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File: 140 KB, 1023x1411, MikeMaloney_LynAlden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54968555 No.54968555 [Reply] [Original]

Maloney Can't Stop Winning Edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Platinum, Gold, Silver
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Nickel, Zinc
Water, Agricultural, Salt

Mining for Noobs
More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
News Sources

>Youtube channels to follow
Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor

>What is Austrian economics?
>What has government done to our money? - Murray Rothbard
>The mystery of banking - Murray Rothbard
>Profit & Loss - Ludwig Von Mises
>Must Read: Gary Allen, "Hunt for Silver"
>How to play the exploration stock

Previous: >>54927099

>> No.54968665
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>dick space in jeans

>> No.54968684
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who has Newcrest?


>> No.54968724
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What are we looking at here?

>> No.54968946

>>dick space in jeans

>> No.54968950

thats a major deal!
their likely going to cofund a few new projects with this combination.

>> No.54968961

leave styxx alone

>> No.54968980

could Mike have impregnated her?

>> No.54968991

he's pre-op but very feminine
might if his voice sounds normal / 10

>> No.54968997
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Triple Nickel Edition

>> No.54969048

another dude that thinks he is a woman. He starts with the high pitch girly voice but forgets after a few minutes he sounds like barry white

>> No.54969154
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>tfw mike put a little mikey in your crush

>> No.54969162

Is a McChicken a commodity?


>> No.54969171


>> No.54969408

>>54967440 #
That dudes lame lol. Still butthurt. I just ordered another 250 oz of silver. Got a bag of merc dimes $100 fv and 100 2023 maples.

>> No.54969423
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With all these "gold is on the verge of pumping" news in the media, is it time to sell? Are they gonna pull the rug out from under us? ffs normies can't let me have a single thing

>> No.54969533

when are you tranny-loving alcoholics going to accept Bitcoin as a commodity?

>> No.54969566

Yes. Got my buck in at AUD$23 (trading around AUD$28.5 right now)
Easiest buy of my life. I would have told you guys about it but you're dirty no coiners.
Anyway, buy Bitcoin, the digital commodity.

>> No.54969651

Lmao missed that

>> No.54969754
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>> No.54969788

Nice. I wanna get moar but I'm holding out for a GSR dip to trade out for golb. I'm gonna have to relocate so I need to downsize in all areas

>> No.54969811

No. Don't be retarded.

>> No.54969819

Listening to Bill Holter on liberty and finance last week was what pushed me o do it.

The dude is adamant that this financial collapse is going to be devastating and that silver is going to skyrocket in value so much you need to get as much as you can. He also said it will be so valuable that you want the smallest denominations possible, thus is bought 1000 merc dimes.

But then the fed ex truck on the way here got robbed and they canceled my order and I never got them. I'll just buy bitcoin or tesla stocks I guess.

>> No.54969829
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Gary says it's time to short

>> No.54969925

It’s a guy isn’t it

>> No.54970076


>> No.54970106
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I only know one man who could tell, Graeme O’Neill

>> No.54970111

that's a woman

>> No.54970514
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CopperBROS, we're back. I am selling when I'm up 50% and waiting for another recession

>> No.54970646

No he didn't retard. He told everyone to put a stop in at the recent lows. Why do you pay someone to fud him? Or are you actually just illiterate?

>> No.54970651

I have a few thousand. Couldn't say no to free money

>> No.54970655

Wait a second he's not even on HRT he's just using some makeup and people are already jumping through hoops calling him her

>> No.54970662

Another misrepresentation/FUD, unless you genuinely don't know what a hedge means in which case lmao

>> No.54970704

He/She is unironically quite attractive for a tranny. Or maybe im just attracted to the mind, idk. But probably would do.

Also only person in the world who I unironically would ask for pronouns to use lol.

>> No.54970736
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>extremely competent and knowledgeable, well spoken, overachieving woman
>is actually a man
bahahahhaha every time

>> No.54970809
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>This thread

>> No.54970972

I just realized you're the guy trolling red and not the retard who actually bought a gary sub but can't read, my bad.

>> No.54970978

new ID lol

>> No.54971009

the colour suits you (ur a homo)

>> No.54971057

you wish, eurofaggot

>> No.54971210

After the pro forma with Newcrest, Newmont is going to become the biggest gold company in the world. They will probably be eating up the Golden Triangle so it would probably be a good idea to have some shares of quality juniors there. Even if they have a high CAPEX project Newmont probably wouldn't mind paying up due to their access to credit and the sheer scale of the combined projects in the area. There is lots of integration potential for Newmont at GT

>> No.54971356

wish i could have sex and threesomes like all the sexhavers here

>> No.54971550

> her

>> No.54971933
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Do you have a windowless van or supply shed and live near a school?

>> No.54972502
File: 45 KB, 720x225, oh noes pmet broes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, noes, PMET broes!

>> No.54972667

Do you think you're funny or something?

>> No.54973148
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I wouldn't mind seeing Newmont gobble up Ascot and Scottie.

>> No.54973154

Damn, Michael Douglas got old.

>> No.54973661
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>> No.54974714
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hey my minerfolio is only down $100 today after dropping $20k in 2 weeks, I almost feel like I'm winning.

>> No.54974996
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Don't fucking sell.

Won't lie, I'm quite tired of this shit. Started buying in September 2020, never thought they wcould drag this shit for so long. Only down 25% so I guess it's still close to buying the bottom.

Thankfully Street fighter come out in 3 weeks, my brain will be able to get rid of all this pain. Banksters won't shake me from this bullmarket !

>> No.54975069

Uranium sisters I am financially bored

>> No.54975469
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>> No.54975680


Article for you bob. About the well productivity declines with relation to proppant types

>> No.54975696

Those are both MEN.

>> No.54975740
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Did anybody on here go to this? I'm curious if it was worth the $500. I thought about it, but I didn't want to go by myself.

>> No.54975748


>> No.54975779

>I'm curious if it was worth the $500
Its over priced if you paid $1 to get in. They have nothing of value to offer, you are the product, you pay them to take your money. Smarten up anon or you will always be poor.

>> No.54975805
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I was just wondering if they actually said anything new. I'd assume it's the same things we hear on every podcast they do.

>> No.54975878

Ivanhoe Electric is super green on today's Saudi JV news.

>> No.54976251

>I was just wondering if they actually said anything new. I'd assume it's the same things we hear on every podcast they do.

Two podcasts I listened to recently, it just sounded phoned in and forgettable. Don Durrett on Palisades, doing boomer moaning about the Fed, and Brian Lundin interviewed by the Market Sniper.

I don't believe any of these macro shows offer actionable viewpoints... someone with an IQ of 90 could hold 1/3 each stocks / bonds / gold in 3 ETFs and outperform the majority of macro analysts.

>> No.54976441
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>Don Durrett
This clown has shilled so many horrible picks in the last 4 years he's become the Cramer of the resource sector

>> No.54976602

my thoughts exactly! They likely already have their eyes on a number of projects, like Skeena Resources Eskay Creek.

>> No.54976618


More news on us silica. Another product to add to their arsenal

>> No.54977481

Skeena was the first in my mind. It's unthinkable that they wouldn't get bought out. Then there's Treaty Creek and Seabridge's acreage and others.

>> No.54977692

Big Macro Cock

>> No.54977962
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I'll say I don't have any experience with many but I listen to macrovoices pretty religiously and while every episode isn't always a banger I find the people they get are usually pretty smart and some of their episodes can really dig into topics I otherwise wouldn't be inclined to research or I'm too dumb to understand it when reading.

>> No.54977985
File: 245 KB, 1536x1043, 8603022A-1872-4D18-9C39-236A30C4DDBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody has been wrong except the (((riggers)))

>> No.54978053
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mark your calendars bros, only 5-10 years until we make it

>> No.54978244

>Prices will be higher in the future
How to buy a subscription?

>> No.54978282

What's included in that price? Could be worth it to shag butterfaces that are dying to meet anyone with a jawline if you get a couple days of food and an open bar

>> No.54978309


>> No.54978506

This is the central point of the frac sand issue.
If you want to know, in a nutshell what this post was saying but hear it from a journo
Read post above and the link provided above that. It's not exactly a primer but it illustrates how the market became consolidated, maybe too consolidated which would create a supply crisis compounded by a logistical hurdles that could make NWS skyrocket

>> No.54978961

oh man Treaty Creek and KSM under Seabridge would make one of the greatest mining territories in North American history. It would rival the mines of old to have all those projects under one banner.

>> No.54979037


The Trudeau gov keeps anouncing plans than back tracks on them.

>> No.54979667
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>> No.54979699

>The Trudeau gov keeps anouncing plans than back tracks on them.
He won't make it far in politics like that

>> No.54980215

oh i hope trudeau goes soon, but the NDP are keeping him in power so they dont fade into oblivion.

>> No.54980259
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>> No.54981185

I wonder if this will bring Galore Creek Copper back on the table too! Thats a project that has been waiting for a long time, for the right moment.

>> No.54981224
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That’s a man

>> No.54982197
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wake up to take leak, jews smashing again

>> No.54982480

>platinum cheaper than gold
wtf bros

>> No.54982636

>Article for you bob. About the well productivity declines with relation to proppant types
thanks! I've been watching your conversation on re-fracking with interest.
I bet eventually they end up strip mining the shale for every last drop one day. Just crush and treat like tar sands.
Been watching this news with interest.

I work for Newmont among others. I see their local operations as lean and driven. Not huge spenders, but they try to get the best bang for their buck. Once they're in the area a lot of different properties suddenly get cheaper for them to work. I wonder if they'll just sorta buy the whole patch up?

>> No.54983828

New Canagold resource. A bit better than I expected, grade went up and they hit 1.1Moz in Indicated.


>> No.54983839

computer forgot my important name

>> No.54984180

Lynn Alden is a man, not even trolling. he makes me coom though

>> No.54984249
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>5$ copper soon
KEEEEEEEEEEEK. Metals are on a downward trajectory bros. The question is, how bad is it gonna be this time?

>> No.54984269

Why can't china come in and if usa shorted 14m oz, they can't just long 14m oz to undo it? They would want gold to do well, right? They want to be a superpower, then metals going up would be a big issue for us to deal with and they would ultimately benefit from it.

>> No.54984473
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>> No.54984961


>> No.54985413

FS wen

>> No.54985874
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>> No.54985888
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usd is about to gigapump sorry baggies

>> No.54985992

They just wrote 2024 in this release today. But they usually guide for Q1 2024. They commenced the study late 2022 and I think usually it takes no more than 12-15 months for a FS.

>> No.54986155

My estimates on cost
>Will probably be around 1.5 g/t in processing cost. 1.5 g/t in mining cost and 1 g/t in G&A. I'd say a conservative estimate is 4 g/t (at $1800 gold / $60/g) in OPEX, mining 10 g/t ore. Depreciaton (capex) is around 1 g/t on top.

>> No.54987230
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>> No.54987542
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We got the breakdown he called for.

>> No.54987605

Thoughts on Troilus Gold? Reminds me of Artemis and Sabina

>> No.54987672

Deposit is more marginal than the other two you mentioned. But it's very cheap so I think it's a decent spec buy here.

>> No.54987712

Yeah it's not quite as high quality as the others but it seems really despised by the market despite not really having all that bad results

>> No.54988499

That's a man

>> No.54988515

Time to buy more

>> No.54988651
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>Entire sector down 2% for one full day
Seppeku is the only way

>> No.54988776
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have been watching this, will start buying when it goes under .40

>> No.54990303

Skeena with the lowball private placement! That management sure loves to dilute huh

>> No.54990434

they have a bunch of big plans for 2023 so it makes sense to do a bit of dilution. Eskay could be a perfect target for a buy out soon too.

>> No.54990445
File: 104 KB, 1449x587, ske.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this faggot dumping his shares last week

>> No.54990515

There really is no excuse for this private placement. They're offering in excess of 10 million shares at a steep discount to current price. The price was also consistently lower during the last month. The price was quickly hammered down closer to this theft placement price by none other than the management and directors.

I guess Skeena is the Nexgen of gold juniors. Amazing project managed by spineless snakes

>> No.54990528

>The price was also consistently lower during the last month

>> No.54990616

I often wonder if a bunch of these corporate guys operating these companies dont want them to succeed, generating funds to do work is one thing, but doing a dilution just for the sake of cash sucks.

Skeena seems to also have some really shit middle management too, remember when they had to go to court over the fact that someone else managed to stake their tailings pond and then lost and had to settle? I really wonder if someone forgot to file their assessment reports for that property....

>> No.54990715
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I'm seriously considering selling and never coming back. I'm going to mull over this for a while and do some maths to make sure I'm not acting on emotion. I love the company's assets but mismanagement of this caliber gives me pause. There are many other companies worth investing in, ones that don't play Uno with their shares.

Really unfortunate for me and the rest of the shareholders. But if I end up in the conclusion that the company doesn't deserve to be in my portfolio then so be it, losses be damned you're out. In any case, fuck you Skeena. I hope the management, BoD, any and all insiders, as well as the syndicate buying these discounted shares, get mauled by a brown bear.

>> No.54990749

Checked. But this is not Forex thread retard.

>> No.54990852

The Eskay Creek mine is probably one of the best gold / silver mines in North American history, but it means nothing if management are utterly useless or actively hostile to their project.

>> No.54990902

How is this not illegal? surely he knew they were raising money at a discount and usually that affects share price so it's material insider information.
Their asset is pretty good, but like I also pointed out sometime last year, it's not quite as good as it seems because the ore is problematic. There is a lot of unwanted stuff in that rock which means they aren't getting paid 100% of the value of their concentrate. Only something like 80% payable. Read their study for details. They didn't mention this at all in their presentation last time I checked which is also a bit dishonest.

>> No.54992096

yep they had mercury / antimony issues back in the original mine, but they used to make money on recovering the mercury before concentrates, the modern mine cant do that this time.

>> No.54992132

newmont wins this deal in the medium and long run
i'm buying for as long as newmont is under $50, up to 1200 shares

>> No.54992203

Yeah, as I recall they plan to ship out the concentrate and the mercury or whatever is so bad they expect a significant haircut on that metal value. They also may have to use more than one off taker because the smelters have limits on how much of that bad shit they can take.

>> No.54992986

Look up avino gold and silver miners. They're operating at a breakeven right now for a 100m Mc with a 300m oz resource.

>> No.54993059

The most obvious sign she is a man is she has autism and is obsessed with nerdy stuff and actually competant in her field.

>> No.54993103

Bitcoin sucks. Try XRP, XLM, QNT, ALGO. Bitcoin will never be money and therefor it is not a store of wealth. You will lose everything.

>> No.54993312

SLV is the bad one right? Is buying leaps on it a good idea anyway?

>> No.54993356
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>> No.54993467

FYI, a bit of insider knowledge for a change! Omineca Mining, operating the Wingdam gold mine, just fired their underground contractors and are bringing in a new team. The previous contractor, Fortis were extremely poor at operating in the soft sediment material. Might be handy info for anyone interested.

>> No.54993692

really not looking for companies that are operating at breakeven at these pm prices but thanks for the rec

>> No.54993930

If mike maloney was even close to "winning" we'd be buying new cars with a handful of silver.

>> No.54993985

Real bad. Jews are killing boomer rocks so they can hoard them on the cheap.

>> No.54994565
File: 2.23 MB, 2049x1098, silverchartist PF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small reminder of that fagget PF, he likes to play safe so I guess it might help some people here.

>> No.54994918

He no longer puts dates on those shit stocks cuz he bought all his gold/silver picks in 2020 and uranium shitcos in early 2021.

He is baiting new niggers.

>> No.54994935

>"best buy"

>> No.54994952

>122.6m at 1.89% LI2O
>130.3m at 1.56% Li2O
>101.3m at 1.44% Li2O
>101.2m at 1.08% Li2O
Oh noes, PMET broes...?

>> No.54995291

Are the "PMET broes" in the room with us right now?

>> No.54995386

good one kek

>> No.54995388

they apparently are, see >>54972502

>> No.54995521

Breakeven is better than a loss. Of you think silver will be at $30 in six months it's a great buy.

>> No.54995555

>could Mike have impregnated her?
Jup. Anal impregnation. Look it up.

>> No.54995645

Free cash flow is better than breakeven. If silver goes to $20 it's a horrible buy.

>> No.54996060

Sadly, cashing in your PMs and resource stonks in your 80s after half a century of hodling and having enough money left to buy generic viagra to bang an asian tranny is as close to a win as it gets in this god forsaken sector.

>> No.54996231


I hope that faggot closed his PMET short lmao

>> No.54996908

hope gold goes lower
i want a new gold chain

>> No.54996966
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>wearing gold
shiggy diggy unless you're a niggy

>> No.54997476
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Fuck no. I doubled down. This is a gift.

>> No.54997603
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>> No.54997794
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Sold my Nicola to get more Galleon. I hope I don’t rope from that decision.

>> No.54997893

>Sept 2020
Were you in a coma the four months prior?

>> No.54997952
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Don't rope too soon fren, Galleon's CEO knows how to mine.

>> No.54998304

So I guess that's good news that at least something is going on behind the scenes.

>> No.54998305

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.54998338

Is Petrobras properly valued? It's valued almost 1/4 relative to Exxon, on a FCF basis. I know there is jurisdiction risk but is the risk really this high...?

>> No.54998547

Lol, we'll see about that. I've upped my target to six figures. Liquidity pays, bitch.

>> No.54998677

Proving a little more every day that you're going to go bankrupt eventually.

>> No.54998886

As if that's never happened to me before. I don't care. It just means I would have to sell some tangibles to get back in the game.

>> No.54999728
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I was a physical only. Saw the light too late to enjoy the first ride. I bought just a bit in September 2020 after the dip in August, then went all-in in Feb 2021 just before the silver squeeze. I honestly feel like I did fine by being only down 30% after 3 years of crabbing. As long as my holdings don't go bankrupt, I'm going to make very big money on the next ride.

>> No.55000691
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>Finland finally opens our new nuclear plant after years of delays
>It's way too effective, electricity price drops to 0€ or even into the negatives
>They turn down the power so electricity price stays high
>Electric bill doesn't go down a cent despite electricity being free

I fucking hate this clown world. They're now treating nuclear as supplemental.
Some places on earth are practically living in post scarcity world when it comes to energy, so it has to be artificially made expensive to prop up the companies and to support idiotic inefficient green politics investments.
And we're going to be building more wind energy in the future because fuck you we absolutely need it and want it to be the main source of energy.

This kind of shit is the reason why I think that the powers that be won't be supporting nuclear anything until they absolutely have to.
They're going to let the lights go out before choosing nuclear over wind and solar.
Nuke plants are simply too powerful and will fuck with their agendas.

>> No.55001023
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Same in Sweden. Funny thing is that statistically the electricity is still more expensive than two years ago (2021)... they are completely FUDing the market and getting away with their utter horsesheit. Instead of exporting more to the southern part of the country, they diminish the capacity to maintain their high profits. How in FUGG is this even allowed? Fuckin backstabbing traitors, all of them. And as the good white goys we are, we just take it up the arse.
Btw, last week was the top signal for gold. I hope you guys sold. Tech is gigapumping and the market as a whole is healing. Ain't nobody gonna be buying gold now. Good for my copper though so I ain't complaining

>> No.55001230

Wind production is in full swing right now over here. We have lots of capacity so when the wind blows electricity rates go down. And those blades turn on their own. Power plants have to make money too so they scale back so as to not burn cash on days like these.

Renewables are weird

>> No.55001290

Bullish for my o&g stocks.

>> No.55001348

Liz is so cute

>> No.55001396 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55001413

PMET broes are winning? Oh noes

>> No.55001444
File: 46 KB, 720x226, noes oh noes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my liquidation warning and can't sell any more. I was trying to get to 40k, but I'm tapped out for now.

>> No.55001474

Godspeed gambler-san

>> No.55002953

What are you doing and are you the guy that flexes on us all the time for "making so much money". Lol

>> No.55003038

He likes to gamble his life away doing all or nothing shorts. Basically just a degenerate. I hope he doesn't end up margin called but I would also prefer not to see him gloat all the time like a cunt

>> No.55003154

Your shares are Lula's shares.

>> No.55003396

>I hope he doesn't end up margin called
Broe, liquidation doesn't happen all at once. They will sell just enough shares until I meet the margin requirements. It's no big deal. I got partially liquidated a couple of times buying KOLD but always recovered.

>> No.55004285

Must be 18 to post here

>> No.55005444


evening all hows things?

>> No.55005450

Does Phillip Morris sell seeds?

>> No.55006777


Collective mining out with some interesting results!

>> No.55007175

The hyperinflation narrative is nonsense.
Monetary illiterates people don’t understand debt based money AND the incentives of those who control it.
No, government doesn’t control it.
Debtors canMt be sovereign, by definition.

>> No.55007423

>The hyperinflation narrative is nonsense.
hyperinflation is when people panic. It is not a predictable event. There are factors that are perceived by many, there are many moves and changes, then the change starts and starts to accelerate, gains attention, then momentum, then panic. Just like toilet paper and food shortages. I heard about it back east US somewhere. My stores were full. Two days past where the media kept talking about shortages developing and people in my area panicked and the store shelves were stripped clean in 24 hours. If you pay attention to the main stream media (not for actual information but for the propaganda and scare tactics) they keep mentioning civil war, inflation, budget crises, banks failing, and the youtube and twitter fags keep talking about bank runs and hyperinflation. Usually its just perceived as noise, but sometimes for some reason there is also a key event and people start panicking. Once the panic starts the government always makes it worse by saying "every thing is fine." The vast majority of dollars are held outside of the US, so a panic is most likely to start overseas where other people other countries start dumping the dollar and the news is repeated here.

>> No.55007530

holy shit, he's so autistic.

>> No.55007801
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>Just like toilet paper and food shortages. I heard about it back east US somewhere. My stores were full. Two days past where the media kept talking about shortages developing and people in my area panicked and the store shelves were stripped clean in 24 hours.
something nobody really noticed or commented on was the fact that businesses and government buildings never ran short on toilet paper during the whole supply run.

It simply didn't affect businesses because we were still able to buy commercial wholesale toilet paper by the semi load if we wanted. I went through the entirety of covid with a literal truck load of toilet paper on hand, and my suppliers never came close to running out.

Those public panics usually don't affect the underlying fundamentals at all. They have zero impact. Conversely, there are forces at work in background markets that the public almost never becomes aware of until they become a serious problem. The public was saved from a financial depression by the feds printing out and giving trillions of dollars to businesses. Because the public has very little to do with the success or failure of the US economy. For the most part they simply don't matter.

>> No.55007820

He talks a big game but whenever his shorts go south he comes in here panicking and asking us for TA and DD. Just a big shit talker.

>> No.55007831


>> No.55007852

Retail to the public accounts for less than 6% of the US economy.

Services, primarily business services, accounts for almost all of the US economy.

nothing the average consumer does matters much to the US. What businesses do is all that really matters.

>> No.55007859

Damn, Mike Maloney is tapping some young trannie ass?
He was already based in my book, but this takes him to the next level

>> No.55008265

Wrong guy, faggot.
I never ask for DD and TA is meaningless to me.
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.55008324


>> No.55009122
File: 141 KB, 1389x809, gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((banksters))) at it again

>> No.55009245

Downward momentum is expected now. We're going to bottom between 1900 and 1830 before continuing upwards, short of another bank crash. Personally I'm shorting both Gold and Silver right now

>> No.55009285

SLV is the bad one right? Is buying leaps on it a good idea anyway? Because I am being advised to.

>> No.55009584

Great buying opportunity. Lots of miners out there that are raking in enormous cash flows at above $1,800 gold

>> No.55009622

lol gold at 1960

>> No.55009658
File: 2.74 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20230518_041233474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for going dark on you guys. I haven't slept in three days and the last two nights they had teams trying to kill me. Got them on security cameras last night tho so I'm about to spend day four in a conex cargo container water boarding and subtracting digits. I think if everything turns out like I suspect it went down I'll be the proud owner of a 600 acre ranch for no cost. And I'll have a team of slaves working it for the remainder of their miserable existence. I won't give them tolls to kill themselves with so I can reap the full rewards of this shit
Many have tried and many have died but like the end of every episode, the colonel comes out on top

>> No.55009771

keep the schizoposts coming anon this shit is getting intense

>> No.55009926

Next siege prep I gotta remember to get a cooler so the fridge light doesn't give away my position

>> No.55009952
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they are pumping DXY

>> No.55010010


It was to be expected.
Dollar was on big support and gold against really big resistance.
Inversion was inevitable and we can bet our asses the tiny hats are going to fuck the metals hard when opportunity like this presents itself for them.
Just treat it as a buying opportunity, might go way lower than people think depending on how strong the dollar stays.

>> No.55010015
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>> No.55010086
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>> No.55010172

I'm about to get real mean. It's probably the lack of sleep and not the fire team of beta bitches they sent to cover those lies up. I'm gonna have my pound of flesh by days end. And if the hot shit Malibu fat cat that owns this bitch had a hand in it I'll see how fast he can sign the deed over to me with a 1911 in his bleeding mouth

>> No.55010443
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Inflation is steadily going down (sticky inflation ain't but who cares right?), dollar is extremely strong, tech is extremely strong, the market is strong, the economy has proven extremely resilient... yeah of course gold has stopped pumping. Should have sold when it made its pathetic journey to try to break the 2070 barrier

>> No.55010577

Just spotted their shooter on the hillside. Suns in his face so I got away as soon as I saw the lens flash

>> No.55010767
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It's not over yet fellas. My drapes are in the other building. Gonna have to get clever. There's a drain hole for the AC under the house. If I cut the Hardee board out for the barrel and use the drain hole for my glass I could send it from under the first landing of the turn in the stairs where he can't see me
Time to let the big dog eat . I'll

>> No.55010851

>buying commodities right before a recession
are you guys retarded? do you even know how the business cycle works? srs
hint: commodity prices will go down

>> No.55010872


To bad were in a recession or this would have been way bigger news!

>> No.55011070

>buying anything before a recession
might as well just stack dollars and short dated bonds?

>> No.55011129

Get some sleep bro. Cocaine and lack of sleep are not a good combination

>> No.55011201
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Yepp, you buy tech during a recession. Should have sold commodities last month. Let's laugh at commoditycucks right now... oh wait, that's me

>> No.55011320


>> No.55012269
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Biden's policies are saving America

>> No.55012313
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I bought $1k of BOIL

>> No.55012557
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Sirs... the needful is completed

>> No.55012644
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to be frank, I followed him for 2 months and thought he was full of shit, especially when we tested 2080 and he was calling for a pullback...

Hopefully he is right, I'm quite tired after 3 years...

>> No.55012662

I thought at the beginning he was full of shit*

>> No.55012679
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Good one, gold is going back to 1700... dollar is just too strong m8

>> No.55012943
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If only we weren't this dumb

>> No.55013009
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Don't make me more suicidal than I already am, m8. Here I am with +40% on my Gold and Copper while my mother is up +100% because she buy bunch of tech and boomer stuff. Oh well, I am still new to the market and will hopefully learn from my mistakes

>> No.55013352


I don't think technical analysis works. Everyone is looking at the same lookback periods. If technical analysis was legit then CTAs would not have been a horror show in the 2010s.

The other point is that gold & miners have historically made faceripping rallies even when risk on assets generally still have further to fall.

>> No.55014226

Overvalued sector. Even if the price went down -50% it would still be expensive. Just look at those multiples...

>> No.55014310

Gold miners are dumpening but my oil and natty companies are rising. Feels good! Happy I bought these lows

>> No.55014338

Do you guys use leverage to trade pm like gold? Cfd contracts?

>> No.55014370

I don't think anybody here is degenerate enough for that. CFDs are forex level turbo degeneracy

>> No.55014406

I lost over $1k with degen leverage. But made back 20 to 100 this week shorting gold. Well it's very degen

>> No.55014460
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If you keep doing that good luck. Please don't forget your stop loss.

>> No.55014509

Thanks anon, my plan is to get to $52k doing 20 pip challenge by end of June.

>> No.55014526
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Do keep us posted. I hope you succeed. Are you only trading gold?

>> No.55014557

Yes, I'm only focused on gold during ny session as that's when big moves come

>> No.55014998

ATLAS update


>> No.55015111

two more candles

>> No.55015681
File: 508 KB, 1536x2048, 345019644_974475523820869_144970218893030632_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been a VERY busy day today, exploring a new clients property. No works been filed here for decades, loads of forgotten stuff, and extremely good indications for gold.

>> No.55015868
File: 610 KB, 1536x2048, 344786811_3352020745127498_1335214991152609892_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the property is covered in test holes, trenches and other wider scale workings, the oldest likely dating to the 1860s or 70s from bottle dumps near hand piled stones, then workings by dragline or similar tool from the 1960s appear, followed by both surface and underground work in what looks like the 1980s. None of this work has any filing in the Mineral Titles system, no claims were ever staked in the area either, not until the 1990s and those are hard rock.

The more modern workings appear to be illegal or clandestine in nature, someones hidden secret operation. Wreckage at the ruined camp site indicates the mine was abandoned in a hurry, equipment and the cabin its self were not put to bed. A strange mix of both surface and underground equipment appears here as well, leading me to believe several adits are hidden in the nearby dry gulch, but snow prevents further investigation. I will return in a week or so to do further exploration work and to make a proper description for the property holder.

>> No.55016090

Cool stuff. It's like you're doing a sort of pre-technical report. I wonder what the rocks in that pile would show in assays?

I read one of those before when looking into a shady "mining" tech company that some anons came mentioning to this general. AABB was the stock IIRC. Their deal was to issue some kind of gold crypto tokens and eventually begin mining or something. They had some flooded and recrepit old mines in Mexico, no technical report or anything but some simpler reports with pictures and descriptions. Needless to say I wasn't impressed. The stock has probably crashed to nothing by now

>> No.55016178
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yep I remember looking at that company, they looked REALLY shady, and of course have done nothing recently. They reminded me of those old collectivist mining groups you would see across south america in the 1980s and 1990s but seemed to fizzle out in the 2000s.

This properties nuts, I have no idea why it hasnt been investigated until now. Its perfectly visible from imagery. Loads of old hand workings and bedrock appears in many places. I am surprised it doesnt appear on any surveys, no one put a proper claim on the ground before the 1990s, and its remained basically forgotten about ever since. I can already see potential for a mechanical test program. Its strange too, because much of the work appears to have been reclaimed to code for the 1980s, but again nothing in the records. I ll be looking for info on the operators, ANCO Mining appears on multiple signs here, and its obvious they were operating for quite a while, the lower pit is well grown over compared to the later workings.

>> No.55016211

>collectivist mining groups you would see across south america in the 1980s and 1990s but seemed to fizzle out in the 2000s.
Tell me more. First I ever hear about these. Basically just illegal miners organizing and high grading abandoned mines?

I hope the property you're working on gets some serious activity. It might have potential for a small mine it seems

>> No.55016253

they were more "Gray mining" operations, usually one rich guy would buy the concession or claim and than allow groups of jippo style miners and their families to operate the property for a percentage. Each crew would pay a portion of what they recovered or be kicked out and replaced. It was standard practice in Bolivia nad Peru until very recently when mining law changed. Often collectivist / Marxist groups would own the property, lease it to the wealthy individual and then have that guy manage the crews. The name for this style of operation is in my head, but i cant spell it in english.

>> No.55016279
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Also yes i agree, I think this spot has some serious potential for a modern medium scale mechanical mine, but actual physical testing work will have to be done before i say its worth mining. You dont see workings like this though without good gold. Pic related is now a pond, but was likely a drag line pit, there is a huge pile of rock / boulders lower down, where material was dumped into a petterson box or a wingdam.

>> No.55016480


>Triple Point, which intends to complete a listing on the CSE this year

This is the most interesting thing for now, because the valuation could eventually be billions.
There are only 4 salt caverns specifically used for hydrogen storage in the world, but they're getting an absolute shitload of investments because this hydrogen future is now being pushed hard.
I've tried to figure out how much money could be in Triple Point, but it's really hard to say a thing about it.
I guess we could compare it to a project in Utah.

We could say that TPR is in the same ballpark or possibly larger.
This project has received a 504 mil loan, we can at least assume the MC of TPR would be that at minimum.


>Funded by the German government, the HYPOS alliance of over 100 companies and institutions aims to build a salt cavern in the Central German Chemical Triangle
>French gas utility Teréga and Hydrogène de France have agreed to launch the HyGéo pilot project in a disused salt cavern in southwestern France’s Nouvelle-Aquitaine region
>Our calculations show that without implementation of hydrogen salt caverns, there’s no cost-optimal pathway to achieve our climate goals
>alliance of about 250 companies and research organizations that has called for Covid-19 recovery investment of €55 billion ($65 billion) in salt cavern storage to 2030 to build hydrogen capacity of 3 million metric tons.

That's billions waiting to be put in hydrogen and Germans are throwing billions into Canada.
Can't wait to see what happens with TPR, because Atlas owns 27.5% of it and that alone might quickly be worth more than Salt's MC was at ATH.
And it's good to remember this is government money investors are playing with, so they're going to spend lavishly.

>> No.55016661

TPR could end up being a gigantic payday. I only got about 1000 spinout shares in them but no way I'll part with them anytime soon.

>> No.55016817


Yeah TPR could end up being amazing, because the entire region absolutely needs it to get the hydrogen play off the ground.
They'll probably turn it into the main hydrogen hub..
I got only 300 shares and I doubt I could get more than couple of grand from them, but fuck it I'm more interested in how it'll push Salt up.
It could very easily end up adding an extra 50% or even more to the share price.
Best part about this is that the entire region is getting a ton of interest from all over the world and that it's government money so no one gives a shit if they overspend.
Recently South Koreans bought a 20% stake in one of the upcoming hydrogen plants, so the interest goes pretty far.

We should really start looking into hydrogen routinely over here, because they're now pushing it everywhere but it's still not running. It will though.
Battery technology failed miserably to progress quickly enough to store energy from renewables, so everyone is forced to get into hydrogen.
It seems like EU and USA are hell bent on not letting the Chinks get an upper hand this time around with the renewable tech.
China dominates the solar markets due to state subsidies but haven't gotten into hydrogen yet, so now the West is going to make sure this tech is going to stay with us by pumping a shitton of subsidies into it.
I'm thinking of buying couple of ounces of physical platinum while it's still cheap, because the electrolyzer manufacturers are going to eat it up when the mania sets in.
Might easily do 10-20x from here.

>> No.55017907

i dont know how well the hydrogen storage plan would work but it seems like a good idea over all. I hope some of those salt projects take off, it makes too much sense.

>> No.55018957

>This project has received a 504 mil loan, we can at least assume the MC of TPR would be that at minimum.
Is this a serious statement?

>> No.55020007
File: 2.49 MB, 720x720, 1671855585195508.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artemis Gold Inc.
ARTG (TSXV): C$4.56
Stock Rating: Outperform
Target: C$10.50
Risk Rating: Speculative

Blackwater Construction Progressing to Plan
Event: This morning, ARTG provided an update on site activities at the Blackwater project.
Impact: Continued progress according to plan lends for modest de-risking, though still early with first pour in H2/24
(unchanged) and with this we ascribe a neutral bias. No comments on development capex, yet risk of material capex
overruns reduced with over 90% of procurement packages ordered. Today's update follows recent milestones including
ordering Phase 1 fleet (see NBF April 14 flash).

•Bulk earthworks at the plant site nearing completion, with first concrete pour in the ball mill foundation completed.
•Construction camp completed, expanding site capacity to 420 persons. Expected to further increase to over 500 people in~Q2/23.
•Personnel. Currently over 200 staff and contractors are working on-site.
•Construction equipment delivered to site, including excavators, backhoe loaders, compactors, grader, telehandlers, and a fuel and lube truck. The earthworks fleet now contains ~35 individual pieces of equipment.
•First concrete pour in the ball mill foundation completed.
•~73% of the detailed engineering for the processing plant completed by the EPC contractor Sedgman by the end of April (was ~63% by the end of February);
•over 90% of total procurement packages awarded, including all critical path items.

Maintaining Outperform and $10.50 target. Our thesis is supported by attractive economics from LOM production
of 339k oz/year over ~22 years, based on the largest undeveloped reserves for a gold project in Canada, offering
jurisdiction and M&A appeal. Trading at adj. P/NAV 0.38x (MOZ 0.43x, OSK 0.58x). Our target is based on 1.00x NAVPS.

>> No.55021148
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Is the golden bullrun still happening?

>> No.55021176

No it’s over

>> No.55021240

This is a tranny free zone.

>> No.55021291

It’s a woman, she’s a streamer

>> No.55021304

Retard everyone knows amouranth is a mtf. Just look at the shoulder to hip ratio

>> No.55021346

Artemis is continuing to look for staffers for Blackwater, their making great progress with mine construction and are making plans for a possible earlier than scheduled start.

>> No.55021446

what a vile creature

>> No.55021475

I mean, my dick gets hard around Mike Maloney too. Especially when he talks dirty to me about Hbar and Silver

>> No.55021558

No he's not, and yes, I know.

>> No.55021800

Where did you hear about the early start?

>> No.55022396
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>Lynn Alden is a man, not even trolling. he makes me coom though

>> No.55022594

this is the dream site i am looking for
wish u the best of luck, also any rivers around?

>> No.55023516

So can someone help me? SLV according to common knowledge is NOT good. But I am being advised to get SLV leaps. Is this wrong advice?

>> No.55023535

If you're looking to trade the silver price, SLV works no problem.

>> No.55024415

It's a trade and not an investment. Purely a money making (hopefully) vehicle.

>> No.55026088

Plug or Bloom for hydrogen exposure. I need a tie breaker.

>> No.55026778

Been hearing that from a few different contractors, but who knows if thats accurate.

>> No.55026783

no actually, this is the dry bed from a creek, the current run is probably half a km to the west and runs into a swampy flat lands area. I cant wait to get a highbanker on it this weekend!