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55013507 No.55013507 [Reply] [Original]

lost it all again, it's over.

>> No.55013518

using leverage again anon?

>> No.55013541
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it's the only way to make it if you are broke, but you need to be very good which i am not yet after all this time

>> No.55013598

The trick is to not go all in and set stop loss.

>> No.55013662

fucking midwits and their leverage KEK. unironically lobotomize yourself if youre too lazy to think outside the box to make it. youll have a better chance being left curve

>> No.55013712

were you longing Bitcoin? What was your entry?

>> No.55013731

what percentage do you set stop loss to though? I was thinking 10% but if I do that I'd get stopped out pretty much all the time and lose money.

>> No.55013899
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playing btc with leverage, long,short doesn't matter. i just try to adapt.>>55013598
already do that, but i still lose it fast because i need high leverage and can't be wrong too many times in a row to make it.
I went from $15 to $800 and thought im gonna make it this time with these results. Played with x10 leverage full size 1 to 1,5 max 2% stoploss. That way if i lose one trade i go from example $1000 to $800 then i play with $800 x10 leverage and i lose less so it takes a while to go broke, but i lost too many in a row and upped the leverage even more, if i was better i could pull it off but i have to start again wtih like $30 again.
This strategy is the only way to make it with such low capital. I need to risk a lot to get to bigger numbers

>> No.55013916

gambling retard

>> No.55013949

which exchange are you using? I can't open up a trade at that kind of leverage without immediately being hunted. I guess because it's $15 you can get away with it, I used to do that at one point too.

>> No.55013971


>> No.55014092
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AI shill thread.

>> No.55015910

Icpeepee for sure

>> No.55016344

Who's selling and why? this doesn't make any sense. is it the interest rate hikes?

>> No.55016459
File: 288 KB, 519x616, 1681505794731857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are/were your bags, anon? Don't leave us in suspense.

>> No.55016475


Is it even possible to make money off crypto nowadays?

>> No.55016497

>but if I do that I'd get stopped out pretty much all the time and lose money.
Get better entries. It takes patience. Personally I aim for low leverage and top tier entry. This gives me lots of leeway if something unexpected happens and I'm less likely to get liquidated right before reversal.

>> No.55016520

Fucking retards. The stock market is rigged against retail, but there are at least some SEC rules In place where a retail player can slip through unscathed. Hell the fact the stock market is a timed window (trading hours) prevents the bots from murdering you while you sleep.

Leverage trading in crypto has none of that. The big boys and bots play you like a fiddle and did.

Maybe next time itll be different!!! Said the chronic gambler 10000x.