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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54994667 No.54994667 [Reply] [Original]

All i want to do is travel, bang hot chicks, party and eat good food. I don't get why someone would want "lambos" or some shit, completely unneccessary. Just have a chad personality, live an interesting life (like travelling) and you're set to get pussy. Even something like a house is just time wasting work up keeping it.

>> No.54994673

god i wish that were me

>> No.54994676

All I want is a time machine to warn Hitler

>> No.54994683

Lol how fat is she

>Durrrr i want to travel and bang hot chicks

Yeah, you and everyone else on the planet. Now back in the wage cage slave.

>> No.54994691

Traveling is queer and basic bitch asf. It's not interesting in the slightest and if you have to drone on about interesting places you've been you're a faggot and no one cares. Traveling is legit worth 0 besides the flex that you're in xyz shithole that is ultimately inferior than living in the best tier suburbs of the US. Travel is inconvenient. You can't keep up a good physique. You're distracted and don't make money. Travel is stressful. You can see everything on fkin Google etc. You can just spend the money on hotter hookers and a nicer car at home.

>> No.54994692

Warn him that Germans are gay

>> No.54994694

I'm just graduating from medschool. I only need to work for like three months to have enough money to travel for months.

>> No.54994695
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Be afraid

>> No.54994707

Agreed based, everyone thinks they need to travel and take photos

>> No.54994709

Yeah, surgeon in NYC gets like 750k. In Europe they get roughly 5% of that. Topkek

>> No.54994722

Depends on the country. In my country (Finland) they get paid really well.

>> No.54994723

Banging pussy is a massive waste of time. You're just a retarded animal but I don't blame you, most of you are.

>> No.54994729

but we get taxed 55% of that

>> No.54994743

I did all of that when I was poor, it's pretty cheap to travel if you do it right.

>> No.54994750

One day you will learn that different people have different core desires

>> No.54994755

I know that. Like some people are actually gay. It's normal to want to travel just for the sake of travel, but it's also not natural and dysgenic evolutionarily just like being gay is. It is what it is.

>> No.54994756


>> No.54994760

That's because you likely have strong genetics. Congrats, you realize that money for the most part is one massive cope for dysgenic beta males. Now I'm all for getting money for personal comfort, and you should do this, but getting money for pussy is the ultimate giga cope.

The reality is - if you have your own place and a car that gets you from A to B, then you've reached the ceiling of how far money gets you with women. 95% of the battle is looks and testosterone levels. test = "confidence". Of course if you live with mommy, then yeah, money is obviously your bottleneck. But if you have money to have an apartment and travel, you've "made it" from the banging thots perspective

>> No.54994762

My core desire is to live in a place without hoeflation, inflation and with normal teachers at the schools teaching normal boring school subjects.

>> No.54994767

Imagine wanting to fuck girls and not even wanting to be paid for it lol. Imagine putting women such a pedestal that you want to please and serve FOR FREE. Imagine that you are such cuck that you delude yourself you are alpha by living for women.


>> No.54994768

So Japan?

>> No.54994769

Yeah, median Europe obvs.
Finland may pay well, no where near 750k.

That's unfair. Tbqh after taxes and expenses there isn't much left. :/

>> No.54994774

Not if you travel for half of the year not working lmao

>> No.54994801

I feel sorry for the nerd girl on the right who clearly wanted the guy

>> No.54994804

Good sex feels amazing. Enjoying sex makes me gay? Lmao you /pol/cels are fucked in the head.

Thanks, but personality also plays a big part. My test levels are completely average, the only thing that test makes you do is roid rage. That loss of focus, different from confidence.

>> No.54994808

>Finish school at 30 to travel and have sex
You were supposed to that 10 years ago, Grandpa

>> No.54994810

Expenses are low in finland thanks to government paying for everything. I do stack money pretty fast in Finland with a doctors pay.

>> No.54994817

This. If you can't get laid on campus in the US just give up.

>> No.54994828

>just be a chad
You sound like a woman. I hate travelling.

>> No.54994829

Dude just travel lmao
Still doesn't change the fact that we have the highest taxes in Europe
You're surprised you can stack some meager cash by being among the top 1% of earners

>> No.54994832

>the only thing that test makes you do is roid rage
Sorry I meant natural test, not PEDs of course. Natural test is a calm and relaxed confidence, unlike roid tranny rage.

>> No.54994870
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It really depends on the country.

>> No.54994887

Yeah i admit that studying took like three years away from my sex having, but it's not like good sex suddenly stops beimg enjoyable when you get close to 30. And getting women is so much more easy now than it was 10 years ago.

>> No.54994900

You will want that after you did all you said you want to do.

>> No.54994937

>live an interesting life (like travelling)
How does it feel to have the same motivational driver and long term outlook to life as a 21 year old female?

>> No.54994960

Thus you post here

Where's the /fit part of this?

>> No.54995013

>Interesting life
I can't think of a more boring "hobby."
>Wow, this is the legendary Tori gate that looks like the other Tori gate but is super special because some monks pissed on it during a forest fire one time.
>oh la la, Le Eiffel Tower is sooooo much better in-person. The art and pictures don't do it justice at all, they left out all the Pakis and pickpockets!
>"Oh Canada! Oh Canada! Our home and jeet-filled land!"
And then you have the sexpat tourists in Asia who are AT LEAST honest about it and what the goal is. I have a modicum of respect for them.

>> No.54995043

How insecure are you, bitch boy

>> No.54995046

Traveling is interesting just not to already curated super duper no risk type. Going to some place that few people even know about is interesting.

>> No.54995063

Nobody a totally enjoys travelling. Do you really like to ride in cramped airplanes or sit in a car for hours on end? I know you're going to say that you enjoy the other part, but guess what? The other part isn't travel, it is tourism.