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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 109 KB, 813x680, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5503730 No.5503730 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5504330
File: 7 KB, 250x242, Even+though+this+is+probably+fake+it+still+makes+me+_5ac9d2d33e9b403c801566d0efa2d0ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proud of them boys

>> No.5504359

its a privately run website it has every right to be. microsoft could do the same for all i care, as long as its not some .gov site.

besides its run by like a handful of people and isnt even an organisation (at least not a big one) so its natural for them to express their opinion on shitcoin$

>> No.5504376

It's Bitcoin cash not bcash pleb

>> No.5504396

Its funny cause Bitcoin supporters are treating Bitcoin Cash the way everyone treated Bitcoin at first.

They will pay for their ignorance in the next 6 months.

>> No.5504422

Bcash BTFO. Roger Chinhole Autist BTFO. They will never recover.

>> No.5504439

It's Bcash mate, get over it

>> No.5504450

Bitcoin Cash is for numales who cant afford the real Bitcoin.

>> No.5504454


>> No.5504478
File: 429 KB, 399x614, stef start posting arguments any time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an argument my friend :)

>> No.5504505

You were probably telling people to start calling the xbone the "one".

>> No.5504531

>still getting assblasted from coinbase listing bch

>> No.5504541

I only see btc on their homepage
Noone send money to tpb with these addresses
(not that any of you were going to)
Op is just, once again a total faggot. I doubt they added bcash.

>> No.5504578

what's more funny it's BCH supporters trying to heal a dying horse using traditional Chinese medicine whole everyone else is already boaring a plane

>> No.5504583
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Off to a great start, bcash... News of insider trading out of the gate works really well 4u

>> No.5504606

Stay poor Bitcoin Boomer retards. Enjoy your Blockstream broken Cuck coin.

>> No.5504631

it's there on desktop site

>> No.5504636
File: 29 KB, 268x400, Suspicious Stu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said I am holding BTC???

Again, bcash is fucked. And it's your greed that buried you alive

>> No.5504693
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i was talking about alts lol

but you on the other hand should open wide for Jihan's and Roger's dicks

>> No.5504737

I bought BCH at 600 and sold the top of each pump. Sorry your IQ is too low to understand how to do this.

>> No.5504754

Tpb doesn't partake in actual commerce. Just Bcore supporting Swedish cucks. If they relied on crypto exchanging goods and services they would have dropped BTC for the same reason Steam and Bitpay have. BCH however is getting picked up by Bitpay.

>> No.5504757

there is literally nothing you can do but watch bitcoin cash gain popularity and merchant adoption.
>bcash, cashiers, btrash, bcrash

>> No.5504775
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And I sold my fork BCH from my CB account at .27... Do you think I will respect you for actually paying for it??

>> No.5504795

Its okay to laugh at a fork controlled by a criminal who spergs out and insults interviewers because they dont like a harmless abbreviation. Bcash was never a negative thing until bcashies started crying about it. Its like the kid that cries "dont call me a retard" so the entire school keeps calling him a retard.

>> No.5504796


They will get some chaffing when it starts to move. Im looking forward to the wojacks.

>> No.5504836

it's not fake, go look for yourself and have a laugh. I almost spit out my Hibiki last night

>> No.5504839


Stay poor.

>> No.5504849

generally nobody here holds btc noob.

>> No.5504852

Fuck yeah Pirate Bay.

>> No.5504873

>stay poor
>paid for a coin that was given out for free

Okay chinky dinky doo

Brilliant observation that has nothing to do with what I said

>> No.5504910

I wasn't talking to you disagreeable cunt wow. I was backing you up. Stay mad though you retarded fuck.

>> No.5504921

BitcoinCash is the real Bitcoin.

>> No.5504933

You replied to me, and I assumed you were talking to me... Okay?

>> No.5504940

Bitcoin is for boomers who lost half their net worth in the '08 recession but still had enough to retire comfortably.

>> No.5504960
File: 918 KB, 450x192, tumblr_mvvfz9ONyk1sojjw6o1_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its real


fuck bcash

cashies btfo LEAVE

>> No.5504972

Litecoin is objective superior to bcash. There is no reason for bcash to exist other than trick people into buying ver and the chink cartels ***free coins*** by co-opting the bitcoin name.

>> No.5504992

this guy fugs

>> No.5505000

>lemme donate one dollar in btc to the pirate bay
>oh wait, it would cost me 30 bucks in fees and it probably never confirm
they are fucking retarded

>> No.5505003

I have $5000 in bch from the fork and haven't cared to understand why it's bad. Convince me to sell it.

>> No.5505019

>donates $40 to piratebay
>pays $39 corecuck fee
enjoy that $1, swedecucks

>> No.5505020



>> No.5505027

Even better, they added a bitcoin bech32 segwit address.

>> No.5505036

I don't think SEC plants go to prison

>> No.5505069

Bitcoin Cash is the original peer-to-peer currency described by Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin Core is cancer


>> No.5505073


Because its at ATH and you can rebuy when it crashes again. Then the next time the cachie army comes back to shill the 56th "flippening" to new fags you can sell again for easy 2-3x gains.

>> No.5505081

Roger: Take a deep breath. Center yourself. Remember your mantras: "I'm a fucking multimillionaire, and I don't have to listen to these people." Then step back from the 4chan window, and go back to preparing for the next BCH pump. You'll get a lot more BTC this time if you time things carefully.

>> No.5505086

replied with the same sentiment you expressed referencing the Bcash Roger Dickrider but since you are angry and insecure you assumed I was attacking you fuuuck this board is shit now
ltc is shit

>> No.5505098

Yooooooo fuck everyone in this picture!!!!!!

>> No.5505132

>raiding decentralized networks

Corecucks literally have no idea how crypto works.

>> No.5505148

It's not. Keep it, anyone who says to sell forked coins clearly don't understand how this works.
Money Skelly himself even said he considers Bitcoin Cash a worthy successor for the name.

Watch any of Roger's videos and you'll know every single negative thing said about him is a confused BCore shill who doesn't know all the censorship that's happening.

>> No.5505177


premise does not compute

>> No.5505185

Geez... I thought I was the resentful one... thanks for the initial common sentiment at lease.

>> No.5505225

Yeah, there is censorship, but what do you think of Roger supporting insider trading days after CB is accused of it after adding bcash?

>> No.5505231


Corecucks don't even know what side they are on. They are confused and angry cause their coin is shitting itself.

Contenders for flippening:
Bitcoin Cash
Monero (Unlikely)
Litecoin (Unlikely)

>> No.5505234
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It goes like this:

ETH is already #2 now. Can't wait for the flippening.

>> No.5505251

only phaggots think using wolf of wall street pictures is funny, and only faggots use tumblr gifs

>> No.5505257

Agreed, as much I like XMR, it's a niche coin that msm will always fud as "terrorist coin"!!! It will be popular and valued highly but it won't be #1.

>> No.5505268
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Fuck your mother etc...>>5504376

>> No.5505280

This shows your lack of understanding of how an economy works.

What roger meant by that was that instead of keeping it a secret and dropping the BCH bomb like Coinbase did, they should have announced it so anyone could buy inbefore it was released. I will admit that roger can be an emotional retard sometimes and doesn't say shit correctly. Insider trading wouldn't have happened if everyone knew. That was completely Coinbase's fuckup.

>> No.5505307
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Here is your (you)

>> No.5505333

Mining is no more centralized than BTC and as BTC switch over it becomes even less so. The entire development of BTC is done entirely by Blockstream and some core. BCH has dozens of devs on different teams from all over the world.

>> No.5505338
File: 153 KB, 709x732, rog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sucking Roger's dick this hard

>> No.5505351

Honestly tho why would i donate "muh store of value" BTC and pay a ton of fees. I'd rather donate BCH if the choice was BTC vs BCH. Otherwise LTC is the best choice.

>> No.5505357

This truly is a bubble if this level of economic illiteracy is getting involved.

>Stay poor my man.

>> No.5505374

>tfw you think you're using blockchain, but are too stupid to realize you're not

Also LN is vaporware anyway.

>> No.5505381

This. They won’t be getting an $5 bitcoin donations. This is just bad business to be snarky.

>> No.5505391
File: 3 KB, 125x120, Eyeroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay poor
>stay poor
>stay poor
>stay poor
>stay poor
If I had a bcash for everyime someone told me this, I'd be a paid chinese shill working for Roger

>> No.5505408

How are you this fucking retarded? Coinbase announced awhile ago that they would be adding BCH to Coinbase. It was even listed on their Supported Coins page you fucking faggot.

Plenty of time to accumulate BCH and make easy money. Sure Coinbase never gave a specific date, but they did say end of month.

>> No.5505413

Lightning is as similar to Blockchain as Tangle is.

>> No.5505418
File: 107 KB, 340x340, 1365885950272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the laugh. Mining is done by 3 mining pools controlled by the same entity by proxy. 50% of all bcash nodes run on the Alibaba Cloud. Blockstream has 5% of cores developer. BCH has one developer who decides everything (Deadalnix) and just pushed to new difficulty adjustment algorithm on everyone else. This could never happen with the core client.

>> No.5505426

> Bcash so canerous and corrupt that not even the pirate bay wants to touch them

Really.... makes me think. proud of those boys.

>> No.5505514

Quiet retard

>> No.5505552

>when 70% of bitcoin miners are in china rofl
bitcoin isn't even a crypto currency anymore

>> No.5505695

EDA was required to make BCH minible due to a much smaller hashrate. So block would have never been found, it was a fork of BTC after all and with it, it's difficulty.

>> No.5505738

I didn't talk about the eda, you ignorant fool.

>> No.5505890

>measuring success in how much you've gained
there's a difference between believing in a coin and riding pumps

>> No.5505962

>implying he's wrong
I don't have either BTC or BCH but Ver's completely right about insider trading.

>> No.5506086
File: 35 KB, 450x450, 28878807-d95d-4de3-812b-17e692efbf13_1.744d80dd7a4426cb4074d3b28772845f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could give a shit about it as free market goy, but it's his open support of it on the heels of the CB incident is exactly what attracts attention from regulators.

Feels me?

>> No.5506265
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>> No.5506303

Speak for yourself poorfag

>> No.5506332
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>> No.5506377
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>mfw when i don't donate my bch to dem faggots anymore

>> No.5506384

serious shit if true

>> No.5506428

did you read the dates?

>> No.5506637
File: 191 KB, 500x632, bitcoin-just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Cash will destroy Bitcoin. Corecucks will be committing suicide en masse this coming Spring BTC's value crashes to nothing.