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55014908 No.55014908 [Reply] [Original]

>be mid 30's, relatively successful
>6 figure job, low expenses
>only real hobbies are vidya and gym
>have done decent in crypto and stock
>decide it's time to upgrade my lifestyle a bit
>talk to realtor and look at some houses
>find one I really like, walk out basement with bar and pool table, nice patio for grilling
>space would be great for getting together with friends and chilling
>suddenly realize I have no real friends
>know people at work/gym but never hang out outside of those places
>gaming friends all live in other states
>haven't had a friend come over to my house to hang out in years

I didn't even realize how much of a loser I was until it all hit me at once. I thought I was winning at life because I'm easily in the top 5% for wealth/fitness in my age group, but I'm completely alone

>> No.55014928

Perhaps you should stop feeling shame over lifestyle choices that you've been comfortable with (rightly so) for years

>> No.55014968

wheres the wife and kids sir

>> No.55014970

I will be your friend Anon

>> No.55015001

that's a fakecel problem, you should count yourself lucky

>> No.55015035

Reap what you sowed financier parasite and die alone sad hated and in pain like you deserve.

>> No.55015041


I wouldn't call that losing anon
You were doing so good you didn't even notice you didn't have friends
Now you know

I'll be real your hobbies sound boring, maybe start shooting trap or running marathons or something more social, vidya and gym are not real stand-alone hobbies imo

from one stranger to another, i'm proud of you

>> No.55015456

Most men are like you minus the height, looks and money lol

>> No.55015472

nice blog post loser

>> No.55015502

w-well, at least you're married with kids... right?

>> No.55016805

This. Sounds like you're chasing what people tell you you should want instead of what you actually want. If friends were that important you wouldve noticed they were missing from your life years ago.

>> No.55016845

He said he has money.

>> No.55016929

Lol you're almost the exact mirror of me in 2021 when I bought my house. It's in a great area, very well put together and has the perfect backyard setup for entertaining guests. I bought the house but I only ever had 2 friends visit twice. I'm throwing my first BBQ on Memorial Day but only have like 6 people to invite including my gf.

>> No.55016970

time to breed your gf

>> No.55017011

>lousy at cooking
>lousy at cleaning
>lousy attitude
>tons of emotional baggage at age 33
>makes $15 per hour
That's gonna be a no from me dawg

>> No.55017141

Friends are overrated. I haven't talked to my old middle/high school friends in a long while since I'm on a grind for success and greatness. OP since you're in your 30s, I suggest getting married soon, especially if you really are bothered by being lonely.

>> No.55017144

Can I breed her then? I just want to pass on my genes.

>> No.55017166

>be you
>be glowie
>make fake posts
>demoralize only yourself

>> No.55017326

Be my guest. I've been trying to work up the balls to dump her for the past 12 months.

>> No.55017684

Its literally not you. The world is ending. Christ is always with you and he loves you enough that he died to spend an eternity with you.

>> No.55017706


> 33
> Breed


>> No.55017712

>know people at work/gym but never hang out outside of those places
>"Hey man, I just bought a new house on X side of town, its got a pool table and a bar for drinks. You down to come over some time to chill for a bit or have a few drinks?"
>"HAHAHA you big faggot, why the fuck would anyone want to do any of those things ever in existence?! Unironically go kill yourself"
Is this what goes on inside your mind or something?

>> No.55017763
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find a nice GF

>> No.55017769

it takes a large amount of effort on your part to maintain or create relationships as an adult. If there are people you vibe really well with, pursue a friendship with them. Invite them places, catch up with them more than when you run into them.

>> No.55017922
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At least you're not a virgin sitting on several millions like me.
I am destined to be a 40 year old virgin.
God is cruel.

>> No.55018041

anon, it’s fine. Men don’t need anyone but themselves to survive. Most people aren’t worth being around anymore
>t. I have a few good friends but had a similar situation. Just focus on your goals.

>> No.55018062

most of those are non-issues or your fault. Tell her to cook & clean or she’s gone. Her income shouldn’t matter unless you get hurt since you can provide for both, right?

>> No.55018077

If it makes you feel better I earn less than $100 a week and also have no friends.

>> No.55018134

I make almost $200k per year. I wouldn't mind having her move into my house with me being the sole provider if she wasn't lazy as shit. And I forgot to mention that she snores loudly. I'm getting the short end of the stick here.

>> No.55018149

I’ll be your fren, anon. I’m a poorfag but I won’t mooch

>> No.55018272

I don't know if I could say the same about my body, but I feel you, sometimes I feel that I concentrate so much on business and vidya that I became a master in dodging life, I want to believe that buying an apartment or a house will force me to meet more people but deep down it's not like that, I don't know how to approach people without the fear of rejection or that they think I'm a bad person, but for things like PAPA I have a mind as cold as ice lmao

>> No.55018346

Prostitution is a thing, so is tourism. You're doing this to yourself Anon

>> No.55018393

its important to hang out with people in person but its a product of online communities. go visit your gaming friends in other states

>> No.55018417
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I felt this on a deep level

>> No.55018418

same, I made all the money more than I need but its impossible for me to score.

>> No.55018445
File: 164 KB, 1300x866, 5E5A85F1-E29C-4A97-A84B-F97983EBCD30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll come over. Post address. We can talk all about crypto and Jews and shit. I’ll bring pizza.

>> No.55018464
File: 33 KB, 552x579, modern woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, this is me, ended up buying the walkout. Love having the 3 car garage and not sharing walls.

Would love to fill the house up with children but women are awful. Happy to have my own 4 walls and space for all my toys.

>> No.55018511

>my toys

Gonna be honest my nigger, you sound like a manchildren but the alternative of being so wouldn’t be any better, so keep up the good work

>> No.55018548
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, jet ski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is what it is. Love racing my Jet Ski with the bros.

>> No.55018558


>> No.55018594

u might be at top 5% wealth, but definitly at 95% mindless too

cultivate your brain, get some knowledge that fill up your soul, u clearly gotta learn alot about life, relationships, social behaviour, not everything is about money

all u look at is what u get, look out for bonding u will find bonding

>> No.55018611

You need to start a family, and then you will have success. I’m praying for you brother. First and foremost follow Jesus. Then all you need to do is go to the Philippines. They host these old fashion things called balls, and it’s like speed dating. Take your time. Hire slow, fire fast. Your chances of getting a trad cutie that will give you plenty of family and friends to hang out with is pretty good.

>> No.55018635

I know it smells crazy in there

>> No.55018668

Do your fucking job and put a child in her or stop wasting hers and your time. She could be fulfilling her biological programming jt she has the hopes for you

>> No.55018683

>just put a child in her

Kek, you haven't been with a woman in years

>> No.55018754

I admit I'm being a dick by letting this relationship go on for so long even though I'm far from satisfied. I absolutely want a wife and children but not with this woman.

>> No.55018792

I understand that you're feeling a sense of loneliness and disappointment despite your achievements in terms of wealth and fitness. It can be disheartening to realize that material success doesn't always translate into a fulfilling social life. However, it's important to approach this situation with a focus on personal growth and building meaningful connections rather than seeking monetary solutions to fill the void.
Money alone cannot buy genuine friendships and connections. Instead, consider investing your time and effort into expanding your social circle and nurturing relationships. Here are some suggestions that might help:
Engage in social activities: Explore different hobbies or join clubs that align with your interests. This will provide opportunities to meet like-minded individuals and potentially make new friends who share your passions.
Volunteer or join a community organization: Giving back to the community not only helps others but also allows you to connect with people who share a similar sense of altruism. It's a great way to build meaningful relationships and contribute positively to society.
Attend social events: Keep an eye out for local events, gatherings, or social mixers where you can meet new people. Check out online platforms, community bulletin boards, or meetup groups to find events that cater to your interests.

>> No.55018796

Strengthen existing connections: Reach out to your colleagues, gym buddies, or online gaming friends and suggest activities outside of your usual settings. Organize a casual dinner, a game night, or a workout session together. Building deeper connections requires making an effort to spend quality time with others.
Be open and approachable: Sometimes, people may hesitate to approach someone who seems successful or confident. Make an effort to be approachable and show genuine interest in getting to know others. Listen actively, engage in conversations, and be supportive of their interests and aspirations.
Remember, it takes time to develop friendships and meaningful connections. Patience and persistence are key. Instead of focusing solely on monetary gain, prioritize investing in experiences and relationships that bring you joy and fulfillment. By doing so, you'll create a rich and rewarding social life that money alone can never provide.
I will be your friend, for $1000 a month (no homo).

>> No.55018828

I'm in Philippines. How do I find a ball to attend?

>> No.55018858

Facebook events search by location

>> No.55018863

>look for houses
>They all have gigantic dining rooms
Cool hang on let me just find a wife and 5 kids or at least some friends? Lmao

>> No.55018876

> mid-30s
There's still time to redeem yourself if you're willing to lower your standards in your partner. Lots of single moms in their early 30s with good jobs that can still bear your children, or women in their 20s who can be SAHMs if you're desperate.

>> No.55018910

>just marry a single mom

This might be the single worst piece of financial advice ever posted on this board

>> No.55018926

It's not like he has a ton of options if he's single in his mid-30s and wants kids. Maybe if he was some 99.99th percentile DiCaprio-looking motherfucker, but not 95th. That's basically the range for any mediocre white collar worker, there are literally millions of those. This guy would have to have something else to offer to a partner besides money.

>> No.55018930

Thank you, ChatGPT