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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5496450 No.5496450 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/. I have a question for all of you. I'm honestly curious about this answer and I'd like to talk to you as one man to another.

Why are you involved in cryptocurrencies? I am personally involved because I want to help set myself up for a successful future and have a good nest egg to work off of.

I also hope to pay off my parents house if I ever make it to that level. My dad has worked so hard his entire life to provide for myself, my brothers and our family and I'd like to return the favor and pay off his mortgage as a sign of gratitude.

Anyway /biz/, why do you trade cryptocurrencies?

>> No.5496505


>> No.5496590

I don't have great job prospects, FOMO, and my friends are into it. Long-term, I want to buy my dad a Porsche. He's wanted one for as long as I can remember and want to help him realize his dream.

Too bad Ive only made like 150$ since mid November when I got in.

>> No.5496598

double bump

>> No.5496649

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing anon.

>> No.5496751

Come on /biz/. I know there are more of you out there wanting to post!

>> No.5496796

bump again

>> No.5496924


>> No.5496998


>> No.5497052

I’m involved because I saw something like cryptos coming back in the 90s, I just wish I had paid more attention in 2011 rather than starting second time around in 2013.

Idk what this neet hard on for buying one or both parents houses. You start a company that owns the houses, then pay them a salary to look after it, jeez.

>> No.5497344

I don't really trade, just buy dips and hold. It's my high-risk investment. I also have low-risk investments.
Ultimately I'd like to not have to still rely on working to pay bills as an old man, and also have money left over for my son if he needs it.

Also /pol/ became intolerable so I migrated here and got caught up in the hype.

>> No.5497390

Thank you both for sharing

>> No.5497432


>> No.5497487

bump again

>> No.5497526

im involved in crypto try and pay off my moms mortgage but beyond this idk. im ugly and autistic. i dont understand normie humor and struggle to connect with people emotionally. sometimes i say autistic thing in an attempt to be funny and develop emotional bonds but people just think im a autist. i wish i had social skills and was good looking so i have to cope with crypto. its the only chance i have at becoming financially secure and helping my parents.

>> No.5497650

Thank you for sharing. I know it's tough to be honest sometimes, but I really do appreciate you sharing.

>> No.5497726

bump for more answers

>> No.5497820

Bump again

>> No.5497953

Mainly in it to payoff college loans, but at this rate I'll make more. Most daily trade info I find here or on reddit. Large quick gains I'll get from this discord. https://discord.gg/3faVPZ

>> No.5498055

Started to make some EZ MONEY (and made them, but that definitely wasn't easy, went from 1k$ to 97k$ and counting in 3 months), stayed because now I believe crypto is the future of the world economy.

>> No.5498103

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.5498174
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Stop being a disappointment to your parents. They do not want things. They need to know that you are not a total fuck up and will live a good life.

>> No.5498176

How'd you do it, what was your strategy?

>> No.5498274

I am in crypto because I want to save the world from Central Banks, be a nice person e have trending conversations in my Xmas family gathering.

... Everyone is in crypto to make money. Fucking fiat dollars. Why else?

>> No.5498286
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Because I'm a scrooge with no hobbies other than downloading movies, fishing with dirt cheap gear, and maintaining my 21 years old shitbox in good condition. I can't even cook good so I buy tin cans of food and I don't give a shit about living in a small place with shit furniture.
I'd rather have my money grow b/c of cryptos than take the dust on my bank account.

>> No.5498357

FOMO and because I want to earn money to show my parents I can and will be independent. This is money for me. Independence.

>> No.5498413

Thank you guys for sharing. This are awesome answers. I'm sure you guys will make it!

>> No.5498441

I love someone

>> No.5498540

I want to be part of the future

>> No.5498600

Extremely interesting answer anon. Can you elaborate more on that?

What do you mean?

>> No.5498608

I am involved in cryptocurrency trading because I believe it's the future of day to day trading in 10 years time.

>> No.5498636

My parents have plenty of money for themselves. Depending on how much I make, there are a few things I'd like to do that are just not possible without large and sudden increases in money.
Mostly I just want to take care of the bills while I finish undergrad without havig to work too much.

>> No.5498694

Just want to help dad stop worrying about work. He refused very high paying jobs because he wanted to cure unemployment in this country. Business is stressful

>> No.5498700
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Eating out

>> No.5498715

I am in, because this is to me, the most important and one of a kind anarchy project of the internet.
I only bought a small stake, and it was never about making a paycheck, only about understanding through firsthand experience.

>> No.5498719

I neededa new hobby

>> No.5498761

It sounds cliche but I believe blockchain will change the world, but not bitcoin or these other meme currencies. Not for a long time, atleast. This shit is all way ahead of its time.

Anyways, I'm in it to make some money, unemployed uni grad but if I can keep up my latest rate of return I should be able to pay off my student loans by the end of next month. Unless the crypto bear winter comes.

>> No.5498816

To not have to wage cuck. That's it. I don't give a shit about lambos. Don't want a wage cuck job. Hate liberal corporate society and want out. You can't be a hard right republican and open with your views without being rich or poor.

>> No.5498819

Great answers guys, thank you for participating.

>> No.5498861

Good answer. I'm curious, what's your end game number?

>> No.5498924
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Investing in little known coins with huge potential.
I find them right here on biz, just look for the most fudded coin cause pic related.

>> No.5498991

Push as hard as I can this coming year and make million+.
Drop out of dumb fucking corporate job and then start home business. I plan to get out of 100 percent crypto position and leave like 20 percent in it and then reinvest in index funds.
With my home business I will research areas and just try to earn like 50 grand a year while my crypto and stocks keep in the money.
I could care less about anything fancy, I probably will run my Civic into the ground even with wealth and if I need a new guy simply rebuy the new model.

I hate liberal society. So maybe with financial freedom I will try to enter areas to fuck with liberalism.

>> No.5499110

That's a nice end game goal. I like the fact that you have a grand strategy and a meaning for what you're doing. That internal drive and motivation will lead you to success. I'm sure of it.

>> No.5499237

bumping for more answers!

>> No.5499248

I’m an internet decentralisation activist. Money is merely a byproduct of investing in the most doctrinally orthodox cryptos.

All pump chasers and ripple investors will die poor. He who followeth the righteous path will be rewarded on earth as in heaven.

>> No.5499282
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To make fucking bank nigger.

Gotta get loaded, buy a shit ton of land, wait for economy to collapse and race war to start.

>> No.5499430

Interesting answer lol

>> No.5499495

bumping for more

>> No.5499682

bump bump

>> No.5499789

300% bumping

>> No.5499925


>> No.5499951

I come from a well off family so mostly this is a way to show my father I don't need his money. I'll still work in the family foundation but this is a fun way to make some extra money.
Good thread OP.

>> No.5499977

Thank you bro! Do you mind me asking what kind of business your family participates in?

>> No.5499998

Private equity and real estate for the most part.

>> No.5500067

I have a nice some money in my bank account and amazing crypto gains. I am close to be able to afford an apartment in the city that I live. I don't even want it as an investment, I want it to stop being a slave who has to pay a 25% of his salary for a room in a shared house.

>> No.5500104

Get in on the ground floor and to make enough money to move out.

>> No.5500128

I just want to sit in my house and tendies everyday without working. Im currently doing this but I don't have money to do it forever.
So Im daytrading 16 hours a day and getting really close to making it.

>> No.5500141

Because it's the future. Fiat is terrible but there never was a decent alternative to it besides gold, but that's a hassle to transact with. It's going to replace fiat down the road anyway, and if I can make some money in the meanwhile, all the better

>> No.5500154

Eat tendies*

>> No.5500204
File: 38 KB, 276x400, tumblr_ljv7s64myr1qazl6i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's going to replace fiat down the road anyway

>> No.5500402


>> No.5500449

He might be right you know. Iceland is already trying it with AuroraCoin.

>> No.5500470

Iceland literally does not matter.

>> No.5500507
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To free the world from the Jew

>> No.5500580

I don't want to be stuck in a job all day. I'm studying to be an engineer but I don't know if I want to do that 40 hours A week. I honestly just want to make enough passive income and live in a nice trailer and travel the world

>> No.5500582

Well putting your hate for Iceland aside it shows that there are countries who take cryptocurrency seriously enough to try and replace their actual currency with it. This could be the beginning of a larger trend.

>> No.5500657

Very interesting bro! Thanks for the response.

>> No.5500675 [DELETED] 
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I'm just doing it because it has incredible potential to truly shape the future of FinTech in incredibly fast paces people never have had aniticipated before.
Of course the incentivization also plays a huge role, because, for instance, we're still at the very beginning of making smart contracts applicable on a mainstream/enterprise adoption level.
I am also participating because of the memes, they're fucking golden kek

>> No.5500775

I'm convinced I've been mining btc or some precursor back in 2001/02 for months. This swedish dude from a Rogue Spear clan I was in begged me for weeks to become a node, shilling me utopian futures. I was on dialup mind you...

I'm sane.

>> No.5500867

I would like to own land and a home in a rural area.

I live near LA right now and my chances of having the kind of place I like with my salary are pretty much zero. Without crypto I will rent the rest of my life or until i'm too old to enjoy it.

>> No.5500894

That ID...

... still poor.

>> No.5500940

To kill the jew, pay my mother her mortage and to create a currency I can use everywhere when I travel to the land of eachother.

>> No.5501173

I'm a student and I'm real fucking uncertain about my future prospects. I just want to make enough to keep my crypo gains boiling and open a decent investment account that'll pay me +- 15000ZAR a month so I have some breathing room, and I don't burden my family, while I figure shit out. My financial situation is shit and I only started trading about a month back, so it looks like it'll be slow going.

>> No.5501245

Please do a thread

>> No.5501318

I don't do that because I didn't get in at the bottom and there is no use to meddle with it now, besides, it's too inaccessible and I ain't no nerd.
Fuck nerds.

Bitcoin is a con job. It only relies on the confidence of fools to buy into it. Soon it will collapse or will get hit by an EMP.

Besides, it's bad karma.

>> No.5501359

Follow up. I fucking told my family about crypto back when BTC was $400 and they just laughed it off. Wasn't able to get in it myself at that point. Now, a few weeks after I get into crypto, the ones that laughed are getting into it with a fuckton of money because they're very well off, and I, the pleb who told them about it, am scalping percents of percents on trades because I don't have enough money to make any ballsy moves. They're doing it for a laugh, and I'm shit scraping cents. But oh well, they actually worked for their money over many years with smart planning etc. I honestly don't believe I deserve to be successful, I'm just hoping there's enough room left in this shitheap of a world for another selfish fuck like me to unfairly prosper off of timing and luck.

>> No.5501572

Start saving as much as possible and invest into solid cryptos. You'll make it!

>> No.5501606

I enjoy this kind of speculative activity, so I do this and stocks. Obviously, I'd like to get rich enough to be financially independent, but even if I did, I'd still be doing this stuff because I get a kick out of it that I can't get from anything else.

>> No.5501640

I heard about BTC 5 years ago when it was dirt cheap. Didn't bother understanding it and forgot about it. Heard about it again 3 years ago, same thing. So now I finally got in just for the hell of it.
I don't really have to worry about money, my family has a rather successful business and a bunch of real estate, so if I fuck up the business I can just live off rent eventually. So I guess getting into crypto now is more like a hobby, tho of course I wanna get rich quick, no point in kidding myself.
I'm also an ancap and I live in a country with one of the highest tax rates in the world, so decentralised currency that might make governments and banks obsolete is something I definitely want to support.

I don't have any real spending or investing money tho. I started setting aside 150/month to dabble in crypto. Bought some BTC before the dip lol and now I'm kinda waiting to see if we will see another correction. Otherwise I will buy some ETH or LTC and try trading on Binance.

>> No.5501679

You'll make it someday anon. Just keep your head up and trade and hold without any emotions.

>> No.5501749

I'm married and father of a 2 year old. Next one will be born in April. I just want to turn 10k into 500k so we can sell our current home and move into some nice district. ATH 61k. Current 45k

>> No.5502231

You'll get there anon. Godspeed.

>> No.5502285

I wasted the last 15 years of my life abusing drugs while everyone of my school friends have excelled. I've been clean 4 months and now have a 2 month old son. My wallets are all named after him and ultimately I hope to be able to provide exactly whatever he needs to be able to excel in this life and not make the mistakes I did

>> No.5502316


and not being a wagecuck

>> No.5502317

I'm tearing up anon. You're gonna make it, be disciplined

>> No.5502406

Because starting my first real job has given me true respect for how precious time is as a resource. Devoting 5/7 days of your life to a job you couldn't care less about, for a wage that isn't approaching comfortable is honestly kind of the ultimate nightmare if you think this life is the only thing there is. If you WANT to do something, you are NOT free to do it. How many times a year can you travel to see the world if you're tied to a job? Now how often can you do that with a stacked bank account and all the free time in the world? Even something as simple as a new game or show coming out - how many hours of your day can you dedicate to binging it when 40+ hours of your week are sapped? Holy shit man, life is short and youth is shorter, why would I want to burn most of it in an office?

My vision of 'making it' isn't some Wolf of Wallstreet tier mansion with yacht parties, it's just being fucking free.

>> No.5502579
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Thanks anon, here is my inspiration . Proud Dad right here

>> No.5502684

Sounds like me.

>> No.5502686
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I refuse to believe that this is the best I can be. I'm 37 years old and make a decent living at around 70k+ a year doing simple IT stuff. I remember thinking that $12 per hour would be good enough for the rest of my life, then 35k a year would be good enough, then 48k, and now over 70k, and somehow it's still not enough. If I can get to a point where I no longer need to work, to where I can just invest my money and live off the interest, I think I"d feel I'd finally made it. If even then I'd feel like it's not enough, then I will know it's not money that I'm missing...

>> No.5502729

keep at it my guy

>> No.5502842

I agree almost 100%.

>> No.5503014

A combination of these two. My only real goal is to retire as soon as possible in a rural house with some land. I want a nice comfy life where I raise chickens, tend to a vegetable garden, and ride dirtbikes and shoot guns on my land. If I get to that point and still have money left over, I'll buy my mom the lake house she always wanted.

>> No.5503026

You seem to know your shit. I heard that you can make a shit ton of money by following traders that know what they are doing. Do you have any idea of who should i follow or where to look to start going at it? Cheers

>> No.5503101

I've been a useless fuck all my life. I've never succeeded at anything.

I don't want to keep doing this fucking telemarketing job, I don't want to live paycheck to paycheck. I want out.

I just want to buy a boat, and leave.

>> No.5503674

same here my man, already a junior and don't know what else to do than stay in engineering so I just stick with it, I just wanna have enough money so I don't have to sit in an office all day