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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5502758 No.5502758 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5502778

ripple my nipple baby

>> No.5502786

Insider trading. The Amazon deal leaked on Japanese twitter

>> No.5502793

link or screenshot?

>> No.5502801

It's pumped by banks as they have centralized control over this coin

>> No.5502804

Japanese gonna use it for credit cards. Buy now get rich.

>> No.5502809

I should have bought more. Oh well, we are going to become millionaires bois

>> No.5502824

*whispers* coinbase soon

>> No.5502838

MASSIVE volume coming in, even though it has already increased a ton.
I think a rumor happened of an announcement or something on social media.

>> No.5502847

makes sense, i think its mid day in tokyo

>> No.5502854

*whispers* moonbase

>> No.5502878

Someone bought fucking 10 millon XRP

>> No.5502888


>> No.5502890

about fucking time desu

>> No.5502903


If this hits coinbase 2018 will be the year with the most new millionaires.

>> No.5502925
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Best coin

this is not one of those "hey lets all buy this coin then fuck each other over as we sell below the agreed dump" coin mother fucker.

Be gone little pajeet.

>> No.5502959

if it hits coinbase that shit is going to 10+ fuck marketcap

>> No.5502982

Price is manipulated as fuck

>> No.5503069


>> No.5503099

If Ripple takes over and rules them all, there is the pesky detail of armed insurgents to deal with.
Buy Monero. Prevent a restless population.

>> No.5503143

Found it. It is another "Going to be listed on coinbase tomorrow" scam, with an .ru server as "source".

>> No.5503350


nope, it's actually more decentralized than bitcoin

-One company has more than 50% of the hashpower
-One oppressive country has more than 50% of hashpower
-One company has a monopoly on creating efficient ASIC Bitcoin miners thanks to patents

-10s of validators run by reputable non-related public and private entities in different countries (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI,

WorldLink, Telindus-Proximus Group, Bahnhof, ...)
-At least 80% of validators must agree for a ledger to be validated




there's NO MINING which makes it more efficient (1500 transactions per second and can scale up to visa). it has no inflation. the supply is fixed. most of it is locked in escrow, divided in 55 batches that can be unlocked over the period of 55 months. They sell to companies, banks, big buyers, ..etc

This provides a source of revenue for Ripple for many years to come, and actually makes Ripple more attractive for businesses. With bitcoin, few people own most of the coin and refuse to sell. The market is very illliquid because of them.

>> No.5503456

fuck off kike. bitcoin and blockchain is what made all of us rich. not bankster endorsed coins like this. this shit is just a wealth transfer operation to a select few

>> No.5503494

>bankster coin

Opinion disregarded. Thanks for playing.

>> No.5503542

I have 50K XRP, feels good to be in the 0.1%... the select few who bought bluechip crypto instead of shitcoins and memes

>> No.5503551

Sorry, PoW is broken. Bitcoin is dying. 2018 will be about real world usage. Ripple will overtake both Ethereum and Bitcoin.

>> No.5503573

ETH switches to Proof of Stake, though, so all bets are off (but yes Bitcoin will die, there will be actual suicides on /biz/ and in both cases: good riddance)

>> No.5503575

and by dying I mean, merchants are dropping it and users no longer use it for payment. It's nothing but a speculative bubble now. In 2018, people will be using Ripple instead of fiat.

>> No.5503585

Because I literally just fucking sold all mine for CRED

Fuck me, hopefully CRED makes up for it at least

>> No.5503615

'cause you didn't buy any under $1

>> No.5503624

2015 - Banks will never use Ripple. $XRP is dead. Sorry bag holders.

2016 - Bank announcements are just proof of concepts, they'll never go live. $XRP is dead.

2017 - Fine, 70+ banks are going live but they don't use $XRP. How come dumb bag holders don't get this?

2018 - ...

>> No.5503640

Because I just sold, happened twice.

>> No.5503651

>It's pumped by banks as they have centralized control over this coin
ok with me, they can do it until i get rich

>> No.5503685

People are saying this bullshit...

>> No.5503765

To anyone here who believes BTC is not a bankster endorsed coin. Bockstream and Lighting network centralized hubs.

At least Ripple is not horrible shitcoin and even if it is endorsed by banks. At least it doesn't have 5 billion dollar transaction fees.

The coin should pump. PUMP MOTHERFUCKER PUMP!!!

>> No.5504022


>> No.5504034

Hodl the line! No selling!

>> No.5504131

>go on ripple website
>all those banks who have jumped on the XRP rocket
>retards are still shilling their shitcoins

>> No.5504167

Why would you even say something like that. I hope your joke were intentional

>> No.5504927

look at the charts & spend 20 min studying it... xrp goes up like clockwork...

>> No.5505064
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1.25 next stop

>> No.5505160

How do I buy

>> No.5505184



cya on the moon

buy now or kys

>> No.5505217

I just went all in for 108 coins. Am I going to make it?

>> No.5505219


>> No.5505238

lol fuck no, but it will probably give you a nice amount to start playing with.

>> No.5505245


if you consider 400 bux making it then yes

>> No.5505248

2500 xrp reporting in. legoo

>> No.5505262

Wow, nice help captain autist. You sure are great to have around to contribute. All you had to do is call him a begging nigger and be done with it

>> No.5505273

Better than when I started. I'm ready for an Apollo mission Anon.

>> No.5505290


have a (you)

>> No.5505297
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Spoiler Alert:
> the banks win

>> No.5505305

The guy is literally Little Finger, sold 100k months ago.

>> No.5505330

Insurgencies are created and managed by the same people who run the banks.

>> No.5505609

you guys realise it can only go to like 4$ otherwise there would be more ripple then real money

>> No.5505662

>more ripple then real money

you realize there are trillions of $ in derivatives at this very moment in time, right?

>> No.5505721
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>> No.5505748

It can go to $9 before it matches the value of bitcoin, brainlet.

>> No.5505826

“All in”

>> No.5505913

God its post like that that make me think I'v fucked up to be in the same investing crowd as people like that.

>> No.5506013

Shut the fuck up and hodl.

>> No.5506034

>welcome to /biz/

>> No.5506134

Our anscestors made it this far by... Patience my brother, patience.

>> No.5506193

Me too dude.

>> No.5506249

you seem like the kind of guy who is still a die-hard betamax supporter.

>> No.5506259

I have 418 XRP. Will I become a millionaire?

>> No.5506315

Did your anscestors tell you the story of the tourtise and the haire?

>> No.5506352

maybe, but not from that

>> No.5506389

2018 - Ok fine. Dozens of banks and payment providers are using XRP and the price multiplied. But it won't last. No one wants to use a fucking bankers coin.

>> No.5506395

What exchange is best to use for XRP? Seems like more than half the ones that support them are literal huehues

>> No.5506430


>> No.5506486

The one with official ties to Ripple, headquartered in the City of London.

>> No.5506506

Bitstamp is a solid exchange, but it will take at least 2 weeks for you to get verified.

>> No.5506659

I have 3000 xrp.

Am i going to lamboland?

>> No.5506674

In 2019, when it hits $10.

>> No.5506720

XRP is not your ticket to a Lambo. You will however get a Tesla out of it if you hold and keep putting money into XRP for the next year, because this thing is going to outperform the rest of the market

>> No.5506731
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Close now or hold a bit longer? My $50 throwaway bet is now up >500%, take profit set to 1.2144 - wait or close?.

>> No.5506762

It's stable now. You've missed the golden opportunity at $1.16. Sell now, re-buy at $1.05

>> No.5506802
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ripple isnt tied to bitcoin because it isnt a useless piece of shit like everything in your portfolio

>> No.5506840
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>> No.5506913

it took me two days, as of earlier this month

>> No.5507043
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Lambos on the fucking Moon.

>> No.5507333
File: 229 KB, 552x1134, Screen Shot 2017-12-27 at 11.00.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone is trying to buy A LOT of XRP on binance (orders 750k, filled 50k, by the time I type this it's close to 250k filled). Can anyone explain to this brainlet what does it mean, what will happen etc?

>> No.5507431

somebody wants to buy a lot of XRP

>> No.5507466

That's Jeff Bezos buying in

>> No.5507476

I use ledger wallet cold storage... i exchange ETH to ripple on Binance then transfer to my hardware wallet for safe keeping long hold. If you plan to play the swings keep 10-20 percent on the exchange with some stop limits. Last few days it's been pretty consistent 10% swings low to high, give or take. Though looks to be mooning towards ATH at the moment again. I think this will easily be close to 5 dollars by mid year next year.

>> No.5507520

There's a lot of Millionaires in the world, and they like to gamble. There's also a lot of people with a lot of BTC that are looking to hedge their bets now that BTC has mooned and turned volatile.

>> No.5507621
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>> No.5507625
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yes, but why? should a non-whale also takes this as a signal to buy more? I've seen a lot of small buy at 7189 sats (1 sat more than the buy wall). Does the guy who put up the buy wall know something we don't?

>> No.5507686

Im going in 3700 coins, is this at least good enough?

>> No.5507715

yeah, that is was going to plummet

>> No.5507800
File: 309 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20171226-184955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it bros? My goal is $30k by mid 2018.

>> No.5507853 [DELETED] 

this is pumping because of Mcafee's pump and dump group. The private chat is located here so you know when to dump: https://discord.gg/9x4AjMM

>> No.5507882


Available coins: 38.7 Billion
Total Supply: 100 Billion

>> No.5507899

How is it possible people dont know this??

>> No.5507927

yeah but where did this rumor even come from

>> No.5508008

No you have no chance. No creativity. Your portfolio shows you are a follower. You will always be a pawn in the game.

>> No.5508031

A bank no doubt.

>> No.5508060

How low should it be before I buy? What is the recent floor?

>> No.5508067

This. Just a reminder that there's a not small chance that XRP will replace USD as the medium for international bank transfers.

>> No.5508105

What? Even the facebook normie groups knowing this for weeks.

>> No.5508138 [DELETED] 

15k person pump and dump group, you’re welcome: https://discord.gg/2cdm62j

>> No.5508333

Also since it's a token it has a potential for 18 decimals.

>> No.5508418

Go die in a toilet scumbag.

>> No.5508535

post yours faggot

>> No.5508578
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Look at the support. Holy shit.

>> No.5508751

Ripple XRP is the future.
-Japan banks ready to go online early 2018
-Instant transactions for ANY currency or crypto
-Coins burn to accomplish every transaction (read this again and think marketcap)
-Goodbye swift
-65 to75% Major banks will be on XRP by years end
-55 Billion XRP locked in Escrow now
-Bank of America
-American Express
-working product
-adoption by growing list of ((banks)) across the globe
-currently priced less than $1
Standard Chartered invested in Ripple and live on RippleNet. Ant Financial is known for the AliPay service. RippleNet is that much closer to China.

Buy now. Sell when green buy more when red this year. multiple moon missions ahead.

XRP more decentralized than BTC:

-One company has more than 50% of hashpower
-One oppressive country has more than 50% of hashpower
-One company has a monopoly on creating efficient ASIC Bitcoin miners thanks to patents

-10s of validators are run by reputable non-related public and private entities (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Telindus-Proximus Group, Bahnhof, ...)
-At least 80% of validators must agree for a ledger to be validated

Recent correction didn't affect Ripple.
That is all.

Be well and profit well+++

Me no looky at this thread anymore. Bub-bye.

>> No.5508805

sometimes I seriously wonder about you people. read the fucking news.


>> No.5508884
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screencapped, printed and framed.

thank you anon.

>> No.5508923

wow are you a rock and marty fan you must be smart

>> No.5508973
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u okay m8?

whats wrong

>> No.5509519

you guys think that itll keep rising or will it dip again?