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54977296 No.54977296 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>on-site interview
>weird since I haven’t had one in the year I have been looking for a better position. Always phone interview.
>maybe a good thing.
>HR roastie tells me how it is a family muh small company b.s
>asks strength and weaknesses, why I applied for this company.
>tech bro comes in.
>talks briefly about the position.
>asks me if I have any questions for him.
>make small talk.
>HR roastie comes back in, “We will get back to you”

I will never make it, absolutely life denying. Waging is so cucked.

>Why is the job market like this?

>> No.54977335

I don't get the point of this story. You were asked some questions, as it tends to happen in interviews, then you conclude you're not getting the job, though nothing in your tale seems to particularly hint so.

>> No.54977358

Ignore OP. He's a retard and didn't deserve a job. Will probably find some way to fuck it up even if he does get it

>> No.54977363
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I am 28 years old and never had a job interview, I work for my parents
Imagining having a job interview makes me nervous.
I also do Uber eats on the side, I refuse to have passengers because I’m retarded and autismo.

>> No.54977390

Just venting anon, I wish I could break down every little thing but I feel pretty confident they thought I wasn’t a good a good fit.

>I am not sure it would’ve been a good fit more me either but I dunno how people do this.

>> No.54977449
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Hang in there, anon.

>> No.54977618


Thanks anon, I appreciate it. I am trying to get better at interviewing but my current job is shit and despite getting certified, going to uni...etc I feel absolutely stuck.