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54969624 No.54969624 [Reply] [Original]

>girl I know texts me out of nowhere
>i respond passive-aggressively
>she mentions she broke up with her bf
I hate these fucking mindgames. She wants me to simp for her but I'm not having it. I'm gonna ask her if she's a free agent and leave it at that.

>> No.54969627

Just ask her out on a date if you want to you fucking freak

>> No.54969635

you're the one playing mind games. you want to fuck her but won't just tell her to come over.

>> No.54969639

These are women.
Just send her a dick pic and leave it at that.

>> No.54969646

Of course I want to fuck her but I can't just ask her to come over. She said she broke up over a month ago with him so she's probably seeing another guy and is only saying that to taunt me.

>> No.54969647

yeah just see if she wants to drink. if she does she's probably trying to fug. if she doesn't she'll say no and stop talking to you because you're trying to get her drunk and fug.

>> No.54969649

doing it right
just tell her youll entertain conversation after she slobbers on your cock, proceed by countering her declining answer with 'fuck off'

>> No.54969654

This is why you thought your only options were "be mad at her" or "simp for her".

Invite her over for a drink or forever stfu about this bitch

>> No.54970929
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>she's probably seeing another guy and is only saying that to taunt me
weak shit anon
tell her to come over, she either does or she doesn't. you either score, or you don't.
Sitting feeling sorry for yourself and imagining her fucking other guys is a surefire way to not get laid tonight.

>> No.54970951

While she is a woman, so she is capable of that behavior in principle, it's your paranoia talking to you. It's highly unlikely as a matter of fact that she'd not only text you, but mention that she "broke up with her bf". You really have to take the hint there.

>> No.54970977
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>roastie I went to high school with messages me out of the blue after 10+ years
>she's hit the wall and in her 30s
>she doesn't know I only bang girls in their 20s

>> No.54971060

second hand girlfriend?
definitely not somebody you'd have children with

>> No.54971541

I was gonna give advice because Ive been through the same thing. Just wanted to report that I am so past this stage of life that I don't even feel the need to advise others on it anymore. Thanks

>> No.54971748

So you’re too gay to give advice

>> No.54971822

1)Don't talk about her ex
3)Invite her over for a movie or out for food/drinks, depending on what you like to do.
4)Do not talk about her ex.

>> No.54971942

listen to me carefully.
say I'm going to _____ bar, wanna come?
this implies you have something to do and are fun.
(have a friend be there with you when she gets there, and they will leave a few minutes in because "they have to go")
follow this checked anon's advice >>54971822

>> No.54972035

Don't ask to smesh. She wants your desperation. Pretend you don't give a fuck. That will make her wonder why you're not interested. And she will try make you interested. Remain uninterested until what she offers is her holes. Women are easy.

>> No.54972331

Im too philosophical.. If a man wants a miserable life with a girl who gets off on making people jealous then that's what he shall have. If he wants a happy life with a nice devoted woman he will have that

>> No.54972362
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I can’t stand the games

>> No.54973179

>girl I like just told me she’s single
>why do they play these mind games?!
you’re doing it to yourself. imagine what Chad would do in this situation, anon. do you think mind games work on him? he doesn’t even notice when women speak. he would invite her over, and if she shows up great and if not he’ll forget she even exists almost immediately. we lose when we let ourselves think a particular woman is important enough to stress out over. we win when we see them as casual entertainment.

>> No.54973250

and what if he only want to finally live his life and the childhood that was denied to him for the first time after waking up from a long nightmare?