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54967329 No.54967329 [Reply] [Original]

Wish me luck.

>> No.54967357
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good luck mein friend

>> No.54967387

You can focus on yourself stoned though

>> No.54967408

Enjoy having dreams in a week.

>> No.54967519

Good choice. You will be very happy in a month if you can withhold any use. DO NOT USE IT AGAIN. Stay sober and enjoy a second life.
This so much. Weedbros have no idea what they are missing and how their brains have been fucked with. The current "weed" is not the same stuff from years ago - might as well be crack.

>> No.54967575

Thanks bros

>> No.54967615

i get stoned daily and have very vivid dreams

>> No.54967623

Lol the dreams and night sweats. Going through it now. My last break was years ago and ive been smoking a gram or more if the toppest shelf every day

Had a dream last night i drove some friends home then they took apart my car

>> No.54967648

quitting weed is easy. I've done it dozens of times

>> No.54967651

Post all your holdings so i can sell them if i have any
(tho i assume its shit like avax, dog bat, icp)

>> No.54967728

Im 90% btc 10% fiat/usdc . 0 alt coins shit coins or Ticker:B1tcoin (on eth)

Have fun selling

>> No.54967749

About 500k total assets and smoked weed daily for 10 years. Now i smoke a tiny bit on weekends only. Probably spent nearly 10kusd on weed and weed related things. My convection vape cost 400$ and the stems cost 350$

>> No.54967771
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I wish you more than luck anon, I wish you success and a lot of inner strength

>> No.54967776

my big prob with weed is self-control. if it's around i can't help but smoke it. I got this timer safe which helps if I can be disciplined enough to use it. kinda like junk food best thing is to just not have in the house. how were you able to go from 10 years daily use to only on weekends? I can't imagine going from using habitually to having perfect restraint like that

>> No.54967819
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I'm in the same boat anon, godspeed.

>> No.54968079

same for me

I have this weird thing i convince myself

>If the weed is here i must smoke it all, that way i can quit
>smoke entire 4gs in one night
>throat hurts like fuck
>next day cravings so i buy another 4g
>by nighttime i realize im a degenerate and try to smoke all 4g so i can "start quitting from now on"


>Not addicted

>> No.54968097

sorry bud it's not the weed unfortunately. good luck though

>> No.54968101

The first couple months will be rough but after that it is smooth sailing.

>> No.54968115

me too I have several lucid dreams per night

>> No.54968123

>how were you able to go from 10 years daily use to only on weekends? I can't imagine going from using habitually to having perfect restraint like that

I dunno. I have been meditating, fixing my sleep and diet.

I also did shrroms a few weeks back during a meditation session. since then i just have a stronger urge to improve myself and smoke less weed. Smoking this much started giving me panic attacks, but at that point i realized the panic attacks were telling me something:

>Stop smoking so much idiot
>You have things to do
>You're too old to smoke 12 hours a day every day
>Here have a panic attack

Weed does sort of self regulate for me. Plus it was getting way too expensive with my tolerance.

I was mainly smoking to cope and disassociate from the life i hated.

Now I quit my job and have some plans, so i am motivated to build on those plans. Just sort of comes i guess. I read from others who quit, that it just sort of... lost it's appeal. same for me.

>> No.54968125

same story for me. "Can't believe I got more. I'm just going to smoke all tonight and be done with it. I'll smoke so much that I never want to smoke again". Then next day go get more. binging just leads to more binging. but it's hard not to go on a binge "just this once" if it's around at all. takes an iron will to not go off the deep end. Like trying to eat just one potato chip

>> No.54968140

honestly fucking chips are the most addicting thing in the world. I've done coke, shrooms, weed, meth, xanax, most of what you can name

but french fries and chips... jesus fuck those are gonna kill me.

>> No.54968141

I smoke like a half ounce per day and I never have throat pain wtf are you even doing to yourself. Probably smoking some shitty assed dispensary weed covered in neem oil.

>> No.54968161

One of the reasons I started smoking was anxiety / ibs / gastrisis

So I think since I was a kid ive had acid irritate my throat. Or maybe its the way i smoke? idk

and na i dont smoke bad shit. I smoke mostly weed from BLEM VIBES/ 710labs / canabonix or whatever the green bottle

>> No.54968171

my throat/vocal cords gets really dry and then irritated

>> No.54968172

Smoked for 5 years, haven't smoked in 6 months, it's hard, I'm so tempted to get high as fuck

But now whenever it's unbearable I go to the bar and smash alcohol

Weed just isn't worth it psychologically

>> No.54968198


It's the opposite, first month is easy, second month is also easy, then the more times passes the more the craving to tear up some ocbs and ripping a 3.5 og kush kicks in

I'm drinking heavily, alcohol is keeping me away from getting high

>> No.54968204

alcohol just doesn't do it for me. and drinking alone is boring. wish I could have the same restraint with weed that i do with alcohol

>> No.54968221
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I did that last year. Quit for 6 months, found that quitting didn't really fix much. Now I'm using it again.

>> No.54968241


Bro no shit it's boring but it's the only way, whenever you feel like "fuck it I'm just gonna get a 3.5" go to your local grocery store and get one of those 550ml giant cans of Bud Light and drink that shit in front of the store

I'm literally there every day and I wonder why they haven't called the cops yet

>> No.54968242

>quit weed for a year
>nothing changes
>smoke weed, knowing that nothing will change
>take weeks off not smoking just to clear my head and rebuild tolerance
You're all retarded and you're a slave if you can't do drugs on your own time.

>> No.54968243

4 years sober from alcohol
5 months sober from weed

I microdose shrooms now
not sure if I'll smoke weed ever again
I liked the feeling but stopped to improve my dental health

>> No.54968258


huge difference between weed and everything else. Weed actually engatively impacts your life

Alcohol doesn't, you can get smashed every other day and you still won't be nearly nearly as damaged as someone who smokes weed regularly

>> No.54968259

can't see how going from getting stoned every day to getting drunk every day is really an improvement

>> No.54968263



>> No.54968265


>bud light

Not drinking that tranny piss water

>> No.54968278


Bro trust me on this call, it takes some getting used to but for like $6, twice, so $12 in total after 1L of beer in under 1-2hours you can get on the level men need to be

I never felt as masculine as I did after having drank this cat piss (1L)

It came to me clearly that I needed to fuck the Muslim wife who lives 1 house away from me, her ass is protruding and we both know she wants my cock when her husband is out of town!

>> No.54968293


Getting stoned is bad for you, weed is psychoactive, say "nah bro not on me" all you want but we all know that weed fucks with your head

>> No.54968304

>Weed negatively impacts your life
>Alcohol doesn’t
Lmao just stop talking you fucking addict

>> No.54968308

but getting drunk daily surely has no repercussions

>> No.54968335


alcohol seriously doesn't. What are you drinking that negatively impacts your life?
Red wine like some bitch? Martinis? Vodka or Tequila?

Get real bro, get that fucking value deal cat piss can at your grocery store and down two of them (Bud Light 550ml)

This shit was made for real men,
It tastes like shit, it's a shit feeling but when you get on the right level you can see guys for what they are; cucks and you can clearly just pick up on women practically begging for cock, like my Muslim MILF neighbour one house down

Something you don't pick up on when you're sober

>> No.54968348


Bro just stop being a bitch and be a real man and drink the 2*550ml cans of cat piss Bud Light

Women crave the cock of a man who's smashed on cat piss to the point of being unhinged

>> No.54968359
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how about no

>> No.54968367


You have to learn, you know how when you smoked weed there was always that guy rolling backwoods with some shit hydro sativa like lemon kush which he would get for $140/oz and you would still prefer strains like gsc or ogk or diesel with an ocb?

It's the same thing, there are many gay ways to drink alcohol; whiskey is one of them and so is vodka and cognac (cognac is the worst)

Drink the cat piss in a can and experience enlightenment

>> No.54968383

Is it really that bad? I just started using, maybe once every week or two

>> No.54968392

What? Drinking every day will literally destroy your liver and kill you
Kek yeah it fucks with your head a bit, but to say alch is harmless... cope harder bro.

are you seriously in here trying to convince people trying to quit weed to become alcoholics? I rather keep smoking weed if the choices are only these 2 wtf

>> No.54968400


weed makes you crazy, drinking beer makes you a pussy-grabber

It's an easy choice for a real man

>> No.54968408

Sure Liquid Confidence helps with women, honestly if im hitting on chicks I rather be sober. I get too physically aggressive OVERCHADDING even on one drink.

But you're talking about drinking multiple beers a day bro. That's just alcoholism. You'll literally destroy your liver and DIE PHYSICALLY.

Weed just makes me a little paranoid

>> No.54968411
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I'm with some of you who shared. When I smoke, I smoke every day, from when I wake up to when I go to sleep. I know it's bad. I know one or two hits is the sweet spot, I'll still smoke the whole joint. And another one later, and a hit off the bong in an hour, and another after, etc. When I do take a break it's not that difficult after three days, but once I do it one time again, no matter how I prepare myself to "only do it on the weekends" or even "every other day" or at least only before I work out SOMETHING. No I am still trying to win over myself. Most recently I quit smoking around January. Quickly replaced it with a drink or two after work on Sundays. Soon it was one or two before work, then one or two after on the weekends. Soon it was two before, two during, and a few after work. Soon I was drinking every day. My face was breaking out, I felt like shit unless I was buzzed, I lost a lot of gains. Finally I decided enough. No more drinking. Stopped at the beginning of April after almost driving off a cliff. Guess what.. started smoking again. First it was only when someone offered. Then a couple of weeks later I bought some for myself. Since that day I have been smoking every day again. It's so hard bros. The worst part is I know all of this. I know it would be more fun if I controlled it. I know it would be more relaxing if I was never paranoid for smoking at inappropriate times. I know the high would be better if my tolerance was low. I know it could be a nice reward for a great workout session, a hard worked day, a special place. How do I into self discipline? I've read, listened, watched hours and hours of content but nothing clicks. I see these guys with so much discipline, maybe it's not even impressive to normal people but to me it is, and I don't know how they do it. I see how it works but I can't get there. I can, I'll keep trying.

>> No.54968425


Bro you're still in the jetset ocb boy phase with the vodka and redbull or rum and coke mentality

Picking up women in nightclubs is gay!

You WANT to be piss drunk on beer during the day. Only once you've downed 2*550ml cans of Bud Light like a real man will you psychologically understand that all of the women in the bookstore at 1pm are desperately scavenging to suck YOUR cock

>> No.54968435

I think it's just our personalities.

Being stuck at home bored and looking for anything to numb us.

"normal" people with "discipline" are just people who are probably more occupied and happier with their life and don't need a coping mechanism to escape. The fact that you went to alcohol instead shows that it's not the weed, but the "hit" the "high" the disassociating mechanism.

Even when I quit everything, i get addictions for junk food, or jacking off to porn. we just want the dopamine to feel good for a second

Stay strong Anon you can do it

>> No.54968438

Quitting marijuana wont do much. Find more productive things to take up your time instead of smoking or 4chan posting. You'll find you can get stuff done and then when you do smoke, it's more enjoyable.

>> No.54968439

Paul McCartney has a tome of songs that inspired a planet he made while high. He also showed up to work everyday (albeit at noon) and worked is ass off sober. At night, he would let loose have fun and look for inspiration. Its not the weed, it's you, your discipline, and your drive that makes you. You can''t blame weed for being a lazy fat fuck, that's all on you.

>> No.54968456

the strat that has worked best for me is 1) using edibles instead of smoking and 2) using a timer safe. Set the safe to unlock at a particular time, say after work. Take a tiny bit of edible out and eat it, then immediately lock the rest in the safe again. Edibles have a long come-up and the high lasts longer than smoking so you don't get the same urge to re-up. That's what has worked best for me. I was able to cut down to 20-30mg THC per day with this method. If I smoke then I'll just keep smoking and take another hit as soon as the high starts to fade

>> No.54968458


cope, anyone with a long dick can tell that Paul McCartney was a poor Anton Kreil

It's the weed, you need to man up and drink Bud Light like a real man
Women love guys who do whatever they want and approach them with hard cocks, women don't love Paul McCartney or Anton Kreil, get real kid

>> No.54968503


this is so gay bro, just open a fiver account design logos for shitheads for $20 a logo and withdraw the money to your bank account and buy beer

Then drink the beer during the day by yourself and go to soccer matches and talk to soccer moms who love sucking cocks

>> No.54968722

You can do it. Been a month since my last smoke. Legal weed saved me from my addiction. I was afraid to let my connections dry up. Spent about $600 a month. That's as much as my rent. Saving $7k a year will be sweet.

>> No.54968760

My gran loves Paul.

>> No.54968837

I know many of stoners who blamed weed for their problems. It's a comfy cope. I would be if it wasn't for x or y. Then they torture themselves denying something they enjoy. Being less productive and less happy.

>> No.54968854

I'm still vaping mexican ditch weed. Non of that yuppie 30% thc garbage.

>> No.54968860

No luck. Spanish uses the word for "take" to refer to decision making. They take decisions. So take it... be aggressive with your decisions.
Here is some guidance that I would like to share with anyone still possessing the wits to process it.
1. Search out and learn the Trivium method of intellectual self-defense. GLP Rothschild was asked what one needed to do to get the tools to threaten his family's rule and he listed the three elements of the trivium, and absolutely nothing else. And he was right on. They are first three of the ancient seven liberal arts employed by the Greek legends all the way up to your Allodial Money Power rulers today.
Search "Gene Odening Trivium" to find interviews that discuss it.
2. Learn Theory of Constraints and Toyota KATA. The concepts were developed for optimizing business processes as quickly as possible, but they apply to absolutely any set of processes in the world.
3. Read Thank You For Arguing -- the Sophists have ruled since they murdered the Trivium deploying Socrates. Which means Machiavellian logical fallacy is deployed to deceive the masses, and one needs to be learn how "the prince of the power of the air" uses logical fallacy to control the false narratives.
4. Search out Morley Robbins to learn why your cellular energy currency, Mg-ATP, depends on plenty of magnesium, retinol, food-based copper, and an absence of all sorts of toxic things added to the food supply. ATP alone is a doorstop. ATP is doesn't work unless ATP is attached -- ask iAsk.ai (ChatGPT) and it will tell you the truth that your doctor doesn't know because Big Pharma didn't finance it into his/her school programming.
The Blue Blood Allodials literally name themselves after their bio-copper blood status... and think we are idiots for not being able to see what is hidden in plain sight. Again, Morley Robbins is the guy explaining this freely to the public.

>> No.54968938

5. Look into keto as a therapy to drive autophagy to force cellular recycling after you've built up your liver stores of magnesium, retinol and organ meat nutrients from grass fed animals. Dr. Chris Palmer and Dr. Thomas Seyfrey are excellent sources of information, and both reach out to the public because Empire is making a killing, that's not a pun, with the current system and don't want to stop their killing.
6. If you need a degree, look into The University of the People and get your degree online with open source books that cost $0. You won't be a debt slave, and if you really know theory of constraints and Toyota KATA principles then you will be set for any job outside of the uber elite jobs that require top end programming institutions that steal souls as part of their programming process.
7. Begin listening to Gary Kaltbaum at GaryK.com. You will learn how the markets work, and he will be telling you when the market breaks down BEFORE a big collapse. The insiders always flash their hand before the collapse because the Bigs at the top want out before everyone else.
8. Learn basic survival skills. Plan to be able to live with the grid down. Set up an off-grid solar project. Make sure you have access to potable water and food in your local environment.
As THE POST FIAT ERA is instituted, there will be less and less money for Main Street to do anything. GLP Rothschild mocked his audience and told them to guess what the POST FIAT ERA, his term, would look like, when he his name described it! Was I the only one to discern this? lol
The Allodial Royal and Rothschild Money Power own and control the money system, and they will be taking away the money as they blow up our debt... except it is accelerating.
Get prepared for this. Try to make it fun if you can.
9. A person on 4chan that struck me as "in the know" said an earthquake was incoming and implied it would be in the Bay Area. I'd leave there.

>> No.54968966

I need a gf

>> No.54969002

So it’s take as in seize implying more conviction and not take as in the options are more limited than what’s available to someone making a decision?

I’ll look up that other stuff thanks.

Even Morley Robbins is there to hold you back. You need more copper than what he says and you can’t even get his amount from food these days. One of my best schizo discoveries to date is the meaning of Lucy with Scarlet Johansen. You should be able to work it out.

>> No.54969045

Yeah weed lost its appeal for me too and I had no problem stopping, but I did start using IV meth and heroin around the same time and it was a lot harder to stop those.

>t. 5 years clean

>> No.54969109

5. Keto is not it. You need to get sugar working for you. To lower m-tor and induce cellular clean up, supplement rapamycin periodically instead. I'm also wary of vitamin a at the moment.

6.Dont fall for the uni is a meme meme but also don't pretend you learn anything there either. If that online place gets you a valuable piece of paper then by all means but I doubt it.

7. Might check him out but I'm skeptical. Uneducated economist lumber guy is probably a better listen.

8. This but take it to the extreme of being able to live in the dark ages. No tech, no support.

Not picking up exactly what the post fiat era means. Might need more context or to watch the talk.

9.yes that is the absolute worst place on earth you could be for what's coming 0% chance. They wouldn't have been turning it into a dump and getting anyone with a brain to leave otherwise I don't think.

>> No.54969116

See you in two days

>> No.54969250

*2 weeks

>> No.54969348

>I need a gf
Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it. Almost all are way prettier on the outside than on the inside, and there is almost always a strong correlation between their level of narcissism and the quality of their looks.
My player friend, who has three kids from three different "baby mommas," was recently falsely accused of child abuse, and a previous baby momma assaulted him, called the cops, got him arrested and he had to wait out the court process before the ridiculous charges were dismissed. He had lumps on his head from her hitting his head. He does MMA fighting and grappling, so getting hit is nothing new.
My parent's friend was taken to the hospital on Mother's Day by her daughter who is trying to commit her, perhaps to get access to her finances sooner rather than later.
Do you really want this?
And, no, they won't like sex with you and will starve the chit out of you like their little B*.
Sorry, bro, the spirit of Lucifer is in charge right now... narcissism is off the charts.
Stop eating the iron filings -- they play a key roll. The Money Power financed them into the food supply to fulfill Daniel 2:43-2:44/

>> No.54969361

>IV meth and heroin

bro wtf lmao. glad you're clean now. shit will suck you into the deepest hole possible

>> No.54969367

Development in what

>> No.54969403

>5. Keto is not it. You need to get sugar working for you. To lower m-tor and induce cellular clean up, supplement rapamycin periodically instead. I'm also wary of vitamin a at the moment.
Keto absolutely is it for some people! Educate yourself. I recommended as a therapy, not a lifestyle, but some people are so damaged they have to stay on it or they will die, which happened to a patient that Dr. Seyfried was monitoring. I'm not saying it is the be-all-end-all. I'm saying get educated and see if it makes sense.

>6.Dont fall for the uni is a meme meme but also don't pretend you learn anything there either. If that online place gets you a valuable piece of paper then by all means but I doubt it.
It is an efficient way to get a degree. Will it get you a job at Goldman Sachs? No. But you shouldn't want to work for demons. At the end of the day, YOU are what is paid, not your degree. I know a guy with a 2 year computer science degree from a community college, he's pulling over $150k a year in Salt Lake City, and nobody is more important at his company than he is.
If he didn't have that 2 year degree, he likely would not have been hired in the first place and never had the opportunity to flourish like he has. Applied theory of constraints and Toyota KATA is where is the real value comes in, and most big schools don't teach those skills. BTW, a 4 year business degree is about $6-7k out the door, and an MBA is another $3k. It is pay per test, and books are free. No commute.

You can get work experience while going to school... relationships and just enough paperwork to not get excluded are the names of the game.

>> No.54969429

Good luck anon.

>> No.54969439

You will probably be pretty depressed for a few days to a month depending on how hard you smoke

>> No.54969449

I have lucid dream when I'm stoned, but I rarely remember them. If I stop after about a week I'll remember so many more dreams. But I'm typically 2 months on them 2 off.

>> No.54969450

>7. Might check him out but I'm skeptical. Uneducated economist lumber guy is probably a better listen.
A good book once said a fool answers a matter before he hears it.
Stop eating the iron fortified foods. It has a negative effect on your personality, viewing information as some sort of contest to be defeated with you as a judge who knows absolutely nothing of the relevant data, let alone how to logically assemble it.
It is not your fault you are iron overloaded and toxic up to this point, but will be from now on if you continue to poison yourself (Morley Robbins is the key information guy here, or just assume you know everything already and play your role in blowing your bloodline off the face of the Earth!).

>8. This but take it to the extreme of being able to live in the dark ages. No tech, no support.
That is ideal. Living in the wild is the best skill set one's family can have going forward.

>Not picking up exactly what the post fiat era means. Might need more context or to watch the talk.
It means after access to fiat has ended for the plebs. The debt will remain and continue to grow, but the ability to pay that debt will dwindle. The globe will go into bankruptcy based on the debt-based money system the monetary illiterate accept without rubbing two brain cells together.

>9.yes that is the absolute worst place on earth you could be for what's coming 0% chance. >They wouldn't have been turning it into a dump and getting anyone with a brain to leave otherwise I don't think.
We live in interesting times.
Good luck.
We all need it.

>> No.54969700

What is the meaning?
Watched it once many years ago and didn't think it was great but I'll rewatch even if you don't reply. Curious

>> No.54969894

same, weed makes me trade like an emotional little girl
it really doesnt benefit you that much
same benefit as eating donuts

>> No.54969931

You said do keto after you've sorted your liver or something, implying it's like a goal state, endgame type of thing. I could get around temporary keto in a particular situation but you've got to get back to burning sugar for peak performance. There's all sorts of things making that dysfunctional for people these days but you've got to try figure it out.

Like I said if it works as a degree then great.

Like I said I'll probably check him out, he just sounds Jewish and grifty that's all. I like random nobodies who know what they're talking about.

I've been keeping away from iron for years now. I hope you're not stuck on iron as the boogey man because there's a lot more things to address.

>The debt will remain and continue to grow, but the ability to pay that debt will dwindle
Yeah once you know how money works, you know this is the most obvious and painful way to fuck people so I was predicting this after COVID. It's already started, you're right. I'm guessing they'll keep getting people mad about random shit and then we'll have civil wars everywhere as the climax.

>Good luck.
You too
>We all need it.
We certainly do

It's about the bluestone

>> No.54969948

>the green bottle
yeah that's the dispensary commercial shit i'm talking about

>> No.54969953

You lost.

>> No.54969998

Hahaha same. I quit and I ended up spending more money on other shit then if I had just been smoking weed

>> No.54970013

The landscaping rocks?

>> No.54970034


>> No.54970365

Pls tell me. Is it supposed to allude to the name of a big company?

>> No.54970381

How much is too much?

>> No.54971001

Me on a different IP. My final hint is that if you want to understand the deeper/real meaning of movies and songs you should usually take the symbolism more literally.

>> No.54971079

I have a friend who says he doesn't have dreams while on weed and that he never heard sound in his dreams until I brought it up. I vape weed every day and I have vivid dreams every night or every other night. Sounds like a skill issue.

>> No.54971175

If you couldn't function with weed, you should have never been smoking it in the first place.

>> No.54971357

so is it a good idea to legalize weed or not?

>> No.54971369

I just started doing edibles because I dont want to drink anymore
Wish me luck

>> No.54971372

good luck!

>> No.54971376
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May Christ bless you on your grind lad. Cheers

>> No.54971380

>It tastes like shit, it's a shit feeling but when you get on the right level you can see guys for what they are; cucks and you can clearly just pick up on women practically begging for cock, like my Muslim MILF neighbour one house down
it's amazing how beta cucks are proud to give free sex to the first slut who call them kek
the same retards can't stop babbling about ''real men''too lol. imagine devoting your life to pleasing vaginas and not even wanting to be paid for it LOL

>> No.54971857

youre right, when I smoke my girlfriends dads home grown (actually I dry herb vape) its so different
I dont get mind fucked.

impressive, i stuggle this thread has inspired me tho
im gonna try to stop for a month

>> No.54971920

God bless you anon!
I want to quit too.
Its so hard though.
In two, three weeks I will go on vacation with some girl and basically have to quit.
I was in prison for 14 months and even then I smoked like 3-4 joints at the minimum. Basically I smoke the half of my lifetime. I need to quit or I will die probably

>> No.54971976

Are you guys me?
It's literally the same shit for me everyday.
>Go to bed, I even write a note, TODAY QUIT NO SMOKE
>Wake up, sit behind laptop doing my tasks
>hmm some tea and a nice joint to wake up
>just one, i will just keep it productive
>ahh just another one
>ahh you now what just one and I wont smoke today anymore
Before you know it, the day is already gone.

But starting now. I'm just gonna quit.

>> No.54971999

Solidarity with you fren. Today marks first of 30 days for me! Take fish oil if you're cool with that to help with any potential withdrawal. (Usually light to nonexistent anyway)

>> No.54972019

Instead of being in eternal conflict with it, try to develop habits to combine productivity with using this beautiful plant. It's not the plant's fault if you want to fuck around all day, and taking away smoking cannabis and starting to drink alcohol is obviously not the solution

>> No.54972022
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Thanks for the good wishes bros. I had 10 years smoking non stop on a daily basis. Though yesterday I decided it was enough. To all the ones wondering if it's possible or not, believe in yourself first and what you want to be!!

Godspeed frens, let's show all these haters what we're capable of.

>> No.54972396

How did you even get the balls to just stop, I can't do it for shit bros.

>> No.54972914
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Legitimately got tired of not honoring my promises. The only thing I could think of was, how come I'm such a bitch that I can't even stand by what I say?

>> No.54972946

Turns out I was a loser before I used weed, but when I'm sober my patience for normies is drastically reduced.

>> No.54973438

weed is likely hurting your t, thats where the balls come from
i used to think it was a good thing that weed would make the urge for conflict instantly go away
but no
that is your natural urge to act and change the world around you
embrace it

>> No.54975532

Just don't smoke every day. Make smoking something enjoyable again like only smoking on saturday. When smoking makes you feel "normal", you need to cut back immediately. The first week of quitting is always the hardest but just remember it gets easier after that.

>> No.54976088
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Thanks man! Even today being the first day feels weird as hell (probably because I've been getting high non stop for the past decade). Feels like.. like when you take an acid trip and it starts to wear off after 6-7 hours. No anxiety attacks yet thank God.
Unfortunately, I feel like I ruined the relationship I had with the plant and ended up abusing it to cope with the things I dislike about my life. Perhaps one of the things that motivated me was just "feeling me" again, like just normal me without psychoactive substances.
Hopefully in the future I'll be able to rebuild the relationship I had with it and leave it at one joint a week, just to meditate and ease some tension off.

Thanks to everyone that wished me well, I hope you guys too conquer your vices.

>> No.54976177
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Based self-improvement anon. Good on you. I quit roughly four months ago and it's been a drastic improvement.
In the end, the key movements of living well are exercise, eating nutritionally, and getting a good night's sleep.

>> No.54976390
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just buy cbd flower and power smoke that everytime you have a craving. First day is the hardest.

>> No.54977676

I have also quit weed recently, Never been super big into alcohol so I don't really drink ever. Nothing against weed or people who use it but in my experience the negatives are beginning to outweigh the positives even though I have gained a lot of positive things from it.

>Really trying to get more educated/ better job and just do better overall and while weed can be a nice reward I quickly find myself becoming really complacent and falling back on bad habits quickly which is demoralizing.

>> No.54978140

You should be getting into weed for your professional development.

>> No.54978733

Ok i currently own no Bitcoin and no fiat so i dont need to sell great

>> No.54978752

>timer safe
I got one of these and broke it

>> No.54980771

Just got permabanned on League. God willing I will become the version of myself I have always yearned to be.

>> No.54980915

CBGa and CBDa block bioweapon viruses, only cannabis users will survive the next wave of democide.

>> No.54981107
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God willing, anon. Take this sign and run with it.

>> No.54981293

> You said do keto after you've sorted your liver or something, implying it's like a goal state, endgame type of thing
As a therapy. Search the thread for “therapy” and you will see that was the context. I agree it is the be-all-end-all for most people. I think a natural law compliant, nutrient dense Zone Diet-ish type diet would best for most longer term.

My bad for not making the therapy aspect of keto more obvious, though.
Look up Morley Robbins — the rusty iron filings, low magnesium, low retinol, and low bio-copper are degeneraciding is.