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55000516 No.55000516 [Reply] [Original]

Is DINK (dual income no kids) the answer to declining living standards?

>> No.55000539

It's the obvious conclusion to our economic conditions where kids are financial liabilities rather than assets.

>> No.55000575

Women are retards

>> No.55000591

Friendly reminder that TikTok is literally owned by the Chinese government and is used to spread propaganda and socially influence people to believe whatever ((((they)))) want you to believe

>> No.55000645

>DBI income no kids

>> No.55000725

Propaganda doesn’t change the fact that life is expensive as fuck even for the middle class nowadays

>> No.55000821

Children are NOT expensive. They just require time and attention. The woman/idiot in the screencap is just a horrible person, and frankly with that attitude should just get sterilized and save everyone the trouble of her changing her mind at 38 and having an autistic IVF baby.

>> No.55001077
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>kids AINT expensive
maybe if you want to raise a bunch of mentally retarded mayo monkeys who grow up to be career minimum wage dipshits

>> No.55001112

Honestly don't understand why you would want kids when they will grow up in third world conditions as minorities in a sea of ugly brown fat.
Unless you are very rich, and can move to a gated neighborhood.

>> No.55001122

Good thing the US government doesn't use propaganda on its own citizens too. That would be bad!

>> No.55001137

Imagine growing up in a trailer park and going to public school to get shot with this pedo anon as a dad

>> No.55001150


It's ironically the opposite. The less you shower your kids with, the more you motivate/challenge/train them, the tougher and smarter they'll be. We all know what happens to spoiled little idiots.

Ideally you give them enough to be comfortable and generally happy but still don't spoil them and teach them to be successful in the real world, that doesn't cost a lot. They live under your roof, they eat chicken nuggets, they need a new toy like once a month, the rest is real world stuff. Reading, playing outside, these are cheap. Don't buy into Pozz Culture.

>> No.55001189

i can understand any argument for not having kids, but doing it because you are priced out of living lavishly is the most pathetic brag ever

me i don't want kids because i don't like the company of women and kids, but i can afford to have like 3

>> No.55001228

That's determined entirely by IQ, which is determined almost entirely by genetics if you don't abuse them or drink while pregnant. IQ is not changed by education. That's why homeschoolers outperform public/private schoolers every single year.

>> No.55001386

Yep, kids cost money so the more of one you have, the less of the other you have. The question is whether you care more about money or kids. Me, I'd rather not have luxury but have a big family than the other way around, most luxury shit is overrated as fuck anyway but my siblings and parents always have some weird shit going on, it's great.

>> No.55001404

>sees tiktok
>forms opinion
>sees twitterpost
>forms opinion
these things are identical

>> No.55001923

Okay boomer

>> No.55002347

At least she could shit out one kid. What is she going to do otherwise, feed cats and le travel till she is wrinkly and busted?

>> No.55002386

True, kids are not as much of an asset, since you don't need them as work hands in the farm, nor do you need them to look after you in old age technically, yet. And that second one is going to bite a lot of people in the ass, since even if they save up for retirement and assuming that saving up doesn't disappear because of some calamity, you need kids to prop this whole ponzi of life up. Immigrants? Unlikely to be enough on their own.
Frankly, people could also adopt if they are extremely against having their own kids.

>> No.55002399

It would not be so expensive if people were frugal and also didn't kick out their children to become rentoids. If you live in a big Euro city you can often also ditch car too, to safe up some money.

>> No.55002407

imagine the absolute state of the cuck who lives with a woman has to support this psychopathic creature without the benefit of impregnating her

>> No.55002494
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>It's the obvious conclusion to our economic conditions where kids are financial liabilities rather than assets.
>rue, kids are not as much of an asset, since you don't need them as work hands in the farm
this is actually unironically 100% true imo. my grandpa had a 3rd world farm (no giant machinery) and 6 kids and they all helped out. With the animals with the farm with the house with the shopping with whatever. The boomer generation like my parents whenever I ask that generation why they had kids the answer is always something similar to "well thats what you did". I was raised catholic and just assumed I'd have a stable career, meet a cute wife in my 20s, get married, and have kids. How fucking naive that was!

>> No.55002521

Yeah, modern investment systems & government pensions have created a classic tragedy of the commons scenario, by making what was once a mostly a private good (the labor of future generations - you could only really expect your children/grandchildren, maybe niece/nephew to help you in your old age) into a common good (i.e. everyone has to pay SS taxes to fund social security, so you can get paid even if you have no children paying those taxes), which of course causes individuals to not personally want to invest as much.

>> No.55002532

If 2 people 30+ yrs old working cant bring in 7k a month after taxes...the median amount for 25-35yr old is 1k a week. But ya just give up because the media tells you theres 0 chance or reason to even try

>> No.55002677

nobody should be priced out from having kids in a healthy society (except literal homeless, druggies and niggers)

>> No.55002709

It's also an answer to humanity, by which I mean that it is the answer of human extinction.

>> No.55002745

It's not the answer, it the the symptom of late stage central banking.

>> No.55002764

I am 31 and all my friends live this lifestyle, and I don’t fucking get. When I genuinely ask them why live together get married but then eternally be “want some day” couple. If you have money to afford wife you can afford sugar baby, and sex is overrated anyway. So why keep this giant liability (wife) on your your balance sheet if she provides you no benefits?

>> No.55002770

Human connection. That wasn't always a liability, even if it is factually one now.

>> No.55002799

Nigger, just pay some bitch to suck your dick.
That's as much as human connection as you'll ever get.

>> No.55002856

they can't explain why, that's why they will launch you stupid words like "human connection"

the reality is that if it was not with their 5-6/10 who doesn't want kids they would be alone and forced to remain sexless

95% of "men" are pathetic beta providers

>> No.55002894

>That's determined entirely by IQ
The world's full of people with high IQs who never achieve anything due to emotional problems or lack of work ethic.

>> No.55002904

the third world arab oil babies have arrived
they do not understand concepts like love or humanity because they are the spawn of pedophilic loveless marriages between cousins

>> No.55002915

>That's as much as human connection as you'll ever get.
While that might be true, it is the desire for more than that that drives their behavior.

>> No.55002924

>be alone and forced to remain sexless
Human connection is the negation of that, i.e. not wanting to be alone and sexless.

>> No.55002968

The final life chapter of her life will be getting smacked around by niggers in a nursing home.

>> No.55002976

Guess it's by design to reduce the global population. Either that or govs didn't know what they were doing, or maybe both, not knowing where it would lead at first but doubling down on it for their new plans.

>> No.55003024
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>children are not expensive
ok, so we all know dogs are expensive, but you're saying CHILDREN are not expensive. Gotchya.

>> No.55003043

Yep, look at Japan's declining birth rates. It's insanely expensive to live there. A fucking girlfriend is expensive, just imagine a child.

>> No.55003052

So don't have kids with an underachieving loser?

>> No.55003123

I have a wife and some money but no kids because the cost of getting a house in a white safe suburb with good schools and my wife being a stay at home mom for x years before school is immense

I guess I could go the home school route and turn my kids into Elliot Rodgers