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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54968455 No.54968455 [Reply] [Original]

I won't even bother listing every single entrepreneur idea I'm thinking of, but let's just say I'm thinking outside of the box and not just thinking about the stupid meme ideas on YouTube (dropshipping, affiliate marketing, POD, digital marketing agencies, etc.)

Let's just say that I've done a shit load of research and a ton of trial and error on different ideas, only to not just fail, but literally lose tens of thousands of dollars only to be told, "but but YOU'VE LEARNED SOMETHING!" My question is, have I? I feel like I'm in an endless tailspin and making absolutely no progress.

Meanwhile, I'm watching some friends of mine easily buying homes in the $400k+ range, in cash. And if you're wondering, we're barely in the just reaching 30 age range (early 90s millennials).

I've had so many hopes and dreams, only to watch them all get simultaneously crushed by the "i wanna be an entrepreneur too!!!" wave of normies infest the space at the start of the pandemic, Google doing everything they can to crush SEO and any avenue of reaching a new audience, social media being far too saturated to stand out without paying MASSIVE bucks for adspend, I can go on and on. One final note, if you wanna mention trades, keep in mind normies already know about that. Too late to that trend since the already established trade businesses will squash any new "competition" on Google rank, social media, etc.

How does one NOT give up on entrepreneurship in this day and age? Are we all truly doomed to wagecage until we die? :(

Fuck I'm so fucking angry and depressed right now. Please give me some hope.

>> No.54968485

The only successful “small businesses” are in medicine

>> No.54968543

Could you talk more about the stuff you've actually tried? It's hard to tell what your situation is if we don't know.

>> No.54968562

It is not over at all if by entrepeneurship you mean manufacturing.

>> No.54968582

Vape shops are one of theblowest-risk small businesses because the.margins are crazy high.

>> No.54968592

Why didn’t you make like a thousand fake accounts in your niche and spam your product towards your target audience? Have you ever watched Alex beckers older yt videos on Google Adsense? I have a feeling you went balls deep without a solid marketing plan and are now realizing your product is a fart in the wind without the audience secured. And being different isn’t a guarantee of business in fact it usually makes you worse off in the audience discovery phase.

>> No.54968599


Man get a cheap used Prius, get rid of all debt and shit weighing you down, get in the smallest shittiest cheap apartment, then get out the and do the absolute minimum in life Uber driving and doordashing to make ends meet while you figure something out. Life is too short to be angry all the time and trapped in a wage cage.

>> No.54968626

Right off the top of my head:
> Dropshipping - obviously this was doomed to failure as I tried relying on just SEO instead of paid ads. Even with trying both, hardly got any traffic at all and of course zero sales. Probably around $2k thrown into the toilet for this idea.
> Etsy - have had two stores, one a POD store and a digital downloads store. Both were colossal failures, again with the extremely low traffic issue. I've tried and tried to fix the SEO but to no avail. Etsy is ultra saturated so it's clearly a lost cause.
> Affiliate marketing - have tried this extensively on discord and twitter. Of course it went nowhere. Again, having a tough time gaining followers.
> YouTube Shorts - tried a pricey fiverr gig on this for a ton of shorts in the luxury niche, but low and behold YouTube buried that channel into oblivion - each short only got about 5-10 views. Total waste of time and money.
> Crypto - don't even get me started on this bullshit. Most of my portfolio is in BTC & ETH now but I could've had so much more if I didn't get suckered into "muh tech" scams such as Harmony One, Fantom, etc. Lost a shitload in crypto, just don't know how to trade it effectively.
> Stock trading, of course this went nowhere and I only lose money.
> Done a ton of research on trades, SAAS, etc. - they require a TON of adspend to stand out these days, and the upfront time commitment is also brutal.
> Ebay flipping - only sales you'll get on ebay are through personal items you auction off. For any other type of sales, good luck on standing out + the buyers on ebay are fucking assholes with their scamming, lowballing, etc.
> Amazon gatekeeps the fuck out of everything

Yes, I know I've made horrendous mistakes, but best I get them out of the way.

My issue now is through my research, I'm becoming paralyzed at how hopelessly saturated everything is these days. You really don't stand a chance unless you have the ad budget of a megacorporation.

>> No.54969369

>I swear I'm not just talking about scammy meme businesses like dropshipping and affiliate marketing
>"businesses" attempted were all bottom-of-the-barrel memes including dropshipping and affiliate marketing
Every fuckin time. Otoh I've done 10k+/month on the bay flipping electronics and obscure collector junk sourced from alternate online auction platforms and I'm borderline retarded. So even fake businesses can make money if you do it right.

>> No.54969424

You want to know why all of these “businesses” are satured?
Low barrier to entry. They’re easy to start that’s why everyone is doing them. It looks like you want to make money with the least ammount of effort. Don’t be surprised if there’s going to be a million lazy fucks like you thinking the same thing.

>> No.54969433

> let's just say I'm thinking outside of the box and not just thinking about the stupid meme ideas on YouTube (dropshipping, affiliate marketing, POD, digital marketing agencies, etc.)

OP…. I-

>> No.54969855

the key is to try and solve a problem that has no obvious solution
pyramid schemes
pay by commission sales
creating spam

its a tough battle against the forces of globohomo, but thats evolution. if you have no ideas, think harder

there are many problems that are unsolved

>> No.54969908

>the key is to try and solve a problem that has no obvious solution
You don't even have to do this, plenty of small businesses in traditional fields are still started every day because they can just do it better/faster/cheaper than the other guy.
Case in point, I haven't gone to McDonald's in over two years because the town I moved to has a great local burger joint and for like a dollar more than McDonald's I can get goyslop that's an order of magnitude better. Construction too, my brother's a foreman for a guy that started his own flooring business 20 years ago. That guy's now a millionaire, running four warehouses and he owns a lambo

>> No.54969950
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I have a buddy that's constantly talking about wanting to get into dropshipping, scalping, affiliate marketing, etc. He's too lazy to even try that though. I keep telling him he needs to actually start a business and solve a problem people have a demand for, but he's not willing to put in any significant effort/work to accomplish what he wants.

In my case, I'm willing to put in the work, but I'm too stupid to think of anything people actually have a demand for right now. So, in the meantime I'll just continue wageing, investing and studying economics.

I have thought about expressing myself by making wild art paintings on canvas in my dad's basement and selling them on Etsy, or something like that. But, as of right now I have literally 0 social media presence and really only 2-3 friends (all men). It's not even about the money either. I think painting weird shit as a hobby might make me happier as a person too.

>> No.54969962

No you're just dumb.

>> No.54969975
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>> No.54969989

>How does one NOT give up on entrepreneurship in this day and age?
You pretty much need a hard-to-master skill to be successful as a small business owner now. Particularly one that requires a state license (like a doctor, CPA, lawyer, etc.). That keeps the commoners out, and you have little competition.

Otherwise, it's tough. If you're only doing something that every other asshole can do, you're going to have a ton of competition because everyone is hustling in 2023.

>> No.54970518

> I think painting weird shit as a hobby might make me happier as a person too.
You should start whenever you can, anon, having a hobby is good and who cares if the first few don't turn out good, they're for you.
Just glad to see some positive, generative energy on this website

>> No.54970670

If you want to be an entrepreneur you are outcompeted by people who actually enjoy the business they're in. You see it as work, they see it as their passion.
Same goes for YouTube and high salary positions like engineering.
Your problem is that you're tackling this as someone alone without even their skill set to complement.
Stop the SEO crap and focus on doing something locally based on your connections. If you don't have them then go make them. I land my five figure clients in Asia by going golfing and drinking with them, pretending they are my best buddies

>> No.54971214

I can relate. Gonna hit 28 soon and feel left behind in all aspects of life. Tried music production but failed, tried game development and failed there as well - this one hurt particularly bad because my dumbass post soviet country managed to tax me 8 times what I made in sales, and it took three years to do.
2 years of stocks trading ive had 0.1% change in the negative so that failed.
Crypto trading first year okay gains, second year lost slightly more.

Although it brings me down a lot I don't really have any other choice so I'll keep trying until something works or I eventually die

>> No.54971232

Bro, it's over for fucking reality as you know it.

I wish globohomo would just put us all in the fucking vr cum cage already.

>> No.54971255

lol it sounds like you're constantly getting into something right at the tip top of hype. this is insane if true

>> No.54971436
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Thank you. As a child I was always afraid of expressing myself to my parents. I wouldn't even share the music I liked with them because I thought they would make fun of me (final fantasy music, goth/synthwave, nine inch nails, Marilyn Manson, etc.). It turned out they liked like 90% of what I liked too.

I still feel strange wanting to paint, because my dad will probably think I'm a freak. But, I can't paint in my apartment.

Ya, I always try to post positive stuff. I don't like being mean to people online. Though, I do schizopost for the lols sometimes, but it's stupid harmless stuff about ayyes, or ghosts.

>> No.54971824


Don't delay things until it's too late.
Start now.

>> No.54971937

Sadly it's true.

The elephant in the room is that critical information is so fucking suppressed and damn near impossible to find before normies latch onto it and ruin said idea(s).

The problem is, by the time you hear of something or try to research something by going through 20+ pages of search results, normies have already heard about all of those ideas and it's too late.

I know there's secret chatrooms out there that discuss up and coming ideas before normies know about it, which means google/duckduckgo/etc are no longer reliable for research.

How do you network with said people who know about the next and coming thing? That's the only way to get into the secret chatrooms.

>> No.54971948


Thank you for that link!

>> No.54972015
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occasionally you are lucky and hear something on a mongolian basket weaving forum. Digital identity is going ot be a huge growth industry over the coming years, two pieces of EU regulation will be coming into effect by next year (MiCA and eIDAS) and digital ID will be forced upon us.

cheq and kilt are pretty much the only crypto in this space that will at all track the industry and they are both sub 50m mcap.

>> No.54972166

being an entrepreneur is not about starting le business necessarily its about thinking outside the box and coming up with different ideas. entrepreneurs, philosophers, artists, musicians are all part of the same category so when you see normies parroting talking points from gary v about starting up their own dropshipping store. thats not entrepreneurship. what makes the store different? what is its niche? dropshipping is the same as starting up a coffee shop now there exist everywhere how are you going to make yours different so you can succeed? and the obvious question, how much are you prepared to sacrifice, how much effort are you willing to put in? in my view, unless you have a specific skill and can identify an niche early then starting from scratch in learning 'how to code your own app' is a very difficult endeavor

>> No.54974268

Gonna derail a little bit because I want some advice but don't want to start a thread for my bullshit
>be me
>know literally nothing about starting/running a business
>currently working as a math tutor, but my boss seems like he knows even less than I do, constantly makes obvious mistakes
I've decided that clearly running a tutoring agency is something I'm competent enough to do because people less competent than me are doing it, but I have absolutely no idea how to start. My plan was to (after moving away from here) make a couple friends with tutoring experience, call ourselves an agency, and accumulate clients amongst ourselves until we have enough to hire someone new as our first employee. Am I retarded or is this basically how to start a small business?