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5497274 No.5497274 [Reply] [Original]

Will it ever go up?

>> No.5497290


>> No.5497323

Should I sell all of my tokens?

>> No.5497343

it literally went from 1 cent to 25 cents in a couple months

are you fucking retarded?

>> No.5497362

Yes, you can make more money trading tokens that are actually moving.

>> No.5497398

I bought all mine at twenty six cents

>> No.5497410

please sell

>> No.5497423

This, all those peeps buying at an ATH or just recently and are regretting it already. Unfortunately, people just don't understand its potentiality.

>> No.5497446

No he needs to sell it

>> No.5497460

it will go up a ton around the end of january chill out. if you want just sell now n try n make it big on shitcoins but you might just lose more.

>> No.5497493

I have to wait a whole MONTH? FUCK YOU

>> No.5497542

Are you retarded? It mooned nonstop for about 2 weeks. Smfh BHSL biz life

>> No.5497562


just sell it

>> No.5497623

sell it pls you noodle fingered fuck!!!

>> No.5497643

Lmao y’all want my 3000 tokens so fucking bad don’t you

>> No.5497708

honestly yes. I need more time, I need a juicy BTC crash

>> No.5497814

Why do you fucks like this coin? Its just a worse ripple, created by the founder of ripple after he got kicked out of the ripple company for being a little shit.

Why would this ripple clone be good and xrp be bad when xrp has a real dev team and vision behind it?

>> No.5497891

it's shit, don't buy

>> No.5497963

In 6 months, FairX will have 80% of all western cryptotraffic, and XLM will be #1 on coinmarketcap. Crypto will be a 4 trillion industry. I expect lumen to x50.

>> No.5498007

Fuck man

>> No.5498016

Can you give a reason why? This is just a worse version of XRP. Why would this grab market share and XPR not?

>> No.5498044

thats what happens when you buy high, literally months for a measly 2x while some dude has already 10x on this shit and was probably riding the icx and xvg hype train while you counted satoshis up

>> No.5498102

dyor faggot

>> No.5498144
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This shit is about to moon hard

>> No.5498209

This coin is not a worse version of ripple you retard

>> No.5498222

BTC is dying. It's slow, expensive and playground of Chinese miners. XLM and fairX will bring Crypto to all normies in a way cuckbase never will. Instead of using slow-as-fuck BTC as middle grond, FairX will use fast-as-fuck lumen to convert cash to any crypto you want. You know how we count in satoshi? That'll change, by 2019 we'll count in lumen. E.g. 1 XRP is 0.05 lumen.

>> No.5498281

BIG. (if true..)

>> No.5498458

>You know how we count in satoshi
Only idiots count in satoshi's. Its a worthless metric that doesnt tell you if your coin increaced in value of if BTC is going down, also no one intuitively knows if 30k satoshi is reasonably for a burger.

Stop trying to sound like an elite crypto trader hackerman and use USD.

>> No.5498507
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>> No.5498698

genuine question - who are FairX and why should I care?

>> No.5498877

Isn't it much safer to buy ICX right now?

>> No.5498907

stop shill gtfo with your pnd shit

>> No.5498932


have fun losing money retard

>> No.5498999

don't own any retard, I'm in XLM, it was a question.

>> No.5499018

Our turn next.

>> No.5499085

this so much

>> No.5499159

I bought ICX but I'm not sure. FOMOd in near the ATH, and the more I look at it the less solid it looks like. Their github is scraps of Python code and hasn't been updated recently, and they have no product to showcase. Meanwhile XLM has extensive dev documentations and god-like github. Maybe it's just the way koreans operate, but I dunno, XLM seems a lot safer

>> No.5499283

What is your reasoning behind ICX being a pnd? It will surely take XLMs spot on coinmarket cap. It's only a few spots away actually.

>> No.5499297


>> No.5499311

Decentralized crypto exchange using XLM as the base pair. Best part, it has fiat to XLM. Fucking huge

>> No.5499356

Fina fucking ly. Lets do this chink brothers!

>> No.5499404
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>> No.5499415




>> No.5499439

stop bitching if you bought so close to ATH, you deserve this, idiot.

>> No.5499450


>> No.5499467

lol it’s going up now. Hope you sold the bottom!

>> No.5499564

Selling stellar before q1 2018.. HAHAHAHAH

>> No.5499678

how does it feel that I got the same amount of tokens fur just $60

You'll never understand how I feel because you're a little bitch that will cry and moan if a coin doesn't go 10x a week after buying the ATH