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55021792 No.55021792 [Reply] [Original]

>unemployed and penniless
>apply for job
>instant feeling of dread and regret

>> No.55022234

>most jobs in cities pay minimum wage
>minimum wage isn't enough to cover half your expenses
>the car you bought to get there alone puts you in debt
working for the sake of working

>> No.55022339

I had 400k in 2021 and now I have less than 3k and I just want to throw up and die.
I bought nothing. I gave away more than I spent for myself.
And i worked for 4 years for that

>> No.55022362

blame your parents for giving away your economy to the jews

>> No.55022390

Yeah I had big time dread applying for jobs before I got one. Now I fall asleep on the couch 3 days a week, do nothing outside of work except watch TV, and hate my life enough that I don't get stressed about my job ever because I don't really care if I get fired

>> No.55024319


>> No.55024384

Imagine letting other people spending your money. Rookie mistake. You never speak about your networth with literally anyone, not even family.

>> No.55024568

NEET bros... are we gonna make it?

>> No.55024614

Get a job, deadbeat.

>> No.55024664


>> No.55024705

but it pays minimum wage

>> No.55025564
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I’ve been looking for a job since like last year. Hundreds of applications to minimum wage jobs. I got lucky in February for a tax job, but they literally barely gave me hours and it was only a month. I have $16 dollars left and had to sell a bunch of my possessions. Not selling in 2021 was the biggest mistake I ever made probably.

>> No.55025632

If you can NEET you have already sort of made it

>> No.55025947

Well. I'm probably going to end up living on my family land in Mexico in a couple of years.
but i don't want to live in Narco land

>> No.55025960

Show me where it says in the Manual of Life that life has to be easy?

>> No.55026003

NEET's have to sacrifice something in quality.
Wether it's food, clothes, bills, social events, hobbies whatever.
Can't afford everything unless you have a sidehustle.
And you're probably thinking that's not so bad, it's not, but it can hit the feels different when you don't have the choice.
All of this is made up in the complete lack of stress and the ability to comfy at will imo.
Besides, i can be more flexible with finances than most low-wage workers due to the minimal consumerism mindset that is required.
Fuck waging.

>> No.55026290
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>fuck waging

>> No.55026608
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EU NEET here getting 560€ a month including healthcare, pretty sure I could apply for more but sick of all the paper work.

>> No.55026645

Get a front of house job at a decent restaurant. You will meet cool young people and will learn how to be social again. I'm serious. Also its way better than minimum waging, you make tips and if its not busy you go home, so you're not just standing around watching the clock like some cubicle wagie.

>> No.55026710

i get 1k month in bongs
you can also apply for having your internet, transport, appliances, devices paid for too here
look into it
social worker/equivelent is the cheatcode to expedite the process

>> No.55026714

I did this when I was 28 and realized I'd been a NEET for a decade.
I made friends and even lost my virginity to the 18 year old hostess girl.
I even asked her to be my girlfriend, but dumped her after learning she was a massive whore and literally fucked everyone at the restaurant.
She even fucked the 45 year old restaurant owner.

Anyways, yeah OP, working at a restaurant is a good way to relearn your social skills.

>> No.55026724

i always get super depressed working

good thing im rich, so i can avoid working

idk how people do it, it must be cuz theyre npc