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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5501143 No.5501143 [Reply] [Original]

make a lot of money for ya boi verge? did you enjoy getting scammed?

>> No.5501187
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>being this mad about something that hasn't even begun yet
>thinking I wasn't holding 50k before any PnD thread

>> No.5502001

People actually wait to post shit like this?? Haha damn bruh, enjoy the tears

>> No.5502031

wait why are you so mad?? just wondering.. the announcement is tomorrow idiot

>> No.5502070

sounds like you forgot to hold

thanks for the cheap coins

seriously thanks

>> No.5502267

Ten Hours
The Dymaxion Is Coming
Don't Get Left Behind

>> No.5502297

The slow pump is starting >:)

>> No.5502367

you sold too early huh? and now the pump is starting and you regret your decision? kek. go ahead and buy back in with a smaller stack at a higher price ahahahahahah

>> No.5502421

Fucking bought a couple days ago and have been patiently waiting.. You better not disappoint me /biz/

>> No.5502432

early dumper missing the real moon rn, kek

>> No.5503118

This idiot bought at~450 sold at ~380 guaranteed.

I had a tonne of this shit even before that Verge dork started his shill. SO UNDERVALUED.

>> No.5503178

Thanks for the stack at 345 faggot
Hope you kill yourself when its 1K

>> No.5503223

I’m holding from 356 sats this morning. I have a feeling this is like EMC2 gonna dump and this will be around 190-220 sats.

Unless I get a good feeling I will be dumping before the announcement like emc2

>> No.5503257

Convince me otherwise? Where do you see this coin after the announcement

>> No.5503276

good entry, if a little late to the party. 350 double bottom. wont see <300 anymore

>> No.5503336

87k Burst average cost 236 satoshi.

Already sold my initial BTC investment when shit was up around 500. Going to be smoooooth sailing from here.


>> No.5503593

Yeah, I want to know too.

What that announcement will change? Don't understand.

>> No.5503713

It’s just false hopes. People stuck holding bags praying a miracle

>> No.5504130

My poor child, mission hasn't even begun and you lost hope. You're not gonna make it

>> No.5504187

it's not even 20 minutes later and we're still steady climbing... did you dump yet? I hope you did

>> No.5504481

Guys what the fuck is going on with this announcement. It has been coming tomorrow for the past 4 days

>> No.5505084

Go look at the twitter, it's in like 5 hours you idiot.