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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.16 MB, 1080x1920, Teacher Dominos Driver.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55015070 No.55015070 [Reply] [Original]

>be American
>get full time job
>get additional part time job to support full time job
What is wrong with Americans? This doesnt even make sense.

>> No.55015083

>be American
>get part time job with fucked up hours
>work 5 days/25 hours a week
>can't get 2nd part time job because they all require same times
Wow fucking BASED

>> No.55015157

i tell u why

>having kids
>medical bills
>brand new reliable car
>increasing rent
>addiction to junk food

>> No.55015163

Teachers are just government employed baby sitters
Literally takes no skill

>> No.55015172

>finally get job after years of being ignored
>show up first day and get shot

>> No.55015175

Oh great this isn't actually a low income job thread it's really about 50 posters saying "teachers are libtards"

>> No.55015186

She can't survive her stupid life choices.
Yeah we should totally support them bros!

Kek, imagine white knighting for retards

>> No.55015188

I've thought about getting a second job, but it seems so pointless. Even assuming I get something that pays $15/hr, I can work 10 hrs/day on the weekend, maybe 4 hrs/day on week days, thats ~31k/year -> ~20k after taxes. It just doesn't seem worth it.
Not to mention that I doubt I'll find a unicorn job that just lets me work whatever hours are convenient for me, so it probably won't even be that much. And I would probably not find a job paying more than $10-12/hr anyway. Realistically I'd be looking at $5-8k/year after taxes.
I'd rather masturbate to loli doujin and watch cgdct anime.

>> No.55015192

It's only a matter of time until she gives up, opens an OF account, and retires.

>> No.55015196

They brought it on themselves. It didn't have to be like this.

>> No.55015212

That's a man

>> No.55015385

harbor freight tools will hire you 4-8 am 16/hr

>> No.55015409

Yeah I'd say its probably better to work on cutting your expenses and investing more.

Idios wearing down their cars just to make more income barely get ahead.

>> No.55015474

>teachers willingly become an arm of the democratic liberal propaganda machine
>in return they get paid shit and have to slave away at another job just to survive
You deserve it. And deep down you know you deserve it for betraying your country.

>> No.55015476

i tutored people after work for 2~3 hours a day and i felt like i had no life at all. I had less than 10 minutes commute to both jobs, when i got home from first i had 1 hour to eat lunch before i started tutoring. Came back home at 7 pm and had like 3 hours to myself before i went to sleep.

>> No.55015487

What does she spend all her money on?

>> No.55015488
File: 831 KB, 2096x1936, tellme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do it because they want to
We're living at the low end post scarcity economy

>> No.55015506

Subscription services and Starbucks. Oh and she just HAD to have a new car. That and she’s probably a rentoid.

>> No.55015509

How do I profit from this?

>> No.55015544

I live in one of the reddest fucking states in America and the teachers here have pension funds and very generous salaries.

If she can't survive on a teacher's salary, she needs to reevaluate her spending habits and consider getting married, though I pity any man who marries a teacher.

>> No.55015551

make up a necessity, make it a subscription, ????? profit

>> No.55015584

I'd be her first customer :)

>> No.55015625

I live in Commiefornia, it's shit. Trust me.
The public school system Starts in the upper 5 figures.
My wife is a counselor. She been working in the system for 6 years, already over 90K a year.
She'll be over 100K next year.
The unions are literally extorting the tax payers.

>> No.55015626
File: 83 KB, 1024x1017, 1660696719852624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit amazes me

>chose career that doesn't pay well
>get degree in career that doesn't pay well
>start career that doesn't pay well
>it doesn't pay well

Incredible female wisdom

>> No.55015689

I feel a little bad for good well intentioned teachers getting unpaid, but is she considering her "yearly" teacher's salary is for 10 months of work? Or are teachers still pretending on/off that they work all summer too?

>> No.55015759

It's more like 8 months when you consider all the holidays and three-day weekends schools have.

>> No.55015992

>The unions are literally extorting the tax payers.

100%. It's asinine, and they will viciously attack anyone who challenges their little narrative.

>> No.55016051

>life choices
It's more that wages are really fucked at this point after decades of inflation. What other kinds of work do you expect women to do, really?

>> No.55016067
File: 382 KB, 613x591, 1684382986946285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Domino's Pizza is nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.55016081

end summer vacations now!

>> No.55016091

>What other kinds of work do you expect women to do, really?
I can think of a few things. . .

>> No.55016125
File: 443 KB, 727x616, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be white women in 21st century
>work as a pizza delivery boy at age 30 instead of being a stay at home wife

>> No.55016139
File: 89 KB, 422x420, 1682812953023338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55017911

It doesnt matter, shes in education because she's to stupid to do anything else. Her gig job is delivering pizzas. Thats the IQ level we are talking about.

>> No.55017953


>> No.55017960

If you’re a teacher and so smart why aint you rich
I aint lettin neone with a networth under 10 mil teach my kids

>> No.55017983

>pizza delivery boy is exactly who i want raising my kids

>> No.55018042

Lmao! Fuck teachers.

>> No.55018094

I heard that in South America they don't do extra hours, in fact they call you a workaholic for it, not a bad idea to move away if that's the case, as long as I can make money without doing much it will be fine, I just hope my PLEB bags survive on those salaries

>> No.55018186

Even if you don't consider teacher advantages like fat pensions and low total workload or obligations, they still make a pretty decent wage compared to the median in their area. If you include those benefits it's crazy how good they have it. It's not as good as some jobs like fintech, sure, but not everything can be fintech. They don't get to cry at all.

>> No.55018190

It's not just south america, it's like that in non-anglosaxon europe as well.

>> No.55018191

In Latin America they work 12 hours per day but you're expected to socialize for 8 hours.

>> No.55018201

you just need a high school degree and pass a specific college-level class or two in many states to be a public teacher.

>> No.55018222

People in this country and on this board are deranged retards, they'll tell you it's normal to go to college and get a below-entry-level job making 15/hr but it requires a degree.

Every job wants 100k in cash paid to certify you but all of them pay peanuts. Don't feel too bad though because the average retard is fine with foreigners with cheaper/free degrees competing for jobs.

>> No.55018236

Caused by government bullshit requiring overtime, healthcare etc if an employee works more than a certain number of hours
Get a second job that leverages the value of your labor instead of something worthless, then

>> No.55018307

Biz are all going to make it next week and owe nobody anything, you'll see...

>> No.55018349


it's a shame that it's easier to get a kid to mutilate their genitals than it is to teach them math and grammar.

teachers love low hanging fruit.

>> No.55018369

exactly this. takes a 3rd grade knowledge to teach a 2nd grader

>> No.55018398

that thing in the OP is NOT white.
she has these shitskin eyes like a bug.

>> No.55018857

Bears a passing resemblance to a Basque woman I dated a few years ago.

>> No.55019531
File: 735 KB, 1242x810, sh73jsu47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is wrong with Americans?
Nothing, that's just what real capitalism looks like. You have to work on a second job to afford going to your first job.

>> No.55019538

If you're American and you don't work a minimum of 60 hours per week you're not even allowed to post here. Get back to work, wagie.

>> No.55019734
File: 453 KB, 768x719, IMG_3695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself you Marxist subhuman retard. If teachers are unhappy with pay quit bitching on tik tok and raise a levy in your locality. Schools are primarily funded by property taxes, it’s a wonder these dipshits can’t figure it out!
In the private sector you make more money by providing more value to your customer, how about these dumb fuck bureaucrats get a clue?

Also get the fuck off of /biz/ you subhuman