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54980882 No.54980882 [Reply] [Original]

should i "pretend" to be gay at my job to stand out? will it make me more likely to get a promotion? i'm probably average to slightly above average software engineer on my team. if i "pretend" to come out at the next all hands meeting, will the bosses promote me to hit their ESG quota? how much should i "gay it up"? over the top, or play it more low key so it seems realistic?

thanks in advance.

>> No.54980899

No. Trying to keep up lies gets tedious. Save that for the lies you told to get hired in the first place. But a tasteful rainbow flag at your desk when the HR roastie is stopping by wouldn't hurt.

>> No.54980906

Tell them you are bisexual instead. That way you don't need to try so hard to act gay and can still bang girls. They will assume you are also bangng any male friends you hang out with so their brains does the work for you.

>> No.54980911

Just go full tranny
I bet people will call you brave

>> No.54980930

theres already 2 trannies. we are missin a token gay guy. i think i can fill the gap

>> No.54980937

You don't have to pretend do you

>> No.54980954

This will not help in the slightest unless you work for a fortune 500 company. Chuds are delusional in thinking that being a fag is anywhere near being black in the workplace in terms of perks

>> No.54980963


>> No.54980984

Gay guy isn’t enough
That’s why you’re two coworkers turned tranny. They’re probably not really trans but just want extra goodies at work if you know what I mean

>> No.54981033
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go trans and ask to use girl bathroom. This will make noise in Dpt so your boss boss and maybe N+3 will be aware. They are the one who will promote you to say during N+3 exec meeting "i met my quota"

>> No.54981055
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good evening OP : )
You don't have an A to Z plan so don't pretend like you do. (not an insult, i mean don't delude yourself)
What you might be able to do is put on that homo mask and from then on keep an eye out to seize opportunities as they arise, equipping that homo mask as needed.
How did you behave prior to your hypothetical coming out? If you're an asocial autist (so to speak) hard to see this working out in any way. But if you leave room for interpretation in your words and deeds enough that you can convince people with a casual word then you're on the right track.
This is more or less what I do, but it's a means without an end. I won't get anything out of my strange misdirection, I'm just kind of strange myself...
Anyway, it's probably easier said than done. If the way you act, speak and carry yourself (also your appearance) inspires incredulity. If it's just not the way you are, then forcing it might make you seem like adam sandler and the fat cable guy in that one movie. You'll make a fool of yourself.
Or maybe you're a man of these times and you've got lgbt bio-software installed, perhaps unknowingly as I suspect many do, in which case let it loose.

In the end, you're probably not being serious with this post, still might be fun to try it out. I can imagine the possibilites.

>> No.54981069

pretend THIS *unzips dick*

>> No.54981149

Women aren’t actually attracted to bisexual men. They see it as just as nasty as straight men do. They don’t want your shit-stained herpified cock in their cunt

>> No.54981174

Honestly would be a better idea to start showing up with a yamaka. Anytime somebody says or does something towards you thay you don’t like you can accuse them of being a nazi

>> No.54982557

You sound like you haven't left your basement for a few years. So how you know?

>> No.54982607

>pretend to be gay
you know any anon who suggests this is already gay

>> No.54982630

do they even care about gay anymore? is gay even enough? its trans they really want. and intersectionalism, if you can combine two different "victim" demographics together say trans and black thats the holy grail

>> No.54982744

I'd let you suck my dick bro

>> No.54982792

Stunning and brave

>> No.54983829

I tried to pretend I was and now I have a bad reputation in my job, it's not worth it and it's humiliating, I didn't get shit, if I had made the same effort with PAPA at least I would have my dignity intact

>> No.54984256

nah youre already there
but when applying to jobs you can put black
HR now adays appriciates it because you meet the quotas on paper
I got hired into my current role (majority indian ran company lol) by applying as a negro
i know for a fact they list me in their statistics as a minority and im white as fuck