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54967326 No.54967326 [Reply] [Original]

I worked 8 hours or more for 18 days straight

ask me anything, or don't, I'm literally gosling

>> No.54967386

Do you stay in the same area or mix it up?

>> No.54967389

Show earnings or obvious LARP

>> No.54967417

Is it even worth doing if I drive a gas guzzler 98 4runner?

>> No.54967434

im a graduated electrical engineer, cant find a fucking job to save my life

im about to start driving too, its better than working for schlomo (it literally pays 3x the minimum wage in my area) and i get to have a car

>> No.54967453

Work 12 hours a day 6 days a week, have for the past 6 months
You are a weakling faggot

>> No.54967493

you look at rocks, I drive nigga

same area, it's a medium sized city, I work the night shift 8pm to 4am, contrary to popular belief this is actually the best time, almost no traffic, very few drivers to compete with if any, I've been driving there for 2 months or so, I've learned a bunch of things about the area and the stores so I'd say there is no real point to change location, with repetition you gain competency even in something as seemingly simple as food delivery

>> No.54967502

I actually make a 1 hour commute to and from the area, and still make above minimum wage generally, my vehicle is middle ground gas mileage

>> No.54967571

jobs are impossible if you aren't a minority or a woman, they also have ridiculous expectations and expect you to pretend you really like working, which is the worst part

signing up for the apps was easy, you drive, I didn't fill out 500 applications and beg someone to hire me, it was relatively painless

>> No.54967592

Resident physicians put most people in the dirt. 80 hours on average. 1 day off per week for 3+ years.

>> No.54967605

also another thing to mention, if you even have baseline intelligence and courtesy you should succeed, for example, if you are a young man with basic manners, basic strength and attention to detail you're already ahead of the other app drivers, because generally, it's safe to assume you aren't competing against the highest time preference people

I've had conversations with drivers that say they cuss out customers, have gotten beat up by customers, have had their accounts deactivated, all you have to do is have the most minimum level of self control, drop the food off and they really can't kick you off

low expectations, decent pay, you spend a lot of time driving alone if you work the night shift, it's pretty based

>> No.54967616

Are they going to pass me on the test this time?

>> No.54967617

even app driving is more physically taxing than that, I'm not saying that isn't impressive, but on a physical scale, that isn't the challenge, it's giving enough of a shit about working and "medicine"

>> No.54967628

Not sure you know what you’re talking about.

>> No.54967644

a physician doesn't do physical labor, even driving, brisk walking, standing, is more than most doctors do, I've seen the fattest most gnomish doctors

>> No.54967670

>app driver
Same. It’s grocery delivery for me. I can’t do graveyard shifts since stores are closed. Am I delusional thinking these gig jobs are much better than the usuall 9-5 jobs?

>> No.54967689

personally I think so, I haven't had any truly bad experiences yet, haven't been deactivated or anything so for the time being, yes it mogs being a wagie, there are people in much better positions than me, to be doing this as well, I have a lot of limiting factors bringing my wage down to slightly above min wage and it still mogs working

>> No.54967704

Just not true at all…

>> No.54967717

not an argument....

>> No.54967724

It just doesn’t feel like a job. I’m just relaxing in the car driving around the city.
The thing is I don’t see myself doing this for years. But I’m not slaving in a boring cage in a boring position too.
What do?

>> No.54967736

Fuck no. I quit my soul-sucking office job and do doordash now. This is much better, and I was WFH and made okay money.
You just drive to a restaurant, pick up some food, drive to their house, and drop it off. No stress, no emails, no schedules. Night time is low traffic and high orders too. I haven't gone full overnight like OP, but he's right.
Another bonus for doing it at night is the heat. You can turn your car off without frying to death. I'm in Florida though, so it's probably a bigger concern for me than most.

>> No.54967743

go all in on hard assets and keep driving man

I've considered becoming a trucker, because I drive more hours than they do currently, but also 8 hours a day on a highway is different than taking a break every few hours, walking around stretching your legs

I don't know, it's pretty comfy in general

>> No.54967786

Ya.. arguments require two sides with reasonable arguments. I can assure you, based on your previous response, you have no idea what goes into being a physician.

>> No.54967792

walk around, spout lies for pharma companies, destroy all life on the planet, yea it's pretty evil and gay

>> No.54967813

Go through a decade of school. Pay to work for two years. Sacrifice most of your youth. Get paid dog shit in half the specialties. Nah, better ways to make money if you’re evil.

>> No.54967815

>what?! you don't even rim mr shekelberg while giving him a handie?!? weak faggot!!1
Wagies aren't even human.

>> No.54967827

your jewish parents should cover the cost

>> No.54968052

I also find it highly curious that basically every legislator, news article is reeeeing, over "driver pay" "drivers want to strike"

they literally can't stand that neets can go out and make slightly above min wage and don't have to be a minority or gay to do it

their rage will only intensify at you

>> No.54968102

Where'd you go to school?

>> No.54968103

how much $ do you make per month ?

>> No.54968124

after expenses, probably like 2800 or something around there

I'm in a less ideal situation than a lot of anons because I make a 1 hour commute both ways, and drive a mid range gas mileage vehicle, if I lived closer and had a prius I could probably make around 4k or more I could work those extra 2 hours per day if neccesary or if I wanted to, my gas costs would be atleast half of what they are now, maybe 1/3

>> No.54968986

What apps do you use?

>> No.54969009

Doordash and uber eats

>> No.54969888

im so tired ive been nodding off constantly while driving tonight
i am a danger to myself, and i must sleep

>> No.54969928

working for these apps seems like such a scam after gas and wear and tear on your car.

>> No.54969944

It was much better when gas was less than $2/gallon.

>> No.54970085

drink a bunch of soda

how is it a scam, I make money, I change my oil, I have a reliable vehicle, it's a job with more general freedom

if I don't want to work a day I have no one telling me I must work or show up at a specific time

>> No.54970105

just seems like you aren't actually making much profit after the expenses

>> No.54970189

do the math

if my vehicle at its current rate will last for 4 more years, and I make 40k a year app driving after expenses, and I save all of my money

you're saying I can't afford another beater for like 5k that will last me 2 years and so on