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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55014563 No.55014563 [Reply] [Original]

>ccip literally announced as main-net feature complete
>coinbase launches a node
I want these psychopath's heads on a fucking platter.

>> No.55014583

How have you linktards still figured it out by now. Sad retards


>> No.55014586
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>> No.55014592

kill yourself inbred retard

>> No.55014601

all here in under 5 minutes, looks like we've upset the mETHead crack house boys

>> No.55014611

>linktard can't figure out how the frontpage works

>> No.55014677

They’re waiting for their partners to give the ok and last rounds of audit

I’ll probably ass rape Sergey at smart con this year in Minecraft if SWIFT doesn’t confirm moving into final testing or ideally a confirmed launch for production

>> No.55014690

If I'm the "psychopaths", I have to be feeling pretty good that I've prevented any JUMP above $10. It's a new PARADIGM when LINK hits $10 again, so the wait will be a long one imo. NEXO time though, I think LINK can hit $10-15. A lot of psychopaths to deal with, from A2Z, so it will take time. It's a POLYamorous world out there

>> No.55014692


>> No.55014719

Checked and this is also related to something I was just thinking about.

Smartcon 23 is 4 months and 15 days away. The team knows everyone is on edge waiting for CCIP. Do they really want unhappy potentially unstable people to be milling around their conference? Perhaps one autist has had enough and wants suicide bomb the place. Do you risk that, or do you release CCIP 8-12 weeks beforehand so you can present the transactions/$ value secured or whatever metrics you want to show to your satisfied investors?

CCIP will be released in the next 10 weeks (unironically).

>> No.55014770

They're having it outside the US because of the pissed off Americans

>> No.55014815

Do people outside of the US not get pissed? Don't you think many of the conferences participants will still be from the US?

>> No.55014832

How hard is it to understand that they dramatically over estimated the value these "oracles" (imagine being such a faggot you use this term) actually have.

>> No.55014855

kek unironically they don’t care about us otherwise they’d be transparent

It’s Sergeys world we just live on its streets and shit there like pajeets

>> No.55014929

To some extent they may see "investors" as a necessary nuisance, but they are not required to put on a public facing conference at all. They could focus solely on dev workshops/hackathons and just speak at industry conferences but they decided to have a conference of their own which they knew would have a heavy token holder component. So if they really truly didn't care about retail investors, then a conference was a stupid thing to do.

>> No.55015011

>autist suicide bomb
Are you kidding? These people are too lazy to even get a job, much less do something that involves effort like that. They get nervous going to buy groceries and having to look people in the face whilst speaking.

>> No.55015014

Stop trying so hard we would have got it at "prevented any jump" without you capitalizing it like a fucking moron.

>> No.55015065
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>Every year I say this year is the year but in November/December I will reevaluate and say that next year is the year!

>> No.55015080

Esl monkey

>> No.55015150

I don't get it. Are you suicidal?

Don't Jew yourself in just yet bro

>> No.55015270

Dont you have to like, put it in all fields or something?

>> No.55015277

He’s literally me

>> No.55015334

>good link news
>good link news
>link price drop
>”fucking psychopaths”

Whom are you even talking about? What psychopaths?

>> No.55015355

markets are forward looking. all achievements are already priced in, and when they are announced its time to dump

>> No.55015568

The mm want to hold $6.66, it fucking insane the gymnastic they go thru to suppress at this level. It almost felt like mm is probably a biztard

>> No.55015657

But you guys must realize by now Sergey will have a horde of armed bodyguards at Smartcon. He doesn't have to release anything. In fact, he probably won't just to aggravate the psychos even more.

>> No.55016528

Wow fudders piiiisssed today
*buys 1OO more linkies*