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54982647 No.54982647 [Reply] [Original]

Holding and knowing Zenon is a weird experience. You know those behind it are making the only L1/L2 that matters in crypto. No one else can scale and they all will suffer from high fees. Zenon is different. But people just can’t be told. Just like you couldn’t tell someone about Bitcoin in 2005 no one gets Zenon now. They will.

>> No.54982657

isnt this that 6+ year old scam shilled by a telegram group? the shitcoin itself has been hacked a few times and theres no real devs working on it, just a guy trying to get chatgpt to do all the work and coding for him
no thanks
hard pass

>> No.54982674

I’m not trying to persuade you. I’m just sharing how it feels that you won’t be able to grasp it.

>> No.54982680

Plus I know that was FUD cause it involved too much slightly off (well very off) insider information. Lol

>> No.54982690

You fudders did win though. I absolute hand it to whoever was behind the campaign to discredit Zenon as some kind of scam. You won. You literally won. I dunno what you get from that. But you definetly won.

>> No.54982728

>remembering facts about a scam is "insider info"
it literally is a scam
>muh jack dorsey sirs
>plenty of screenshots proving the tg is literally sent here to brigade and that they want biz to pump their bags
no, just no
lurkers beware - anyone shilling this garbage is doing it just to steal your money
all fields

>> No.54982738

So the working chain, wallets, GitHub full of code, forum with developers constantly developing isn’t real? I imagined it? I need to know. You seem to know more than my eyes are seeing. Help me kind ser.


>> No.54982770

What bit of the source code do you find to be a tg scam?


>> No.54982800

>I’m not trying to persuade you.
No you're trying to persuade yourself. These threads are pathetic, accept that you got scammed and move on with your life.

>> No.54982824

Why do you keep changing your id? How was I scammed? They created exactly what they planned to create. I’m really satisfied with the project. They keep building tirelessly. Only alt project I actually trust. So I won’t be selling. Who knows wen price reflects the importance of the project. But I will be a whale wen that day comes.

Maybe you should move on from trying to fud Zenon?

>> No.54982840

He's right though. Its worthless, has no real function or adoption. Its shilled by fucking retards who think that 'working wallets' and 'githubs full of code' are impressive things that anyone couldnt get by copy pasting plenty of other shitcoins. At least the toddler-tier 'heckin aliens!' schtick is hanging out there as a tongue in cheek insult to the retards gullible enough this vaporware. Thats pretty funny at least.
>19 commits in an entire year
Wow. 'Githubs full of code' indeed!

Sneed and hide

>> No.54982894



I was just looking at the forum. Does your shitcoin in any way discuss the kinds of developments they do? Protip no and you are brown skinned.

This is all gloriously over your head isn’t it. This is my problem. Explain the future to monkeys. It’s truely impossible…..lol. Oh well.

>> No.54982900
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Yeah I didn’t think the amount of code relates to number of commits. Hehe.

>> No.54982943

>old ghostchain with tiny volume
want someone to buy your heavy, heavy bags OP?
maybe just stick to spamming twitter with sockpuppet accounts instead

>> No.54982957

Why are you so angry?

>> No.54983080

>you're angry
what kind of cope is this?
it IS an old ghostchain with tiny volume and you arent getting your money back, not by the people that scammed you or by the people youre trying to scam
simple as

>> No.54983377
File: 1.07 MB, 640x640, BAAFDDE0-283D-469E-B4AD-8CEF53A5EA4F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m happily accumulating. But ok..just was curious why you are so angry about Zenon. Do you lose a lot of money investing in it?

>> No.54983714

>Why do you keep changing your id?
Weapons grade copium

Is the notion that more than one person might consider zenon a scam so impossible to countenance? There's no conspiracy here, it's just you're a joke.

This project is totally, completely dead. No one gives a single solitary shit about this utterly necrotic, maggot infested corpse. Holding this token is a sign of severe retardation, it will never gain in value.

>> No.54983741

This shit is never gonna moon because it's got an ugly logo

>> No.54983790

They all type the same too. It's like it's the same fucking guy, still trying to sell his bags since 2017.

Already started with the fud gaslighting. I'm surprised he hasn't busted out the old Jack Dorsey secret project infographic. Well I'm sure he'll con some gullible retards into buying this absolute horseshit, there's always one sucker

>> No.54983880

To be fair it’s a working blockchain with zero fees (which somehow people think is not a big deal even though it is) and active dev community at a nano marketcap. Worth a gamble at the very least

>> No.54983910

>working blockchain
Wow such a high bar
>zero fees
With zero throughput
>active dev community
Simply false
>Worth a gamble
There are a thousand other options I'd rather pick than zenon

>> No.54984228

Id like to address this quick, but it keeps saying that my reply look like spam and I should reformat, but reformatting doesnt do anything. Fuck this trash website, im back to Twitter

>> No.54984236

Good fuck off forever pls

>> No.54984293

>There are a thousand other options I'd rather pick than zenon
Gonna address this one though. Just buy those then. Nobody cares. I've made 2MM trading alts during the 21' run and im bought a back of Zenon rn and I really don't want to hear about any of the thousands of other options that 'you would rather pick', because your track record very likely sucks.

>> No.54984478

Lol dude you havent made 2 mil
Youre a retard begging people to buy a vaporware shitcoin on biz
Just go back to your designated shitting gutter on telegram

>> No.54984519

Oh you're gonna address it? I've not shilled anything in this thread you spastic larper and I'm not going to. I made the point that a 1/100,000,000 gamble is certifiably not worth it compared to virtually any other choice. Zenon is dead dogshit and no amount of "bet u haven't made 2 milly lol lmao" is going to change that.

>> No.54985357

>same fudder who bought at $40 back in 2021 seething in every zenon thread for eternity.
how them bags feel boyo

>> No.54985382

I feel bad for this dude when he makes this thread.
sorry man, you got scammed.
sometimes you just gotta take the 'L' and move on.

>> No.54985391

do you think there is any reason to hold onto my QSR? or should I trade some of it for ZNN? I earned a fuckton of QSR over my staking period and havent been following along with any of the ZNN news.

>> No.54985421

its going back to $20 at least with any slight developments, its just easy money. the guys thinking its gonna go to $1000 r retarded but the guys thinking this is a scam are even more retarded, it's got more developed than some top 100 projects.

>> No.54985501

id never buy it.

>> No.54985510

>its a scam cuz it dumped 95% when the crypto bubble popped just like every other alt did
guess everything is a scam then

>> No.54987612

Your doubt is a small ego push for me. I rarely post in Zenon threads

Well, your 'point' is pretty dumb. It's an excellent gamble at this price if you assume that there will be another crypto bull run ever. And yes, my opinion weighs more than yours because of my track record and yours weighs less, because you're an idiot. Simple as.

>a 1/100,000,000 gamble
Some people will buy some literal dogshit meme token at 100MM mcap, but not see the potential in a 20MM mcap feeless blockchain with an active community and devs working on some really cool stuff.

>> No.54987633

>buy some literal dogshit meme token at 100MM mcap
The dogshit memecoin at least has a chance at generating a ROI

>> No.54987867

still no one is buying your scam? damn