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54985566 No.54985566 [Reply] [Original]

Why didnt you get the Thai-Elita 20 year visa yet?

>> No.54986497

Can't afford it and don't have much desire for it

>> No.54986571

Because I'm on the 5 year visa nigger

>> No.54986588

I got a marriage visa but they still require you have money in your account and stuff. Kind of a pain in the ass.

>> No.54986624
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Just don't be poor, also checked

>> No.54986635

how much money?

>> No.54986663

>Thai-Elita 20 year visa
what does this do for you? if you are going to stay for 20 years just become a citizen?

>> No.54986673

This is Asia, not the west where we give out citizenships to niggers and spics. Best a westoid can hope for is to get residency.

>> No.54986698

Also it's pretty cheap all things considered. You just buy it and don't have to worry about the headache of acquiring residency the poor people way

>> No.54986724

Is half of this board SEAmonkeys and eastern europoors?

>> No.54986726

I still have to keep 400,000 baht in my account ff

>> No.54986821

That's literally nothing faggot. Are you some poor that is living with his love in isaan surrounded by water buffalo?

>> No.54986856
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>> No.54986874

Eh imo not a good idea to buy a 20 year visa from a country thats effectively run by the military.
Personally If I was interested in staying long term I'd get the 5 year and see how it played out.

As this anon notes, Asia actually values the notion of citizenship, so I'd be careful personally if I were to move my family and live there for decades.

>> No.54986947

Looks nice. Where is that and how much do you pay?

>> No.54987010

I have the money set aside for it. I'm just waiting for my passport to ship, some projects at work to ship, and my friends to sort out their plans and their own personal finances for a group trip to Thailand which will provide cover for me to go there and never return.

>> No.54987062

its right in the middle of the city. I pay $500 a month.

>> No.54987073

What city? Are there a lot of westerners? Do you speak Thai?

>> No.54987081

pattaya. yes. and ugh

>> No.54987104

Why would I? paying for residency/citizenship is retarded if its not a tax haven

>> No.54987126

>Not just doing a visa run to Poipet every month, playing the shitty casinos for a few hours then getting a bus back to bangkok

>> No.54987152

You know there is no tax, do you?

>> No.54987217

Is it really though, don't see why people would pay absurd amounts to live in singapore if that was the case

>> No.54987333

I hear they're cracking down on this.

>> No.54988215

Emirati gold visa is better

>> No.54988495
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Sweet baby jesus