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54974120 No.54974120 [Reply] [Original]

US Gov are about to declare all out war on crypto. I hope you apes are ready for the great battle of our time.

>> No.54974142

irrelevant to the world

>> No.54974218

controversy pumps our bags

>> No.54974253


>> No.54974269

Us is the biggest market, no question about it. Cope all you want, but the burgers cant fart without the reat of the world getting shit on it.

>> No.54974340
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What the fuck is this cringe? Le ebin Tsarino.
Are they trying to tie crypto to Russia?
Man the current US gov is god damn cringe.

>> No.54974407

Bagged my funds on ORE, bring it on.

>> No.54974421

but the millions of naked shorts that happen every week on the stock market are okay.

>> No.54974429

No one cares what the US govt thinks. I'm big on cryptos that connect web2 IDs with web3.

>> No.54974437

Burgers are irrelevant and so are their useless dollars. They buy guns and believe it gives them freedom. They buy big cars because they believe it gives them freedom.
They are nothing but overweight consumers and tax cattle.

>> No.54974449
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pajeets and chingchongs arent gonna hold up the price.

get out while you still can dorks.

>> No.54974456

>burgers are irrevelant
Biggest cope of all time.

>> No.54974458

Privacy tokens with ZK-Snark tech have nothing to fear.

>> No.54974460
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not for long long, get with the times

>> No.54974471

Obvious insider trading in congress is fine too I guess.

>> No.54974478

The 'tsar' language started with Clinton. It 's like appointing a special counsel but for bureaucracy. They're mini- cabinet positions that don't require congressional confirmation. That's why they've become so popular, because you can quietly slip in a lightbulb banning lunatic without a public hearing.

>> No.54974481

No that's just a term journalists use sometimes. Usually see it spelled "czar."

>> No.54974488

Got mine on RAIL.

>> No.54974495

The biggest cope is joining the army to defend dollars that they print out of thin air.

>> No.54974505

That explains it, absolute cringe prez.

>> No.54974508

literally every American in existence is in debt. stop pretending like the USA does anything for the economy but try to regulate it in their favor. US Dollar is dead, faggot.

>> No.54974511

>the world reserve currency is irrelevant

It won't be forever, but for the time being you're retarded.

>> No.54974533

Recruitment rates are plummeting, nobody but braindeads are joining. I'm sure your country would immediately wave the white flag if it was even slightly threatened, if it's not under the US' thumb already.

>> No.54974561
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kek. show hands you filthy pajeet..

USD backed by infinite pain machine called war. read a book fag an mebbe u understand

>> No.54974666

Watched guru the most successful team ran by SEA or BRICS. Definitely vile trash clickbait tweets and articles

>> No.54975506

Of course it's gonna happen, just not for a while.

>> No.54975935

I literally see some variation of this tweet/post at least once a week

>> No.54976169

kek, "exchanges". This is why you should self custody.

>> No.54976389

Just before the default kek

>> No.54976449

>Bobos desperate to make price stop rising
>Quick tweet that the US government will crack down on crypto

old news, everyone knows this, so how is it "Just in"?

>> No.54976463
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Wars that they cant win like in Afghanistan and Vietnam right?

>> No.54976833
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>> No.54976861

It's pretty simple- white men were making money (and also pajeets I guess lol) and republichuds support crypto, so the loberals hate it and are going to get rid of it.
>wage slave for 50 years to own the chuds
This is your brain on communism.

>> No.54976924

Do you mean in a wallet that railgun provides?

>> No.54976979

make no sense, Black and Brown people are more likely to own crypto than Whites.

>> No.54976987

meant for >>54976861

>> No.54977023


> a while

Ur grandchildren will be old men still living under global American imperialism. Maybe their children will see the end of it but doubtful.

>> No.54977031
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>black genius

>> No.54977058

How are the normalfags going to onramp and pump your bags? Retard

>> No.54977072

nobody cares about your nigger infested shithole

>> No.54977245

let them come, core wallet is out of reach for Biden

>> No.54977870

Lmao, just like the IRS is always cracking down on taxes right around the beginning of the year?

>> No.54978514
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>> No.54978598

You're geographically isolated which makes you basically invulnerable to being invaded but it also means no one has to deal with your bullshit anymore and just start ignoring you if they decide to.

>> No.54978600

>2,500 years from now, the American Interplanetary Empire crumbles apart into dust
>Some Anon's dusty old bones cries 'We were right!'

We're dragging the Third World kicking and screaming into the future. Russia, China and other Anti-Imperialist Imperialists need not apply. Its America's world, the rest of you just live here.

>> No.54978610

has nothing to do with crypto then

>> No.54979148

>Us is the biggest market
No it's not. Binance (not Binance.US) has no US market yet it commands an overwhelming share of both spot and derivatives volume of crypto trading.

>> No.54979168

nigger, burgers don't matter and no one cares

>> No.54979238

We'll your society is dominated by Eastern European and Russian Bolshevik kikes, what language do you expect?

>> No.54979249

You get nowhere spreading this kind of sensationalist information. Kek

>> No.54979271

What country are you from

>> No.54979299

We took like 200 casualties and killed like 100k civilians

Sounds like we won overall

>> No.54979329

The foundation is being laid for a new financial system. It will take root in countries were the previous fiat financial system has collapsed and people gravitate to it as a working alternative like in SA and Africa. It will also take root in forward thinking countries that want to take advantage of the capital influx like Dubai, El Salvador and the UK. They will create free crypto zones which will attract the worlds capital. As problems and contradictions with the fiat system manifest more countries will loosen restrictions and adopt it. Global powerhouses like the US and China will most likely be the last to accept or never accept crypto because it threatens the control of money creation which is the foundation of their state's power. It is best to look to moving outside the US or China if you are involved in crypto in any way.

>> No.54980200

not my problem
my keys, my coins
my node, my rules
OP apologizes for his thread or he dies in 1 hour

thread hidden from the catalog

>> No.54980260 [DELETED] 
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I don't even care about U.S

>> No.54980276
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Emin is frens with the CFTC

>> No.54980295

lol once they shutdown the on/off ramps btc will dump to 2k, should be fun to watch tho

>> No.54980349

Based on what? A tingling in his balls?

>> No.54980369

Good. More money for el Salvador

>> No.54980393

This just in, kikes plotting to steal money

>> No.54980416

The US government created Bitcoin; it's their baby. There's no better place to be, if you value freedom, than the US. But we know that most people in the world don't even understand what freedom is.

>> No.54980444

They’re really doing an excellent job of stopping my sonicobama transactions. Good job glowies

>> No.54980448

>wake up to a green crypto day
>amerisharts decide to go full retard and say some stupid shit
>markets dump

Holy fuck I hate Americans so god damn much

>> No.54980728

This is not true.
In the same way that every single last high explosive compound was invented by a civilian and not a military org or military corporation, the kikes in finance have not invented bitcoin.
You are an asshole and a retard.

>> No.54980746

You no longer have a functional brain, but if you're white, there's still hope. Only YOU can decide to think.

>> No.54980763

Come and take it, pussy.

>> No.54980801

shorting all coins

>> No.54981465
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What now?
It's a trap