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54985738 No.54985738 [Reply] [Original]

If we survive this century I imagine believers in the market as a concept and fictitious capital will be looked upon by future humanity the same way we look at religious belief in pre-enlightenment/pre Industrial Revolution times.

>> No.54985798

Assuming we survive this century, markets would be look upon as the things that let humanity unlock the absolutely retarded levels of wealth that in consequence led to creation of AGI which turned the world into Utopia.

>> No.54985835

what is the current rate of profit?

>> No.54985854

Lol! the very concept of any of this stuff is making money at the expense of someone else. If your utopia is geo hell, then yes it will.

>> No.54985899
File: 22 KB, 407x315, F8923A19-6AA0-4493-83AA-1511864395B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what company? For what industry? For which economy?

>> No.54985922

>the very concept of any of this stuff is making money at the expense of someone else
Do LTVtards really?

>> No.54986005

the world

>> No.54986039

You tell me.

>> No.54986212
File: 11 KB, 782x517, 0C07A4C3-CEF0-4011-A670-0621156C97A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, I just looked it up. Marx is a goddamn legend when he wrote about the tendencies within capitalism.

>> No.54986225

>Mutually beneficial trades are actually at someone else's expense because...I have nothing valuable to trade!
Kys worthless commie

>> No.54986355

The mythical “mutually beneficial trade” sister to the immaculate conception. Baby brained shit.

>> No.54987654
File: 5 KB, 187x270, 789416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a venture capitalist for a market that, at it's core, is a totally fictitious and made up concept that only jews believe to be some "god-given" gift to humanity.

Here a tip for you, a massive stealth launch is unraveling as we speak, pay attention because it's the revival of bsc casino

>> No.54987750
File: 75 KB, 810x1024, 1681909125945285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche predicted rivers of blood would flow as a consequence of our killing that "superstition." And he was right. I hope you're not.

>> No.54987788

>will be looked upon by future humanity the same way we look at religious belief in pre-enlightenment/pre Industrial Revolution times.
You realize most of the contempt for those times is due to propaganda, right?

>> No.54987836

Go look up the 30 years war and the wars of religions. Literally two centuries of rivers of blood killed those beliefs as well as rapidly changing material conditions arising largely as a consequence of those wars.

>> No.54988001

It’s not that it’s completely contemptible, it’s mainly just not accessible to us. It’s like an alien set of beliefs that no matter how much you try it’s beyond reach. In some ways it’s superior to the set of beliefs most modern liberal subjects have, the belief solely in ourself or if anything larger “the market.”

>> No.54988080

Nietzsche's texts are not to be taken literally, but should be read on a more symbolic note, kind of like a nihilist's bible. Hence also why...
>rivers of blood
...could be interpreted as him referring to the female menstrual period (bleeding) caused by an absence of impregnation due to liberalization caused by a killing of "superstition".

He was quite the genius little fellow...

>> No.54988123

Go look up World War I, World War II, virtually every other 20th Century war, and the various pogroms and purges that characterize the entirety of the History of that century, retard. Extra credit if you can read about the ones carried out by explicitly anti-theist Communists and Maoists and such, explicitly in service of their materialist, anti-theist social theories, without your brain turning off completely to defend your preconceived notions. Is this a serious post?

>> No.54988180

>trading for things you don't have with people who want things you do have is as mythical as a miracle
And commies call themselves materialists, baka

>> No.54988253

The thirty years war reduced Europe’s population by 20%, 60% in Saxony and Bavaria. No modern war has came close to that devastation. Compare that to the First World War and the ensuing Spanish flu which reduced Europe’s population by 5%. Maybe the Taiping rebellion comes close to the level of total devastation of the 30 years war and the wars of religions.