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File: 418 KB, 594x572, targetlosingmoneyduetoshoplifting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55005193 No.55005193 [Reply] [Original]

Who is stealing so much shit from Target? $500M is a whole lot of money.

>> No.55005229

I thought Target had one of the best shoplifting investigation departments in the world, facial recognition cameras, etc.?
Is the surveillance state just a meme? Why do so many people still get away with committing crimes in broad daylight?

>> No.55005257

one of the whole selling points of target is that it feels safer to shop their for middle class white women, this means they have less present security cuz security frightens middle class white women. so the low class black women figured this out and are now taking advantage of it, also middle class white women are now low class since everyone is poorer so they steal also.

>> No.55005267

I blame institutional racism

>> No.55005283

They're lying. They're just trying to shift the blame for their losses in order to keep their stock price high.

>> No.55005291

I usually shoplift 10%-20% of my bill when shopping through the self scanner. Usually shit I want but don't want to pay like Coke.

>> No.55005295

Must be nogs, amirite?

The insidious thing is that this is just one company that’s admitting it: several others aren’t even going public with their data.

>> No.55005341
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I guess, but most stores don’t immediately confront shoplifters or press charges unless the shoplifter has multiple thefts on file, in which case they can receive a bigger compensation in court.
Problem is I doubt many shoplifters steal enough to reach the cutoff and they can theoretically just shoplift from different Targets to dodge profiling.
So I guess the minor unreported shoplifting built up after a while.
t. have friends who’ve stolen from Target.

>> No.55005501

Don’t they supposedly measure the weight?

>> No.55005518

>shoplifting and ORGANIZED CRIME are largely to blame
based target calling out the kikes

>> No.55005530

Definitely white and Chinese people.

>> No.55005540

Trick is to scan something heavy and cheap and simultaneously move a light object into the bag
Example, scan a 4 pack of redbull and move it into bag with a bag of gourmet cheese
You can practice at home. Worst case if you get caught just play the dumb boomer card of "oops I thought they would both scan haha"

>> No.55005547

Alternatively do the 2 for 1 trick
You like those pouches of tuna or pasta meals? Scan 1 with a 2nd one on top of it

>> No.55005567

Also do this sparingly and at stores you don't regularly go to. Don't be the dumb nigger that goes to county jail because you thought you could steal from a store you go to daily. If you happen to be in some city 3 towns away, go to the local fred meyer or Safeway during work rush-hour

>> No.55005586

Won't it detect a weight difference.

>> No.55005593

They don’t do that anymore. I don’t steal but I noticed they don’t measure the weight anymore. I think it was causing too many delays every time it stalled due to incorrect weight

>> No.55005602

Thanks sounds easier than I thought. I’m trying to think of what the most expensive things I could do this with. I guess cheese packets or batteries? There has to be more though

>> No.55005652

sometimes yes. If you get a "please scan each item before placing it in the bagging area" robo call that is your signal to just scan the rest of items. If the robot call goes off a few times the wagie will have to scan their ID card when you go to pay, at that point you could get called out depending how much of a work horse the wagie is
My go to is using redbull or items in a glass container and then pairing it with something cheap like a candy bar or meal packs. I'm kinda a pussy. I would think bags of jerky would be the best food item in terms of cost/weight ratio but I'd imagine they would be more alert if you did this at the same store multiple times

>> No.55005677

Ti reiterate
Do this when they are busy
Do this away from your regular stores
And bonus, pay attention if another customer has beer products. The wagie will have to walk away from computer that flashes inconsistencies to run their ID on the machine

>> No.55005684

>$500M is a whole lot of money.
No it's not. That's barely upper middle class anymore.

>> No.55005691

If you're scared you can just do the usual ring up organic vegetables/fruits as regular. The point is to get any sort of edge on some soulless corporation that sells oatmeal for $5

>> No.55005694

>Shoplifitng laws on the commie coast
>Ditching registers for self checkout
Fuckers brought it on themselves.

>> No.55005747

Self-checkout and employees.
I know everyone really wants to say NIGGERS
but its not that difficult for even employees to sneak shit out.

When i worked at target as a young teen, you would get checked by security as you exited the store at night and people still snuck shit out.

>> No.55005760

Socioeconomic factors

>> No.55005767


>> No.55005862

>Who is stealing so much shit from Target?
Niggers and homeless. And homeless niggers.
Clean it up JANNIES!

>> No.55005899
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I like to steal honey and vanilla extract hehe

>> No.55005952

When I use the self checkout register, if it fucks up and the employee takes longer than 20 seconds to get off their ass I just walk away with all of it.

costco took almost 5 minutes of my life once, and I just starred at everybody and the receipt checker as I walked out

Basically my astral body mogs when I've convinced myself I'm right in this hellscape dystopian system (I am)

>> No.55005990

I’m honestly kind of mad at myself for during covid not just walking right out the store with shit while wearing a mask and sunglasses

>> No.55006037

these are the people giving financial advice on business and finance

>> No.55006191
File: 5 KB, 225x225, $5 lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it. It's not so much the size but rather the cost
Another good option is those gay ass squeeze things you put in water. They want $5 for this shit when you can easily palm it as you scan a heavy item

>> No.55006218

>friend abuses his xanax prescription and has memory losses
>likes to steal things
>chimps out when confronted (he's white and blonde btw)
The chinese dude at the local corner store gave me a weird look and started asking me questions about him when he saw him waiting in the car. His age, if he's in school, etc.

Did he stick the place up bros? he's a weird dudee

>> No.55006248

Same here but for new stuff that I want to try out but don't want to pay for in case I don't like it. I'm relatively wealthy but fuck it. This $15 body wash is pretty nice.

>> No.55006306

everyone will be held accountable for all their actions eventually, regardless of pitiful humans ever take notice. you should really be asking yourself if its worth it

>> No.55006522
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Kinda hard to identify the suspects when they all look the same

>> No.55006564

fake news

>> No.55006586

There's roughly 2000 targets in the US (1954 is the actual number).
So $500M in total is $250k per store on average.

$250k / 365 days = $684 per store lost or stolen per day.
Sounds about right to me.

>> No.55006598

Businesses receive tax deductions for stolen goods. Claiming to expect to take a hit of ahead of time will set off less alarms when they commit their annual tax fraud.

>> No.55006667

target, yes
whole foods, no
steal from whole foods

>> No.55006792

Niggers... lol, seriously... Niggers.

>> No.55006806

self serve reparations

>> No.55006875

>Jesus will punish you for stealing from giga corporations

>> No.55008189

Every lost prevention worker knows. Most of the money and products stolen are by workers. It’s something every retail giant deals with.

>> No.55008194

Not true. My brother worked at target. They have top notch lost prevention.
You incels just meme up story lines in your head

>> No.55008213

> most stores don’t immediately confront shoplifters or press charges unless the shoplifter has multiple thefts on file
Not true of loss prevention. They’re specifically trained and capable of handling thieves. It’s most retail employees who are told to never engage with s as theft in progress.
Yep like I said. Most theft is from employees and security always knows that.
Notice how everyone ignored your actual job experience at target.

>> No.55008222

Since brick and mortar stores are dying left and right, should I just go all in on investing in Amazon?

>> No.55008295
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>nigger can do organized crime
WTF they're re evolving

>> No.55008329

>organized crime
Mafia stealing from Target?

>> No.55008338

I did.

I am a 900 lb grifter by the name of Ajax Pajeetoid Donotredeemsirs and ran a scam to steal it all

AMA Reddit

>> No.55008343

Can confirm. I had a roommate who worked in a Target in a ghetto area and he got into some shit. Fights, throwing out junkies in the bathroom stalls etc. They don't fuck around

>> No.55008380

>pack a plastic bag full of cherries
>they magically turn into the cheapest item - carrots - at self-checkout

>> No.55008917

Yeah well even if they did they're just going to tell their friends / family how to go around it especially if it's someone who is pissed off with the company for whatever reason.
I don't steal because I'm not poor.

>> No.55009167

Lots of blue states have said they won't prosecute shoplifters. This is what happens.

You also now get these organised flash mobs. 10 people run into the store, pickup a shitload of big ticket items, run out. Nothing you can do about it as a shop owner, you have to hope the police get them (which they won't).

>> No.55009227

>Who is stealing so much shit from Target?
They go by many names.
Future Scientists.
Michael Jackson Impersonators.
Purely Socioeconomic Factors.

>> No.55009326

>receipt checker
do burgers really

>> No.55009332


No law matters unless you have the will to enforce it. If you have a Soros DA that never prosecutes nigs none of that matters.

>> No.55009371


>> No.55009395

What do you get from lying on the internet?

>> No.55009440

What do you get from cutting your dick off and pretending you're a woman?

>> No.55009459

Do people really choose Target out of class considerations?
Like buying from Goyslop Chain A makes you higher class than buying from Goyslop Chain B?

>> No.55009478


this makes most sense




New self checkouts immediately play a recording right in front of your face of you bagging the last item and it makes it extremely apparent if you're trying to steal stuff lol it shocked me the first time i did it. I made a genuine mistake too but it looked like i was stealing.

>> No.55009480



>> No.55009495

>I thought Target had one of the best shoplifting investigation departments in the world
They actually had and i still remember it since r/shoplifting was still alive (it was the only reddit place i've ever visited with interest, full of retarded anarkiddos but still a fun place that wasn't entirely anti-crime so.y shit).

They always talked about targed as the hardest place to steal from with a private intelligence only for shoplifters, but not entirely impossible if you're skilled enough.

>> No.55009496
File: 2.11 MB, 200x150, 1604538323273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Target is one of the most aggressively wokeist major retails

>go out of your way to invite niggers in
>get nigger results


>> No.55009761

Target refuses to hire white people so they get what they deserve

>> No.55009837

Yes they do this at Walmart too. There will be a 4'9 53 year old man hispanic man standing at the exit door who probably can't read but he asks for your receipt and then pretends to scrutinize it for several moments before handing it back and telling you to "have a great day."
They never bother matching what's in your bag/cart with what's on the receipt so I'm not sure what the point is.

>> No.55009853

It shocked me too but that's because I am extremely ugly and suddenly seeing a visual of myself gave me the sudden realization that I made a mistake by going outside.

>> No.55009879

>They always talked about targed as the hardest place to steal from with a private intelligence only for shoplifters, but not entirely impossible if you're skilled enough.
I had a friend who was a kleptomaniac. Every time we went to a store he had to steal something. He would constantly steal stuff even if he didn't even really want it. I don't think it was about money or politics to him, I think he just got a sense of power out of the thrill of it or something.
Anyways, Target is where he eventually met his downfall. They pulled him into a room and told him they had him on camera stealing and that he was done. Had to wait in the office until the cops came to pick him up and was charged.

>> No.55009883

Note: That process is strictly voluntary, once you've paid for your items. Just refuse to show your receipt and if they try to stop you they're potentially guilty of false imprisonment and/or assault.

>> No.55009909

No, it's the niggers you moron
Go back

>> No.55009934

NIgger flash mobs looting stores are just part of life in America. Shoplifting laws are racist.

>> No.55009938

I just don't shop there anymore. There are plenty of reasons not to but yeah it's pretty embarrassing to stand there at the front of the store accosted like a criminal. I used to not really mind when they did it to me but one time I took my 65 year old mother shopping and they did it to her and it suddenly pissed me off.

>> No.55010009

That's the best solution. Even if you're in the right >>55009883, you never know what will happen when angry, poorly trained American cops show up.

>> No.55010076

Research determined that the AI behind the facial recognition software was biased because it was created by racists who inserted their subconscious white prejudices in the code. An emergency commission in cooperation with a Soros-backed think tank decided to have the software so it automatically blurs out African American faces to pay reparations for all the black people wrongly accused of stealing items (Yale research showed that they forgot to pay because of the racial stress of being black in a fascist state, and were planning on coming back later to rectify their honest mistake).

Neither of the commissions, think tanks and research teams were able to figure out why theft remained so high after accounting for this. Experts believe Trumpian white nationalists may be hacking the software to make themselves invisible.
This is why we need to ban guns.

>> No.55010102

This is like absurdist humor that actually became reality.

>> No.55010112

no, you dont steal because you're a coward who fears the state

>> No.55010159

Costco would probably revoke your membership if you do that enough. Walshart not so much
Not so much class as avoiding the type of people who inhabit each store

>> No.55010257

>when angry, poorly trained American cops show up.
What should happen: A thoughtful, polite discussion involving you, the police and the store manager, where your legal rights are respected and you receive an apology.
What could happen: You are tased and beaten.To help cover their ass, the cops plant meth on you. Your life is ruined.

>> No.55010300


>smacks lips
>abandons child
>brown bags a 40 oz
>shoots neighbor



>> No.55010317

So, you're saying that Target has become a... TARGET for theft?
>sorry cannot be assed to find carlos.jpeg on this pc

>> No.55010509
File: 900 KB, 896x1120, illust_106532953_20230517_061156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know exactly who.

>> No.55010547

thats right

>> No.55010559

Sounds like some bullshit tax evasion scheme

>> No.55010593

Because they didn't build that surveillance state to control criminals, they built it to control you.

>> No.55010643
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, serial nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do these public stores even still exist? just for niggers to walk in and steal shit? meanwhile jeff bezos is laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.55010782

>meanwhile people in the thread, likely of the cumskin variety, are discussing shoplifting tips

Wh*teoids are the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen.

>> No.55010795


It is 100% jiggers driving this. You aren't allowed to stop them from stealing anymore, retard.

>> No.55011130

>Guys racism is bad
>Also in this thread people discuss shoplifting, I'm going to just assume they are white, because white people suck
how retard can you go

>> No.55011192

Calm down Chang, this scenario is all in your head

>> No.55011274

There are entire cartels of criminals targeting big retail chains at this point. Pharmaceutical companies squeezed them for opioids and now weed and fentanyl is so cheap that margins are down. Now they just hire 500 lowlifes to steal SUVs and rob every store they can before they burn the SUV in an abandoned parking lot and send the products overseas to sell

>> No.55011280

The absolute state of white n-words having to steal food.

Bow to your masters for you do not fight the source of the problem but merely sully yourself in being subservient to its intentions against you.

Ie. You’re all cowards who now have to steal your food from supermarkets like pajeets lol.

>> No.55011337

Poor families taking some shoes, to buy milk for their baby.
t. AOC

>> No.55011372

sorta but it’s mainly to price out niggers without being seen as “racist”

it’s the equivalent of Costco vs sams club, Costco is seen as higher class

>> No.55011392

They do this weird cope like
>i'm going to pwn the nazis by being as racist as they are, just against white people!
All that means is you adopted our ideals on everything, idiot. Who is psyoping who? /pol/ won.

>> No.55011560


No level of prevention works once the citizenry become ungovernable.
The technology exists, but physically rolling it, then enforcing punishment, is extremely logistically and financially difficult.

>> No.55011578

all me by the way

>> No.55011601


>> No.55011755

Its also because Costco has higher cost/premium items. You're not gonna get packs of filet mignon from Sam's Club but they most certainly have it available at Costco.

>> No.55011811
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Quite literally "let niggers steal from you, go broke".

>> No.55011841

He would get shot, die and no one would care. His mom would get 500,000 in compensation.

>> No.55012433

How tf they are letting you burgers getting away with it
In Europe it's all measured and with a bunch of cameras above
What I do like is to cockblock all the self checkouts
Scanning and not putting it through
Then moving to another pretending it's broke until a considerable amount of machines is red lighted and angry cucks start to form a queue

>> No.55012492

Organized crime is not done by nogs

>> No.55012540

Because in the USA if a eurocuck tried to stop Jamal Jackson and his flash mob of niggeronis from grabbing what they want then eurocuck gets beat the hell up and the cops might be called but probably not since they like to avoid shooting africans nowadays.

>> No.55012554

my zoomer roommate works loss prevention for Target and no, it's literally niggers.

>> No.55012568

1 million niggers each stealing 500$ worth of shit throughout the year. 10 million niggers stealing $50 of shit throughout the year. Little easier to visualize. And absolutely 100% happening

>> No.55012579

There was a reddit ama with a target security manager-whatever. He said they do watch the self checkout but do not confront people if they only stole (forgot to scan) food.

>> No.55012607

If anything sounds like an understatement. Maybe they mean 500 million in lost profit

>> No.55012738

>lowercase L
The fuck is this

>> No.55012764


Serial offenders probably more than large numbers of people doing one off thefts. Once they get a taste for it they want to do it again and again as it's truly easy to get away with. Society is held together with a mutual contract that is only slightly enforced by law, the rest is trust. Many of these stores are closing in places where the trust has permanently left (Shitcago, Portland)

>> No.55012767
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>People believe it

Works every time

>> No.55012841

He's right, I'm white and fully support forgetting to scan at self checkout

>> No.55012862

now every Walmart and Target have multiple camera's pointing at every register, from directly above, the sides, in the register itself alongside the scanners.
No way you don't get caught doing the two or more items at a time scan scam.
Look above all the registers at every store nowadays, so many low profile, nondescript camera's you'd get a better picture there than at a photo shoot at a Hollywood Big Ticket Gala Event, in 3D!!!

THEY KNOW every time you forgot to scan something, double scanned something and didn't notice and get someone to remove said scan. Every time that coupon didn't register. Every bogus gift card and discount card/coupon. Weight differential issue, they just learned NOT to tell you they know you are trying to scam them out of that big ticket/heavy item. This keeps the idiots doing this from accidentally BREAKING their expensive self-checkout registers. Cheaper to just put priority, Hemisphere wide PB out on your ass to all stores, including rivals, to get your ass federal prisoned and extra jail money/workforce guaranteed.
also sometimes the stores themselves organize flashmobs to "clear out" all their unsold products and such, so they don't have to take a loss of unsold goods/items and get the newer stuff out after mobs of people run around stealing stuff and causing free advertising for a Target/Walmart/ETC and allowing them to keep profits artificially high for investor and ceo/board profit/bonus'.

same flashmob groups that move from city to city, state to state, providence to providence also keep the local politicians happy for their "historical unrest that needs the permanent removal of rights and protections rackets laws" that every country is currently addicted to nowadays.

>> No.55012901

Take your meds retard

>> No.55012921

You really have to ask? Niggers. No amount of theft deterrent systems matter if you aren't willing to physically confront a nigger trying to just walk out of the store with unpaid merchandise

>> No.55012963

stealing from these retarded stores is one of the few based things they do kek. as long as they aren't touching small businesses I don't care how much they steal from multinational corporations.

>> No.55012998

>Why do so many people still get away with committing crimes in broad daylight?

Hmm yes, "people".

>> No.55015008

Yes actually. Target raises prices a bit so you don't have to see and shop next to the people who shop at Walmart.

>> No.55015529

Just a thought but all those self-checkout lanes that they replaced real cashiers with are probably responsible for a lot of that theft.

>> No.55016842
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he's partially right. they use AI now to scan faces at self-checkouts and the AI compiles a list of how many times you've consistently shoplifted at a particular store. of course, there's a lot of small-time thieves they don't give a shit about, but even those will get pulled aside when you've done it far too many times. it's the big-time shoplifters they eventually call the cops on. AI will automatically send your shoplifting history to other locations then the store will put the thief on blast sending surveillance footage to the news then the cops put out an APB to all stores within their vicinity then your fucked. all the while the serial thief just kept walking out thinking he was going to get away with the shit forever and plead not guilty but all the technological, historical evidence is there. enough that the thief will lose the case and have stolen such a high dollar amount that it constitutes a felony and time served lol

you can wear disguises, but you can't hide your entire face and body. those AI face and body scanners they have now can match height, bodily dimensions, eyes, moles, scars, space between eyes, etc.

the local news makes it look like they just lifted like 40k worth of merchandise in one haul, but that's not the case. they've been tracking the thief over time. kind of like how the glowies put /pol/fags and pedos on this site on watch lists. they wait for the pedo to download a certain, high amount of cp before they arrest him because it's the best deterrent to keep that sick fuck from ever seeing the light of day again

>> No.55016854
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>Who is stealing so much shit from Target?

>> No.55016883

It's accounting tricks. Same way they mask inflation. Same way they mask actual net worths of the trillionaires out there. You pass the numbers through the right filters and you can tell almost any story you want. Everyone who can cook the books does so.

>> No.55017104

Can confirm this works. I shaved my head a bit ago after years of not changing my hair style and wanted to try out pomade to see if it would work. It was maybe $12 and didnt feel like it was worth that so I just used my thumb and scanned something larger and cheaper while putting them in the bag. Ive done it for other places too. The key is to not get greedy and making it obvious. If you can get 20%-40% off to adjust for inflation then that would be great.

>> No.55017359
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Should have bought yesterday

>> No.55017386

Yeah, I don't know