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55016554 No.55016554 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the point of life as an average man in 2023? A mans worth is ZERO if you are not rich or famous, you work as a slave and for what? Nobody gives a shit about you, girls reject you all the time since they have countless options and your life is worth less than a dogs life…I think we are living in the worst times of the western civilisation to be a straight male…unfortunately it’s too late for me to become famous on something because I wasted my youth playing wow 15 hours a day instead of putting all that work into something meaningful, and I can’t find a way to make some serious money

I’m feeling so lonely and I can’t find a way out bros…I just want somebody to hold me while im crying

>> No.55016627

How old are you? Give me some background like your education, skills, any assets or debts you have, living situations etc and height.
You might still be able to claw things back.

>> No.55016664

t. Facebook user

>> No.55016683


Thanks for the reply bro
The bad : I’m 30 years old, zero education, 5’8 height, live in a corrupt af Balkan country where you need to know the correct people to do things right

The good stuff : got 20k on bank, got my own house and got a decent gymmaxed body and work from house, making around 1k per month (that’s decent money here

>> No.55017027

Buy link as soon as you can.

>> No.55017048
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>> No.55017062

You need to kill yourself.
It is the only end to your bioluminescence.

>> No.55017123

The point is to worship Allah seek help through patience and prayer

>> No.55017176

Stop acting like a victim. Figure out what will make you happy then make a plan to get there. It's not overnight. Make a multi month or multi year plan. Expect it not to always go smoothly but keep making progress. Whatever is necessary. I repeat DON'T BE A VICTIM. Also women do not want a man who needs them to cry on. Women need a man to cry on. Act like a bitch in secret, never let your woman see you like that.

>> No.55019024

Didn’t read create your own meaning stop listening to retards who think they know everything

>> No.55019306

That sounds pretty good anon, just keep your chin up. Balkans can be a fun place. It seems your only issue is a lack of gf. Just chill anon and enjoy what you have.

>> No.55019332

Ah, one of the few last resorts for whites.

Why not learn to trade crypto? I am opening a software company in a city named after a banana dessert.

>> No.55019348

>Balkans can be a fun place
Have you lived there?