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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54976536 No.54976536 [Reply] [Original]

>Keeps bouncing off $6.66 over and over and over again
>Wants to connect and touch everything digital

Yeah no thanks. Rooting for Chainlink to fail, and for the antichrist plaid man to burn for his sins (dumping on bagholders, dishonesty)

>> No.54976654

It's bouncing around in a range that contains $6.66, it's not bouncing off that number specifically.
Also, the mark of the beast is about accepting something on your forehead or right hand so that doesn't fit at all.

That said, they are building a system of total tyranny and will use any tools that helps them further their goals.

>> No.54976787

Either way, Chainlink will see all, know all. Good news is it's not catching on at the moment, and adoption is slim

>> No.54976805

Chainlink? Yep that's a cuckold cult kiddo

>> No.54976811

It's unforunate that this is yet another FUD thread, rather than a genuine attempt at discussing a real, very important issue facing the future of humanity.
This place doesn't really serve any real purpose anymore.

>> No.54976826

Discuss it. That;s on you to start the discussion. Clearly they are "attempting" to have a piece in every transfer, every price check, every contract on the planet. They're becoming Goliath if CCIP becomes successful. Clearly, this has not happened yet

>> No.54976840

Will they fail if CCIP fails?
What's the solution to all this?

>> No.54977325

Yes. Smart contracts can only survive if the means to the chain is abstracted away. 99% of people will not know how to navigate the blockchain world if there's no universal protocol, ala http

If they don't solve it, others will pedal their own solution

>> No.54977370 [DELETED] 

I stand for multi culturaliism

>> No.54977416
File: 888 KB, 835x1708, serg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mark of the obeast

>> No.54977453


>> No.54977502
File: 5 KB, 293x172, B5E31B05-77A6-414F-B087-B6F81F91F1C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stand for multi culturalism I stand for Israel I stand for chainlink

>> No.54977936
File: 453 KB, 2048x1365, Baphomet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chainlink is the mark of the beast
And once again, a time of balance and prosperity shall be brought forth into the world.

>> No.54978216
File: 187 KB, 676x1024, 1618507329834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have zero idea what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.54978224


>> No.54978263

Its a dead shitcoin, everyone dumped between $30-$50, biz is full of delusional bagholders who didn't manage to get out and are now exit liquidity for the rest of the teams token supply to dump on.

Link is the next Neo or Iota of Request. All shitcoins that were shilled here but are now more dead than Michael Jackson.

>> No.54978416

just a bunch of shizo shits that hypnotised them to hold a dead shitcoin