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55028005 No.55028005 [Reply] [Original]

Just got an email saying my boss was fired due to poor performance.

What a great way to end a Friday.

Goodbye boys, it won’t be long until I’m on the chopping block. I’m going out right now to buy 200 cans of tuna for the hard times ahead.

>> No.55028016

Your boss getting fired is a bad thing because you're a worthless employee who only got to where you are by sucking your boss' dick?

>> No.55028171

Remember not to eat more than two cans of tuna
per week, it contains some amounts mercury
which is toxic.
Adios anon!

>> No.55029069

isnt that good thing because that means ur about to get a promotion?

>> No.55029081

I wish my bosses got fired.
This honestly feels like a blessed thread in the making. Enjoy the little victories. (Unless you liked the boss, then sorry for your loss)

t. seething and coping worklet

>> No.55029132

forget to buy some deenz

>> No.55029149
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I once had a clinical narcissist boss; at my company we were supposed to spend equal amounts of time giving each-other feedback during our weekly 1-on-1 meeting but the guy literally could not tolerate one single piece of critical feedback no matter how softly it was delivered or how many compliments preceded it

later when he was on the chopping block he tried to pin the blame for all of his failures on me while simultaneously taking credit for every good project and process improvement I had delivered. Thankfully my boss' boss saw right through the bullshit and called me into a meeting where he asked me to confirm that my boss was full of shit. He was gone the next day.

and the donnum super additum? he was a Jew from New York.

>> No.55029181
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My old boss was a cold emotionally manipulative asshole who would sweet talk you one moment and then undermine you the next. Every 1-1 was this insidious psyops trying to peel back at your personality to figure out a new way to pull the strings. I saw it for what it was and was still too stupid to do anything to outmaneuver.

When things came to a head and my head was on the chopping block I didn't react fast enough. Maybe it was shock or plain stupidity, maybe he played me like a fiddle and knew I didn't have the balls to throw him under bus but I ended up getting axed and he gets to claim credit on all my projects.

And you know the worst part! The theatrics. According to ex-coworkers he was "tearing up" at the decision to fire me. All mopey and shit for having me thrown under the bus after everything I've done for the company.

God fucking dammit the absolute insult of it all but in the end I'm the idiot, should of trusted my gut and bailed a long time ago. Fuck corpos and fuck shit bosses.

>> No.55029225

it sounds like you would've fared better if you had more of a relationship with your boss' boss. If your boss gets to control the narrative then he can get away with what he did because your boss' boss doesn't know any better.

I was lucky that my boss' boss sat like 20 feet away from me and I was able to keep him in the loop about the most important work I was doing. When he realized he was in trouble my jewish narcissist boss tried to control the narrative and throw me under the bus like yours did, but my boss' boss had enough information already that he knew my boss was full of shit and fired him the next day.

>> No.55029232

Godspeed op

>> No.55029878
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Sardines, op, sardines.
And beeeeeens.
Good luck op.