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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54998254 No.54998254 [Reply] [Original]

Godzilla Project
AI SafemoonAIS
AI AvailAI-A


my last hopes is that stupid obamacoin and maybe TOAD. Still have some faith these may not be complete fucking rugs.

>> No.54998428

Read the name of the tokens you typed out dude. Did you really not expect all of them to be complete scams? You realize shitcoining is 100% gambling and not actual investing right ?

>> No.54998452

this was me in 2022. still haven't recovered. completely stopped trying for the most part and if I do try i fail every time basically immediately

>> No.54998477

With those names you should be banned from trading

>> No.54998529

its not like the meme coins that didn't rug had stellar names bro

>> No.54998845

its over for you brainlet even if you won the lottery and got millions of dollars you will still find a way to die poor

>> No.54998866

fucking KEK

>> No.54998876

Do you marry your bags or you buy every one of these at the top?

>> No.54998900

How are you supposed to find out about these before the top? People here only shill the top.

>> No.54999112

You are supposed to throw small amounts of money at random coins until you get lucky. But you won't make much money, since your losses will outweigh your profits. But what did you expect? Money have to come from somewhere and it must be you. You are a liquidity provider.

>> No.54999537

Please don't tell me you sold your DBI op, you know who he is right

>> No.54999598

I didnt marry them. they never went anywhere, it was a rug the moment I bought.

>> No.54999614

I didn't sell them but im about to man. you think this shit really has legs?

>> No.54999822

I'm holding TOAD also but I'm very confident it's going to x100 so WGMI anon.

>> No.54999825


>> No.54999853

should have shorted them instead, then you would have made money

>> No.55000036 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 341x512, everything is going to be ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ser you missed OGSM, the actual Sminem's coin. Around 3 weeks now and still in range between 300k-1m. The Boy Who Saved Crypto will not rug you.

>> No.55000051

this. it's basically a cheat code. find a shitcoin you like that you think is going to pump, but then instead of buying short it. guaranteed 100% money, billionaire within a year

>> No.55000072

>steps on rug
>disappointing outcome
>repeats 16 more times before contemplating suicide
Alladin is a myth and cartoon. Flying rugs aren't real.

>> No.55000163

The best meme coin available

>> No.55000180

Umm and how do i short on crappy cryptos?¿ :{

>> No.55000184
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Just buy the peoples bitcoin, Obama would be proud

>> No.55000202
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>Never rugged
>Relaunched and still didn't rug or abandon the old chain's holders
>Released the NFTs
>Released a party game mod
And /biz/ still refuses to buy LUNE but will buy AIBabyFlokiBonkInu

>> No.55000421

This anon knows

>> No.55000428 [DELETED] 

you can't

>> No.55000433

How much have you lost anon? If it's somewhere in the 4 to 5 figures, you can make that money back easily by getting a chill remote job (much easier said than done though since competition for WFH jobs are fierce).

The point is anon, I've lost a shitload on memecoin gambles like you have, but I haven't totally lost hope. I'm simply thinking long term about buying a house with cash using crypto gains, but I figured even with a bullrun, I still wouldn't have nearly enough to reach that goal. So I'm having to think about new business ideas to supplement my way to the top.

tldr; go half safe bets (btc/eth) and half with gambling, and get a wfh job to earn back what you've lost.

>> No.55000598

buy 4chan you stupid faggots its been flatlining for over a week and twitter jeets stay spamming it, stop buying rugs and buy your own website you stupid monkeys niggers

>> No.55000688

>you know who he is right
A paid actor who ended up quitting. The poor performance of the devfest will be the nail in the coffin.

>> No.55000717
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Hang in there toad bro. We’ll make it

>> No.55000804

partykarts didn't rug anon, you can check the transactions to see people were frontrunning the AMA and then sold after it became old news. Since the AMA happened Stig updated the game and the UI, now we are organizing the other social media of the project. You can fact check everything I said on the tg partykartsio

>> No.55001227
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HPOS10i is different. Because it's the only meme coin that exists.

>> No.55001433
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I hope you're joking.

>> No.55001476

why do these threads exist? honestly the only decent thing ive seen in months is a spotify clone and even that has PND written all over it, how do you fall for these rugs?

>> No.55001480
File: 86 KB, 378x322, Screen-Shot-2019-03-18-at-4.39.33-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could have just bought Bitcoin and held it until the next bullrun.

>> No.55001516

How do you not man? dreams of getting rich bro. a shitcoin pulling another pepe/shiba/doge/ etc... you go on coinmarketcap and sort by gains you see all sort of shitcoins doing a 1000x overnight. it just so happens that its never the one i buy.

>> No.55001673


Because that's not how it works. Any shitcoin getting shilled here is shilled because it's a an orchestrated run no matter how elaborate. Shib and Pepe are the exceptions and not the rule and if you play these games more often than not you will be someone's exit liquidity, and if you're not then the best you're getting is a 10x on your $100 and not a 100x or 1000x like people on here are looking for.

Just get a line of credit and DCA it into Bitcoin. Reverse mortgage your house into BTC.

>> No.55001817

To be honest i find that stuff to always be a scam, as annon said you can manipulate the price action all kind of ways and as you know if it looks to good to be true it probably is.

>> No.55001903

Oh the irony of your post.

>> No.55002031
File: 494 KB, 1560x2048, 61DECFD0-1C52-4B10-BBBE-11AFEDDC076F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Degenerate gambling

>> No.55002035
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>Be me, zoomer
>Knew about bitcoin in ~2010 when it was some niche thing (I would read articles on it and be like "haha cool" but was too young to understand investing, mining etc)
>Began truly learning programming and game development just after indieshit like Minecraft took off
>Now as a programmer I will lose my potential jobs to AI
>Missed shib bullrun
>Missed game investments (RS items, csgo cases etc) because my internet was actually dial-up until like 2014
>WW3 about to start
>Kissless handholdless virgin
If I was born a decade earlier I would literally be a fucking billionaire right now.

>> No.55002149


>> No.55002303
File: 442 KB, 330x900, 1684353018685234.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a rug, join the telegram partykartsio to see for yourself

>> No.55002385

No thanks. You guys are shilling non-stop and doing like $8k volume daily. The game itself looks pretty lame. You guys might pump to 200k mcap again if you’re lucky but it’s hard to see anything beyond that.

>> No.55002434


>> No.55002468

Okay I understand you may feel that way, but it's not a rugpull

>> No.55002506


>> No.55002546 [DELETED] 


>> No.55002557

oh no

>> No.55002595

Maybe you need to invest in solid cryptos, like privacy tokens with ZK-Snark tech

>> No.55002621

I'm more into real-world useful tokens like RIL and DASH. This is good as well.

>> No.55002643

Cryptos that shield transactions from public view are on the rise

>> No.55002657
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>> No.55002662

Buy XMR and RAIL instead

>> No.55002754

That’s fair, though it’s hard to blame people for shying away from BSC right now. Have seen multiple $100k+ rugpulls in last week. Plus it’s just not doing well in general. The low fees are comfy but it leads to a lot of scams.

>> No.55003729

>buying all the wrong shitcoins
Anon i...

>> No.55003761

Yeah, but I don't see the game working in any other blockchain other than bsc, sad!

>> No.55004215
File: 5 KB, 200x200, brainlet-microwaved-brain-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry man but you legitimately bought the lowest of the low bottom of the barrel gum-stuck-under-the-table-at-Starbucks garbage, jesus christ. I've seen shills for Rebase and it doesn't look bad, in fact it looks like it has a lot of effort poured into it. Even d0b0 faggots haven't gotten rugged just yet. You need to sort out what is obviously trash and what isn't and you should be fine.

>> No.55004237

Oh my fucking god go fucking KILL YOURSELF

>> No.55004248

>not rugged
Bro they fuck their holders on a daily bases. There are slow meticulous rugs

>> No.55005463
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[Heavy breathing intensifies]

>> No.55006787


>> No.55006968
File: 13 KB, 360x269, m889juufjvp41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just have a second read to those tickers man, what's wrong with you?
Better start buying some real shit like VINU if you want to make it on this bear market

>> No.55006972

Dont scam people. Bitcoin or kys

>> No.55007409

Not only that we have good projects like EGLD, METIS, HAPI, AVAX, UTK and ATOM

>> No.55007787

Same shit happens to every faggot. leveraged on altcoinistdao reviews for portfolio recovery chad

>> No.55008138

Damn this is a meme season best to Ape in to these damn fucking shit tokens.
Made 30x with CHUNKS and getting ready for round 2

>> No.55008366

90% of retail traders lose money. With meme coins it's probably 95%+.

Thanks for playing.

>> No.55008396

anon I wanna save you from your losses so I'll give you a golden meal ticket this time:
Biggest meme in ASIA (1billion+ chinese ppl post it everyday)
No taxes
No slippage fees
No bs, overly-promised roadmap
Devs only hold 2%
Low cap(6m), listed on MEX and GATE

don't be one of those retards that hate "le memecoins" then crying a few weeks later because they missed the wave lol