even agree on a meaning. some say free speech is a liberal idea and therefore leftwing, others say free speech is a far right extremist concept. they're both retarded but thats the way the labels are used, to retard all political discourse.

>> No.55040788

Which masters? Can you name any? As far as I'm concerned I'm retired at 32, spend every single day doing exactly what I want, and I answer to no one aside from, I dunno, my parents. Again, you are just projecting your own insecurities onto me.

>> No.55040805

You are not an anarchist you are a nihilist. You don't care about politics.
Another nihilist

>> No.55040818

subjective categories depending on perspective are fucking useless and a terrible thing to base important discussions on since nobody can agree on what it means we can't move on. its just endless semantics trying to even define any issue let alone address it.

fucking math rooms? i don't know nerd what the fuck that even means.

>> No.55040834

not to distract from op's financial question but objectively fascism is a synergy of left and right wing politics which is why it's also called the third way. because most people are stuck in dualistic and linear thinking this can be easily exploited by telling the left wing that fascism is right wing and telling the right wing that fascism is left wing. in modern politics everybody and nobody is a fascist as the term has become meaningless other than as a polemic way to shut down non-dualistic and non-linear political discourse.

>> No.55040835

i never said i was an anarchist, that was another guy

>> No.55040844

Wow you sure are bent with the whole label thing. You just love to tailor reality to your fit, taking your scissors and sheering all information to suit your needs. Imagine being so delusional.

>> No.55040864


the absolute state of modern political discourse

>> No.55040871


>> No.55040899

There is nothing right wing in fascism. Fascism doesn't know the concept of sovereignty

>> No.55040924

Mathematical sets is I think the anglo word
Real, irrational whatever set of numbers.

Everything depends on perspective. The word you are looking for is consensus and I don't consent with collectivist slavers or nihilists

>> No.55040945

Stop embarrasing yourself and go outside.

>> No.55040950

when 90% of people think fascism is right wing and somehow the opposite must be left wing then we can't have a useful discussion at a public level about fascism, the right wing, or the left wing. its just endless semantic circlejerking instead. it's time to retire these base labels that retard all political discourse in favour of having some fucking nuance again

>> No.55040962

reject all direction brain retards, refuse all base labels. you are not right wing or left wing but delta wing, maximum uplifting, above it all

>> No.55040963

The scream of a sucker that is slowly realizing that no matter the spam or jeets or control over moderators and janitorial staff is able to force consensus

>> No.55040976

The majority is brainwashed, it takes people like me that don't let themselves bully by forced fascistic consensus into denying political and historical reality

>> No.55041030

there are structural pillars to the mass brainwashing that need to be torn down to bring the rest to ruin. the false dichotomy oversimplified dumbed down right-left bullshit paradigm we all seem to operate under is one of those pillars. kick it down.

>> No.55041052

The only thing it takes ironically is remembering people what the original meaning of left and right are and that fascists are pure left wingers, because the powers that are built their foundation myth to hide their new liberal fascist system with global ambitions around the idea that nazis were right wing because ethno centrism

>> No.55041114

"Nuance" is something severely lacking nowadays. Unfortunately, social media itself is programmed to democratize communication. People are addicted to "voting", they vote online, they vote with their wallets, they vote via their incessant virtue signalling. Discourse is being "ratio'd", tailoring information to achieve the widest spread of interaction... what inspires the clicks, the comments, the reactions? A society of hot takes and click bait... which is then reflected in advertisement and our capitalistic consumption. We are all being gauged in order to most efficiently pry the dollar from our wallets. The whole political discourse is a cash cow, and we are all through the looking glass when it comes to upholding this system.

>> No.55041150

Ignore it, go against consensus if you have the balls that is, or be a slave, a sucker, a predator that has to feed on an ever more declining pool of suckers while grievers wrack havoc

>> No.55041295

I think I've gone against consensus enough. I agree with your sentiment in spirit, we all want "freedom", I think what I'm rallying against is when people enslave one another in order to achieve their own personal sense of freedom. Particularly on the speech front... I mean, saying something "disagreeable" is a simple binary, a very easy thing to achieve. Consensus is a powerful thing, if you go against it too much all of a sudden it is you vs the world. I guess that sensation makes outlier personalities feel powerful, that "wrong" is "right" and by breaking through the rules and censorships instilled by society they are, in fact, evolving it. I tend to disagree, it's going backwards and not forwards and, as binaries go, the most challenging path is "decency". Just be nice, I dunno. It's not that hard.

>> No.55041347

How did you discover biz?

>> No.55041355

I can't deny that I enjoy the feeling of going against consensus especially when I know that I am right and all evidence supports it. It's not going backward. Unless you are a collectivist that BELIEVES in the arogancy that the common folk is dumb, stupid and what not and needs to be lead like sheep by whatever fart huffing bunch of faggots for the "betterment" of the world. In that case its worth to tear everything down, wrack havoc over the past 100 years and create a reign a terror. Fuck decency if it supports slavery for whatever imagined greater good

>> No.55041579

I find mfers like you real interesting, bro

>> No.55041651

2021 GME and crypto bull run, but to be fair this board was always shit its just that there were so few other venues to shill stuff thats why people came here and occasionally some of the stuff thats posted gets pumped. Now other platforms like Twitter, Reddit, niche groups etc have grown much larger thus taking away the attention from /biz/. There are better places to have crypto discourse so to speak. It also doesn't help that the massive influx of newfags brought along a lot of insufferable people that shit up the board.

Outside of pure retail bubbles like shitcoins and NFTs, there wasnt much opportunity and still is not as much opportunity in the market anymore. The slice of the pie you can take as an average participant is getting smaller and smaller. 2017 was the ticket and I do envy folks who made it big in that cycle.

>> No.55041660

I don't remember. Probably from the 4chan homepage looking to see if any other boards were interesting.

>> No.55042552

no link general makes biz unbearable

>> No.55042562

smartphones/smartphone addled zoomer retards

>> No.55043032

why? Because we wont comply, cant be controlled have our own mind and rather die with a rifle in our hand after killing 100 of slaves and slave master then letting us bribe?
Its called being principled, something very rare, something able to become Alpha Predators

>> No.55043188
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>> No.55043228

>You subhumans deserve to be scammed.
You are a sociopath and deserve to be hanged in a public square

>> No.55043260

they are paid. Its slaves for some public contractors paid to "combat" "misinformation"
its good they are all incompetent

>> No.55043935

>take the classical definition of the sovereign vs the collective
That isn't the "classical definition". Right wing vs. left wing originated in the French revolution to designate monarchists/traditionalists vs. republicanists/revolutionaries, not individualist vs. collectivist or whatever you're thinking. The term has morphed over time as what is considered "traditional" has changed to include whatever has been instituted in the last 50 years, hence why republics are considered "right wing" compared to "democracies" now because the former generally implies a strict hierarchy where not everyone has the right to vote, whereas the latter is a flatter ("more inclusive") structure. IMO, the individualist vs. collectivist divide is unrelated to right/left and why the two-axis spectrum is a better model.

>> No.55043964

has nothing to do with """individualists"""""
it has to do with sovereign (right) vs collective (left)
In a classic liberal society the people are sovereign

now piss of collectivist fascist

>> No.55044174

Shut up dumb nigger. You're misusing the terms, probably because you're ESL. Originally, right wing = monarchy and "classical liberal" values, aka enlightenment values were left wing revolutionary. Simple as. With your dumb and incorrect definition, monarchy is collectivist left wing because it's a autocrat leading their people like a shepherd leads their flock. Nonsensical.

>> No.55044226

right wing
the privileges and responsibilities of the sovereign toward the collective = right wing
The interests of the collective = left wing

Now piss off you brainwashed new liberal fascist

>> No.55044292

>zero self awareness
/r/crypto fags like you killed the board.

>> No.55044298

>I know they're joking
Damn is it summer already?

>> No.55044300

You can be decent and still get your point across. I mean, if you are right about everything and know it and are omnipotent and basically God and all of us mere mortals bend our knees to you... why do I disagree? Can your ego handle that? You might be right, but I disagree. Maybe if you phrased your information in a more convincing manner we would be having a different conversation but as it stands your edge is very easily reflected.

>> No.55044312
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>> No.55044316

Okay so with your vague definitions there, a monarchy with its "responsibilities of the sovereign toward the collective" (which is every monarchy ever) = right wing. Then previously you contend that in classical liberalism, there is a sovereign and it's the people themselves, so classical liberalism = right wing. But this is a contradiction because (as I said) in the French revolution the republicanists/revolutionaries were designated as the LEFT wing. You're just redefining the terms like every other retard since 1800 who wants to designate right/left with good/bad or vice versa. Semantic faggotry basically. Verpiss dich blöder Neger.

>> No.55044318

I don't care. I am an anarchist pure individual sovereignty, if you chose to give up your sovereignty for collective slavery you are free to do so, I wont stop you, but I will keep calling you a slave and shit on you with facts

>> No.55044323
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How tf can a cartoon frog be racist? Are you retarded?? What's the world coming to???

>> No.55044329

If pregnant butt didn't clue you in that CRYPTO is over well...

>> No.55044340

it was never good to begin with

>> No.55044349

/biz/ was made becuase the crypto threads on /g/ was getting out of hand but >>55039410 got it right

I also hope /biz/ can move on to be more entrepreneurial in the future

>> No.55044351

How is that a contradiction?
Of course Liberalism is a right wing ideology, its just tries to balance the sovereignty of the individual with the interests of the collective, unfortunately through a retarded corruptable system of representatives that will always result in some form of authoritarian collectivism mostly a form of fascism because Hitler and Mussolini showed that fascism due to its incorporation of private property for the followers of the ideology of the inner collective is more stable than pure retarded communism

>> No.55044368

All you are doing is shackling yourself with labels, you slave. You are a NASCAR slathered with self-advertisement. You aren't special, nerd.

>> No.55044372

Holy newfag, you're ruining /biz/ with your zoomer crypto scams. Shit was so much better before you crypto retards came

>> No.55044377

Biz will never be a business board. Forget about it.

>> No.55044382

Biz needs the country flags

>> No.55044398

You know I don't care what you think
I am just rattling a cage of collectivist slaves that this website harbors that represent the discord dwelling pedophile discord moderation team and its janitorial faggot slave

>> No.55044426

I'm showing you that your definition is not consistent with how the original terms were used. Your definitions are not the "original" interpretation of right wing contra left wing. That's really it, that your definitions are ahistorical like every other retard who doesn't understand how those terms evolved. Also this >>55044368. Unironically the only construction that fits how right/left are used across all time periods is "the old thing" vs. "the new thing" which is basically useless from a philosophical point of view.

>> No.55044474

Believe what you want
Its a fact that the current "globohomo" system after 1945 with the UN is closer to Hitlers interpretation of fascism without the ethno centric aspects than to classical liberalism, so calling the western political "liberal" system New Liberal Fascism, and a collectivist left wing authoritarian system is correct.
Of course in the end consensus is defined by majority rule and if the majority choses to be collectivist slaves that is okay; but it wont stop me from calling it out and shitting on the foundation myth off the world after 1945

>> No.55044478

The scams wouldn't be posted if they didn't work on the normies that are here looking for the next bitcoin

I dont mean starting a business I mean finding different ways to make money

>> No.55044481


>> No.55044893
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Covid vaccines

>> No.55044983

in my humble opinion /gme/ saved /biz/ after link and btc shat the bed. it's the only cheerful thread on this otherwise pathetic board with a catalog full of pregnant sonic butt shitcoins. the gme guys are true frens and anime powered 4chinners.

>> No.55045008

>t. proof of stake fascist
you like eigenlayer, dont you

>> No.55045011

>The only thread still trying to make money rather than pumping the latest Dildo-Sneed coin is the real problem guize

>> No.55045210

GME was Coom cat's play here. The plebbitors are the idiots for sure but filtered here after the squeeze.

>> No.55045640

>since 2013
why though?

>> No.55045665
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>> No.55045699

The defi degen gambling subculture that's completely destroyed the wider crypto community with scammers, jeets, and influencer faggots that made serial rugging the reputation for all of this shit.

>> No.55045758

I mean, it's literally free money. Or it was, it's not my fault that bots and retards will buy whatever highly taxed coin I deploy so that I can print a clean and easy 6k+ per deploy minus deploying costs. Ever heard the term "don't hate the player, hate the game?" It applies here, in crypto. The smart and the quick adapted and capitalized on others' stupidity.

>> No.55045767

crypto, AI, jeets.

>> No.55045776

These, /biz/ was pretty shit but GME brought in a new wave of faggots similar to /pol/ and trump election

>> No.55045779

Crypto and /pol/tards.

>> No.55045805

To print like 6k I'm guessing you need 40+k of volume? How do you get that many idiots to pile in enough money for that

>> No.55045853

the past 6 months I've been hitting CT hard; work with a couple folks on getting the algo to pop on your tweets under accounts with huge followers, you just need to keep posting tweets using a decent cashtag and a couple good memes/gifs and you just bombard every single influencer with 70k or more followers. Do this with 4 other people or 6 separate accounts and watch the magic. See, the goal isn't to get the influencer on board or any of that retard shit, you do it to attract all of the retard niggers who FOLLOW that influencer and check their tweets. I'm so efficient now from practice that I can almost always get a top post on any given CT tweet, do this for 2-4 hours for 1 day. Can easily hit $100k in trading volume doing this as CT retards are just that, retards with lots and lots of ETH. GL anon

>> No.55045858

You have 10k+ followers on social media and use buzzwords about jeetcoin being the next doge

>> No.55045878

ditching pondering orb. it wasn't a scam. it wasn't a rugpull. its the only shitcoin with memes frequently used on biz x and pol without shillers just because the memes were so good. its the original obamasonicpoopinu. liquidity locked. fair launch. never rugged.

>> No.55045903

Oh I forgot to add, you need to attack the newest posts as soon as they are made. Can't tell you how many top posts I've gotten on niggers like bitlord and borovik by just doing the aforementioned and being the first/second to reply to their tweet.

>> No.55046031

Schloppy leaving for greener pastures of the Crypto Cartel and SSB.
This place isnt the same without him.

>> No.55046038
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forgot pic related.

>> No.55046054

This right here. And similar to /pol/, the GME saga was really fun to watch on /biz/ just like the Trump election was a crazy time on /pol/. But they made both boards so much worse