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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54968295 No.54968295 [Reply] [Original]

>fell for the NEET meme

>> No.54968301

Just go out once a week.

>> No.54968305
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>tfw you fall for the 4chan meme

>> No.54968322

i'm not a neet I'm retired. just because I don't have a job and don't go to school doesn't make me a neet

>> No.54968341

yes it does, that's like saying you're not an incel just because you're not bitter about being a virgin.

>> No.54968355
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>fell for the life meme

>> No.54968384
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I feel you. My life has gone to shit ever since I quit my job. I just eat shit food and spend my entire day shitposting here. That's it. Like I'll only leave my room to use the washroom. It's really fucking bad. Before I was happy working and talking to people but now I'm fat and do absolutely fucking nothing. I'm addicted to this website but don't care enough to leave. It's over.

>> No.54968415

That's rough. I wish I knew how quickly the NEET life hollows you out and turns entire months into a giant blur. Should have guessed by the fact that NEETs are always depressed and less intelligent, despite all their free time. This site definitely makes it worse. It steals a bunch of your time and offers you free dopamine while amplifying every trait and idea to the extreme. You wind up a do-nothing loser who thinks he's a genius entitled to money, women, and power just for existing.

>> No.54968427

>engineering meme
>lift weights meme
>gomad meme
>wipe my ass meme
>shower ever day meme

fell for them all

>> No.54968431

That's not what incel means either.

>> No.54968436
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>You wind up a do-nothing loser who thinks he's a genius entitled to money, women, and power just for existing.
I am
Society owes me

>> No.54968443

As opposed to a wageslave who 'spends time analyzing' neets.

>> No.54968450

I love the entitlement but it needs to be backed up with action and ability.

>> No.54968451
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Society doesn't owe me anything. But how are you going to brag to me about money when I'm married with a kid and live in a two story house without doing nothing at all.

>> No.54968453


Sounds like a (you) problem. Your genetics are weak.

>> No.54968497

Society should act on its ability to give me what I'm owed, all the money and women I want.

>> No.54968501

You will never get that time back. Its almost like being a felon. It will follow you everywhere you go, you can't hide it, you put yourself so far behind, you will never be anything more than a neet. Sad really, almost like staring at a junkie on the street picking his scabs.

>> No.54968504

who subsidises your existence?

>> No.54968513

Got 300k when my mom passed. Spent about 20k on food, rest is still waiting in reserves. I'm too lazy to take it out.

>> No.54968524

Don't forget the use deoderant meme and the be attactive to women if you want to fuck them meme.

>> No.54968528



>> No.54968645
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I was a NEET for 9 or so months after university. I couldn't get a job no matter how many sets of interviews I did, so I just played vidya, worked out, and went nightwalking during that time. It was a massive blur and I felt like I was so far behind my friends and old classmates. I wish I was more productive during that time. There is a real duality between having free time and never doing anything with it and working and craving that little ounce of free time.
I'm a tradie now, don't plan to be one for life buy it pays me a little bit and it gets me out of the house. I still crave that free time I use to have though.

>> No.54968838
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I also went ~ 9 months without finding work after graduating before landing work and have been in consistently full time employed (often times with super busy schedules) for the past couple years, and without the reprieve that remote work provided idk how I would have made it. There are have been late nights where I think back to that time where I was a NEET. I miss it, my parents didn't pick on me since they always said 'your going to be working the rest of your life' lmao. Wish I could go back to that time. Part of me also wishes I could experience a time frame like that again with all the knowledge I have now problem is I like having income and being able to pay for my living space.

>> No.54968876
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me too anon. I'm 31. save yourself.

>> No.54969076
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You do know that the vast majority of smug NEETs on this site are just employed people LARPing, right?

The joke is that it's so absurd that a broke, unemployed loser could be happy that it's funny to pretend to be a smug one.

>> No.54969090

Huh huh just came back from the store. Bought some ice cream, gummies and undies. Seethe wagie ragie.

>> No.54969104
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invest your time in a hobby? neet sounds so nice right now because I feel like I don't have much time outside of my job/gf/working out. I want to keep learning programming, produce music, learn how to read sheet music/practice more piano, and learn a 2nd language. idk how people just sit around and do nothing all day

>> No.54969152

Tell me about it. I have a trail of unfinished projects and like 16 GitHub repos.

>> No.54969164
File: 47 KB, 736x862, 48483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Fell for the debtmaxx meme

>30 yo and realized for the time i'm 40, i'll be too "old" for the workforce
>Don't want to die wageslaving 10 years or giving my best years to Mr Noseberg
>Debtmaxx so i can retire early
>Buy a house, save some money in the bank for shitty but safe bommer ROI gains
>Invest in a small biz
>Some more on my metamask wallet for shitcoin gambling
>I'm never paying back unless i invest in the next x1000

I regret nothing
fuck the system
fuck wagie slaving
fuck jews
fuck jannies

>> No.54969168

If you're actually interested in improving yourself, you can start with going to the library and your local parks on a somewhat regular basis. Both activities are free and pretty healthy for the mind. Also you can practice some bodyweight fitness, which is another free activity that is good for your mindset.

Also assuming you live at home, ask your parents if you can help with some household improvements like painting a room if they'll pay for the supplies. Humans are meant to produce and improve shit, so doing something like that will help strive off depression. Sitting on your ass staring at 4chan or any other site 24/7 is a one-way ticket to depression.

>> No.54969196
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It wasn't a waste of time cause now some people know it doesn't work I guess.

>> No.54969225

Been a Neet for 10 years now, I have no complaints. My family even said they would pay for my college if I want to go now. This wouldnt have happened if I went straight to school in the past, they would have expected me to pay for my own stuff, but now I bullied them to submission

>> No.54969255

Being a NEET the last two years has been great and I owe it all to Sergey. Major props to him and /biz/ for getting me here. Never been more at ease with my life. Thanks frens