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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55006726 No.55006726 [Reply] [Original]

>$467,000 USD Net Worth
>30 years old

>> No.55006735

That's great. Except that it's all in crypto and you know you don't even deserve to have that, and can lose it at any moment if Bitcoin sneezes.

>> No.55006851
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>10,456,000 USD net worth
>17 years old

>> No.55006860
File: 1.84 MB, 1858x1041, 1657592621608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>26 3/4 years old
>$55k net worth

It's s'oever.

>> No.55006891

Factor in $45 trillion in federal, state, local and non-Federal Reserve debt and you are net negative. Add $6 trillion more this year. And next. And next…
Also, the Money Power is removing fiat from the system.
Can you survive without money? Without power?
Without a grocery store?

>> No.55006896

honey, Josephus told me you were masturbating in the agora again, please stop doing that

>> No.55007098

You are standing in sun, move out of the way.

>> No.55007120

>take that spare 7k
>puts it in $POGAI for a few weeks
>it's worth way more than 7k
>dumps it on normie wagie's head when the news hit
thanks me later anon, you fucked it up before so don't miss my advice this time.

>> No.55007123

Death would be ok I think. I'm ready to die

>> No.55007154

/biz/bros i made low 7 figs I put 20-25% of it in my bank and the rest hodling btc and stables in a 15%/85% split. unfortunately my currency is inflating but not as bad as most other countries, am i smart or dumb for wanting to secure a meaningful amount of wealth in fiat.