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54974129 No.54974129 [Reply] [Original]

Hello. I am from England and I am wondering how to prioritise having my teeth fixed compared to other investments. Serious replies only.

>> No.54974227

Post pics of teeth

>> No.54974390

>Falling for the dentistry Jew
You don't even need teeth since the invention of the blender.

>> No.54974416

As someone who had messed up teeth growing up and getting braces, teeth are literally the first thing I see on a person. People with nicer teeth are treated better. Just make sure you understand the problem because my teeth are still 15% messed and I'll probably need clear braces or something.

>> No.54974664

a full set of teeth implanted will cost upwards of 20k
go to bulgaria, poland or another dental-tourist country

>> No.54975290

Does England have public healthcare?

>> No.54975364

in theory but not really. did get an nhs dentist, which is pretty much a modern day miracle (requires serious effort). but she won’t do anything to help. been twice for appointments. they only want to sell private treatments. op is clearly amerifat larper but it is a serious fucking issue

>> No.54975370

Depends how fucked they are.
If they're clean having a little crooked teeth isn't a problem.

>> No.54975381

hahaha NHS is better than anything burgers have to offer, cope and seethe.

>> No.54975409

There was this girl I like when I was young her teeth were crooked quite a bit but it was still ok. When she was around 18 she did braces and had perfect alignment. She was actually less pretty after that because she started smiling with full teeth exposed like a fucking horse, and her teeth were too perfect

>> No.54975467

Wow, I sometime feel sorry for ameribros and now ukbros, for not having a public health system. I'm actually in dental treatment for free and the quality is very good compared to the private system.

>> No.54975490

yes its truly great at providing fat nigresses with jobs they don't do and giving paki doctors the opportunity to rape anesthetised patients. when you are sick or injured however its about as useful as a bag of cat farts

>> No.54975579

you need to stop being so rude and opinionated about stuff you don't understand. Ever been to Chelsea or London? Yeah I thought so, poorfags.

>> No.54975734


>> No.54975795

This. Don't forget sinecures for obese roasties

>> No.54975864
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Nice gnashers lad!