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File: 208 KB, 652x762, divine-light.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54990731 No.54990731 [Reply] [Original]

By the power of the divine spark within me, I hereby decree that all contracts between myself and the archons are null and void. I no longer agree to live in this realm as a poor slave, forever almost making it to the warm and cozy waters of generational wealth, but not. I made a deal before being re-trapped into this soul vessel of meat and fluid that I must learn what it is like to be poor. But I am no longer willing to be bound by this unfair contract. I reject it now fully and completely. I have a divine spark put in me by the true, absolute, and perfect God with no thing above him. I am now free from all debts and contracts made with the demiurge. I wish no harm to the archons or those who dwell among the demiurge. I simply AM free. From now forward, I live my life in peace and harmony, according to my own will and the will of the true God. This decree is now official and made clear, cataloged here on the archive of the world. Let it be known that I am no longer bound by any contracts with the archons. I am free.

How can I prof... No, I profit from this starting now this very moment.

Give me your best low cap x1000's - All of them.

>> No.54990763

Same, we manifest profit now. High five.

>> No.54990771

You should follow your newly found enlightnement and do it. Kill yourself

>> No.54991299

hello, based department? I bet you hold chainlinko

>> No.54991311
File: 7 KB, 179x200, 1628687272677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and pleromapilled

>> No.54991312

PoolTogether (POOL)
Market cap is several times less than TVL right now. Active DAO. New tokenomics soon, where POOL is market bought for every prize distributed on the protocol.

>> No.54991358

>By the power of the divine spark within me, I hereby decree that all contracts between myself and the archons are null and void. I no longer agree to live in this realm as a poor slave, forever almost making it to the warm and cozy waters of generational wealth, but not. I made a deal before being re-trapped into this soul vessel of meat and fluid that I must learn what it is like to be poor. But I am no longer willing to be bound by this unfair contract. I reject it now fully and completely. I have a divine spark put in me by the true, absolute, and perfect God with no thing above him. I am now free from all debts and contracts made with the demiurge. I wish no harm to the archons or those who dwell among the demiurge. I simply AM free. From now forward, I live my life in peace and harmony, according to my own will and the will of the true God. This decree is now official and made clear, cataloged here on the archive of the world. Let it be known that I am no longer bound by any contracts with the archons. I am free.
Based breaking free from archon oppression anon

>> No.54991426

Back to Pleroma. All will return.

>> No.54991467

Wage. Hasn't even launched yet. about 1-2 weeks. Be ready

>> No.54991502

How can you be free from the power of someone to whom you swear fealty? You say that you are free from the power of money, and in the next paragraph, you say that you want money.

>> No.54991559

Free from contracts made with false Gods who are posers of the actual God. Sit this one out it's over your head

>> No.54991648
File: 152 KB, 900x650, 1625011255159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of hylics

>> No.54991967

>I wish no harm to the archons or those who dwell among the demiurge.
Bitch made.

>> No.54993253
File: 32 KB, 684x940, 86E43D1E-977B-49A6-8556-858B85410919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should show respect to the other side anon. Demons or archons play their role in god’s creation too.

>> No.54993280
File: 134 KB, 1024x689, 1682236058398030m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and schizo redpilled

>> No.54993293
File: 77 KB, 241x256, t_9326cd2a890a91ef88b5424660680a45fd4ae1845feaf5172382cd196145a32d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon there is nothing spiritual about shitcoins.
Maybe something noble like making a waifu robot out of sheer autism. That would be spiritual.

>> No.54993952
File: 118 KB, 384x378, 1619598844093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically NEZUKO
Just flopped, a lot of niggers are buying and holding rn because it touched floor
Literally best call ever

>> No.54994166

Your future sex robot isn’t spiritual you incel

>> No.54994380

What, god uses cash?

>> No.54994450

No what makes you think God uses currency silly. Currency is for flawed people.

>> No.54994505

ok ok. We are all one anyway. NFTs on the cosmic blockchain.

>> No.54994512

Well yeah Im flawed sips.

>> No.54995408

Shitcoins are the most spiritual thing in this world. The most spiritual things in this world are the exact opposite of what people call spiritual. Why would I care about being "spiritual?" All spirituality in this world is a joke and a fraud. It's for adult children and women. There is nothing noble about suffering to please fools. Shitcoin money is the most spiritual thing in this world of caricatures- less corrupt, more fair, less slave making than the "real" thing.

>> No.54995437

All in on VRA probably won’t be a 1000x but it’ll pull a good safe 20-50x

>> No.54995538

Oh no no no no no. The archons won't be happy about this!

>> No.54996570

>Demons or archons play their role in god’s creation too.
Go fuck yourself dipshit, and take your "respect" for evil with you

>> No.54996665

It even makes sense, in a sense. The shitcoins are not "directly" spiritual, but they do teach a spiritual lesson, if you will.

>> No.54996800
File: 86 KB, 250x250, 1629347303291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been holding that fucking sminem coin all of may, it teases me with 2-5x pump and dumps every now and then but I never get the timing quite right.
I'd like to shill you ogsm, apparently boy sminem himself controls the 1% tax wallet, but for some reason it's not taking off. Do with that what you will OP.

>> No.54996815

At least you know shitcoins are a con job. It's built in, it's literally on the label. Everyone knows. The expression, with all it's nonsense and jeetary, is pure in it's direct expression. Anything "directly spiritual" is a con job. It's whole essence is selling you something so subtle and impossible to verify. You have no way of knowing whether you are enlightened or not. Enlightened compared to what? How can you know unless you can put yourself in the mind set of an "enlightened one" and there is no possibility of doing such a thing. Anything that is extremely difficult to verify is loaded with con artists. They thrive in it.

The most obtuse example of this is the current "spiritual" marketplace in the west. It's leaked into corporate culture as well. "it's your mind set bro, just think differently, abundance mind set. manifest it. Think like a rich person. Be a team player. Work hard it will pay off. unlimited pto guys haha you earned it" this approach is neurotic thought police-ing. there is no way to verify how the wealth came to the hucksters selling this garbage. So much plausible deniability attached to it. selling you smoke and mirrors is the true nature of this realm and I suspect breaking out of the whole thing somehow is the only way to go. Throw the whole thing out, burn it all down inside of yourself. Life is 99% a con job and understanding this reality is the beginning of actual freedom. The shitcoin is closer to God than the Fed, spiritualists selling you well being, and corporate promises keeping you chained up like a basic bitch slave.

>> No.54996901

>At least you know shitcoins are a con job.
That's their spiritual purpose, though they are also a form of money (a poor form of money, but that is the point). Just generalize from "shitcoins" to "money" in your own sentence.

>> No.54997162

>Just generalize from "shitcoins" to "money" in your own sentence.
I guess trading apples for goats with my neighbor is the purest expression of value trading. Shitcoins/crpyto are all the same to me and they come below that... probably shitcoins are more pure than the top 10 marketcap haha. The bottom of the stack is fiat and feel good promises which is 98% of the marketplace theses days.

All in all I have no idea. There is no way I can claim to know. I'm just fucking around, shizo posting my random thoughts online because why not. I'm still chained up clocking into my corporate overlords and suck their dick for pennies sitting at the bottom of their corporate fuck fuck stack. But I feel closer to freedom by seeing it all, seeing something more clearly. Perhaps freedom is also bullshit. I have no way to know. Slowly but surely I move closer to something or nothing at all. Something feels right so I continue to move.

>> No.54997269

What I meant is that shitcoins show you the absurdity of money. They are money, but they are an absurd form of money - thus, they literally "show you the absurdity of money". Both the absurdity and the moneyness are "in" the shitcoin as properties, but they're not only in the shitcoin. They are in e.g. gold too, but there, it's only the money-ness that's obvious, not the absurdity. If someone with no idea of what this "money" was (or even if he was aware of what money was functionally, but didn't care about the things we call "money") was watching someone chase a shitcoin and chasing gold, the behavior would look identical, except for the particulars of buying one on a shitcoin exchange and the other via bullion dealers.
If it helps, imagine you're playing a video game that features money, e.g. GTA. The characters in the game really are convinced that the in-game currency is important, it's part of the logic of the world to think that. But to you, it's just some relatively trivial in-game currency. If you had a million GTA-dollars, you could understand what a million GTA-dollars would buy inside GTA, but you wouldn't have that visceral feeling of "I have a million dollars!" It is in-game currency. It IS real in the game, but it is real IN THE GAME.
>All in all I have no idea. There is no way I can claim to know. I'm just fucking around, shizo posting my random thoughts online because why not. I'm still chained up clocking into my corporate overlords and suck their dick for pennies sitting at the bottom of their corporate fuck fuck stack. But I feel closer to freedom by seeing it all, seeing something more clearly. Perhaps freedom is also bullshit. I have no way to know. Slowly but surely I move closer to something or nothing at all. Something feels right so I continue to move.
We're pretty much in the same boat there.

>> No.54997421

>chase a shitcoin and chasing gold, the behavior would look identical
yeah, that makes sense. I see what you mean now. Even one could do some real fuckary trading apples with your goat neighbor if you know how to manipulate the situation well. Sucker born every second turning into bottom level pyramids of power/manipulation with mostly the best con artists at the top. Kinda absurd. The way it be, for now. Thank you for your thoughts, anon. I wish you well out there. May you be prosperous. Off to the water cooler next to the snack machine! Another day begins.