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55003370 No.55003370 [Reply] [Original]

Who screwed over the crypto industry more, Do Kwon, 3AC, or SBF?

>> No.55003373

New LIBERAL fascists

>> No.55003382

>fascist fascist fascist
Why do midwits use this word so much?

>> No.55003437

>Do Kwon
the attack on LUNA was ocristrated by outside forces trying to destroy stable coins

this was a typical swindeling jew swindeling goyim.
Just like the old gold smiths who used to hold peoples gold in their vaults and give them receipts, worked out they could start making receipts for gold that didnt exist, and spend more than they had, and thus the first bank run.

>> No.55003930

All of them. The very fact that three of the biggest companies/people in crypto - the most active on twitter, the most well known, trusted by millions and by the mainstream media could all be scammers has pretty much buck broken this entire industry for the next ten years or so. There wont BE another bull run because of these greedy fucks.

>> No.55003943

sbf was literally printing fake BTCs
i hate jews

>> No.55003945

Its not even close, the other 2 would have never happened if sbf didn't exist. It's funny all the midwits are still mad at do kwon even tho hes been captured while sbf is still free lmfao

>> No.55003949

Because it fits here

>> No.55003962

my racism / antisemitism saved me a lot of money
thank you uncle Adolph

>> No.55003971

This was the most semitic thing in history. To take something which is pure - BTC - to take its single strength, the fact that it is scarce and limited and turn it on its head to print it what fucking chutzpah the guy had. And they still went broke lol

>> No.55003977


he lives in a penthouse in montenegro he just has a little electronic device on right foot

you are a chink enabler, kys

>> No.55003985

Haha same. I laughed when it happened. People asked me "how did you know?" after I'd moved my money out etc but I wish they'd never been here in the first place.

>> No.55003994

jews are subhuman succubus and we should finish them until the last one

i will gladly smash the last jewish newborn against a rock if that's necessary to save this planet

i will do it with a smile on my face

fuck mutts and ruskies for defeating Hitler

>> No.55004012

if you used their services you are a cuck my poor dude

never used anything else than Kraken and Coinbase

never bought anything else than Bitcoin

you are a golem

>> No.55004088

He's under house arrest while the investigation goes on, so that is captured, they can imprison him at any time. Way better than sbf who is literally still free while doing infinitely worse shit.
I get the frustration tho you're probably just mad you lost your measly 20k life savings trying to short a shitcoin to 0 on leverage, and need someone to blame for your bad decisions. Don't worry, 20k is easy, just go slave at McDonald's for a few months

>> No.55004116

i never bought anything else than Bitcoin and i literally inherited 400K last year

you are a chink enabler kys

>> No.55004184


Mainly because the mainstream media is absolutely obsessed with what he did and that they believe it's the final deathblow to crypto (they've always hated crypto and they finally have an excuse to go after it because of SBF's unprecedented marketing).

Since most normies listen to mainstream media even though they bitch about it constantly, the average normie believes crypto is now a scam. Therefore, there'll never be 2021 levels of hype in crypto again.

>> No.55004200

Yeah apparently Blackrock & Citadel found a way to exploit Luna and that's what caused the collapse.

>> No.55004220

Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night lil bro. Shalom