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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55013851 No.55013851 [Reply] [Original]

The reason that everybody plays it fast & loose with cryptography & infosec -- from the DoD/military buying backdoored cryptogear to Ledger simply not giving a fart about the safety of the seed phrase on the Nano S they sold to (You) -- is because cryptography was solved during the Cold War (if not actually during WWII -- strange how many codes were "broken" by the allies).

>but how?!

By Magic(tm)! I mean, more or less... basically, remember all those psychic spy programs America & Russia undertook to compete against each other in the amazing "new" battlefield of the Psyche? This was long before all that Cyberspace jazz became hot; the new battlefield of the Cold War was literally going to be in the MIND... which is where the war was ultimately fought & won (or lost, depending on your perspective).

You see, the USA & CCCP each dumped oodles of black budget money into finding, enhancing & training the very best psychics they could find. These cats could just kinda *guess* what an encrypted message said, without having to bother with breaking the encryption. The best didn't even need to have an intercepted message on hand; they would just *know* that a message had been sent (or was going to be sent in the future[!]), and be able to regurgitate the entire decrypted message.

So, if you ever worry about getting compromised technologically, don't sweat it: you've already been compromised psychically.

>t. wizard

This is financial advice; do with this information what you will.

>> No.55013981
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It got so spooky that nobody could keep secrets, but, just like with any game changer (chemical weapons, nukes, lazors), all of the big players agree to simply pretend that none of this existed, and basically go back to the way things were, but with the understanding that there were people on all sides who just fucking *knew* what was happening.

This actually ties in with a bunch of things done to reduce the incidence of such gifted talents fully emerging in the public; things like flouride in municipal drinking water and chemtrails in the sky, 5g emf and the goddamned "vax" limit the number of potential troublemakers

Anyway, there are a bunch of us, literally just *guessing* your seed phrases, your most embarrassing secrets, all of your sensitive information... but none of us really care; we have far, far bigger things to concern ourselves with.

Anyway, somewhere in the middle, between your dirty secrets and our lofty goals, there is the work we do to earn our keep, so to speak. We literally decrypt the most securely encrypted information in the world by simply using our minds.

Believe me: the entire world, everyone & everything in it, as well as entire *other* worlds along with all that they entail, are as open books to us...

>...those of us who know, don't care; those of them who care, don't know....

The market for us is like Candy Crush Saga for you; each merely a trivial game to be played for mild amusement.

Anyway, I wanted to start this thread in order to help (You) with this little tidbit of a crumb which I'm finna drop... but before I do: do any of you own stock in the companies which produce electrolytic fluids, because those are going to start printing money soon due to an artificial scarcity in such material, far worse than the "capacitor plague" back in the early 'oughts. Look into that. Look into how many transformers are being built to handle the ever-burgeoning over-weening hunger for electricity humanity simply cannot satisfy. Fluids....

>> No.55014143
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>meds yesterday

>> No.55014250

I use my third eye to watch you masturbate.
Terrible OP
Absolutely terrible

>> No.55014973

so how can i make a vast amount of money and fast in crypto out of this information ?

>> No.55014975
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Typical: a literal *WIZARD* is posting here, tantalizing /biz/ with a fresh breadcrumb gleaned from the literal ether (not the ETH kind; the Astral Plane kind)...

...and fobody nucking cares! *Pfsht!* Y'know what? That breadcrumb I was gonna drop? Fuggeddabouddit! I'm not sharing that guaranteed x1k+ hot tip -- UNLESS someone gets DIGITS in this muffuggin THREAD, y'hear?!

F'reeeeeeeeel. Feeeeeeeel me on this. Theeeeel me on fis. Meeeeeel the fon oisssss. Ssssss. Like a snake.

How much longer until -- oh, nevermind: that wasn't for you; just getting some bleedOVER FROM THE {*: other side}....

HEY! TESTING! Okay. Oh...kay. So, here's the deal: you're going to post in this thread, asking for me to reveal what I was tempting. But, you still haven't told me if you're neck-deep in the proper stocks. Check this out:


Salt batteries. There's also talk of "diamond batteries" -- great way to sequester carbon -- but, y'know, they're going with salt instead.

Then, there are also, as mentioned, those numerous, fragile ac/dc transformers at every power station, substation, et al. I'm sure that you remember those anonymous gentlemen who managed to take millions of dollars worth of them offline for literal pennies. It turns out they don't transform electricity phases too well when their radiators are punctured... and all that (expensive) fluid, both the coolant and the other fluid(s), drain out.

Several incidents like that have demonstrated how unprotected the backbone of the grid is. Ever increasing civil unrest, both organic & engineered, inspire more actors to do the same, who inspire others... it snowballs... soon there are rolling blackouts across the globe, and teams of field technicians going out constantly to fix these problems....


>> No.55015059

Toasting on epic bread