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55008889 No.55008889 [Reply] [Original]

> He said "really rapid growth of house prices" occurred between 1997 and 2007, on average 11.5pc a year, and that the average over the period of quantitative easing has been 4pc a year.
> He told the Treasury select committee: "What is true is there has been rise in intergenerational inequality which occurred between 1995 and 2005.
> "Anyone who happened to get into housing market before mid 90s are better off than those who bought first house after 2007."

>> No.55008899

Late 99s was when every Joe average started to play commodity speculator. Good job 1989s junk bond faggots.
Fucking fart huffers

>> No.55008939

Landlords need their portfolios broke up people should only be able to rent a couple of residential properties at most , along with foreign buyers should be forbidden, it’s a form of economical warfare as you are not allowed to buy in most Asian countries from what I’m aware of

>> No.55008947
File: 791 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230518_131234_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my house for £285k 2 years ago, they had paid £97k for it 20 years from brand new. The house next door has now sold for £320k and its smaller. There's a bungalow up the road, very nice admittedly but still only a 4 bed, they want £600k for it, doesn't have much land on it and it's on a busy main road.
Housing it utterly fucked and its really fucking young people, there's no hope of getting a big enough deposit and a even a 5x salary mortgage is struggling to be enough now, since wages are stagnant.
Pic related is a good example, it's literally the space crammed in between two other houses.
Renting is a fucking rip off as well.

>> No.55008955

Boom booms will freak out then, because that's their hope for retirement in many cases. Feels like a false hope tho, if population ages and shrinks enough.

>> No.55008994

They are already freaking out, rents are near their max so they can't increase prices, but interest rates are climbing, and costs and taxes are increasing. Most Boomers have everything on finance, like mortgages, and many are just breaking even or are one broken boiler away from being in the red for a year on a property. A lot of friends who rent long term have had to move due to the landlord selling up in the last year.
Of course, they can't afford to buy the place according to the bank, even though they've been paying the rent on the property for years.

>> No.55009020

The speculative real estate market has essentially been used as an alternative to real economic development through industrial investment in this country for the past 40 years, and it's ultimately just a massive pyramid scheme that rewards earlier investors at the expense of later ones, the old effectively cannibalise their children.

The irony here is that it's overwhelmingly the tory rent seeking boomers who hate immigration even though it's the only thing maintaining the value of their primary source of wealth, and is the reason why regardless of rhetoric the Conservatives cannot stop migration. A truely hopeless fucking country.

>> No.55009229

And let me guess you are working for a boomer company or are productive in any way to keep system running instead of fading it or even better work on its dead draining it through welfare system and other inefficiencies

>> No.55009272

in 1997 Blair came to power with unprecedented backing from all the press, gaining a huge majority. The Tory press supported him.
Housing rose 11.5% every single year he was in power (on avg).
When Blair left office he got on the board of JPMorgan and has since become very, very rich providing "advice".

>> No.55009442

That's because it's the year I was born
sorry bros

>> No.55009505

I'll have you know that I've actually been known to NEET it up from time to time, quite a bit actually. Somewhat of a professional NEET if I do say so myself.

Seriously though my mum has a long term degenerative illness so I've spent a while being an unpaid carer now.

>> No.55009520

You mother is a boomer that sold into slavery. Fuck her shes better dead

>> No.55009586

She's gen X actually, but yeah probably will die in the next couple years.

>> No.55009609

So what does it give? Her survival depends on you chosing slavery and she is one of those npcs that likely refused to think and voted for your slavery

>> No.55009651
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no way what happened?

>> No.55009954

something like that

>> No.55010026

And yet it won't be enough. It was already over in the 1970s and now it's just accelerating

>> No.55010046

yep 1997 onwards.
nu labour created the concept of "hate speech".
anyone who said something like:
> immigration lowers wages and increases house prices
was committing a crime

>> No.55010048

No mother is perfect, but I assume she did try her best in raising him and caring for him (possibly not, but I'm willing to give her the benefit of doubt).
Sorry that your mom is ill, anon. Best wishes to her.

>> No.55010059

yeah the UK is really in a spiral.
can't wait to see all that housing wealth evaporate and the the unrest to kick off.
didn't have to be like this.

>> No.55010143

If birth rates globally keep dropping as they are dropping now then in the second half of the century humanity will start to die off.

>> No.55010175

Take the Manson pill, anybody that is dependent is controllable is a slave without worth. They either break free or deserve dead
It has to be, this is the way
Not die off, spring. Spengler was right. Second half will be human suffering, competition and growth, the mystic ancap paradise

>> No.55010213

You don't have to be cruel about it, it's not actually mandatory to be cruel. By saying "take the Manson pill", you are making yourself a slave to Charles Manson's ideology.

>> No.55010260

No. Charly just had the right idea and got rail roaded for it. Fade the slave system

>> No.55010267

>When Blair left office he got on the board of JPMorgan and has since become very, very rich providing "advice".
yeah all the bureaucrats become merchants and all merchants become bureaucrats. this has been going since the bourgeois revolutions centuries ago.

>> No.55010277

I don't care to cause more suffering just because.
I want humanistic robustness. Anti aging, human augmentation, and so on. However, I don't trust elites to deliver.

>> No.55010282

And to add, it wasn't just his idea, it's meme he picked up while being tested by the devil that had been around for millenias it is called freedom. Jesus also knew about it

>> No.55010284

Did he start importing browns?

>> No.55010293

The solution is just to build more houses and stop letting so many migrants in, we are well well below the target on houses built every year and this is just causing a backlog that can never be filled

>> No.55010294

Yesh you are a corrupted fascist. Cry more slave. You cant stop suffering humans will always suffer that's part of life

>> No.55010310

>I want humanistic robustness. Anti aging, human augmentation, and so on. However, I don't trust elites to deliver.

They wont deliver because it wont happen at all. t wont because biology is even more based on statistics than physics, and this will harder intellectually and in practice there will be way more side effects to whatever they invent, and since those will be applied directly to humans, there will be more upheavals.
humanists took power by luck: ie the scientific revolution. without this stuff, they would have had zero support from the plebs and zero material support to popularize firearms to fight and cushy homes and cars to appeal the peasants.

This is why with the stagnation of physics, they are shitting their pants because they struggle to feed people with easy material life.
They have two attempts to keep republics going on
-put all the cattle inside ''the internet economy'', giving them digital dollars and let the cattle scroll their phone screens all today long in their pods
-bet big on biology+IT to somehow create a new scientific revolution based on consciousness and IT hacks

There really isn't a republic without populism and feeding people with chinese crap to make the peasants believe they have purchasing power after 1. capitalists pay them very little wages 2. public servants tax heavily their wages.

I think the biology bet will be a huge dud and the ''living in pod consummating porn all day by giving digital dollars to e-whores and weed'' is way way more realistic.
There will be 2 societies: rich people living in the real world, and poor people living in the internet and not polluting the earth.

>> No.55010338

Wow that’s pretty bleak, I have a lot more optimism for the future honestly. My biggest concern is all the brown people desu

>> No.55010345

someone shoot this gigafaggot

>> No.55010365

Realistic take
Don't forget those on the outskirts of town. Who just ignore the whole shit
Do I get to you

>> No.55010411

you suck your own cock with every post is what you do
and seethe about it too

>> No.55010468

It's getting to you corpo dick sucking slave. Kys or become free

>> No.55010498

you really think you're smart rearranging this copypasta shit and seething about dying grannies don't you?
you have made 0 original posts ITT and contributed nothing but seethe
you're most likely a glowie
only glowies mansonpost
their most successful op

>> No.55010535

You are afraid and angry, I would be too if I would see the system I invested in go deterministically into dead spiral

>> No.55010538

It really is that simple yet we really seem to struggle with it. All the low cost housing in our city center is lived in by foreigners with almost zero exception. Where are the natives supposed to live?

>> No.55010545

And whose assumed productivity and reproduction rate is going to be collaterized to keep the ponzi alive and not risk populatory uprisings?

>> No.55010573
File: 1.05 MB, 1602x756, joke on you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be you
>be underage or glowie
>turf thread with shitposts
>project feels when called out
anon i'm fucking laughing at you
from the first post you were looking for something to seethe against and you decided a dying grannie was a worthy target
i bet you nvr dindu nuffin n ur hole live

>> No.55010581

>Yesh you are a corrupted fascist
Maybe, maybe not. But that doesn't change my outlook for fighting for the future I want.

>> No.55010586

30% already faded the system and the rest of the 69% are either exploiting it or are as good as dead and can't and won't produce

>> No.55010735

There need to be some new-towns built and the infrastructure to support it. The South West is especially under developed (look at the land between Southampton, Bath and Exeter, it's a void. Would only need the upgrading of an A-road and maybe a new rail line to let it support a bunch of big towns.

That said I would settle for out planning system not to be batshit insane and put so many fucking hurdles that a self builder has to wait years, spend £5000 plus and pray to the gods to get planning permission and not to greater-crested-newted or torpedoed by NIMBYs. I really want to build my own house but Planning permission is so hard that the difference in price between land granted PP and one that has doesn't have PP and has potential hurdles is the difference between it being worth £200,000 or £20,000. If you buy that £20,000 land and get denied point blank, it's now worth £5,0000.

>> No.55010814

See. Risk in the current state of the new liberal fascistic fiat slave system is just too high. Too many rent seekers in positions if power grifting. And that on top of high interest rates on fiat debt

>> No.55010829

Taking care of your ailing mother is an honorable thing to do anon, your ancestors are smiling down on you regardless of what jaded anons here might say.

>> No.55010849

Taking care of an npc that has sold you into slavery eating your assumed productivity years ago and now needs you to slave more to survive
Kill the old

>> No.55010855

One day you will also grow old anon.

>> No.55010860

Yep, and die. So?

>> No.55010880

At least I can look back on my life and know that I didn't sold anybody into slavery for the illusion of wealth

>> No.55011488

>We should build more towns so we can accomodate more wogs
Yes. That's what we need. More welfare scammers. Just pave over the entire country, new-builds stretching to the horizon.

>> No.55011584

Leave the North Wessex Downs alone!
Wiltshire is protected ancient land.
Come near hungerford and I'll shoot you

>> No.55011628

And here I thought the year it went to shit was the year the bank of England came to be

>> No.55011678

UK went downhill after Churchill came into power. Realistically, what did you gain out of WW2? Think about it long and hard and no, not speaking German right now isn't a valid answer.

>> No.55011806

> Importing masses of niggers increases your house price
Fucking retarded you are

>> No.55011828

if aliens landed tonight and met in secret with Sunak, offering to help
> Rishi we can build as much housing as you need by tomorrow night
>> get back in your ship and fuck off
Meeting supply would stop printing through land, the UK's last and only trick
If you think they want to solve this you are mistaken. They want to force you to work all hours for the right to exist.

>> No.55011847

yep you get it.
artificial scarcity instead of real wealth creation.
also fantastic to see someone use 'rent seeking' instead of the usual uninformed biz twaddle

>> No.55011899

Quite literally
>if you were a boomer you won
>if you were a gen xer you whined about how hard you had it, but actually bought right as prices went /onlyup/
>if you were a millennial then you get to hold gen x's/boomer's bags
>if you were a zoomer can I interest you in this podshare I built in my basement :D only 400 pounds a month and you get access to the lower bathroom when others aren't using it.

>> No.55011927 [DELETED] 

I also want to reiterate that 20 dollars is like 15 dollars in 2017 money, but every business wants you to work twice as hard for it. Boomers have this mental block where they think 20/hr is the golden point where all your problems go away, in reality you need 20/hr merely to afford rent AND food.

>> No.55011940

>just suck boomer dicks bro honor and ancestry
His ancestors would spit on his mother for dooming her progeny and spit on you for being a cuck that thinks the point of having kids is to doom them to be slaves as long as you got yours.

>> No.55013211

Boomers and gen x should just leave their real estate to younger generations, and also practice multigenerational households when possible.

>> No.55013298

Unironically yes. The idea they said was to import loads of browns who would vote labour forever, thereby meaning they'd stay in power forever. At the same time they would "rub the right's nose in diversity" by literally changing the face of the country. They won. Everything fucked and cucked about Britain today was Blair's fault.


>> No.55013300

What boomers will actually do
>I stole that money from my kids fair and square it's not really stealing if they don't know I stole it they deserve to be stolen from it builds character
What gen xers will actually do
>bro we were the last real men, the last rebels, no one ever had it as hard as we did, now get off my lawn before I call the HOA and the cops

>> No.55013782

yea because when we was in the eu in reality we were getting Dutch Somalis, French Algerians Flemish Morrocons, Italian Africans, Swedish Syrians, oh and German turks

>> No.55014762


>> No.55014804
File: 34 KB, 854x470, cato usury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a pile of subpar lumber, concrete and plastic should cost the 40 most productive years of somebody's life
Ban usury

>> No.55014816

Ignore it. The fiat debt system is at the end of its cycle, curency reform requires control of over 46% of the population that isnt present

>> No.55016062


>> No.55016167

I would laugh if it didn't make me angry.