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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55022891 No.55022891 [Reply] [Original]

How does /biz/ deal with stress?

>> No.55022897

Don't have any. Life's pretty easy desu.

>> No.55022902

Cigarettes and alcohol.

>> No.55022919

I get up at 3 am to lift weights. My gym is 10 minutes away or so. If i didnt go to the gym i wouldnt be able to sleep and would be a wreck

>> No.55022933

Grabbing my gfs tits and fondling them then sucking them like a baby

>> No.55022934

I don't

>> No.55022964

nine inch nails old live concert recordings
Booze sometimes
breath meditation

and above all

long walks

OP, cut the caffeine man

>> No.55023066

I like stress

>> No.55023959
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I garden indoors

>> No.55024086

I'm just starting to reduce caffeine by cutting my intake of it in half, and I feel like shit. What are the benefits to giving up caffeine?

>> No.55025077

Less aggression and more stable emotions. Prolonged caffeine exposure can be bad on the heart too

>> No.55025082

By accepting death and realizing that we're all the same in the end, no matter what we do or don't achieve along the way.

>> No.55025089

semen retention worked pretty well for me last year, but i think my body adapted to it
tried fecal retention this week after hearing about it on /fit, not sure it's for me

>> No.55025103

Yesterday I punched a wall at work a few times and now I have a broken metatarsal.
A&E nurse suggested I get on antidepressants but I cannot do that.

>> No.55025121

>breath meditation
been meaning to try this for some time. Any videos or articles you recommend to exercise?

>> No.55025593

>semen retention
>fecal retention
will give you infections in your intestines, especially fungal
the goal should be to eliminate waste quickly
Don’t take antidepressants if you’re angry. The FBI puts angry kids on antidepressants when they want to create a mass shooter.
You’re better off with weed or shrooms.

>> No.55026972

Psychedelic retreat really helped me. It was like 20 years of stress melted away with 2 ayahuasca treatments

>> No.55027442

ajahn thanissaro
it works better if you transition to a very low fat diet. under 10g a day fat. high fat really fucks your energy levels. going to bed early helps too

>> No.55027450

Loli goon sessions.

>> No.55027463

4 seconds in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds exhale, 4 seconds hold repeat 4 times. box breathing.

>> No.55027470

I smoke enough weed to not have spare time to think about stressful things. But then I get stressed from being broke. *sighs*

>> No.55027474
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I know that feeling

>> No.55027497

this can put you to sleep if you extend the times with every breath or every other breath
best breathing method i found for me is full exhales, breathe out till you can't then breath a out little more hold like that and then ragdoll your torso a little to get the stale pockets of air if there are any
recommended for smokers, emphesemia sufferers and the like
also if you had a chest infection

>> No.55027566

Just stop caring

>> No.55027600
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>> No.55027641

Walks, nature is where you meant to be and so is the best place for you

>> No.55027660

I simply deal with the pain

>> No.55027731

no internet + touch grass

>> No.55027775

If the stress is from something immaterial or beyond my control I just don't fucking care and avoid thinking about it. If I'm stressed from focusing on something productive I do NSDR for 20 minutes and drink a protein shake.

>> No.55028041

Don't eat that, my man. You're gonna shit blood

>> No.55029812

I’ve eaten tons of shrooms and no one I know has ever shit blood from them

>> No.55029819

bags of sand

>> No.55029858

Absolute retard
You’re doing gods work bro. On behalf of all shroom heads everywhere. Thank you.

>> No.55030339
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just dont be stressed lmao its easy

>> No.55030459

When life gets tough and I don’t know where to turn. I like to ask myself, what would sminem do?

>> No.55031894
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I release my stress on Stake. it is fun and i win money.

>> No.55031918

I love playing their games and the bonuses they offer. I always feel relaxed and satisfied after playing at Stake too.

>> No.55031919


>> No.55031922

gambling can be addictive and lead to financial problems.

>> No.55031934

>What is your biggest win on Stake?

>> No.55031937

On the other hand, gambling can also be a fun and exciting way to spend your time. It can be a great way to socialize and meet new people. If you gamble responsibly, it can be a harmless way to relieve boredom or stress.

>> No.55031946

My biggest win on Stake is 1000x in Plinko, 5$ ball.

>> No.55032094

Gacha games (never spent money on it) and partying with my friends. Sometimes you need to get shitfaced to get a clear head

>> No.55033342
