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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55027358 No.55027358 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55027370


>> No.55027700
File: 195 KB, 1075x948, 1669842695701933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This information is completely false, and comes from another California lawyer trying to extort us with "free speech" afforded to American legal filings. But your comment is not a legal filing. It's slander. Ref the source & apologize, or we will sue you for defamation. Thank you.

>> No.55027881
File: 19 KB, 96x103, oooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the wronged party, we demand resolution, we are not asking.

You have mocked my private message. I'm not bluffing: send me your name & address and I will send you legal correspondence in public.

I don't want court, but I demand resolution. You have better suggestions now?

>> No.55028258

>>FUD is a now crime

holy shit I was this was fake. This dude is off his meds.


>> No.55028502

This information is completely false and comes from another anon trying to extort us with “free speech” afforded to American legal findings. But your reply is not a legal finding. It’s slander. Ref the source & apologize, or we will report you for defamation. Thank you

>> No.55028814
File: 83 KB, 775x500, 7hu70c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought some more frozen piss. Wagmi

>> No.55028975

it's not fud. It's been consistent day after day negative slander everywhere on the internet for 2 years now

>> No.55029162

The sub2000 is actually a great little backpack gun

>> No.55029296
File: 106 KB, 743x898, okdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dom fucking confirmed the basic premise of that legal filing himself, see picrel kek.
The only thing that is tenuous is that Dfinity specifically was targeting this employee in particular. Instead of going on cringey, cry baby twitter rants over protected speech he could instead post the receipts that document the token distribution and dox the relevant wallets to prove that it's just baseless FUD. But yet he still doesn't, instead threatening to sue literal who ETHfluencers over tweets making fun of ICP and pushing his pet cryptoleaks blog. Absolute glaring red flag behavior from a founder/CEO.

>> No.55029434

This is why /biz/ has been doing so poorly post 2020.
People go full autism over 'the tech' and think this whole thing is some kind of 'justice will prevail' type thing.
When the reality is stuff like tokenomics and hype matter more than people are willing to admit.
You have a very non-insignificant amount of people on this board who have thrown away their personal finances and unless they're doing particularly well in their personal careers, have probably managed to get their personal finances in a more or less unrecoverable state due to memes like ICP and LINK.
I actually don't know if it's worse or not that LINK at least had it's exit chance with the 2020 defi summer hype and even May 2021. ICP on the other hand has been DOA as a token. It's hard to imagine what kind of justifications people have used here to convince themselves at any time that this abomination was ever a good investment. It literally doesn't matter if the tech is fucking amazing. You still need to hand the bag off to people. But no one in their right mind is going to touch this given its history.
People who really believed in the tech should have used their money to fund a fork, or just walked away. It's really as simple as that.

>> No.55029507

Does that mean Sergey gets to sue /biz/? Those posts were merely satire, Mr. Nazarov.

>> No.55029514

this is the future of finance

>> No.55029527

Maybe raise the price?

>> No.55029540

>When the reality is, stuff like tokenomics and hype matter more than people are willing to admit.

LMAO it took 4-5 years before LINK reached a valuation of $40. 2017 /biz/ bought it at $0.30 during early Etherdelta DEX days and LINK was fudded to shit, 4 years nonstop fud. Difference is that I am mentally strong and weak mental fags ngmi I'm retired and you're not, keep coping with the fact that it will take 5 years before any good projects like LINK and ICP will mint millionaires. This market isn't for impatient newfags.

>> No.55029595

no fren, /biz/ is a IQ filter, its code speak.
2017 /biz/ had a genuine interest in the technology, we understood what chainlink solved and we knew that every layer 2 dapp was missing real world data feed.
2020 newfag /biz/ has no interest in technology they just want wen moon no better than the fags we dump our bags on. Historuy repeating itself with ICP. Chains that solve problems will always be relevant

>> No.55029632

no, link nor icp will mint anymore millionaires because its not in the interests of the pre-miners to let that happen.
they own 60+% of the supply and they're happy to sell for any price, which is why alts get one pump and they're done, and some like icp don't even get one because unlike sergey they didn't wait to start the offloading process.

>> No.55029648

the average person will never even consider using crypto other than as a vehicle for speculative gambling, it doesn't matter what a currency claims to solve if the entire of a society does not buy into the idea of it, it is worthless

>> No.55029678

I've been into crypto since 2011.
Yeah, LINK was phenomenal but also peaked vs ETH exactly where you'd expect it to during the peak 'anything is possible' hype of defi summer 2020. That's actually my point.
The interesting thing about ICP is that it was botched so badly token-wise that it never even got it's early to hype phase transition, which is actually kind of amazing.

>> No.55029679

>/biz/ is a IQ filter, its code speak
lmao, the Link fud is so bad and repetitive that it filters anyone with a half-functioning, non-schizoid brain.

>> No.55029680

hahaha 99% of the tokens in this space are pre-mined haha none of them minted millionaires HHAHAHAHAHA you are speaking to an early link millionaire right now. Bought a boatload of link at etherdelta between $0.16 and $0.30 never gave in to low iq fud because I understood that every ETH l2 needed an oracle.
Every shitcoin needs a wallet, explorer that is resistant to AWS cloudfare outages, hosting that frontend on ICP is 1 usecase there are many more like platform derisking, running parallel chains directly on a canister to elimate bridges.
my advice to newfags study the usecases for link and icp moving coin from a to b is legacy tech

>> No.55029688

its funny because there is a lawsuit coming for ICP.
the CFTC and SEC have him in their sights.

>> No.55029692

ICP is not needed, the winning combo is LINK and AVAX.

>> No.55029700

That is the genius of ICP, anyone interacting with ICP application is indirectly burning cycles.
With other muh blockchains shareholders are the users, with ICP everyone is an end user without having to be a shareholder and therefore a direct participant in network growth for that juicy network effect
This is the essence of OPEN SOURCE, other chains are CLOSED source, because you have to buy TOKENS to become a particpants in that ecosysgtem

>> No.55029811

no, that's like saying a badly optimized site is great because it's burning lots of bandwidth.
and for what it's worth, icp on average has burned in one entire day the equivalent of less than 10 eth transactions. congratulations on this, seriously.

>> No.55029934

I am saying that other chains have a closed ecosystem, to become an active participant on the network, you must buy or hold tokens that function as fuel to transact value on the network.
The users of a closed network are only investors, shareholders of that network.

ICP uses a reverse gas model. A user is not required to own ICP to interact with the website.
Interaction with a website by a user burns ICP in the form of cycles. Users are indirectly participants on the network, they contribute to network activity,network growth, network effects.

The main difference between a closed and open ecosystem.
Closed ecosystem - limited amount of users, users are shareholders.

Open ecosystem - Anyone is by default a user, and a network participant, and users indirectly burn ICP through cycles. Total addressable market, every person on the planet is a potential network participant.

We have around 5 Billion third worlders with access to a cellphone, 5 billion network participants, , how do we reach them? I don't know.

>> No.55030020

so you've sold? or you held through generational wealth in 2020-2021 and will continue to hold to zero?

liquidity is everything, and all these shitcoin paper millionaires disappear as fast as they arrive if just 1% of them decide to take the money and put it into something long-term.

>> No.55030049

Yeah, through his tweets you can confirm that he and his mates had tokens not subject to any lockup which they dumped on retail. Also they write hit pieces blaming FTX for the collapse and targeting competitors to make it seem like a massive conspiracy against ICP in order to detract from themselves. An innocent man simply does not do as this man has done. It's glaringly obvious at this point, if people can't see it then it is because they are choosing not to.

>> No.55031312

does just loading a webpage burn cycles?
can you burn cycles without spending ICP? sounds spammable

>> No.55033842

Avax jeets trying desperately to tie themselves to link, is pathetic.

>> No.55033905

>We have around 5 Billion third worlders
with no reason to use the network other than a free jpeg. Dom never had a business model.

>> No.55034087

No other way to spawn XTC without burning ICP.

>> No.55035264
File: 243 KB, 1165x1187, bebf90e5-6136-4088-a098-c438bced5ab8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump. Dom is a faggot

>> No.55035359

Nobody talking about the Hottest token launch that's about to happen on the internet I computer. Free airdrop in three days. Biz is so incompetent and behind.

>> No.55035405

lt's unlikely tat link recovers from the current crab to zero. the hype is gone with no tokenomics to replace it. it keeps some relevance by being a free source of price feeds that projects can mooch off of and the occasional nft scam using vrf, but that's about it

>> No.55035478
File: 183 KB, 461x610, sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$HOT is a pajeet tier token from a pajeet dapp made by pajeets. it's a tiktok copy that won't go anywhere. i'm getting my airdrop which I will immediately dump because im a sneeder. btw i must thank hotornot for their contribution though. they have been burning a shit ton of icp with their cycle consumption.

>> No.55036243

>> Hot or not burned a fuck ton of icp because of how many people were using it
>> Nobody is using this project it's going nowhere.

We got a real genius here folks.

>> No.55036275

They literally have connections to SWIFT dude. Stop.

>> No.55036661

They burn a (relative) fuckton of icp because their code is shit.

>> No.55036754

Imagine shilling a jeet app on biz. The absolute state.

>> No.55036765

and their userbase are all from in india

>> No.55036949

And their userbase are only posting for an airdrop.

>> No.55037059

Only reason anyone uses icp.

>> No.55037200
File: 26 KB, 639x344, 1678199710209362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only because no one knows yet lmao

>> No.55037244

Preaching to the choir fren

>> No.55037280

> and their userbase are all from in india

India is over 1 billion people, honestly if it becomes the TikTok of India that’d be insanely bullish

>> No.55037310

Hey, whoever you are, we've been on the end of serious criminal defamation which has caused a lot of pain and harm to a lot of people. This is not a laughing matter. You are presenting false statements as though they are facts, without reference to the California legal filing, which would show these are hearsay allegations made by lawyers trying to extract settlement money from DFINITY by making false and embarrassing claims. As it stands, you have presented those same false and harmful claims by shitty lawyers as your own claims about real facts outside that protected California legal environment, because you have not referenced a source. Your behavior causes real harm and we're not ok with people defaming us. You should consult a lawyer about your situation, but as of now, I must ask you for your real name and address and lawyer so that I can send legal filings to you. Obviously, every additional cost you make us expend (such as searching for your identity) will be claimed from you as damages. It's a great shame that you have chosen to do harm to innocent people by promoting lies and remain committed to that path.

>> No.55037346

>5 years of waiting
In that time as a neet with your mom you could have worked at the graveyard digging ditches and then taken out your savings and loans when Bitcoin hit the halvening in 2020 and dumped all your money into BTC and made a million dollars a year later, sold, bought back in during the summer and walked away with 2 million dollars.

But instead you hoped and dreamed for 1000 EOD.

>> No.55037348
File: 186 KB, 745x954, Screenshot from 2023-05-20 21-11-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

urbit is more based anyways