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55013715 No.55013715 [Reply] [Original]

Once CCIP is live and functioning, users will be able connect to the CCIP network. User can pay tx fee using link or any crypto which will get swapped to link to perform the tx. Link will now be classified as an "L1" token by the low IQ crypto population to enable insane valuations. This is the gateway for normies in the space to actually understand chainlink for the first time even though the network is much more than CCIP. Chainlink will force itself to be considered 3rd in the list of tokens by fundamentals by the "experts" and old crypto guard behind BTC and ETH. This is inevitable because if anyone (especially eth maxis) takes the other side of this view, it outs themselves as not caring about fairness and truth. Therefore they like an environment where MEV drains from users goodwill for example.

>> No.55013742

you're so right
the idiots will think link is an L1
and we will pump so hard
"omg guys u gotta invest in this new blockchain, it's called chainlink"

>> No.55013757

When tho

>> No.55013785

Two more weeks

>> No.55013793


>> No.55013807

I'll agree that CCIP is much easier to explain/understand than "decentralized smart contract oracle network"

>> No.55013816
File: 1.91 MB, 1407x2618, ToiletWitchesBrotherSam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55013817
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>> No.55013822

Listen anon, you have no idea how Absolutely retarded crypto "thought leaders" are. Some slightly less retarded thought leader will put out a piece with gibberish pretty much explaining that CCIP is an L1 and should be valued like one, it will go viral, and every rat will be pushing this thing as an L1.

Simpletons will push this simpleton pleton narrative. And it will work.

Hope you have your ducks in a row

>> No.55013869

This. Not only that but they'll start actually looking at Link and going, "oh wow this thing is in everything and all the big players are on board with it" and the supply will dry v quickly. It's quite possible this could happen BEFORE big money enters. We just don't know. The cumulative effect of both could be a once in a lifetime move up.
Hope not!

>> No.55014126

I hold over 1000 LINK. Most on hardware wallets. A bit staked. A bit on a CEXo .
I think my ducks are ready to quack.