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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 514 KB, 1050x377, RAIBLOCKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5503406 No.5503406 [Reply] [Original]

WTF is this shit have i been hacked did they steal all my XRB?

>> No.5503471

anyone else seeing this? when they log in?

>> No.5503507

Ya Im getting the same thing

>> No.5503544

same thing too

>> No.5503549

whew i thought a pajeet had entered my asshole.

>> No.5503559

wow this was pretty cool of them desu.

they could have just been like meh you're all stupid lose your coins kek but they actually tried to be helpful.

>> No.5503566

I guess the excel spreadsheet shit coin hits the dust.

>> No.5503601

This is happening to Iota too?


>> No.5503669
File: 47 KB, 617x437, fromdev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5503717

holy fuck, these devs are the best, they literally answer every problem in fucking hours.

>> No.5503792

hold up
theres a jewish dev?
why the fuck does /pol/ spam those nazi raiblock images

>> No.5503856

Because most of /pol/ doesn't really have a problem with jews, just with kikes. And IOTA are much bigger kikes.

>> No.5503891

i see

>> No.5503913
File: 117 KB, 774x809, psyops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5503921

It's called phishing. It's the same thing the scammers have been doing to MyEtherWallet. You get a domain that looks similar to the real one and make it look exactly the same. People then don't realize and enter their seed or whatever and have all their shit stolen. Happens only to the careless or stupid people and is in no way a hack.

>> No.5503948
File: 143 KB, 1334x1334, 1494363733838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5504000

Gox all over again!

>> No.5504018

myraiwallet is the phishing site

>> No.5504085

Jews are aight when they’re not trying to start wars for Israel and genocide white people.

Even Jews are victim of their own.

>> No.5504104

yeah theres a jew dev. pol spams it because if you go to the devs pages, theyre all based as fuck politically.

>> No.5504105

thats what you get for using scammy backwater exchanges

you just got exit scammed

>> No.5504150

Thanks for the XRB /biz/tard
now go back to your wage slave and buy me more
i'll be waiting in the shadows when get more for me

>> No.5504609
File: 42 KB, 450x439, IMG_9348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much was in my wallet street shitter?

>> No.5505038

IOTA devs are Germans tho, roles have been reversed it seems

>> No.5505056

>wanted to put it in Raiwallet
>Was too lazy and kept it on the exchange
>Still have it while walletcucks had theirs stolen


Gonna download that official wallet tho. Especially now.

>> No.5505166

It's almost as if the tech doesn't work.

>> No.5505195

quite the... tangled mess
