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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5497139 No.5497139 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your process for deciding which shitcoin to invest in next?
Where do you get yoiur info from?

>> No.5497159


>> No.5497216

research isn't necessary for making money. if the coin has a cool name or logo, i invest

>> No.5497230

I feel like nobody on here knows anything and is just shilling his shit.
So listening to either of these sites is just like randomly selecting a coin and hoping for the best.

>> No.5497245


>> No.5497288
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>> No.5497350

you have to DYOR and make the decisions yourself... really the only way, can't trust anyone. Though sometimes an anon can be telling the truth...

but try to understand what the coin is trying to fix, if it could be valuable
also look for big partnerships they might have
the big ones obfuscate their associations with the major companies
once you understand how valuable a coin is, it's easier to filter out the fud

>> No.5497351

same, I feel like this shit is becoming so convoluted. I don't know what's actual opinions and what's shillbots anymore. I figure if I did they wouldn't be very good shillbots.

>> No.5497485

Her ass is going to look bad in about 5 years.

>> No.5497490

So do you make decent gains anyway?

>> No.5497594

I've only recently gotten seriously into the game. But I made decent gains on NEO (ants) and RaiBlocks which I both found from lurking here, so I guess it's something about reading the market sentiment and then test if the claims are founded in reality?

>> No.5498031

I do my own research for anything I want to hold long term and do some light shilling to spread the word.
For short term flips I look for increasing trade volume or stuff newly posted here.
For ICOs look at hype (facebook coins are good for this), bonus/presale structure (porportional/dutch distribution is good, dragonchain/Raiden) and team visibility. (less likely to dump/exit scam)

>> No.5498086

I buy any coin that /biz/ heavily FUDs, and I sell when /biz/ starts to shill. I'm 100% serious, and double my money every month this way.

>> No.5498375
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how many Link do you have?

>> No.5498810


>> No.5498931

This is a good answer OP

>> No.5499111

Unironically this. With shitcoins you just have to buy low and sell high at the first opportunity, because they're shitcoins. So if a project has low market cap and good graphics/marketing/buzzwords and pajeets are going to get all over it, I buy. When it approaches my target, I sell.

Example: HAT. Good graphics and all, but the project is probably vaporware. I sure as shit can't wait to 2020 anyway. So I bought low and will sell between 5x and 10x.

>> No.5499741
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IKR! That jiggle at the end... dick went from limp to rock hard in half a second. But today's meant to be a productive night, I refuse to fap to girls with jiggly asses tonight

>> No.5499809

Write down 6 random coins being shilled on here at a certain time. Then roll a dice.

You're welcome.

>> No.5499904
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>research isn't necessary for making money. if the coin has a cool name or logo, i invest

This. It's difficult to put aside your pride and admit this because it flies in the face of what should be the rational way to invest, but we're in an irrational market that is heavily driven by hype and emotion.

>> No.5499952

How much BTC for this?

>> No.5499970


she only takes BCC

>> No.5500046


Ignore the dice, look them up on coin market cap and put money in the ones furthest to the bottom of the list.

Just as risky as a roll of the dice and trusting 4chan for financial advice, but at least this way you'll have the highest rewards for when you do get lucky.

>> No.5500058

It's pointless to learn what the "tech" does or what the application is. You only care if it can generate hype, then you buy early, sell high, and move on. All blockchain startups are overvalued, and they will pop like the dot com bubble. Until then, buy FUD, sell shill, ignore fundamentals, make $$

>> No.5500085

>the big ones obfuscate their associations with the major companies
Why would they do that? I see them upselling their associations more often

>> No.5500152

i need a name

>> No.5500247

Delete your image and ask again

>> No.5500316

How old do you think this girl is. I'm 30. Am I too old for society to accept a relationship between me and this girl? If we walked around in public would people give me dirty looks?

I'm afraid cause I'm still years away from making it and when I finally do I will be too old to wife a beautiful perfect cute girl like this and will have to settle for some used up milf with three kids.


>> No.5500364

Go buy some longevity skin care products to make yourself look younger

>> No.5500365



lol nigga she's like 23 tops

>> No.5500591

you can get girls without being a millionaire you know..

>> No.5501276

who dis grill? sauce ples.

>> No.5501427

I usually just go to coinmarketcap and list it from lowest to highest, then ctrl-f and smash my head against the keyboard.

>> No.5501443 [DELETED] 

who the fuck cares. young girls like fun men with money in their 30s. so many men become depressed weak losers, it is incredible. lift, keep your hobbies, love yourself and take care of yourself, and then yeah you will be dating a hot 20 year old and you WILL be getting dirty looks from fellow WEAK MEN in their 30s that have to go home to their fat boring aging wife. you'll also get dirty looks from those women. that's great. you'd probably get dirty looks for making it in crypto. you'd probably get dirty looks for all sorts of great things. embrace it.

>> No.5501464
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being a millionaire will only get you gold diggers, even if you're rich you should just live like a poor person and find the right girl.

>> No.5501523

Gilded this comment

>> No.5501544

I'll buy like 10% of all coins from a low market cap coin and wait for the market cap of those coins to go up to at least $10m

>> No.5501581

Hi guys, just wanted to let you guys know of something going down Thursday. There is a huge pump and dump that will be taking place on Binance in the next couple of days by over 10k people. Now you may think this is fake, but there's a discord in which there is a whole plan with set times and what the main idea and the strategy going into Thursday is. Many of you may still not like this idea and if thats true then, unfortunately, this is not for you, but if you even somewhat like this idea make sure to check it out at least


>> No.5501609
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Look for the latest pnd and ride the waves my man.
Just know when to pull out.

>> No.5501863

fuck off already with this bullshit no one gives a shit about your retarded "insider information" and your discord referral kys faggot

>> No.5501945

I dropped $45k in btc last spring, don't do much trading but whenever I do LSD I adjust my portfolio on the comedown. I look at /biz/ reddit and Twitter and use the power of the global collective consciousness to make dope ass trades. I think the most I've lost doing this is $3k. Just quit my job cause of the gains I've gotten, so I should be able to devote even more time to this. 100% srs ;)