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54985697 No.54985697 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54985711

Better this than being a debt slave and a consoooomer.

>> No.54985714

Shed conversions feel so much more kino than single wide trailers

>> No.54985729

Honestly yeah

>> No.54985730

Ze pod

>> No.54985733

Literally what is wrong with that you dumb boomer retard? The fact they aren’t renting your rat infested shit hole for 6000$ per month?

>> No.54985739

Black women have their shit together

>> No.54985742

Based dirt poor negress absolutely mogging rentoids.

>> No.54985759

>she built it

>> No.54985773
File: 52 KB, 447x458, publix pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the difference between this and living in an apartment?

It's probably in the middle of nowhere, commuting and driving for errands probably takes up the majority of what she's saving in rent.

>> No.54985776

That's a shed purchased from Home Depot or the like. They're barebones, and need finishing and furnishing. Generally don't have plumbing or electric ran. It's just the bones and skin. Used to cost about $20k. Maybe another $20-30k to finish one. Not a bad option of you have land to slap it on.

>> No.54985779

>For an aluminum box with holes cut on it
>She can't have running water nor sewers
>you can buy a concrete walls two story apartment in Mexico with 25k

The absolute state of amerifats

>> No.54985781

>You can buy 30 acres in Tennessee for $30k
>put a $30k tiny home on it

There, you now have your own home and estate for $60k. Why not do this

>> No.54985795

how is a cuckshed like that more than $10K at most not including the plot? ridiculous

>> No.54985797

Looks comfy. She seems to have plenty of land around her. I wouldn't mind this. The only problem is that it's what we're being forced to. It's only good when done by choice.

>> No.54985816

>you can buy a concrete walls two story apartment in Mexico with 25k
even that seems massively overpriced

>> No.54985834
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>tfw no black gf to live in my cuckshed with

>> No.54985850

It's a little cottage


>> No.54985859

It's that easy huh
what is
>access to critical infrastructure
Unless you want to live like a gypsy, then go ahead

>> No.54985884

Not a chance. Rent is absurd these days. When I was first set to graduate a small house in a sort of shitty area ran me 650 a month rent. 4 years later that same house is 1100. I've got an all inclusive 450 sqft studio in florida to live in that costs 1100. When I tell you that everyone I've ever spoken to considers that a steal? In fucking florida? In a city with fewer than 150k people?

>> No.54985893

Cool story, she still didn’t build it. Women don’t build things unless it’s for social media attention and even then they always have help.

>> No.54985906

Jewish hands typed this post

>> No.54985914

I watched the video on this.

She doesn't live in a shed because she's too poor to afford a real house.

She owns a real house and is Jew'ing out by renting it and living in the backyard shed.

>> No.54985923

why bother buying an apartment if you want to get your head cut off by savages?

>> No.54985973

Smart girl 35k because she added the plumbing, electric and interior finishing plus the concrete slab, Better than renting from slumloard

>> No.54985987

How does a shed cost $35k? Might as well just source the materials and build the structure yourself for less

>> No.54986001

So what? By your logic, General Contractors never build anything either. The POINT is that she made choices and directed resources and people in such a way that it resulted in a nice home (by world and historical standards) for a fraction of what the banking scam world would have extracted from her. Good for her. Imagine the news media broadcasting something that is actually inspiring rather than just more victim worship.

>> No.54986048

t. Retard who understands literally nothing about what’s involved in building

>> No.54986103

Tiny homes outside of flyover states are regulated beyond all Holy Hell to prevent them being a viable option. If that weren’t the case you’d see them popping up everywhere because demand for [reasonably priced] individual dwellings is just astronomical.

t. Trapped in Central FL purgatory

>> No.54986113

I live in a single wide trailer and it's much more room than a shed.

>> No.54986124

Sure, it's more roomy, but they're ugly as sin.

>> No.54986191

Cozy when you're single, but hell for a family. It's just a condo on the ground.

>> No.54986201

I'd call IRS if I was a neighbor and get property reassesed for school taxes, etc

>> No.54986232

I unironically want to live in one of these
Could eventually get a pad in a state park that I work in for $40 a month and slap one of these on there till I save up and buy my own land.
Too bad all the ones I like are from fucking New Zealand. Most of the ones build here are ugly as sin

>> No.54986242
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>> No.54986276

based white boomer. time for applesauce now?

>> No.54986292

>t. Trapped in Central FL purgatory
Just get out man, it's only gonna get worse, the old Florida is dead. The concreate has grown too much.

>> No.54986296

The news cannot stop lying

>> No.54986304

How about the fact that living in a shed is becoming normalized

>> No.54986364

out of sheer anger that she was paying so much less than you?

>> No.54986467

Oy vey. Hope she has a permit for that.

>> No.54986481

>low class single people will live in sheds
we already have this, they're called "apartments". you guys are silly

>> No.54986506

Would, but she probably smells like dog.

>> No.54986545

>How about the fact that living in a shed is becoming normalized
One of my top signals for society was hearing people normalising not only tiny homes (which is sane by comparison) but things like van life
>literally bro.... just like.... live in the back of a van. It's easy bro, just got to have an encyclopedic level of gym and store opening time knowledge so you can shoot in to drop a shard last thing at night or first thing in the morning. Don't forget the piss jugs. Just carry jugs of piss through the building no one can tell. Oooo.... and don't forget the water jugs. And towels. I don't want to be a dick about it but remember last night when you where catching some zs on that sweet passenger seat redux, and while we're talking about water.... you know when you brush your teeth you left the tap running for like... 36 seconds......? I mean.... I don't want it to be awkward but.... you know that's half the tank gone right? When you use the privacy washing screen.... move the duvet next time as well. Thanks.

>> No.54986594

Uh little house on the prairie? You’re getting it backwards. It’s not normal to live in a 2500 sq ft house. Credit has made it that way. Families use to live in much smaller homes on much larger land. And all debtors will get rekt for what’s coming.

>> No.54986686
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>> No.54986693

>$35,000 ameriburgers for A FUCKING SHED
>this is somehow the acceptable living situation for someone looking to live frugal & doesn't want to bend over for and pay $350k for a house barely 2x the size
Because I'm personally stuck in ohio and all the land is being bought up by boomers to build plywood mcmansions on and I'd do it out of brick or cobblestone like the ancient English homesteads

>> No.54986728

$35,000 is actually insane and she definitely didn't build it herself

>> No.54986885
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i can say nigger but say anything about the jew and get banned for 3 days now? these cocksucking jannies are more worthless than my morning stools.

>> No.54986955

Based Blackfu, probably rides a good BWC too.

>> No.54986965

>I've got an all inclusive 450 sqft studio in florida to live in that costs 1100. When I tell you that everyone I've ever spoken to considers that a steal? In fucking florida? In a city with fewer than 150k people?
That's an exceptionally good deal unless you're in Tallahassee or Gainesville.

>> No.54987053


>> No.54987067


>> No.54987309
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>small gust of wind capsizes your cuck shed
nothing personal kid

>> No.54987379

True. At least it's somewhere you can live without rent while you gamble on shitcoins so you can afford a better house later down the line. Doesn't make it fair, but it's the world we live in right now.

>> No.54987382

>pays $0
>for $35,000
I literally hate journalists so much it's unreal

>> No.54987384

Based. Boomers complaining about property value can fuck off.

If you own the land under it its pretty based. You can save a tone of money and when you've saved enough build a house on the property. Or buy a pre-fab.

>> No.54987446

Blame boomer NIMBY laws.

>> No.54987559

dont you get it anon she is black and a woman
both of these things are bad and cannot be associated with anything not bad

>> No.54987567

I know we make fun of ze pod but that shit began 4 years ago before boomer faggots ruined the housing market. Honestly all I need is my bedroom, home gym, and kitchen. Living in a gorgeous natural setting like that would be nice too.

>> No.54987690

I went to an open house and walked around a housing development. Crooked, hole in wood, mismatched and wood claiming to be 2x6 is actually 2x4. Plywood everywhere. Disgusting and weakly made. And well over the price of actually building. All that wood and foundation at most is worth 80k. So why the fuck would anyone pay 550k, half a million dollars for shit work from Mexicans who piss and shit into the concrete mix and don't even make sure the wood being nailed is actually level? Living in a tiny home you made yourself is based. Not a pod, but a small home.

>> No.54987697

What's -1×-1 ?

>> No.54987843

from the article
>Today, it’s my primary residence, and I live in it for $0; my mortgage, property taxes and utility bills are covered by rent I collect from renting out my main home.
its not really a dishonest way to say making an investment to then live for free, especially in the short form of a headline

>> No.54988076

I built a 12x20 to residential standards to use as an office. probably about $25k 5 years ago. 2x6 walls with hardi and metal roof.

>> No.54988116

its brand new. $35,000 is too much though. unless it includes the price of the land.

>> No.54988144
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what the fuck is her problem?

>> No.54988173

All of humaniity used to be able to go out and build their own humble house by their own hand with local materials, until modern zoning jews decided to weaponize the law to prevent us from doing this "for our safety" and force us into buying their product and paying them bribe money (inspections and other bureaucratic red tape). It's a racket. Adn these "professionally" constructed modern homes are more shitty and less safe than the houses our ancestors built. In europe you can throw a rock and hit a house more than 200 years old. How many american houses last more than 50? and modern houses are stuffed with carcinogens. if asbestos and lead paint turned out to be harmful, what other materials are also harmful that we don't know about yet? all these flame retardants and polyesters and chemical additives on paint and finishes, might they not be giving us cancer? modern houses are notoriously subject to mold.

the law needs to be challenged. they've banned certain construction types and materials on the basis of safety, and severely restrain self-building on the premise of safety, but they can't prove their proscribed methods, materials, and construction standards are any better, but they sure do charge us a whole damned lot of money for them, while lobbying that any alternative be made illegal.

the (((building code))) is fundamentally unconstitutional and must be legally challenged.

>> No.54988182


>> No.54988703

If you need any other evidence, the fact this is getting mainstream attention and being presented like "hey, things aren't so bad, look what options you have available to you!" is dystopian as shit and it means those in power have just accepted it's only going to get worse. This is becoming the century of gaslighting.

>> No.54988715

>pays 0
>built for 35k
pick one

>> No.54988728

tell it to NY and LA who can't get any of the things you mentioned

>> No.54989006

What’s more grim is in 90% of 1st world countries this isn’t allowed. Jewish building permits will deem it as an illegal dwelling and fine you for breaking the law, while they allow drug addicts/mentally ill to set up tent cities wherever they please

>> No.54989064

Apartments are gouging people thousands of dollars a month for a one-bedroom and letting all their vacant units rot because the one Silicon Valley WFH employee can cover the cost of like five units on their remote salary while only renting a two bedroom for themselves and their fur-baby.

>> No.54989437

said the guy that pays 35k for rent eveyr month

>> No.54989449

>Ywn have a shedfu.

>> No.54989753

>No foundation
>No plumbing
>No electric
Its a fucking home depot shed dropped on a piece of land. could build that yourself for way less in one weekend

>> No.54989818

>thinks modest house is a top signal
>thinks giant overpriced poor quality builds are not a top signal
>spews word salad about vans for some reason

>> No.54989861

This, all the gay rustic design interior and hideaway plywood furniture in the qorld dosent make up for extra space

>> No.54989885

suicide pepe?

>> No.54989932

$35,000 to build a shed... KEK

>> No.54991168

ITT: nobody actually lives in their million dollar mansions they keep bragging about

>> No.54991227
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What a boring dystopia.


>> No.54991234

I have spent 12k AUD on my insulated pod so far and its pretty well done. Massive fuck off windows, insulation, etc. I got the timber to line it for 70 bucks and a slab of beer. Its a lot of fucking work but I live on my land and grow fruit and shit.

>> No.54991342


I don't think you understand what this word means.

>> No.54991410

Nigga that's a shotgun house.

>> No.54991412

Yeah, and they also didn't have plumbing, electricity, nor heating, and about half the offspring would die before age 12 due to cholera.
Source: my great, great grandparents emigrated from Prussia to the American wild west in the 19th century.
My great, great grandma had over a dozen kids, and a few died in childhood.
One of my uncles was abducted by angry Natives when their village was raided, but fortunately the Cavalry rescued him and he survived well into the 20th century.

>> No.54991450

That's anti-semitic.

>> No.54991568

The only thing about these is that if I was living with someone or had someone over that we'd have to listen to each other pooping. I can't really deal with that. I'd need to have a separate bathroom away from the house.

>> No.54991603


>> No.54991604

That's cool. What part of Australia? I saw there's cheap land in Queensland that isn't super far from civilization.

>> No.54991722

>Literally owns the land
>Tiny house is in the backyard of a 3br house she pays a $1.2k mortgage on
>Main house being rented out for more than the mortgage
>Made back the money for her tiny house in 2 years by making it an Airbnb
>Lives in the tiny house just because she doesnt want a ton of space

Whats wrong with any of this?(aside from her being a nigger)

>> No.54991804


>> No.54991839

Of course. I was unconsciously inserting myself, a white male, into the picture, which made it okay.

>> No.54991867

This is a straight up lie. That bitch is paying money every month just like the rest of us.
>got land to put it on?
Land tax
>putting it in a trailer park?
Lot rent.

Also, no way that thing is rigged up to code. If she was white she'd have city councillers playing a bunch of fuck-fuck games and putting fines all over the place.
She probably put it up illegally, but the city councilors were just glad to have at least 1 (one) black person be not a net drain to society in every aspect

>> No.54991898


lmao 35 bands for a cuckshed, yeah.. no

>> No.54991908

Shutup you lying WEF commie shill

>> No.54991946

this. I’m sure it’s against zoning restrictions. She most definitely doesn’t own the land that it’s on . The Jewish media just lies and lies and enables niggers 24/7. It’s all to push the youth to become stupid communists which /biz/ apparently is infected with . What happens with this nigger girl gets hit with a 2 month blizzard in her shed? Is she going to freeze to death ? It’s just lies by American jews. They are out of ducking control .

The other day I had the news on in Northern California— the new segment turned into a electric automobile sales pitch segment - and I shit you not- the main “car salesmen” guy was a fucking male jew. He was shilling a 50k Hyundai and a near 95k Lincoln suv. And then the weather man had the last name “Epstein”.


>> No.54991962

She is super cute and is intelligent and motivated. I would marry her.


>> No.54991999
File: 7 KB, 300x168, shedandbreakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow look at this walkable neighborhood for millennials!

>> No.54992013

>pandemic was DECLARED
>says it twice
she knows. she doesn't believe the lies.

>> No.54992031

American houses are glorified sheds. Honestly it didn’t even look like a shed until she pointed it out.

>> No.54992043

That’s extremely based

>> No.54992349

>Brainlet simpleton’s take
Weather is a non factor other than hurricanes and tornadoes, stay the fuck out of those areas
Doesn’t own a car to drive the 30 miles to a town
Internet is easy remote now too

>> No.54993079
File: 3.03 MB, 1500x1202, Yurt-and-Steps-479007066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solar, compost toilet, inexpensive yurt house. tornado? build another. its basically disposable. well some niggers have spent 40k on top solar DIY but thats crazy. not as crazy as spending north of 300k on a stucco box made by spics within inhaling distance of spics.

>> No.54993200

any thought other than this wrong.
t. house rich cash poor boomer wage slave

>> No.54993532

Based softspoken shaman fan

>> No.54993621
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>> No.54993868

as soon as i can afford a half acre of land somewhere where i wont be stuck on satellite internet and a removeable house or whatever the fuck they're called, im doing it. will find a 2 day a week job to pay for the few bills and food i need and just live semi-retired doing whatever the fuck i want. ive given up on having a big house and a wife and family, ill just drive a few hours to a city to get laid once a month if i feel like it. fuck society.

>> No.54994097

>just live in the suburbs bro

>> No.54994120

>dense urban economic zones are more profitable per acre than a suburban parking lot

What a dumbass shit lib video.

>> No.54994150

Yeah and shitty gun laws. How's that going for you, beaner?

>> No.54994161

If I don't end up inheriting land for some reason then this is literally my plan.
You could even do this and rent the house out for a grand a month. Break even in 5 years and then after that it's an infinite money glitch.

>> No.54994164

Vastly underrated post

>> No.54995027

Why would you become a competing drug dealer/associate with the cartel?

>> No.54995035

>Janice the Janny

>> No.54995220

ngl after the problem with the houses I think I'd rather buy some land and do my own shit there with PLEB, I don't want to risk my ass too much