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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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549831 No.549831 [Reply] [Original]

I just inherited 30,000 acres(!) of land out in bumfuck nowhere, Norway. Most of it is just useless, rocky fells like pic related with extremely bad accessibility from the main roads (at least 1 day of walking uphill over the mountains). However included in this area is a medium size lake (a few hundred meters across) and maybe 1-2 thousand acres of land suitable for houses / cabins, although I cannot imagine a single fuck wanting to live / vacate all the way out here.

How do I make a profit from this fucking place?

>pic related, it's not the property itself but it looks just like it

>> No.549838

maybe there are minerals there? Fish the lake? Start fish farm? Plant bushes or trees or whatever can grow there? start underground drug lab?

Why did the previous owner have it?

To be honest some land is worthless. You could have inherited a big fat nothing. You might be able to use the land as collateral for a loan.

>> No.549854

>maybe there are minerals there?
There has never been any mining activity here ever. In Norway there's a bit of silver, thorium and other minerals in Kongsberg, and there's also some aluminum and copper on the west coast but that's pretty much it I think.

>Fish the lake? Start fish farm?
I know that there's quite a bit of salmon up here. Only thing is I know fuck all about fish farming, I don't know how profitable it is and I think the laws are extremely strict here with regards to how much fish you could farm. Not a bad idea though.

>Plant bushes or trees or whatever can grow there?
It's above the tree limit so no can do. I guess I could grow bushes but I don't see the value of doing so. Also the weather is pretty harsh up here so yeah I'm not sure what else could grow

>start underground drug lab?
not a bad idea. If not drug lab something else that you want to keep hidden. Getting up here is a pain in the ass, the weather is fucking shit and there's nothing here. I doubt police would do any patrols, and if they do, they have thirty thousands acres to check.

>Why did the previous owner have it?
Old family farm / hunting grounds. It's been in my family since the 1500's but the last owner died with no heirs so it was passed on to his cousin, my grandpa, but he's so old he can't be dealing with this shit so he gave it to me and my dad. My dad doesn't really need it because he makes good money as a CEO in the norwegian oil industry nor does he have the time to manage it. He said I could have it if I wanted so here we are.

>To be honest some land is worthless.
well fuck.

We do have a potential buyer though willing to give 2 million NOK ($300k) for the property but if it turns out there was some profits to be made I will never forgive myself.

What do?

>> No.549861

Above the tree limit? Trees stop growing at some point up north? Interesting. It must be really far north. What kinda shit did people hunt back in the day?

I'm pretty sure there are land appraisal experts that can look into this for you. Is this the first offer you've had? List the property for a while and see what prices come in.

>> No.549862

>maybe minerals

- if you do sell it, esp. for 300k (30,000 acres..), keep the mineral rights. You never know..

>> No.549864

>Above the tree limit? Trees stop growing at some point up north?
well it's a mix of the area being far north (slightly above 60 degrees north in latitude) and it being at 800-900m altitude. Also I think it's technically called tree line but yeah, trees won't grow here. The further north you get in terms of latitude, the lower the tree line is in altitude. Here it's at around 600-700m

>What kinda shit did people hunt back in the day?
pretty much exclusively lagopus.

>Is this the first offer you've had?
Nah the first offer was at 1.7 million NOK and after some competition between 2 people it is now at 2 million NOK.

>I'm pretty sure there are land appraisal experts that can look into this for you.
yeah I know I have arranged for one to come look at it, in the meantime I figured I could ask you guys.

>> No.549874

what did your family farm there? I am genuinely interested since, I thought no food crop could grow there.

Also you might start growing whatever it is reindeer eat, and raise reindeer and sell reindeer meat? Will other farm animals survive there?

Maybe you can rent the land to hunters? Build a cabin, market it as the tundra wilderness experience to rich foreigners and they can ride snow-mobiles and ice-fish.

>> No.549878

Is it a freshwater lake? Sounds like its time to develop an exquisite brand of Norwegian bottled water.

>> No.549883

I think it's pretty dayum cool that your family has owned the land for 500 years. The Americas had just been discovered around that time.

Are you related to the royal family? hehe. I want a rich viking boyfriend ;_;

>> No.549890

rent hunting reserve.
i pay shitload of money for hunting reserve in ex-Jugo

>> No.549891

Is weed legal in Norway? If so start a greenhouse out there and brand your strain. The combination of good clean air and cutting edge hydroponics will be perfect for branding and marketing.

>> No.549901

I'll buy it for 350k.

>> No.549902

Minerals is the big interest. It's too remote for any production, including drugs, which is a bad ideal anyway. Hunting cabins, ect is slow business. Farm fishing, maybe, try ask someone who does it or look at company reports from farm fishing and check locations, lake sizes ect.

Take the offer if you're having to pay taxes on it every year, and after exploring any mineral rights angles, you can't come up with a plan, or sell the land without selling the mineral rights, if allowed under N. law. Find a uni with a good mining department and ask someone there if a survey makes sense, uni professors might give out free information.

>> No.549932

>pls be in norge

>> No.549941

30k acres

can we all have a couple acres. I've always wanted to be a landowner before I die and now's my chance.

>> No.549942

i invested most of my money and once i get rich, im not sure wether to reinvest it or just buy a fuckload of land. just for the sake of being a landowner.

damn, OP, this must feel good. do you have to pay taxes for the land?

>> No.549954

Keep it. I'd love to have 30k acres just have it for bragging rights.

>> No.549958

Open some sort of hippie camp and make them pay for the pleasure of being neo-bums.

>> No.549965

>its time to develop an exquisite brand of Norwegian bottled water.
OP you literally could not have a more profitable venture put in front of you. After you get your brand set up you can just start using tap water, because it'll be from Norway.

Do it.

>> No.549976

Go outside onto your land, look around and think to yourself "all this is mine"
Confidence level +985

>> No.549992

rent/lease it out as a hunting area. There are enough weirdos out there, willing to pay a shitload of $$$ to shoot animals. If you're short of animals, breed elks/moose.

You're welcome.

>> No.549999


My ID contains "Zoo"

>oh the irony...

>> No.550008

>check for oil
>check for minerals
>read up on fish farming laws
>buy a moose or two

>> No.550009

Hire me. I'll find a mineral there, there's minerals everywhere dude. And with the arctic opening up, Norway is in a perfect place to export the likes of iron ore to China. Dalradian Resources (TSX:DNA) have huge tracts of exploration licences in Norway, they might be interested in paying you for exploration rights there

>> No.550028

There's really not enough foliage/tree cover for moose/elk. They're more taiga/boreal forest species and this is basically frozen tundra. Might consider ranching with a hardier breed of cattle - something like Highlanders. You'd spend a lot in feeding them but with beef prices as high as they are now it might be worthwhile. Caribou might also do alright up there but I know fuck all about raising reindeer.

>> No.550032

Dude, this is a business board. Just because you don't have the breeding knowhow, does not mean you can't do it. Hire a breeder or let him teach you. Normally, these projects/ideas fail because there is no land available at a decent price. You inherited it. Just do it.

>> No.550035

Habitat for Woolly Mammoth reintroduction. Get some caribou, wolves, sheep, small mammals and demonstrate its viability as a closed ecosystem. Then once the mammoths come off controlled hunts to keep the population down in lieu of saber-toothed tigers and neanderthals

>> No.550036

musk oxen

>> No.550043

Make it a destination for people seeking solitude, quiet etc. Build simple homes and rent. Idea of a 21 year old in "art" school si probably worthless.

>> No.550047
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>Idea of a 21 year old in "art" school si probably worthless.

Get outta here kid

>> No.550048

Hold it. If someone approaches you about it they most likely know something you don't. Most useless land becomes useful eventually whether its through new discoveries technology or accessibility

>> No.550050

Oh boy, the /biz/ network is sprouting to action.

>> No.550074

Thats a titload of land. I would be surprised if it didnt contain minerals or something.

Try to get aerial sonar "what the fuck ever they use " surveyors to give it a once over. Tell them they get a piece of the action for their time and effort

>> No.550077

If the land in the past was used to be a hunting ground, make a few cabins and make a retreat. People pay good money to get away from civilization. Build a few cabins around the lake with decent plumbing and electricity, and you could have some nice money coming in. Either that, build an underground bunker.

>> No.550090

I wish. Those nordic boys make by boypussy twitch

>> No.550201

if you really find no way to monetize it, don't sell it anyway. make it your playground. detonate stuff, shoot animals, build a little cabin for yourself and your family for the holidays to spend in.

>> No.550208

This is not a bad idea that VOSS shit sells fairly well as far as I know. Could be worth a shot just selling Norwegian water In an appealing bottle for too much money

>> No.550211


Sell it to Muslims.
I hear that's good business in Scandinavia

>> No.550800

OP here, this gun be a long one, Sorry for not replying sooner. Part 1

>if you do sell it, esp. for 300k (30,000 acres..), keep the mineral rights. You never know..
good idea, I didn't know you could sell the property but keep those kind of rights. Interesting.

>what did your family farm there? I thought no food crop could grow there.
That is true. I don't think they actually farmed anything (as in growing vegetables or corn or anything) due to the harsh weather, but they had a bit of cattle and sheep and would trade for other products with farmers further south. There was only enough land to feed like 1 family of maybe 10 people, nothing more, and they were completely dependent on other farmers to survive.

>Also you might start growing whatever it is reindeer eat, and raise reindeer and sell reindeer meat? Will other farm animals survive there?
Raising reindeer is a ton of work, and I don't plan on living up here. It's boring as fuck.I think most farm animals would survive during the spring/summer/fall and then be slaughtered during the winter (a few of them might be kept indoors).

>Maybe you can rent the land to hunters?
This is kind of a problem because there's very liberal hunting/fishing laws in norway. Even though it's my land I can't deny people to hunt/hike/ski/fish here. The only thing I can do that they can't is that I can ride a boat with an engine in that lake I mentioned, while they can only use rowing boats.

>Build a cabin, market it as the tundra wilderness experience to rich foreigners and they can ride snow-mobiles and ice-fish.
My dad's cousin already does this with some other land close by. He's basically got a monopoly on it.

The lake is used for hydroelectric power, and is governed by the local county. I can't tap from it.

>I think it's pretty dayum cool that your family has owned the land for 500 years. The Americas had just been discovered around that time.
Yeah I think it's pretty cool too

>> No.550806


Were you the last person in your family? You extremely seem incompetent, just sell the land.

>> No.550810

>I think it's pretty dayum cool that your family has owned the land for 500 years. The Americas had just been discovered around that time.
I think it's pretty cool too.

>Are you related to the royal family?
lmao no

>I want a rich viking boyfriend
funny you should mention it, in the Snorre Sagas there will be mentions of Olav the holy hiding on a small island in a freshwater lake. That lake is just outside of where my property is. Also I'm already spoken for, sorry.

>rent hunting reserve.
i pay shitload of money for hunting reserve in ex-Jugo
I answered this earlier but for your convenience: I can't deny people to hunt/ski/fish/hike here due to norwegian law.

I'll let you know if I'm interested.

Yeah I agree with this. Hunting business probably wouldn't work that good. Farm fishing and minerals; maybe.

Yeah it is nice to have this huge ass wasteland just for the space

>Open some sort of hippie camp and make them pay for the pleasure of being neo-bums.
I cannot see any hippie wanting to live here. Rain and wind all the time, and winter from October-March.

Again, I can't tap it because it's being used for hydroelectric power.

lmao I already have

See answers above

Well my father works in the oil industry and he's got several experts at his fingertips to come look for minerals. But not a bad idea.

This is what I'm thinking as well.

Yeah it's just I'm pretty sure the bed rock is extremely old and if I remember correctly that's not a good sign. Also there has not been any mining activity for hundreds of miles. Wouldn't hurt to check though.

I was thinking about this if it weren't for the fact that it's a pain in the ass getting there, let alone carry heavy equipment.


>> No.550813

I've already answered this but my grandpas cousin was the last person, he died recently with no heirs, my grandpa was the closest heir so he got it but he didn't want it because he's so old, so he gave it to my father who in turn earns good money in the oil industry so he asked me if I wanted it (and I would keep all profits from selling it or doing something with it).

Yes I'm extremely incompetent in this area. I'm an engineer not a farmer kek

>> No.550816


What is your engineering concentration?

>> No.550819

Well I don't really have a specialization because I studied engineering physics (M.Sc.) which is a rather non-specific course.

>> No.550821


You'll come up with something. Get off this board and go read a book that connects land and engineering.

>> No.550822

>tfw yuropoors don't have mineral rights

Not true ownership

>> No.550839

Fucking build a house there!
Dude you can have a nice house on a large amount of land. You can do whatever you want there.

Also it sound like you have money since you said your dad is a CEO. Don't trip just kick it yo!

>> No.550842

yeah but as I've said there's several reasons for not living there

1.) Takes at least one day of walking up steep terrain from the road
2.) Therefore, no stores or other people around for miles
3.) the weather is shit
4.) absolutely nothing to do up there. No water, no electricity, no internet, nothing.

>> No.550849


you might be able to spawn fish there but you will never be able to compete with fjord based salmon farming, i am sorry. A salmon hatchery MIGHT work however.

>> No.550851

yeah, there might be a reason why no one's been farming fish up here despite the fact that we've always known about the salmon.

>> No.550854


i study aquaculture in australia and in my area (tasmania) we intensively farm salmon. the ideal condition for a salmon farm is a deep, narrow river near the sea, in a calm bay, with lots of flow so the water is always fresh. norway is the world leader in salmon farming. like, norway only exports a certain amount of salmon due to international treaty. norway already has the capacity to produce enough salmon to satisfy 2-300% of global demand every year.

perhaps you can use this land for farming some kind of arctic plant which is in high demand

>> No.550862

30.000 acres for 300k dollars?
thats around 10 dollars per acre.
dude, i'll pay you double. for a few acres. like, 5 or 6, up to ten. got 200 bucks to spare.

think about it.
200% profit.

>> No.550867
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Try permaculture
Sepp Holzer knows how to use water well
As does Geoff Lawton

>> No.550869
File: 584 KB, 2400x1350, aquaponics-plans-free-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with all that water you can aquaponic as part of a food forest
This can slowly microclimate the area and bring a lot of wildlife, then maybe make a nature reserve?

>> No.550870 [DELETED] 

Then try building with natural materials like earth bags.

>> No.550871
File: 144 KB, 1019x482, Ecodome-in-canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also try building with natural materials like earthbags
You can really make nice architecture with not that much investment

>> No.550872
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And before you permaculture try prospecting and then remediate ecologically with a permaculture food forest

>> No.550877
File: 51 KB, 728x396, biodiesel-project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A renewables production facility such as a bunch of solar panels or better earth friendly algae biofuel to power everything on your land

>> No.550891

if its cold as fuck up there, you could always sell 90% of the acres and keep the ones that are nearest to civilization. use the money you got to run electric and phone lines, use whatevers left to buy a shitload of mining rigs. mine bitcoins or pnd in that area, which provides natural cooling.

>> No.550961

Hire me as your land manager and we can get to work on it.

>> No.550993

Oh wow son you went full retard.

>> No.551202

So by chance I met a successful bussinessman in his home through work. And when asked what to invest in he replied "Land, they stopped producing it". Congratulations OP.

>> No.551249

Considered ski resort?

And if there is a lot of wind up there you might be able to make wind mills up there.

How much would it cost to get a road out there?

>> No.551259

Can you give me one?


>> No.551272

build an open playground for kids !!! Invest

>> No.551342


You lucky shit.

Why don't you use your head? There is water, fish like water... Farm fish.

There is land that can be turned into a solar farm, etc.

If I were you, I would live there, or start a village there. You could be like a pioneer and experience what most people trapped in this shitty boring city life could only dream of.

>> No.551557

Ooh man, I wish 4chan was more social like, Id be great to get a followup on how this all works out for you. Very interesting thread. If youre not full of bs, congratulations, and I wish you the best of luck regardless

>> No.552551
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>pix plz
>srs nd 2 c

My mom died today; may I have an acre of your land, please, for I have naught here to seek refuge with, and shall keep the peace around your land as Sherriff, M'Lordship, obeying and enforcing your royal decrees, Sire.

>mfw i m not kidding about my mom
>mfw now truly orphan

>> No.553182

>yeah but as I've said there's several reasons for not living there
>1.) Takes at least one day of walking up steep terrain from the road

Build a road, if the terrain looks like that you can really do it in a couple weekends with a sledge hammer breaking up any sharp rocks. You could also probably get a mining company to build one if you let them do some exploration there

>2.) Therefore, no stores or other people around for miles
if you have a road driving 15 minutes isn't so bad

>3.) the weather is shit
like snowy and cold during winter or does it resemble skyrim?

>4.) absolutely nothing to do up there. No water, no electricity, no internet, nothing.
you can run lines out there

Also by partnering up with someone who has float planes you can keep it exclusive and charge people to use one of your private cabins, market it as 30k acres of virgin wilderness

Show us pictures of the land and the lake

>> No.553189


Be fucking ashamed of yourself.

>> No.553196

Maybe a wind farm?

>> No.553215

Invite everone from 4chan to live there and we can form the perfect fascist society. /pol/ can be in charge of politics. /int/ will be in charge of foreign relations. /biz/ can be in control of economic policy. /k/ can be our army. /out/ will help us grow and hunt food. /sci/ can be in charge of education and research. /diy/ will be in charge of building infrastructure. This would be a dream come true.

>> No.553229

trees in my area have a really hard time growing above 11k feet in colorado.. also known here as tree line... and thats a fun fact for the day

>> No.553232

>build power lines and water/sewer system
>build an airport
>build the biggest attraction park in the world
>build the biggest cinema studio in the world
>build the biggest concert venue in the world
>build the biggest casino in the world
>build a big wall around your land
>hire mercenaries to defend it
>secede from Norway
>build the biggest whorehouse in the world
>build the biggest weed greenhouse in the world
>build the biggest drug factory in the world
>become #1 fortune
>become #1 rich holiday destination with the craziest hotels and shit like that
>host "Rich convention" for a week every year where only the 1000 richest people in the world are invited
>one year, hold them hostage with your mercenaries in a huge prison complex
>torture them till you get all their money
>buy every single government
>unite every country under your firm but generous command
>invest heavily in education and education research
>bring humanity to a new age of Renaissance where a majority of individuals can demonstrate critical thinking and a vast knowledge of human culture
>let scientific development go faster and faster in the huge scientific complexes you keep building
>become immortal
>colonize space
>meet other forms of life
>rally them to your cause
>find a cure for the fate of the universe
>transcend dimensions
>build every single conceivable fantasy
>build also all the unconceivable fantasies
>one of them being a universe in which history unfolds such as a young man once inherits 30,000 acres of land out in bumfuck nowhere, Norway.

>> No.553260


op, why haven't you done this yet?
it's like you don't even want to be successful

>> No.553293

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.553322

>kidnap all the smart people
>set up shitty enclave where everyone can be edgy together
Ayn Rand: now in Norway!

>> No.553324

That would be such a fucking disaster. OP, you have to do it.

Maybe make it like an Internet reality TV show, only it's not scripted and it stars bonafide autists. You could make an income selling subscriptions. I would totally pay to watch that.

I think every board has discussed setting up their own retarded colony at some point, but since most 4channers are broke, they could never get past the planning (let alone funding) stage, so this would be their chance to finally show the world what the great minds of 4chan are capable of.

>> No.553349

Start a llama farm. Why has nobody suggested this? Llama fur is worth a lot

>> No.553897

Alpaca Fur you mean ....

>> No.554053
File: 6 KB, 569x510, Tfwinstantbanforthispost.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realise that OP already did that and you are a part of his new dimension

>> No.554065

Declare independence from Norway and start a libertarian micro-state.

>> No.554072

>>Build a cabin, market it as the tundra wilderness experience to rich foreigners and they can ride snow-mobiles and ice-fish.
>My dad's cousin already does this with some other land close by. He's basically got a monopoly on it.

If your dads' cousin owns the monopoly, expand his business and take a cut?
Lease the land to him.

>> No.554077


>> No.554264
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>triple dubs speaks truth

>> No.554267


Make it an elite winter escape thing, spa whatever gay shit people like.

>> No.554351
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>I answered this earlier but for your convenience: I can't deny people to hunt/ski/fish/hike here due to norwegian law.

Holy shit, you can't fish on your own property and you can't prevent anyone from hunting there, what's it like living in hell? I can't believe that your government has the audacity to shit on your property rights like that.

>> No.554355
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>> No.554491

So if dad's cousin has the 'tourist location for wilderness fun' thing saturated, you need to find a new angle. What do you have that he doesn't? A giant fucking lake. And what lives in giant lakes? That's right, a rarely-sighted plesiosaur that has miraculously survived for 65 million years. Fake some photos of this guy, set up some cabins near the lake, and offer guided tours to delusional fools for cold hard cash.

>> No.554505


Why does somebody want to buy it for $300k? Somebody obviously wants it for something. I can't imagine they'd drop the money on land that was completely worthless.

>> No.554507

I dunno man, I'd buy a lot of "worthless" land for $10 an acre (in a developed country).

>> No.554723

There's always demand for land. Billionaires are buying land in Patagonia and doing nothing with it.
I'm sure there must be a demand for 30,000 acres of land in the most developed country in the world.
If the person that wants to purchase it is someone politically motivated, the land could be used for a variety of purposes such as starting an autonomous community.

>> No.554728

Is it windy up there? Start a wind farm.

>> No.554812

Open it up to hunters?

>> No.554826

its like you actually hate fun

>> No.554834

Hey op can I buy an acre of land from you?

>> No.554852

If you can't deny people the use of your land why is it yours?

>> No.554860

Declare yourself as an independent state and let china build a military base on your land for an annual fee.

Might not work out so well but hey, it's worth a go right

>> No.555221

>Ask ceorichfag dad for helicopter
>Build pad in centre of tundra
>Get people to rent out tundra chopper adventures.
>Fly them into remote cabins with guns n shit
>Use some of the other land to grow bunker weed with UV lights
>Build nordic mansion holiday house somewhere else
>Convert 10 acres into the most bad assed paintball field ever, with ATV's and hummers and shit
>Weird Norwegian theme park?
>Build a pyramid in the centre cause why the fuck not
>Fence it off
>Declare your own nation

>> No.555229

Develop and market it as some sort of extreme nature getaway for yuppies

>> No.555251
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OP: put out the call for followers.
>assemble brain trust, labor pool, etc
>design and build utopian city/arcology, fully self sufficient
>declare sovereignty ala Andorra and Lichtenstein
>set example for world to follow

>> No.555567


Dude, $300k is $10/acre. Are you stupid? Just sit on it or figure something out. Personally, I wouldn't sell that land for less than $30 million, which comes out to $1000/acre. You could probably make money off the land, sell parts of it, or just figure something out. Don't be an idiot and sell it for $300k while the guy makes millions off you. That's your family's land and they earned it you fucking retard.

Bottom line: do your research and pay a professional or something. Also stop asking for advice on 4chan you dumb snow nigger.

>> No.555701

I will give you $5000 for 100 acres